首页 > 钢结构三级资质怎么申请


2018-03-25 10页 doc 31KB 15阅读




钢结构三级资质怎么申请钢结构三级资质怎么申请 第四章 资质申请、审批 第十三条 从事钢结构制造三年以上的企业,可直接根据标准规定向协会申请相应的资质等级,新成立的企业亦可根据规定申请相应的资质等发正式资质证书(五年期)、临时资质等级证(三年期)。 第十四条申请资质企业,须向协会提供下列资料一式三份: (一)钢结构制造企业申请表; (二)企业法人营业执照(复印件并盖企业印章); (三)企业法定代表人和企业技术、财务、经营负责人的任职文件、职称证书、身份证; (四)企业工程技术、经济、管理人员的职称证书; (五)企业技术工人职业证书; ...
钢结构三级资质怎么申请 第四章 资质申请、审批 第十三条 从事钢结构制造三年以上的企业,可直接根据规定向协会申请相应的资质等级,新成立的企业亦可根据规定申请相应的资质等发正式资质证书(五年期)、临时资质等级证(三年期)。 第十四条申请资质企业,须向协会提供下列资料一式三份: (一)钢结构制造企业申请; (二)企业法人营业执照(复印件并盖企业印章); (三)企业法定代表人和企业技术、财务、经营负责人的任职文件、职称证书、身份证; (四)企业工程技术、经济、管理人员的职称证书; (五)企业技术工人职业证书; (六)企业注册资本金证明; (七)质量保证体系认证书。 第十五条中国钢结构协会对企业的资质审批,应当从受理企业的申请之日起60日内完成并将审批结果通知到企业。 中国钢结构协会将批准的企业资质等级在国家正式出版的有关报刊、杂志及公众媒体上公告。 第十六条钢结构企业申请资质等级或者晋升资质等级,在申请之日前一年内有下列行为之一的,协会将不接受申请: (一)承接的钢结构制造构件及产品出现重大工程质量事故并造成恶劣影响的企业; (二)严重违反国家、行业有关标准、规范及工程建设强制性标准的; (三)按照国家规定需要持证上岗的技术工种的作业人员未经培训、考核,未取得证书上岗,情节严重的; (四)构件及产品未达到质量标准要求并没有履行保修义务,造成严重后果的; (五)违反国家有关安全生产规定和安全生产技术规程,情节严重的; (六)其他违反法律、法规的行为。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 第十七条 钢结构制造企业资质条件符合资质等级标准,且未发生本规定第十六条所列行为的,由中国钢结构协会颁发相应资质等级的《钢结构制造企业资质证书》。《钢结构制造企业资质证书》分为正本和副本,由中国钢结构协会统一印制。 第十八条 任何单位和个人不得涂改、伪造、出借、转让《钢结构制造企业资质证书》,不得非法扣压、没收《钢结构制造企业资质证书》 第十九条 钢结构制造企业在变更、晋升《钢结构制造企业资质证书》的同时,应当将原资质证书交回协会予以注销。 钢结构制造企业因破产、倒闭、撤销、歇业的,应当将资质证书交回协会予以注销。 钢结构制造三级企业标准 (1)企业注册资本金500万人民币以上。 (2)生产规模(以三年平均制造量计) 钢结构年产量为3千吨及6千吨以下,包括网架、冷弯型钢、压型金属板及复合保温班等配套产品的产量。产品质量达到《钢结构质量验收规范》(GB50205—2001)或其它相关标准的要求。 (3)技术难度(具有下列一至二项钢结构制造经验) 多层钢结构50m以下、跨度18m以下桁架钢结构、边长40m以下网架结构、12m以下中小型桥梁钢结构、50m以下中小型塔桅钢结构、多层钢框架结构、特种钢结构等。并具备全熔透焊、板厚?20mm的焊接能力。 (4)厂房及占地面积 工厂占地面积?5000平米,生产厂房面积?2000平米,尚有一定数量的辅材专用仓库。 (5)生产装备水平 1)园盘锯或带锯 一台 2)半自动气割机或开坡口专用机(粗糙度在200um以下) l台 3)打孔机:摇臂钻床(?32以上)、龙门钻床(?30以上)等l—2台 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 4)压力机(100吨以上) 1台 5)端面加工机(铣床) 1台 6)折弯机、弯管机、刨边机、剪切机等 1-2台 (6)焊接用设备机器 1)手动电弧焊机 (最大容量400A以土) 2)半自动焊机 (最大容量500A以上) 3)自动焊机 4)恒温干燥器 5)交流碳弧气刨、直流碳弧气刨 (7)桥式、门式、塔式及其他起重机设备 (8)试验检验设备 1)万能试验机 1台 2)超声波探伤仪 1台(可以用租赁的,但必须有数据表) 3)磁粉探伤仪或荧光探伤仪 l台(可租用) 4)温湿度计 2个 (30m以上者) 2个 (计量部门保存一个、使用一个) 6)钢制卷尺 7)膜厚计 (干湿膜) 2个 8)高强螺栓轴力计 l台 (可租借,但必须有合同及数据表) 9)扭矩测定器 l台 (可租借,但必须有合同及数据表) 1 0)其它精密测定器,如测量孔距、表面粗糙度等 1-2台 11)经纬仪及水平仪 各1台(可租借) (9)涂装用设备 1)除锈设备 (手工喷砂机) 1台 2)喷漆设备 喷漆泵 l台 3)砂轮打磨机 2-3台 4)空气压缩机 1台 (1 0)企业领导及技术管理工作者水平和能力 1)企业总经理或总工具有三年以上从事本专业生产管理工作经历和中级职称并重视产品质量管理体系的实施。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 2)企业有职称的工程、经济、会计、统计等人员不少于12人,其中具有工程系列职称的人员不少于7人,工程系列人员中具有中、高级职称的人员不少于3人,建筑、结构、机械、 电气、材料等相关专业人员齐全。 3)企业建筑结构工程技术人员中必须有l—2人具备钢结构施I图制作或审核能力。钢结构制作技术人员应具有焊接施工的实绩,掌握施工要领。 (11)企业有一支相对稳定并掌握钢结构制作技术的队伍,人数不少于30人,其中中、高级工占30,以上。 1)焊接技工(必须经过国家有关部门考试合格,具备焊工资格者)10—15人; 2)钢结构制作技工(经过培训、考试合格,具备相应资格者) 4—5人; 3)生产相关技工(放样、气割、冲压、矫直、涂装、组装、日常从事吊车作业的人员并取得相关资格者) 4—5人。 (12)质量保证体系 1)IS09000体系认证,是否通过; 2)质量是否建立; 3)质量管理制度是否坚持执行; 4)专职质量管理人员1人; 5)专职质量检验员 2—3人; 6)制作工艺卡及作业指导书实施情况 7)安全组织机构健全,设立专职工程师负责该项工作。 (13)钢结构制作状况 1)钢材的保管及处理状况。来料验收,入库保管有否明确的制度和办法,材质、数量、型号、产品合格证等是否吻合,钢材使用状况有否记录等。 2)辅助材料的保管及处理状况。辅助材料包括焊材、高强螺栓、涂料等,妥善保管,分类存放,仓库环境适宜。 3)螺栓孔加工及摩擦面处理状况。要符合施工规范要求。 4)焊接作业状况。焊接材料选择正确,焊接机具选用合适,焊接工艺正确,焊缝外观良好等。 5)外包加工件管理状况。外包单位人员数量、素质、装备均符合外包工作量的要求。外包加工合同契约齐全合法,加工精度和质保规定明确,成品件验收合structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof 格等。 6)出厂前产品的保管状况。构件和合格证妥善保管,仓库环境状况良好,构件出厂包装可靠,吊点标志明确。 7)产品质量状况。产品质量达到《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50205—2001)或其他相关标准的要求。 (14)环境管理状况 1)工厂内外物料堆放状况。钢材、辅料、半成品、成品堆放井然有序,废料弃置场地设置合理。 2)作业场地环境。操作间距适度,作业面清洁干;争,作业环境良好(包括换气、照明等)。焊接烟尘防止对策,有机溶剂排放对策齐备等。 3)安全对策。安全通道确保,安全措施考虑周到,职工熟知安全知识,防止突发安全事故有对策等。 structure column section size wall wide x wall wide, distribution reinforced 4 φ 12 (and subject structure used plant reinforced way for connection), and φ 6@100/200, floors upper and lower 500mm range within hoop reinforced encryption, spacing 100mm, in lashing hoop reinforced Shi, away from floor 50mm set first road, encryption district zhiwai, hoop reinforced spacing 200mm, structure column, and door had beam concrete strength grade are for C25. Ten, roofing waterproofing project according to the design requirements, waterproof double 1.5mm thickness of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane. Waterproof construction waterproof must be performed by a qualified professional team, the operator must hold waterproof construction personnel certificate, waterproofing material should be used by the factory certificate, access to the site according to the provisions of field sampling of the second interview, retest qualified before the use, construction procedures must be carried out according to the specification, after acceptance, can be carried out to the next process. Screed after the construction until the screed drying (moisture content not greater than 9%) can be carried out flexible waterproof layer of PET polymer modified bitumen self adhesive waterproof membrane for tile. (A) working conditions ? construction technology to give the low-down, roof
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