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苏州婚纱购买攻略(2014版)(812)苏州婚纱购买攻略(2014版)(812) 一、概要了解 1、购买时机:一般推荐购买时间为7月-8月因为此时乃天气最热的时候,生意比较清淡可以用意想不到的价格买超值的衣服。比如朋友的一件礼服,开价7800结果朋友是个超级还价能手,而且正好在6月底的这几天,天气非常炎热,成交价格为2400元(汉~)。当然了,平时比如5月,10月左右都是婚纱的大卖时机(结婚的人多)。这个时候还价不是太容易,大概能够做到对半的样子再稍微加点零头。 2、苏州婚纱分布详解:传说中的苏州婚纱基本集中在虎丘。“虎丘婚纱一条街”其实就是一条马路,在主路两...
苏州婚纱购买攻略(2014版)(812) 一、概要了解 1、购买时机:一般推荐购买时间为7月-8月因为此时乃天气最热的时候,生意比较清淡可以用意想不到的价格买超值的衣服。比如朋友的一件礼服,开价7800结果朋友是个超级还价能手,而且正好在6月底的这几天,天气非常炎热,成交价格为2400元(汉~)。当然了,平时比如5月,10月左右都是婚纱的大卖时机(结婚的人多)。这个时候还价不是太容易,大概能够做到对半的样子再稍微加点零头。 2、苏州婚纱分布详解:传说中的苏州婚纱基本集中在虎丘。“虎丘婚纱一条街”其实就是一条马路,在主路两边呈“非”字型排满小巷和店铺。不过在2014年10月份左右虎丘老街拆迁工程正式启动,届时所有虎丘老街商户将分流到苏站西路的好百年国际婚纱广场和虎丘西路的虎丘婚纱城。 a) 好百年国际婚纱广场 苏州好百年国际婚纱广场就在火车站北广场西侧100米,是新兴婚纱市场,现已开业,知名品牌很多。由于其优越的地理位置,很多知名品牌都已入驻,以后新娘购买婚纱首选站。 b) 虎丘婚纱城 虎丘婚纱城现在还在施工中,还未开业。 c) 天赐精品婚纱广场 该广场位于虎丘塔下面,由于虎丘旧城改造,该广场面临拆迁处境,里面商家都在外迁。总体来说该广场价钱贵,不过样子和资量都过硬,有条件的MM还是值得在那里挑选的。 最后谈谈百年国际婚纱广场内几家经典店:圣利亚、婉纱仙妮、金宝婚纱,澳丽莎,奈特丽,丹尼斯,绝设,天衣无缝。均在一层有店。 二、推荐的店面(必逛) 圣利亚:款式多,价格偏高基本上千,需要讨价还价,可谈到4-5折。 依莲娜:走华丽路线,样式不算最多,价格不算便宜,但还算公道,服务态度很好,试衣服很耐心 绝设:值得推荐,欧版刺绣的比较多,有三层楼的展厅,衣服挺漂亮,没找到这家店千万别随便of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 在别的店买下婚纱、礼服,但是要小心做工,里外都要翻看检查。 宛纱仙妮婚纱店:价格开得较贵,款式明显比绝设少,而且店员也很牛,晚礼服款式较多 金宝婚纱:这家的婚纱非常漂亮,店里面小姐服务态度也不错,他们的衣服按照模特的体形来做的,对MM要求比较高,可以改,不过试穿的时候也许比较尴尬.如果MM身材不错,推荐可以去这家看看,也许有满意的. 二、购买攻略 1.价格方面,我是周末去的,人多的情况下尚可以还到半价左右,我猜想如果平时去,顾客少,可以还得更多,所以尽量平时去,服务也好,价钱也好 2.一定要试穿。不要怕麻烦,穿脱很容易,店家也很有耐心,试过无数件也不买的都有,不要紧的。 3.价格主要由用料决定,跟款式无直接关系,用料多的就贵,反之便宜。所以其实很多很高雅的婚纱,简洁大方,反而不贵。 4.婚纱通常搭配衬裙,头纱和手套。这些东西的价格不另外算的,老板开给你的婚纱价是包含这些在内的。款式当然只能是他仅有的几种,如果你看不上他配得,可以不要,当然就又可以酌情还价了。这些配饰可以在另外的店单买的。 5.很多装修非常糟糕的店其实有好货的,同样的东西比装修好的店便宜,这里款式都是互相抄的,各家也有自己独特的,这就要看你的耐心慢慢去找了。 6.所有的店都提供修改和特别订做的,但是视工程量的大小时间也就不同,短则个把小时,长的可能要几日后才能取。但一定要跟店家注明你订的面料颜色款式细节等,我看到有人因此扯皮的。吃亏倒也就算了,如果延误影响婚期就不好了。 7.如果你的gg是外国人,请最好不要带他前往,老板宰的就是这样的,其实最好不要带男人前往。 8.最好穿无肩带的内衣去,否则露着文胸带子在外面,完全没有自信的站在镜子前会什 么效果也出不来的。 9.最好梳你想要在婚礼上梳的类似的发型去,才能看出效果。比如你是准备盘头的,那就把头发扎起来,你是准备披头发的,那就批着。 10.半天足够,事先买好往返票,出火车站北广场100米即到。 三、关于砍价: 前提:侃价要的就是时间充裕,脸皮厚,心要狠。 原则一,婚纱一件(不管什么样式的,价1000的,1800的,1500的,800的,500的等等等等)价3000-4500元之间(关键要看质量)服古装一律800为限,超过这个价钱你就买贵了,不要听他吹得天花乱坠; 原则二,至少给老板开两次价的机会,他开第一次价你都不好意思还价,你想想,人家开价1800,你还到200,你好意思吗?等他开到1000你不就好意思了吗?不要怕,坚持就是胜利.; 原则三,一般正常砍价的原则要遵守,比如,想要200成交,先要砍到150,还有,不要做出很喜欢那件衣服的样子,在砍价的过程中,尽量用商家的计算器打出自己心中的价格等等.这些都要看各自发挥了. of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 侃价价位的三种说法: 1)一次加价幅度不要太大,不超过50。 2)对喜欢的婚纱不要现得太过于欣喜,再试穿一件其他的,两件比较着讲价。 3)磨工,轻声细语,对象是小姐也要使足媚功,说话软归软,价格要咬死。 4)找当值经理或者老板直接侃价。 5)快要下班关门的时候再去,价格很可能下来。 6)不要用拿货来砍价,因为拿货不能试衣。 7)尽量避免试过的衣服再倒回去买,因为侃价不容易砍下去。 8)配件尽量和衣服一起买好,一起买便宜。 9)先看小店再看大店。先对大概的底价有个了解,衣服也能越看越漂亮。 10)先选款式、再谈价格。一般来说,是先看中款式,然后再谈价钱,所以没必要每试一件就和他砍价。此外,别人穿在身上的和自己穿在身上效果并不一样,所以要试了才知道。 11)可以尽量在一家店里买,或者当回头客" 侃价要的就是时间充裕,脸皮厚,心要狠, 至少要开个(半价-50)的价格,然后再往上加,如果比较强的,估计半价都能拿下。 如果他给你只开了一个价格,砍掉一半,在抹去零头,之后就这个零头,10块,20块的加,最多加价不要超过50。一般是开价的1/3+50元吧。 如果JS开价3000之下的,那就还个1500元左右,如果高于3000之上的,那就守住25.0元,再慢慢的加。 四、关于改衣服尺寸 1、 胸线,腰线都好改,20-40分钟即可,关键是长度,下面没有花边可以当天改好 2、尽量拿样衣,他们的样衣不一定是他们自己的工艺,定做出来的和原版一定在某种程度上有差异 3、如果还是定做了,一定要自己去苏州取,和样衣做比较,少了珠子他们都理亏的 4、先在网站上看看式样价格,苏州的价格都是被上海人炒上去的,买来的价格不一定比网上便宜,网上竞争更厉害 5、尽量不要和LG去,JS会从你们LG下手,让他讨出大把的银子,除非他比你更会还价 6、苏州婚纱店几百家,越往里面价格越便宜,当然这要看LZ的心理价位,预算上千的,当然是门口几家大店品质好点 五、出行必备 一、着装a. 切记要穿好走路、方便脱的鞋~b. 因为要不停的试婚纱,所以衣服要尽量穿方便脱的衣服。 c. 无肩带的内衣(可能的话穿紧身胸衣),以方便试婚纱。PS:提醒MM最好把腋毛都处理一下,免得试婚纱的时候“有碍观瞻”(夏天去的MM,应该没有这个问题,冬天去的MM 要注意噢~) 二、食物a. 饮料要多带,尤其是在夏天,另外看到以前的TX说多带矿泉水,必要时候拿来洗手。b. 饼干、面包适量。逛起来可能没有时间吃午饭,所以带上干粮充饥。 三、其他a. 纸巾若干。b. 人民币若干:但请注意安全,尤其在火车站。c. 包包:建议带背包(推荐那of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 种背在胸前的胸包),因为完毕后大包小包的,没有更多的手来拎包。 六、具体地址 1、苏州好百年国际婚纱广场 在苏州站边上,从北广场出来步行100米就到了。 2、虎丘 苏州市西环路3068号,从苏州站打的估计要30元左右。 七、饮食&WC推荐 好百年国际婚纱广场,西面有很多小饭店,可自己选择,听说他们三层还有永和豆浆等。 观前街前面美食街:湘菜川菜都不错 好人小吃:品种较少,酸菜鱿鱼水粉味道不错,怪味鸡也马马虎虎,其它就一般般了.香蕉牛奶(窈窕淑女)6元,比较便宜,可惜用一次性纸杯盛的. 八、交通 乘公交车: 1、去好百年国际婚纱广场,很方便,出北广场就到。 2、去虎丘要准备1元钱,20分钟 (无人售票,准备好硬币) 。在火车站门口就有游2线,2号线坐到底就是虎丘路了。下车后,就是虎丘路的头上,沿街有很多的小路,路上就是密密麻麻、大大小小的N多婚纱店。 打车: 1、 去好百年国际婚纱广场无需打车,出北广场西面100米就到。 2、 去虎丘的话,打车要30元左右。 九、婚纱面料知识大全 1、缎面 好的缎面一定很重。支数很高。但是摸起来很柔和,又很有骨感。有时候jms会说有骨撑群会露出钢圈的印子很傻,其实问题不在撑群本身,问题在缎面本身。缎面薄而没有质感,就会把里面的样子都印出来。 缎面的光泽也是很重要的。好的缎面的光泽是柔和的,不刺眼。我看到的一些不大好的缎面,很软,光泽刺眼。没有筋骨,就像闪光水看到过法国的缎面,很有筋骨,挺括。光泽柔和,就像牛奶,最好的莫过于真丝织锦缎面,外表光泽柔和,有珍珠的光泽,因为生丝织就,很有筋骨。比起法国缎面光泽透明,更有华丽的感觉。 市面上面还有日本缎。这种厚缎,做的婚纱1k上下的价格。优点是性价比可以,有质感,缺点是太硬了,光泽不好。 2、雪纺 最近流行的有荷叶边的婚纱用雪纺纱做荷叶边得比较多。目前有两种,一种是化纤的,还有一种是真丝of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 的。当然是后者的效果,质感比较好。价格上面后者要贵好多。一般这种纱做装饰比较多,我建议大家选真丝的。 3、欧根纱 一般罩在缎面外面有朦胧感。选的要领在纱要软,清透。但是不要有刺眼的光泽。 4、软网纱 一般缎面外面全部或者大量密集的刺绣,就要罩上软网纱。直接在软网上面绣。 5、丝雪纺 有飘逸感。 6、蕾丝 大家都知道法国蕾丝好。我观察下来进口的蕾丝花纹是不对称的,国产的就是对称的。而且好的蕾丝非常柔软,和缎面的契合度很好。即使上面绣了珠片也不会忘下面坠。 7、塔夫绸 不知道大家在看小说《飘》的时候有没有注意到scallete有一件塔夫绸的裙子。塔夫绸做晚礼服很好,真丝的,厚实飘逸。还有就是生丝绸缎做婚纱很好的。可惜啊这些我们祖先发明的东西,我们现在还要老句的从国外进口来。还要叫意大利纱,法国缎。真是气不过。 综合评论 一件好的婚纱当然可以所有的面料都用的最好。但是从实惠的角度上来说,没有必要。比如说一件以纱面为主的婚纱,就没有必要选择真丝缎面,只要有骨感的厚缎就可以了,但是罩在外面的纱面就要选的好。如果蕾丝只是一种点缀,也不需要用很好的蕾丝。总之选择面料就是配合衣服的款式啦。达到效果就好。 十、.婚纱定制注意事项 需要定制另类婚纱的新娘们注意了,想要定制出好的婚纱务必请注意以下几点哦~~话说做工已经不是硬指标了,裁剪好的人家做工又怎么会差呢,不过谨慎判断做工,还是买纱的一个重要步骤。 1、鱼骨:不一定每一种款式都需要鱼骨的,直身的款式就不需要。也不是每件衣服鱼骨加了越多越好。一般来说4根可以了,至多6根。当然有一些内衣款式的做法里面可以加到8根。 好的鱼骨软而有韧性。不是硬的可以树起来的才是好鱼骨,是柔韧性好的才是。除非内衣式做法,否则鱼骨应该是装在衬里的,不应该装在衣服的表面。 2、衬里:老实说我没有特别研究过内衬,一般的羽纱应该可以了。不过在这里给大家介绍两种考究的做法。第一种是在婚纱的腹部的地方装了/,帮助提升腹部曲线,还有一种做法是在胸部对应的背部作了两根文胸一样的搭钩,这种款式在抹胸式婚纱中应用可以使胸型完美,而且衣服和身体契合得很好。对于一些较软的婚纱面料,考究的还在婚纱的面料里面衬一层软纱网。 3、裙摆:裙摆的衬纱不能因为我们要穿衬裙而省掉。一般来说3-6层可以了。这样可以盖掉有骨衬裙的印子。鱼尾,直身,可以不考虑衬纱。 除了衬纱,我在以前很多自己顶的帖子里面说到过。大拖尾的婚纱一定要在裙摆着地边缘内衬一圈鱼骨纱。就是一种硬纱。这种硬纱应该被包裹在缎面卷边里面。优点是可以使裙摆自然下垂,以及自然往后拖,不至于因为走动而是裙摆皱起来。很多拖尾一开始就要人摊平,然后走几步布料就会GOU起来,要伴娘帮助拉平。用了这种硬纱就不会。我在璟丽SHOW试过一件这样的婚纱,来个360度转也不会有问题,还是很of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 平。 4、胸贴:根据个人喜好拉。我不是很主张装胸贴,因为一看就知道是假的,衣服的胸部不自然。不过 应该还是要看个人喜好。 5、刺绣:一般来说铺花工艺要比全刺绣花型要便宜。铺花工艺在香醋JJ那里有几件衣服上运用过。刺 绣是花时间,人力的。铺花就是把剪好的蕾丝贴在缎面上面。 of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township
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