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物业费包括什么物业费包括什么 2011-4-25 12:03 提问者:浏览次数:次 fb9910761214 | 23716 我已交了今年的物业费,但是前几天我们楼门口贴出一张纸,说我们楼道灯的电费已由302和303交了,让我们没交费的交到物业去。这费我应该交吗,楼道灯不是属于公共设施吗,应该在物业费用中包括了吧, 我来帮他解答 回答 共5条 2011-4-25 15:29 RollingBack | 三级 1、管理服务人员的工资、社会保险和按规定提取的福利费等; (即人员费用,包括基本工资、按规定提取的福利费、加班费和服...
物业费包括什么 2011-4-25 12:03 提问者:浏览次数:次 fb9910761214 | 23716 我已交了今年的物业费,但是前几天我们楼门口贴出一张纸,说我们楼道灯的电费已由302和303交了,让我们没交费的交到物业去。这费我应该交吗,楼道灯不是属于公共设施吗,应该在物业费用中包括了吧, 我来帮他解答 回答 共5条 2011-4-25 15:29 RollingBack | 三级 1、管理服务人员的工资、社会保险和按规定提取的福利费等; (即人员费用,包括基本工资、按规定提取的福利费、加班费和服装费等) 2、物业共用部位、共用设施设备的日常运行、维护费用; (包括;公共建筑(如过道、门厅、楼梯及道路环境)内的各种土建零修费;给排水日常运行、维修及保养费;电气、燃气、消防系统设备维修保养费;公共照明费;易损件更新费等等) should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 3、物业管理区域清洁卫生费用; (包括:清洁工具、劳保用品、清洁环卫、垃圾外运、化粪清掏等) 4、物业管理区域绿化养护费用 (包括:绿化工具费、绿化用水费、农药化肥费、杂草清运费、景观维护费等) 5、物业管理区域秩序维护费用; (即安全管理人员费用、安全器械装备费等) 6、办公费用; (包括:交通费、通讯费、低值易耗办公用品费、办公用房水电费等) 7、物业管理企业固定资产折旧; 8、物业共用部位、共用设施设备及公众责任保险费用; 9、法定税费; (包括营业税、城市建设维护税、教育附加费等) 10、经业主同意的其它费用。 可以看出小区物业管理费不包含公共水电费,但是法律上没有规定分摊水电是否可以约定,因此小区物业管理合同上也可以另外约定物业管理费里包含公共水电费。 所以回家研究物业合同吧 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 物业管理费的构成与核算 一、物业管理费的构成 由于各地经济发展水平不同,所以物业管理费的数额大小也不尽相同。对物业管理费的核算,是物业管理公司财务管理部门的一项非常重要的工作。一座物业在投入管理运行之前,物业管理公司的财务管理部门必须对其进行管理费的核算,运行一年后,还要根据上年的运行情况进行调整。费用预算要符合国家及地方政府的有关规定,并经物业管理公司总经理审阅后,提交业主管理委员会讨论通过,方可公布执行。 物业管理费一般由以下一些项目构成: (1)公共物业及配套设施的维护保养费用,包括外墙、楼梯、步行廊、升降梯(扶梯)、中央空调系统、消防系统、保安系统、电视音响系统、电话系统、配电器系统、给排水系统及其他机械、设备、机器装置及设施等。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection (2)聘用管理人员的薪金,包括工资、津贴、福利、保险、服装费用等。 (3)公用水电的支出,如公共照明、喷泉、草地淋水等。 (4)购买或租赁必需的机械及器材的支出。 (5)物业财产保险(火险、灾害险等)及各种责任保险的支出。 (6)垃圾清理、水池清洗及消毒灭虫的费用。 (7)清洁公共地方及幕墙、墙面的费用。 (8)公共区域植花、种草及其养护费用。 (9)更新储备金,即物业配套设施的更新费用。 (10)聘请律师、会计师等专业人士的费用。 (11)节日装饰的费用。 (12)管理者酬金。 (13)行政办公支出,包括文具、办公用品等杂项以及公共关系费用。 (14)公共电视接收系统及维护费用。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection (15)其他为管理而发生的合理支出。 二、物业管理费的核算办法 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 三、物业管理费的收费标准 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 物业管理公司为业主或用户提供的不同服务项目,其收费标准是有所不同的,有些服务项目,其收费标准是物业管理公司与业主或用户面议洽谈而定;有些服务项目,其收费标准要按政府有关部门的规定执行。在具体收取物业管理费时,有些项目是一次性收费;有些项目则是定期收取;有些项目的收取方式较为灵活。 物业管理公司物业管理费收入的高低直接与其收取标准及业务量大小有关。一般地讲,物业管理费收取标准越高,则物业管理公司的收入就越高。但是,物业管理费收取标准一方面要受国家有关政策法规的制约,不能乱收费;另一方面,物业管理费收取标准还要受到用户收入水平高低的限制,也要服从优质优价的原则,因此,物业管理费收取标准的确定要遵从一些原则: 第一,不违反国家和地方政府的有关规定。 第二,与用户的收入水平相适应。要根据用户的收入水平高低来确定,收费标准过高,用户承受不了,也不容易取得用户的支持,反之,收费标准过低,则物业管理公司赔本服务,这又违背市场规则。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 第三,优质优价,兼顾各方利益。所提供的服务档次越高,则收费标准越高,特约服务一般比公共服务的收费标准要高,对商业部门的收费比对机关、的收费一般要高。 第四,微利原则。物业管理服务部分的收入扣除支出略有剩余,否则服务项目越多,工作量越大,赔本就越多。 第五,公平原则 物业管理费由哪些项目构成, 来源:考试大 【考试大:中国教育考试第一门户】 2008年3月19日 王老师担任业主委员会主任后,工作尽职尽责,受到广大业主的拥护。快到年终时,有些业主向王老师反映物业管理收费有些偏高,业主委员会能不能真正行使一次权利,与物业管理企业重新确定收费标准。王老师和业委会其他成员一起找到物业管理处,反映了广大业主的,希望重新确定物业管理费。物业管理企业负责人把原来做的物业管理费测算表拿给王老师看,王老师仔细一看,发现物业管理企业的手机should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 费、报费、服务人员服装补助费等都算在了费用构成中,王老师认为这部分费用不应该由业主来分担,应该在费用构成中删除。但物业管理财务人员解释说,这是国家规定的合理费用构成,我们都是照章办事,完全符合政府关于物业管理费用构成的要求。那么,王老师的怀疑有道理吗?政府对物业管理费用构成到底有何规定?物业管理费应该怎样测算? 物业管理收费的费用构成: 1(管理、服务人员的工资和按规定提取的福利费:指人员的费用,包括基本工资,按规定提取的福利费、加班费和服装费,不包括管理、服务人员的奖金(奖金是根据经济效益从盈利中提取的)。人员费用的测算根据所管物业的档次、类型和总建筑面积先确定各级各类人员的编制数,然后再确定各自的基本工资标准,计算出基本工资总额,再按工资总额计算各项福利提取的数额,汇总为每月该项费用的总金额,最后再分摊到每月每平方米建筑面积上。 (1)基本工资:根据企业性质并参考当地的平均工资水平确定。(2)按规定提取的福利费(根据当地政府的规定由企业确定):包括福利基金(如按工资总额的14,计算)、工会经费(如按工资总额的2,计算)、教育经费(如按工资总额的1(5,计算)、社会保险费[包括待should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 业保险(如按工资总额的1,计算),医疗保险(如按工资总额的6,计算)、工伤保险、养老保险(如按工资总额的19,计算),住房基金(如按工资总额的6,计算)(含住房公积金)]等。(3)加班费:按人均月加班2天,再乘以日平均工资计算。日平均工资按每月22个工作日计算。(4)服装费:按每人每年2套眼装计算。其眼装标准由企业自定。计算出年服装费总额后再除以12个月,即为每月服装费。 2(公共设施、设备日常运行维修及保养费,包括: (1)公共建筑(如过道、门厅、楼梯及道路环境)内的各种土建零修费; (2)给排水日常运行、维修及保养费; (3)电气系统设备维修保养费; (4)燃气系统设备维修保养费; (5)消防系统设备维修保养费; (6)公共照明费; (7)不可预见费; (8)易损件更新准备金。 不包括: ?业主拥有房产内部的各种设备、设施的维修运行、保养与维修费用; ?公共设施、设备的维修费用; should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection ?电梯的运行、维修费用; ?冬季供暖费; ?高压水泵运行、维修费用; ?公用天线保养维修费; 这些费用按国家和地方政府的现行规定和标准分别向产权人和使用人另行收取。 3(绿化管理费:指小区环境绿化的养护费用, 包括:绿化工具费、劳保用品费、绿化用水费、农药化肥费、杂草清运费、景观再造费。 4(清洁卫生费:包括清洁工具、劳保用品、卫生防疫杀毒费、化粪池清掏费、垃圾外运费和清洁环卫所需之其他费用。 5(保安费:对封闭式小区公共秩序的维持费用。不是封闭式小区不能收保安费。包括:保安器材装备费(保安系统、保安器材等);保安人员人身保险费(如每年投保2万元人身意外伤害险,保险费率为4‰);保安用房及保安人员住房租金(如保安用房按每人8平方米计算,住房月租金为8元,平方米)。 6(办公费:交通费(车辆及保险维护费用)、通讯费、低值易耗办公用品费、书报费、广告宣传社区文化费、办公用房租金(含水电费)、其他杂项等。 7(物业管理企业固定资产折旧率:固定资产包括:should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 交通工具、通讯设备、办公设备、工程维修设备、其他设备等。固定资产平均折旧年限一般为5年。 8(利润:利润率按各地物价主管部门根据本地区实际情况确定,一般普通住宅小区平均利润率不高于社会平均利润率为上限。 9(法定税费:法定税费指按现行税法物业管理企业在进行企业经营活动过程中应缴纳的税费。物业管理企业享受国家对第三产业的优惠政策,应缴纳的税费主要是两税一费(代收代缴部分不计征)。 (1)营业税:按企业经营总收入的5,征收; (2)城市建设维护税:按营业税7,计征; (3)教育附加费:按营业税3,计征。 以上9项费用即为费用构成,测算出来后全部相加就是公共性服务费用。如果一个住宅小区没有其他资金来源渠道,只靠物业管理收费维持运转。则每户收费标准即为前9项之和再除以总建筑面积和12个月,即得出每月每平方米应交金额。 如果小区还有多种经营收入可以补贴到物业管理收费中,如有小区配套公建房出租收入、停车费收入、维修养护专项基金利息的补贴等,则先测算出其他收入补贴到每月每建筑平方米的数额,再用总费用扣减,结果即为每户应交物业管理费。 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection 举例来说:如果经过上述9项费用测算,小区公共性服务费用为2元,平方米,如果小区没有其他收入来源,则为了维持小区正常物业管理运转,每户需按2元,平方米交费。如果小区还有其他收入来源,并且补贴到物业管理费大概为1(2元,平方米,则住户每月实际交纳物业管理费为(2-1.2)=0.8元,建筑平方米。由此看来物业管理企业开展多种经营,多渠道筹集资金,是降低物业管理收费的非常重要的手段。 来源:考试 should be in the 5mm range, the incision should not curl, Burr. Steel brackets and hangers should be solid welding, no significant deformation, even weld, weld length shall conform to the requirements, shall not be cracks, undercut, porosity, depression, lack of weld, welding and other defects. Brackets and hangers should be mounted firmly to ensure horizontal even vertical, building on the slope of mount bracket and hanger and the buildings have the same slope. bridge installation requirements: bridge should be flat, no distortion, no burrs on the inside wall, accessories complete. Trunking interface should be formed, should close the straight at the seams. After the Groove on the cover should be formed, no corners, and outlet location accurately. When installed in the ceiling, if the ceiling should be unable to master a manhole. Is not allowed to pass through the walls of the trough and put to death with the holes on the wall. Slots of all non-conductive parts of the iron should be connected and bridged, making it a continuous conductor, and the whole earth. When the floor trunking distance less than 2.4m, trunking and trunking cover must be installed to protect the ground wire. 2.4m the slot cover plate without protective ground wire. Slot after building of deformation joints (expansion joints, settlement joints), the line itself should be disconnected, connection
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