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十大品牌纸尿裤PK十大品牌纸尿裤PK NO.1——花王纸尿裤 品牌简介: 花王是日本的品牌,成立于1887年,目前花王纸尿裤分别有日版、韩版、俄版三个版本,其中日版口碑最好 产品特点: 1、透气柔点网层。 2、天然呵护层,表层的每根纤维都添加天然植物精华。 3、棉柔魔术腰贴。 4、立体腿部护围。 5、尿湿显示功能。 花王纸尿裤在母婴用品库的点评中,好评率达73%,稳居榜首。 花王纸尿裤以其柔软、透气、高吸水性等高端性能获得全球妈妈们的热捧,不过,日本核辐射后,不少妈妈会担心花王纸尿裤有辐射。 not allowed to ...
十大品牌纸尿裤PK NO.1——花王纸尿裤 品牌简介: 花王是日本的品牌,成立于1887年,目前花王纸尿裤分别有日版、韩版、俄版三个版本,其中日版口碑最好 产品特点: 1、透气柔点网层。 2、天然呵护层,层的每根纤维都添加天然植物精华。 3、棉柔魔术腰贴。 4、立体腿部护围。 5、尿湿显示功能。 花王纸尿裤在母婴用品库的点评中,好评率达73%,稳居榜首。 花王纸尿裤以其柔软、透气、高吸水性等高端性能获得全球妈妈们的热捧,不过,日本核辐射后,不少妈妈会担心花王纸尿裤有辐射。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 产品性能方面,花王纸尿裤添加植物金缕梅成分,能够有效地抑制婴儿发生斑疹。使纸尿裤的表面具有抗炎性能,从而缓解了婴儿发生皮肤红疹的症状。 NO.2——妈咪宝贝纸尿裤 品牌简介: 日本品牌,尤佳妮生活用品有限公司,上海尤妮佳公司生产 产品特点: 1、全面锁水导流操。 2、柔软弹力贴身腰围。 3、透气棉柔背层。 4、S/M/L/XL码男女分用。 5、魔术腰贴、尿湿提醒功能。 妈咪宝贝纸尿裤一直以高性价比的优势受到妈妈们的热捧,在母婴用品库的点评中好评率为69%,排名第二。妈咪宝贝瞬吸干爽系列纸尿裤在今年同样推出新升级版,在产品性能上有了细微的变化,增加了瞬吸导流槽,而价格基本与旧版本持平,性价比更高了。 NO.3—— 帮宝适纸尿裤 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 品牌简介: 宝洁公司旗下品牌,1961年帮宝适纸尿裤正式推向市场 产品特点: 1、新干爽层加宽14%,吸收更快,干爽长达10小时 2、侧腰2倍弹力,怎么动都合身舒适服 3、新升级超柔软外表层,给宝宝温柔呵护 4、高透气外层,呼走闷热湿气 5、均匀吸收,持久超薄 6、NB/S码特有尿湿显示的温馨设计 帮宝适有宝洁公司的品牌保证,一直以来都深受全球妈妈们的青睐。在母婴用品库点评中以66%的好评率排名第三。 帮宝适超薄干爽纸尿裤今年也推出了全新升级版,全新升级干爽层加宽14%及超柔软外表层,价格方面也算适中,性价比不错。 NO.4——好奇纸尿裤 品牌简介: 1872年在美国创立,金佰利中国有限公司代理 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 产品特点: 1、梯形加宽包臀剪裁,全面包裹宝宝臀部更有效防漏。 2、环换式弹性腰围腰贴,加宽弹性后腰围,自然贴合宝宝身体曲线,不管怎么动都舒适服帖。创新!弧形弹性侧腰围 3、超强瞬吸三层锁水 4、绿茶芦荟精华护肤层,呵护娇嫩肌肤,免受尿尿和臭臭刺激 5、贴心尿湿显示,方便妈妈及时更换 6、立体防漏隔边设计,再好动的宝宝也能有效防止腿边侧漏。 好奇纸尿裤的好评率略低于帮宝适,排名第四。今年推出全新包装,金装好奇全新升级了极细棉绒般的内表层,质感更柔软。虽然贵了不少,以M码为例,单片价格接近2.3元。不过结合上韩国原装进口的产品,在柔软性、吸收设计及腰围设计等产品细节中也有所升级,新升级版好奇金装贴身舒适纸尿裤也是贵得有价值的。 NO.5—— 富婴儿纸尿裤 品牌简介: 品牌(FULLBABY)发源地:美国,品牌创建日期:1998年。广州市富樱日用品有限公司生产。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 产品特点: 1、 创新天然有机植物吸收芯体 采用美国天然有机植物芯体,吸水高分子均匀分布,吸收迅速均 匀导流,用后不起坨,不断裂,确保婴儿皮肤干爽舒服。同时超 薄的芯体结构合身自如,有效预防八字腿。用纯天然植物吸收芯 体代替传统化学尿液吸收体,让婴儿远离化学品的危害。 2、 进口弹力魔术扣和弹力腰围 采用进口弹力魔术口弹力腰围和,柔软舒适,反复粘贴不伤皮肤, 大的魔术扣更换方便,宝宝甜睡不影响,弹力腰围伸缩3cm,宝 宝活动自如 3、 全新立体锁水系统设计 立体网络锁水系统,吸水颗粒在吸水膨胀后被立体网络牢牢粘住, 从根本上防止吸水芯片断裂后堆积成团,持续保持超薄舒适。 4、 长效干爽 富婴儿超薄干爽的长效干爽层,能锁住尿液长达12小时,帮助宝 宝整晚睡得香。 5、 创新多层立体防漏设计 柔软立体漏隔设计,紧紧贴合宝宝臀部曲线,宝宝再怎么动也不 需担心侧漏 6、 超柔透气底膜 超柔透气底膜,非织布制作,凹凸透气网面设计,让宝宝肌肤通畅呼吸,更能有效锁住稀便。干爽舒适每一天的最佳效果。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 富婴儿纸尿裤的透气性在十大品牌纸尿裤中排名第一,其干爽和透气的平衡上控制得很好。富婴儿纸尿裤干爽性十大品牌纸尿裤中排名第2,其吸水速度快,干爽性比较好,综合考虑妈妈们的意见,还算可以。富婴儿纸尿裤一直倡导高品质天然绿色科技,致力于让宝宝远离化工品的危害,创新性的采用有机植物淀粉合成吸收分子取代传统吸收尿液的化学吸收体,大大提升了吸收效果,又最大程度的减少了对人和环境的危害。 NO.6——大王纸尿裤 品牌简介: 日本规模最大纸业生产商之一,创立于1943年,世界著名纸业品牌 产品特点: 1、表层特别添加维生素E防护层,精心呵护宝宝柔嫩的肌肤。 2、独特针孔式设计,使表面更柔软,既可以减小摩擦,让宝宝睡得更安心。 3、先进的高分子吸收材料,迅速吸收,腿部周围有多层立体折边设计,柔软贴身又防漏。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 4、创新开发透气素材,渗透快,防反湿,。 5、经过特殊处理的无纺布表层,加倍柔软,使宝宝屁屁更舒适。 6、采用立体伸缩折边设计、全新腰围防漏设计和柔软牢固的腰贴,让好动的宝宝也感觉舒适自如。 7、专业的异味吸收功能,减少异味的产生。 8、三条尿湿显示。 NO.7——安儿乐纸尿裤 品牌简介: 恒安集团出品,以安尔乐卫生巾闻名,创立于1985年,是目前国内比较有名的妇女卫生巾和婴儿纸尿裤生产企业,于1998年在香港上市 产品特点: 1、有芦荟精华亲肤表层,能滋润肌肤。 2、3重锁水,干爽超能吸,设计神奇的传导层,具有超强尿液传导功能。 3、创新“3d棉柔”呵护系统,还有圆角魔术搭扣和动感卡通图案的仿布前腰贴,柔软舒适,可反复调节。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 4、设计了“合身窄裆剪裁”,更贴合宝宝臀部及腿部曲线。 5、有尿显功能。 6、新“微孔高效排气底层”,能及时排出闷热湿气,小屁屁时刻清闲更舒适。 安儿乐纸尿裤是恒安集团出品的,恒安集团是国内很有名的妇女卫生巾和婴儿纸尿裤生产企业,知名度和用户口碑都是国内品牌纸尿裤中的佼佼者。安儿乐纸尿裤有三大系列,分别面向不同层次的消费者,总的来说价格比较大众化,适合经济条件一般的家庭。 排行榜NO.8——贝亲(Pigeon)纸尿裤 品牌简介: 贝亲于1949年成立于日本,产品线包括整个婴儿用品和护理保健用品市场。2002年,贝亲正式进入中国市场 产品特点: 1、轻薄升级:新包装改良后的贝亲纸尿裤更薄,让宝宝活动更自如。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 2、弹性护边,紧贴腿部,M/L型号还有双重立体护围,防止侧漏。 3、优质无纺布表层,柔软里层,呵护宝宝娇嫩肌肤。 4、双层吸收体:吸收量更大,瞬吸锁水,避免回渗。 5、透气防水膜,远离闷热。 6、超宽设计魔术贴面,贴面自由度更高,更加贴合背腹和腿周围的尺寸,防止睡觉时背部及腿部的侧漏。 7、尿湿显示:尿湿后显示条由黄变蓝,提醒妈妈及时更换。 贝亲纸尿裤的性能并没有太多花俏的设计,不过不少妈妈们的使用评价都不错,反映贝亲纸尿裤很柔软、干爽性佳。吸收量大是贝亲纸尿裤的特点,不过价格方面,贝亲纸尿裤由于是日本原装进口,因此价格比较高昂,相对于同样是日本品牌的花王纸尿裤,性价比稍低。 NO.9——嘘嘘乐纸尿裤 品牌简介: 台湾纸尿裤品牌,全日美实业(上海)有限公司生产 产品特点: 1、裁剪设计为“V”型,能让宝宝活动更自如。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 2、有ADL超快传导层,能迅速扩散尿液,不回渗、不变形。 3、有超软设计的腰围,合身舒适。 4、采用的压花棉柔表层,很柔软。 5、棉柔魔术扣,可重复使用,也不会撕破纸尿裤。 6、动物纹路的图案设计,能丰富宝宝视觉刺激。 7、有尿湿提示。 8、有菱形导流纹,宝宝尿尿后,尿液可以顺着菱形沟均匀疏散 根据网友妈妈们的反馈,嘘嘘乐纸尿裤最大的弱点是吸水量不足,尿量大的宝宝可能就不适用了。尿量小的宝宝还是可以使用的,吸水速度比较快。价格方面处于中低等价位,也算对得起它的性能了。 NO.10——雀氏纸尿裤 品牌简介: 始创于2006年,位于福建省泉州市,是“土生土长”的国产品牌,产品系列比较丰富 产品特点: 1、棉柔表层打孔,360?超强瞬吸。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 2、特有弹性魔术扣,随意调节腰围松紧。 3、棉芯速渗定位,不结团、不移位,纸尿裤不变形。 4、裆部贴身弧型设计,柔软弹性立体防漏。 5、表层添加芦荟精华,呵护宝宝幼嫩肌肤。 6、棉柔透气底层,卡通设计可爱PP。 7、尿湿变色提示,及时提醒更换。 雀氏纸尿裤的产品系列丰富,有纸尿裤和纸尿片产品,其中纸尿裤产品有四个系列,同样适合不同消费层人群,产品性能方面,雀氏纸尿裤的“棉芯速渗定位”设计是亮点,适合好动的宝宝。 不过,雀氏纸尿裤的质量问题也是频出,最近也有曝光雀氏纸尿裤内藏死虫子,对消费者的信心也有影响。 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project
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