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几种无机盐的作用与食物来源几种无机盐的作用与食物来源 钙的功能与作用 钙对人体至关重要,不但关系到骨骼健康,而且可能与高血压、经前期紧张综合征等有关。 钙是人体的生命之源,是人体含量最丰富的无机元素,总量超过1千克,有人体“生命元素”的美誉。 人体中的钙99,沉积在骨骼和牙齿中,促进其生长发育,维持其形态与硬度;l,存在于血液和软组织细胞中,发挥调节生理功能的作用。 钙离子的生理作用决定了它对人类生命活动的重要性: 钙离子对血液凝固有重要作用。缺钙时,血凝发生障碍,人体会出现牙龈出血、皮下出血点、不规则子宫出血、月经过多、尿血、呕血等症状。 钙离...
几种无机盐的作用与食物来源 钙的功能与作用 钙对人体至关重要,不但关系到骨骼健康,而且可能与高血压、经前期紧张综合征等有关。 钙是人体的生命之源,是人体含量最丰富的无机元素,总量超过1千克,有人体“生命元素”的美誉。 人体中的钙99,沉积在骨骼和牙齿中,促进其生长发育,维持其形态与硬度;l,存在于血液和软组织细胞中,发挥调节生理功能的作用。 钙离子的生理作用决定了它对人类生命活动的重要性: 钙离子对血液凝固有重要作用。缺钙时,血凝发生障碍,人体会出现牙龈出血、皮下出血点、不规则子宫出血、月经过多、尿血、呕血等症状。 钙离子对神经、肌肉的兴奋和神经冲动的传导有重要作用。缺钙时人体会出现神经传导阻滞和肌张力异常等症状。 钙离子对细胞的粘着、细胞膜功能的维持有重要作用。钙离子对人体内的酶反应有激活作用。钙缺乏即会影响正常的生理代谢过程。 钙离子对人体内分泌腺激素的分泌有决定性作用,对维持循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、神经、内分泌、生殖等系统器官的功能至关重要。 总之,钙是人体不可或缺的微量元素,它既是身体的构造者,又是身体的调节者,是我们人体的生命之源。 含钙多的食物 1、牛奶 半斤牛奶,含钙300毫克,还含有多种氨基酸、乳酸、矿物质及维生素,促进钙的消化和吸收。而且牛奶中的钙质人体更易吸取,因此,牛奶应该作为日常补钙的主要食品。其他奶类制品如酸奶、奶酪、奶片,都是良好的钙来源。 2、海带和虾皮 海带和虾皮是高钙海产品,每天吃上25克,就可以补钙300毫克呢。并且它们还能够降低血脂,预防动脉硬化。 3、豆制品 大豆是高蛋白食物,含钙量也很高。500克豆浆含钙120毫克,150克豆腐含钙就高达500毫克,其他豆制品也是补钙的良品。 而豆腐则不可与某些蔬菜同吃,比如菠菜。菠菜中含有草酸,它可以和钙相结合生成草酸钙结合物,从而妨碍人体对钙的吸收,所以豆腐以及其他豆制品均不宜与菠菜一起烹制。但,豆制品若与肉类同烹,则会味道可口,营养丰富。 4、动物骨头 动物骨头里80%以上都是钙,但是不溶于水,难以吸收,因此在制作成食物时可以事先敲碎它,加醋后用文火慢煮。吃时去掉浮油,放些青菜即可做成一道美味鲜汤。 5、蔬菜 蔬菜中也有许多高钙的品种。小白菜、油菜、茴香、芫荽、芹菜等每100克钙含量也在150毫克左右。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 6、补钙药物 如今市场上的补钙药物适合于依靠食物摄入不能满足钙需求的儿童、青少年、孕/哺乳期妇女、老人,甚至于工作紧张、压力大、生活没有规律的白领女性。它的优点是操作简单,并且容易控制补充量。 注意:在服用时需要严格遵守医嘱,以免服用过量,反而对身体造成不良影响。一些复合维生素和钙质补充剂,因维生素本身可以和钙质产生协同作用,相对于单纯补钙来说,服用后益处更大。 补钙还是以食补为佳 市场上有许多品种的钙剂,虽然有些广告中称其吸收率很高,但实际效果与期望值有一定差距。一些医生主张——补钙还是以食补为佳。 磷的功能与作用 磷是在人体中含量较多的元素之一,仅次于钙。磷和钙都是骨骼牙齿的重要构成材料,其中钙,磷比值约为2:1。正常成年人骨中的含磷总量约为600,900克,占总含磷量的 百分之八十和钙结合并贮存于骨骼和牙齿中,剩余的百分之二十分布于神经组织等软组织中,人体每100毫升全血中含磷35-45毫克。肌体对磷的吸收比钙容易,因此,一般不会出现磷缺乏症。 磷的主要生理功能 1( 是骨骼和牙齿的重要组成部分,促成骨骼和牙齿的钙化不可缺少的营养素。。 2( 保持体内ATP代谢的平衡,调节能量代谢过程中发挥重要作用。 3( 生命物质的组成部分:它是组成核苷酸的基本成份,而核苷酸是生命中传递信息和调控细胞代谢的重要 物质核糖核酸(RDA)和脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的基本组成单位。 4( 参与体内的酸碱平衡的调节,参与体内脂肪的代谢。食物来源: 磷的缺乏症及其食物中的来源 人类的食物中有很丰富的磷,故人类营养性的磷缺乏是少见的。磷摄入或吸收的不足可以出现低磷血症,引起红细胞、白细胞、血小板的异常,软骨病;因疾病或过多的摄入磷,将导致高磷血症,使血液中血钙降低导致骨质疏松。 几乎所有的食物都含磷,特别是谷类和含蛋白质丰富的食物。在人类所食用的食物中,无论动物性食物或植物性食物都主要是其细胞,而细胞都含有丰富的磷。 铁的功能与作用 铁元素在人体中具有造血功能,参与血蛋白、细胞色素及各种酶的合成,促进生长;铁还在血液中起运输氧和营养物质的作用;人的颜面泛出红润之美,离不开铁元素。人体缺铁会发生小细胞性贫血、免疫功能下降和新陈代谢紊乱;如果铁质不足可导致缺铁性贫血,使人的脸色萎黄,皮肤也会失去了美的光泽。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 含铁丰富的食物: 第一名:动物肝脏 肝脏是预防缺铁性贫血的首选食品。含铁量高且吸收率好,容易进食和消化,而且不容易引起过敏,特别适合给宝宝吃。猪肝铁的含量为最高,每100 毫克含29.1毫克, 第二名:鸡蛋黄 在过往的认知里,鸡蛋黄是最好的补铁食物,不过经研究表明,鸡蛋黄的含铁量虽高,但吸收率较低(每100克鸡蛋黄含铁7 毫克,铁吸收率只有3,),但鸡蛋是常见食物,食用保存方便,各种营养价值较高,从综合角度来看,它排第二名还是实至名归的。 第三名:血豆腐 煮过的动物血凝块,俗称血豆腐,动物血的营养丰富,含铁量高,吸收率高如100 克猪血含铁260 毫克, 相当于猪肝中铁含量的10 倍,从古代开始,就一直是补血佳品。 TIPS :人体对铁的需求有一定限制,血豆腐由于含铁量太高,反而不适合大量食用。 第四名:黑木耳 每100 克黑木耳里含铁98 毫克,比动物性食品中含铁量最高的猪肝高出约5 倍,比菠菜高出30 倍。但黑木耳的吸收率相比之下较低,而且黑木耳有润肠作用,对肠胃虚弱的宝宝不太合适。特别提示 动物肝脏、动物血都容易积攒动物本身的毒素,在购买时一定要选择放心的卖家食物中含铁丰富的有动物肝脏、羊肝、鸡肝、猪肝、肾脏(牛羊肾脏); 其次是瘦肉、蛋黄、鸡、鱼、虾、和豆类 绿叶蔬菜中含铁较多的有菠菜、苜蓿、芹菜、油菜、苋菜、荠菜、黄花菜、番茄等。 水果中以杏、桃、李、葡萄干、红枣、樱桃等含铁较多 干果有核桃,黑芝麻,其它如海带、紫菜、红糖、芝麻酱、蘑菇、黑木耳、也含有铁。 碘的功能与作用 碘是人体的必需微量元素之一,健康成人体内的碘的总量为30mg(20~50mg),其中70%~80%存在于甲状腺。 碘的生理功能: 1(促进生物氧化:甲状腺素能促进三羧酸循环中的生物氧化,协调生物氧化和磷酸化的偶联、调节能量转换。 2(调节蛋白质合成和分解:当蛋白质摄入不足时,甲状腺素有促进蛋白质合成作用;当蛋白质摄入充足时,甲状腺素可促进蛋白质分解。 3(促进糖和脂肪代谢:甲状腺素能加速糖的吸收利用,促进糖原和脂肪分解氧implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 化,调节血清胆固醇和磷脂浓度等。 4(调节水盐代谢:甲状腺素可促进组织中水盐进入血液并从肾脏排出,缺乏时可引起组织内水盐潴留,在组织间隙出现含有大量粘蛋白的组织液,发生粘液性水肿。 5(促进维生素的吸收利用:甲状腺素可促进烟酸的吸收利用,胡萝卜素转化为维生素A过程及核黄素合成核黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸等。 6(增强酶的活力:甲状腺素能活化体内100多种酶,如细胞色素酶系、琥珀酸氧化酶系、碱性磷酸酶等,在物质代谢中起作用。 7(促进生长发育:甲状腺素促进骨骼的发育和蛋白质合成,维护中枢神经系统的正常结构。 值得注意的是,人体摄入过多的碘也是有害的,日常饮食碘过量同样会引起“甲亢”。是否需要在正常膳食之外特意“补碘”,要经过正规体检,听取医生的建议,切不可盲目“补碘”。 锌的功能与作用 锌是微量元素的一种,在人体内的含量以及每天所需摄入量都很少,但对机体的性发育、性功能、生殖细胞的生成却能起到举足轻重的作用,故有“生命的火花”与“婚姻和谐素”之称。 人体正常含锌量为2-3克。绝大部分组织中都有极微量的锌分布,其中肝脏、肌肉和骨骼中含量较高。锌是体内数十种酶的主要成分。锌还与大脑发育和智力有关。美国一个大学发现,聪明、学习好的青少年,体内含锌量均比愚钝者高。锌还有促进淋巴细胞增殖和活动能力的作用,对维持上皮和粘膜组织正常、防御细菌、病毒侵入、促进伤口愈合、减少痤疮等皮肤病变,及校正味觉失灵等均有妙用。 锌缺乏时全身各系统都会受到不良影响。尤其对青春期性腺成熟的影响更为直接 锌的主要来源是富含锌的食物,如牡蛎、动物肝脏、鱼、蛋、奶、肉、鲱鱼、虾皮、紫菜、鱼粉、芝麻、猪肝墨鱼干、螺、蘑菇等。 植物性食物中的各种豆类、坚果类含锌较多,蔬菜类以大白菜、白萝卜、紫萝卜、茄子青菜、豆荚、黄豆等黄绿色蔬菜里含锌较多。麸皮、地衣、炒葵花子、炒南瓜子、山核桃、松子、酸奶、花生油、水果、花生等 我们的主食——米、面里含锌量也较多 糙米含锌量较高,但如加工过细会造成大量锌的丢失,这是因为锌主要存在于胚部和谷皮之中。因此不宜长期食用精制米、面,以防锌缺乏。 含锌高的食物主要存在于动物食品中:最多的是牡蛎、常见的食物中有鱼、瘦肉、鸡内、鸡心、动物肝等。蔬菜及其它植物中含锌量是非常低的。例如:一斤茄子的含锌量不到人体每日需要量的5,。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and 维生素C、肉类、果糖、氨基酸、脂肪可增加铁的吸收,而茶、咖啡、牛乳、植物酸、麦麸等可抑制铁的吸收,所以膳食应注意食物合理搭配,以增加铁的吸收,可吃些富含维生素C的水果及蔬菜(如苹果、番茄、椰花菜、马铃薯、包心菜等)。 在选择含铁多的食物时要注意几点: 1.尽量采用含铁量多、吸收率高的食物,鱼、猪肝、瘦肉、猪血符合这两个条件。植物性食物中以大豆制品较好,吸收率可达7%,另外黑木耳、海带中含铁量也很高。 2.粮食中的杂粮如=小米、玉米、高粱面粉等的含铁量及吸收率都比大米高 3.深色绿叶或黄红色蔬菜如菠菜、油菜、芹菜含铁量都不低,如果与瘦肉同煮食,可促使吸收。 4.水果和新鲜蔬菜含丰富的维生素c,烹调时注意尽量避免维生素C损失过多,饭后适当吃些水果,都有助于食物中铁的吸收。 implementation of technical specifications for safety and daily supervision, inspection, guidance. (3) targeted security disclosure and safety education is necessary to prevent accidents. 1, ready to enter the safety of workers in education and training education, and throughout, the whole process covering security education and training, and education and training focused on the operator's awareness of self protection. 2, in the black and the higher authorities issued instructions, targeted education. 3, take the form of diversity training and education, such as Blackboard, banners, Conference, knowledge contest, videos and so on. 4, the implementation of the construction team of safety into training and education and the usual safety education training, arena workers must go through three levels of safety education. 5, by the project managers, safety officers, foremen, safety training, education and work, safety record and establish workers ' labor protection and education summary. Safety record 1, organized by the project-related personnel prove safe and effective operation of the guarantee system safety records, including the related account, reports, records. 2, safety record by a security officer, information collection, collation, and identifying, cataloguing and
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