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WITHOUT RECOURSE FINANCING OF DOCUMENTSsu:无追索权的融资documentssu SUBMIT IN DUPLICATE WITHOUT RECOURSE FINANCING OF DOCUMENTS ACCEPTED UNDER EXPORT DOCUMENTARY CREDIT 出口信用狀已承兌文件之無追索權融資 To: DBS Bank (Taiwan) Ltd., (“the Bank”, “you”, or “your”, including, in each case, successors and assigns) 致,星展,台灣,商業銀行,「銀行」、「貴行」、「貴行之」,於任何情況皆含其繼受者及受讓人, Date 日期: We agree to accept financing at the specified rate („Financing Rate?), on a without recourse basis in respect of documents accepted under the Documentary Credit referred to below and issued for our benefit, subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions appearing hereunder and on the reverse page: 本公司同意接受以特定利率,「融資利率」,就以下所載且為本公司利益所發行之信用狀已承兌之文件 為無追索權為基礎之融資,惟應適用並依據以下及背面所載之約定條款為之, Documentary Credit No. : (“DC”),「信用狀」, 信用狀號碼 Documentary Credit Issuing Bank : 信用狀開狀銀行 Amount of Financing : USD 融資金額 Payment Due Date under DC as per the DC : 信用狀所載之付款到期日 依信用狀所載 Goods (type and quantity) : 貨品,類型及數量, Financing Rate : 融資利率 I/We hereby acknowledge and confirm my/our receipt, understanding and acceptance of your bank?s - WITHOUT RECOURSE FINANCING OF DOCUMENTS ACCEPTED UNDER EXPORT DOCUMENTARY CREDIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS (2012JAN VERSION) 本人確認已收到並同意接受貴行信用狀已承兌文件之無追索權融資約定條款,版本日期,2012JAN, ___________________________________ Authorised Signature (s) & Company Stamp 授權簽名及公司印章 Page 2 of 4 EXP-006-01/2012 WITHOUT RECOURSE FINANCING OF DOCUMENTS ACCEPTED UNDER EXPORT DOCUMENTARY CREDIT TERMS AND CONDITIONS (2012JAN VERSION) 出口信用狀已承兌文件之無追索權融資約定條款,版本日期,2012JAN, 1. It is hereby agreed that financing on a without recourse basis would be offered to us in respect of documents accepted under the Documentary Credit which was issued for our benefit, subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions appearing hereunder. 茲同意就為本公司利益而開立之信用狀 已承兌之文件,提供本公司無追索權之融資,惟應適用並依據以下約定條款為之。 2. Without prejudice to your rights as conferred in any other agreement or under general law, we shall hereby irrevocably, absolutely and unconditionally assign to you all rights, receivables, proceeds, choses in action, debt, entitlements, rights of suit, interest and benefits of whatsoever nature as are or may be due or owing to us arising out of, relating to or in connection with the Documentary Credit (collectively, “the Rights”) and we irrevocably authorise you to give notice of this assignment to the Issuing Bank. 於不影響 貴行於任何其他協議或一般法律規定所賦予之權利之前提下,本公司於此不可撤回、完全且 無附加任何條件轉讓予 貴行因本信用狀所生或有關、相關之所有權利、應收帳款、收益、無體財產權(choses in action)、負債、應得權(entitlement)、追訴 權、利息及其他任何形式之受益,合稱「權利」,。本公司並不可撤回地授權 貴行就本轉讓通知開狀銀行。 3. We confirm and warrant that: 本公司確認並擔保, a. we have not received any form of financing in respect of the Documentary Credit from any other party; 本公司未就本信用狀自任何其他人收到任何 形式之融資; b. we have not assigned and shall not assign the Rights to any other party that there is no dispute arising under or in connection with the Documentary Credit or the underlying Contract of Sale such as to reduce, diminish or extinguish the amount of receivables which is payable to us under the abovementioned Documentary Credit and which we hereby assign to you. 本公司未轉讓且不得將本權利轉讓予任何其他人,並無因本信 用狀或基礎合約(下稱「合約」)所產生或與之相關之爭議,而降低、減少或排除依前揭信用狀向本公司支付並據此讓與 貴行之應收帳款金額。 4. We irrevocably warrant and confirm to you that the documents presented under the Documentary Credit have been accepted by the Issuing Bank and that payment will be made thereunder. 本公司不可撤銷地向 貴行擔保並確認,本信用狀下所提示之文件業經開狀銀行承兌且承諾付款。 5. The financing extended to us hereunder shall be on a without recourse basis if you do not receive any payment from the Issuing Bank for reasons attributable to the following causes:倘若 貴行因下列情事而未能自開狀銀行獲得付款,對本公司所為之融資應不具追索權, a. the insolvency or receivership or liquidation of the Issuing Bank; and/or 開狀銀行之破產、接管或清算,及/或 b. the imposition enactment or passage of any governmental decree law or regulation to which the Issuing Bank is subject: 因適用於開狀銀行之任何政 府法規之頒布、施行或通過, i. prohibiting the transfer conversion or exchange by the Issuing Bank of the amount of the currency for which any draft is drawn under the Documentary Credit; and/or禁止開狀銀行就依本信用狀所開具之匯票所載之貨幣金額為轉移、轉換或交換,及/或 ii. effecting a seizure of the whole or substantially the whole of the assets of the Issuing Bank; and/or 對開狀銀行資產之全部或重要部分為沒 收,及/或 c. political risk in the country where the Issuing Bank has its place of business, that is to say, war, revolutions, charge of local government, riots, terrorist activity or civil unrest. 於開狀銀行之營業據點所在之國家內之政治風險,亦即戰爭、革命、當地政府動亂、暴動、恐怖活動或內亂。 Provided always that the reason(s) or cause(s) of non-payment described in sub-clauses (a), (b) or (c) must be proved by us to your reasonable satisfaction. Where no, inadequate or unsatisfactory proof of the reason(s) or cause(s) of non-payment as specified above is placed before you within 21 days from the date payment is due under the Documentary Credit, you shall have a right of recourse against us for the financing extended hereunder. 但 本公司應向 貴行證明未獲付款之理由或原因合理滿足以上(a)、(b)或(c)項所定情況。倘未於依本信用狀約定之付款到期日內21日內,向 貴行提出該未獲付 款之理由或原因之證明或充足或可茲滿足之證明, 貴行應有權就依本約定條款所提供之融資向本公司追索。 6. Without prejudice to Clause 5, you shall have full recourse to us in respect of the financing received by us hereunder in the event that you do not receive any payment from the Issuing Bank for reasons attributable to any cause other than those set out in sub-clauses (a), (b) and (c) of Clause 5, including but not limited to the following: 於不影響第5條之情況下,倘若 貴行未自開狀銀行收取任何給付係因第5條(a)、(b)及(c)項所定以外之可歸責事由,包括但不 限於下列各項所致時,貴行就本公司依本約定條款所取得之融資金額具有完全追索權利, a. the Issuing Bank is prohibited, enjoined or restrained at any time by any order or directive of any court or tribunal having jurisdiction over the Issuing Bank from discharging its payment obligation under the Documentary Credit; or 開狀銀行於任何時間,經對其有管轄權之法院或法庭以任何命令或處 分禁止、禁制或限制其解除其依信用狀所負擔之付款義務,或 b. the non-payment is due to disputes arising from the underlying contract (the “Contract”) entered into between the Documentary Credit Applicant and us. We confirm in this connection that we are not aware of any existing or potential dispute arising out of or in connection with the Contract; or 不為 付款係肇因於信用狀申請人及本公司所簽訂之合約之爭議所致者。本公司確認就此方面而言,本公司就任何因本合約所生或與之相關之既有或潛在爭 議,毫無所悉,或 c. if the documents presented under the Documentary Credit and deemed to be conforming to the terms of the Documentary Credit be found to be or to have been forged, antedated, falsified, irregular, amended without due authorisation (whether by us or some other party) or to contain fraudulent misrepresentation (whether or not to our knowledge) or if an allegation (whether substantiated or otherwise) is be made to such an effect in relation to such documents and on the basis of either of which, the Issuing Bank has refused to make payment under the Documentary Credit. 倘若依信用 狀所提出且視為合乎信用狀約款之文件,經發現為或遭到偽造、倒填日期、造假、非常規、未經有效授權(不論係由本公司或某些他方當事人所授 權,之修改、或含有訛詐不實陳述,不論是否為本公司所知悉,、或者如有任何有關該等文件之效力所為之指控,不論是否經過證實,,開狀銀行拒 絕依信用狀為付款。 Page 3 of 4 EXP-006-01/2012 7. Without prejudice to Clauses 5 and 6, we further confirm that you shall have full recourse to us in respect of the financing received by us hereunder in the event that: 於不影響第5條及第6條之情況下,本公司進一步確認 貴行於下列情形下,就本公司依本約定條款取得之融資金額具有完全追索權, a. if for any reason whatsoever the assignment to be executed by us in your favour hereunder is found or adjudged to be invalid, void or unenforceable; 倘若不論任何理由,本公司依本約定條款以 貴行為受讓人所簽署之讓與合約,經發現或經裁判認為不生效力、無效或不可執行者, b. we have received financing in respect of the Documentary Credit or the underlying sale transaction from any other party including any bank or financial institution; or 本公司就信用狀或基礎交易已自任何他方當事人,包含任何銀行或金融機構,取得融資者,或 c. we have assigned or agreed to assign the receivables, monies, interest and rights under the Letter of Credit in favour of another party. 本公司已轉 讓或同意轉讓依本信用狀所生之應收帳款、金額、利息及權利予他方當事人。 8. We shall provide all necessary assistance to you to recover all money due under the Documentary Credit or the Contract by any means deemed expedient by you, including co-operation in any litigation and/or arbitration (including the commencement of such litigation or arbitration in our name or jointly with you) against the Issuing Bank and/or the Applicant. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, we shall make available to you at your request all documents you deem necessary for such litigation and/or arbitration, as well as procure attendance of relevant witnesses for meetings and hearings. 本公司應提供 貴行所有必要協助,以 貴行認為簡便之方式,包括於對開狀銀行及/或申請人提起之任何訴訟及/或仲裁中,包括以本公司之名義或 與 貴行共同提起之該等訴訟或仲裁,合作,以受償所有依信用狀或合約已到期之金額款項。於不影響前述之情況下,本公司應依 貴行之請求提供 貴行就該 等訴訟及/或仲裁認為必要之所有文件,並使相關證人出席會議及庭期。 9. We further undertake that: 本公司進一步承諾下列事項, a. we will indemnify you and hold you harmless against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, damages, costs, losses, legal fees and expenses which may be taken against you or incurred or become payable by you, in connection with or arising out of this Agreement; 本公司將補償 貴行並使 貴行免 於所有與本約定有關或因其所生而得對 貴行提起、因此發生或使 貴行應負擔款項之法律行動、訴訟、程序、請求、損害、成本、損失、律師費用及 支出, b. we will make payment to you of any monies received from the Issuing Bank and/or the buyer of the goods under the Contract and/or the Applicant and pending such payment, to hold such monies on trust for you in a separate account. 本公司將給付任何自開狀銀行及/或依合約所定之貨物買主及 /或申請人所收取之金額款項予 貴行,並於該等付款前,以信託方式於個別帳戶中為 貴行持有該等金額款項。 10. Should any Bill of Exchange be presented under the Documentary Credit, we shall procure the due acceptance and return of the Bill as well as endorse the same in your favour. 若有任何依信用狀提出之匯票時,本公司應取得有效承兌並返還該匯票及以 貴行為被背書人將該匯票背書予 貴行。 11. We authorise you to deduct, off-set or debit any of our accounts with you by way of payment in advance of all costs, charges, commission, expenses and fees due to you pursuant to this financing. The aforesaid advance payment is an absolute and unconditional payment and you shall not be obliged, under any circumstances whatsoever, to refund the same to us. 本公司授權 貴行得自本公司於 貴行開立之任何帳戶中,以預付款項方式扣除、抵銷或借記以減 除依融資約定應付 貴行之所有成本、收費、佣金、支出及費用。前揭預付款項為絕對且無條件之付款,且 貴行於任何情況下不負返還該等金額予本公司之 義務。 12. A person who is not a party to this T&C has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act of ROC to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any terms under this T&C. 非本約條款之當事人,無權依中華民國民法,第三人利益契約,之規定執行或享有本約定條款下之任何利益。 13. This T&C shall be subject to the provisions of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits that are in force on the Documentary Credit as of the date of acceptance of financing. 本約定條款應受於接受融資日有效適用於信用狀之信用狀統一慣例條款之限制。 14. Without prejudice to the foregoing, we confirm and agree that you may commence any legal action or proceedings in our name in any jurisdiction as you deem fit either as the sole plaintiff or as co-plaintiff with our full and diligent co-operation and at your expense. 於不影響前述約定條款之情況下,本公司確 認及同意 貴行得以本公司之名義於任何 貴行認為適當之管轄領域單獨為原告或共同原告,於本公司完全及充分合作下以 貴行之費用提起任何法律行動。 15. This T&C shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of ROC. We agree to irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the ROC courts. Any and all legal proceedings in respect of any claim against you under this T&C shall be commenced only in the Courts of the Republic of China. 本約定條款應受中華民國法律之拘束並依該等法律為解釋。本公司不可撤銷地同意以中華民國法院為非專屬管轄法院。任何有關依本約定條款對 貴 行提起之請求之任何及所有法律程序,僅得於中華民國法院為之。 16. The Terms and Conditions are made in English and Chinese. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. 本條款及條件以英文和中文作成,如英、中版有歧異,以英文版為準。 Page 4 of 4 EXP-006-01/2012
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