

2018-10-13 18页 doc 51KB 14阅读




无处安放的余生无处安放的余生 ——关注中国失独老人 摘要:计划生育政策已经在我国持续了三十余年,它减少了人口爆炸的风险,但同时也带来了很多的隐患,“失独”就是其中之一。经历了白发人送黑发人的大悲之后,这些老人要怎么走出心里的阴霾,他们的生活保障又从何而来。时至今日,失独家庭问题日益显现,本文就现阶段失独家庭存在的问题加以分析并提出相关解决办法。 关键词:失独 养老 政策完善 精神自养 Abstract: Key word:the lost;pension;improve the policy 失独。一个中国社会的新名词。它首次进...
无处安放的余生 ——关注中国失独老人 摘要:生育政策已经在我国持续了三十余年,它减少了人口爆炸的风险,但同时也带来了很多的隐患,“失独”就是其中之一。经历了白发人送黑发人的大悲之后,这些老人要怎么走出心里的阴霾,他们的生活保障又从何而来。时至今日,失独家庭问日益显现,本文就现阶段失独家庭存在的问题加以分析并提出相关解决办法。 关键词:失独 养老 政策完善 精神自养 Abstract: Key word:the lost;pension;improve the policy 失独。一个中国社会的新名词。它首次进入公众视野是因为汶川地震后的遗留问题。2012年6月5日,80多位失独者上访中国国家人口和计划生育委员会的新闻曝光后,这个群体才慢慢开始被大家重视。这些老人失去的不仅仅是一个孩子,同时也失去了生命的传承,失去了生活的依靠,失去了精神的寄托,失去了最基本的赡养保障。如何为这一群体提供有效的帮助,如何接手他们原本寄希望于子女身上的未来,成为摆在全社会面前待解的课题。他们比普通的老人需要更多的关注和温暖,让失独者能够走出失独的阴影,生活的健康快乐,是社会不可推卸的责任和义务。 一、我国失独老人的现状 我国实行计划生育政策以来,其发挥了显著的成效,使得我国总人口数得到有效的控制,据新华社2011年年底报道,计划生育使中国人口数量缩减了约4亿,将“世界70亿人口日”推迟了5年。这使得在短短数十年的过程中,我国人口的家庭结构发生重要变化,独生子女家庭数量激增。 但是从社会发展的角度来看,独生子女的家庭是被简化到极致的高风险的家庭结构,其承受更高的风险,家庭功能的发挥更受到人员结构的限制。我们应该看到:计划生育政策在发挥其积极的显性功能时,也带来了不容忽视的潜在的负功能,如失独老人问题。失独老人为这样的老人,自己唯一所养的子女不幸离世,从此以后便无依无靠。 我国失独家庭到底有多少,目前还没有权威部门给出统计数据。据人口学专家根据人口普查数据推断:中国现有的2.18亿独生子女,会有1009万人在或将separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 在25岁之前离世。这意味着不用太久之后的中国,将有1000万家庭成为失独家庭。数量推断来自于两组数据:一个是中国从1975年到2010年共产生了2.18亿个独生子女家庭;另一个是2000年人口普查数据显示,每出生1万人,就有360人在10岁之前夭折,有463人在25岁之前死亡,760人在44岁之前死亡。结合这两组数字不难算出,现有的2.18亿独生子女中有1009万人会在25岁之前死亡。 另外根据卫生部发布的《2010中国卫生统计年鉴》所显示的该年龄段人口疾病死亡率来推算,15岁至30岁年龄段的死亡率至少为40人/10万人,由此估计,目前我国每年15~30岁独生子女死亡人数至少7.6万人,由此带来的是每年约7.6万个家庭的分崩离析与超过十五万的老人孤独无依。 现实的问题是,失独群体在日益庞大,而对于这些失独家庭来说,生活和精神支柱双坍塌,“疾病”、“养老”、“情感缺失”成为了他们生活中的三座大山。 二、失独家庭存在的问题 独生子女家庭本质上是风险家庭,因为总有一个风险比例,让他们中的一部分将来成为失独家庭。在大部分中国父母的眼里,孩子就是他们的希望和保障,一旦独生子女家庭失去唯一的孩子,首先最现实的问题则是这些父母的养老送终变成了无解之题。而失独甚至会引发一系列物质以外的、物质不能弥补的问题。如夫妻之间互相埋怨,感情破裂;悲恸摧毁父母身体导致家庭瓦解等等。有调查显示失独家庭普遍存在以下问题: 1)经济状况差。2011年,中国计生协对14个省的1500余户失独家庭开展调查,超过一半的家庭达不到当地平均水平。绝大多数失独者属于中低收入群体,部分则是因病致贫。 2)面临养老难题,“失独”老人缺乏养老保障。 3)由于情感缺失,出现心理疾病。有调查显示独生子女死亡后,近一半失 独父母患有抑郁症,超过60%患有慢性病,70%—80%存在不同程度的精 神创伤或心理障碍。 (一)疾病、养老问题 失独家庭面临严峻的疾病和养老问题。唯一的孩子已不在人世,他们已经丧失了最基本的保障。生病时无人护理,动手术无人签字,入住养老院无监护人签separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 字,死后无人料理后事。中国青年报记者初步统计发现,在受访的失独家庭中,其经济来源一般分退休金和政府特扶金两块。东部地区好的每人每月的收入一般在2000元上下,西部地区每人每月收入在1000元左右。还有很多低于这个水平。这样的经济状况一旦生病是无力请保姆照料的。如果是仅余一位失独老人,将面临动手术将无人签字,死后无人料理后事的问题。失独老人们常说“不怕死,怕老,怕病”。 我国现存的三种基本养老方式分别为:居家养老,社会养老和社区服务。其中居家养老为当今中国养老的主要方式。这样摆在失独老人面前的难题是谁来肩负起为他们养老的责任。中国人的传统观念便是养儿防老,子女担负着在将来为父母尽孝道、养老的重任。失独老人丧失了子女,也就等于丧失了一切。核心家庭结构中的父母通常把一切精力都投到独生子女一个人身上,甚至在有的家庭中,改变一个家庭命运的殷切期望也寄托在独生子女身上,父母盼望自己的孩子有朝一日能够飞黄腾达,改变家庭的处境。这种现象在部分农村家庭、城市中地位较低的家庭中尤为明显。一旦失去独生子女,不仅之前所有的投入(包括物质上的和精神上的)将付之东流,老人未来的生活也失去了保障。 而按目前的政策规定,任何老人入住养老机构都必须要有监护人签署相关进行担保。以防老人入院期间发生生病等问题没人来处理。而监护担保人必须是直系亲属,没有直系亲属的,需要委托非直系亲属或老人的原单位或居住地街道办事处指定担保人。即使二老双全的失独家庭,入住养老院也是没有监护人的,一般的养老院是不接收的。有些养老院的负责人更是明确表示他们不接收失独老人。“接收失独老人的顾虑很多,比如老人生病后他们无法做到提供专门的人陪老人去医院治疗,老人去世后火化等一切事情都因无人签字而无法办理。” 民政部门对于接纳失独老人方面没有相关政策出台。对于收养三无老人的社会福利院,“目前也还没有针对失独老人入住福利院的具体政策。福利院的工作人员说:“三无”老人是指“无子女,无经济来源,无配偶的老人”,失独老人仅是失去了子女,但自己有一定的经济收入来源或是有配偶的,都不符合入住条件。当居家养老已经无望,在当前的政策下,社会养老行不通,社区服务又不甚完善。这让我们不禁发问,这些老人的养老问题该怎么解决, (二)精神困境 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance3 失独家庭还面临着巨大的精神创伤。这一特殊群体面临的不只是养老问题,更多的是心理上的痛苦。 他们这个年龄断的老人都渐渐失去了工作,孩子也大都工作,他们没有了工作和生活的压力,同时孩子也就成了他们唯一的精神寄托。而唯一,也就意味着脆弱:孩子没有了就等于什么都没有了。面对孩子离世这突如其来的打击,在承受着对子女无限思念的同时,这些老人对于自己老无所依的未来感到愤怒、迷茫和惶恐。绝望让这些老人的精神变得极其的敏感和脆弱,生活对他们来说已经完全失去了意义,沉浸在痛苦中不能自拔的他们只剩下无尽的孤独、悲伤和凄凉。他们中的很多人失去了生活的方向,甚至断绝了与周围的人的来往,开始与世隔绝。 虽然大部分的失独老人都有一定的生活来源,而且政府一直在不断完善养老制度,社会各界对失独家庭的关注和帮助也在加大,这都使得失独老人的生活水平在不断提高。但是光是物质的帮扶是不够的,失独老人的精神慰藉问题也是不容忽视的问题。 三、解决办法 (一)政府应积极主动的承担起责任 1.目前政策的漏洞 他们是有功之臣,为国家的计划生育政策作出了牺牲。他们以自己的牺牲换来了少生3个亿的巨大成绩,他们尽到了一个公民的义务和责任。根据责权对等的原则,“失独者”有权向政府提出风险补偿,督促政府出台帮扶措施和赡养政策。但事实上,目前国家层面还没有制度化的针对失独家庭的帮扶措施,各地措施形式单一,还存在低、可持续性不强、政策不衔接等问题。 虽然《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》中有规定:“独生子女发生意外伤残、死亡,其父母不再生育和收养子女的,地方人民政府应当给予必要的帮助。”但是这个规定并没有具体的实施细则,该规定并未得到有效实施。各级地方政府给予失独家庭的帮助往往是杯水车薪。2007年,国家计生委独生子女伤残死亡家庭扶助制度规定,独生子女死亡后未再生育或合法收养子女的夫妻,由政府给予每人每月不低于100元的扶助金,直至亡故,目前扶助金提高到135元。在许多失独家庭看来,这笔钱更像是一笔可有可无的“安慰金”。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 尤其可悲的是,翻检《婚姻法》和《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》,虽然能找到有关赡养的法律规定,但都是将赡养对象确定在有子女的老人身上,规定要由子女来完成赡养的义务,并没有作出对失去子女的父母由谁赡养的规定,也就是说,“失独者”的赡养保障并没纳入法律范围予以明确。 比起有子女的老人,这些失独老人的生活更没保障,更需要得到来自政府和社会的保障,但现实是这部分特殊人群并没享受到多少来自政府和社会的保障和关怀,他们游离于整个社会保障体系之外,成了一群孤苦伶仃的真正意义上的弱势群体。 基于以人为本原则和“失独者”为国家做出的贡献,政府应该尽快承担起保障“失独者”的责任,建立独生子女意外死亡风险的社会补偿和关爱机制,在现行社会综合保障体系基础上,单设对“失独者”家庭的物质救助特殊保障项目。譬如建立“失独者”家庭扶助制度,如北京那样,每月给予固定的优抚金;譬如由政府出资建立独生子女意外死亡保险机制,对“失独者”给予固定的补助。 2.已出台的相关政策 2007年,人口计生委、财政部联合发出,决定从当年开始,在全国开展独生子女伤残死亡家庭扶助制度试点工作。根据这一通知,独生子女伤残死亡后未再生育或合法收养子女的夫妻,符合相应条件的,由政府给予每人每月不低于80元和100元的扶助金,直至亡故为止。各省市也根据自己的情况,出台了一些帮扶政策: 据2011年11月24日《北京日报》报道,北京市人口计生委表示将建立一个计划生育基金,给予子女死亡或残疾的独生子女家庭更多帮扶。比如,女方49岁后,夫妻每人每月可领到200元特别扶助金;独生子女伤残的,可领到160元特别扶助金。另外,女方55岁,男方60岁时还能领到不少于5000元的一次性补助。 宁波从2008年开始对这一群体进行补助,规定每人每月补助150元,待满60周岁以后,享受城镇职工社会养老保险金的对象仍发给每人每月150元,其他对象扶助标准提高到每人每月360元。 福建省共两类计划生育救助对象每年可获一定数额的救助金。其中,“失独”母亲年满49岁,每年可获得4800元的救助金。对计划生育特殊家庭实施专项 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance5 资金扶助,需个人申报、村民评议、逐级审核、三榜公示、群众监督,福建省每年于8月30日前由代理发放机构,一次性划拨到个人储蓄账户。其中,特别扶助对象每年每人4800元;计划生育手术并发症患者一级乙等每人每年6000元、二级各等次每人每年4800元、三级各等次每人每年3600元。 黑龙江省人口与计划生育委员会工作人员解释,,独生子女父母退休由其本人所在单位给予不低于3000元一次性补助。独生子女死亡后不再生育或收养子女的父母,由所在单位给予不低于5000元一次性补助。该工作人员说,以上两项补助总计8000元,是指夫妻一方所得。 武汉市开始接受独生子女伤残或死亡家庭的申报。本市户籍、夫妻一方年满60周岁及以上、独生子女伤残或死亡且生活困难的市民均可申报。从申报之日起,老人可以享受每天1小时的免费居家养老服务,全年共计365小时。接到申报需求后,会与老人确定服务时间,派出机构的护理员上门为老人洗衣、买菜做饭、打扫卫生、陪同寻医看病、读书谈心聊天等。 3.适当的调整人口政策 如今社会进入高风险的时代,安全隐患一直威胁着人类的生命安全,即使防不胜防也要防止悲剧出现,政府与社会应当采取措施预防新增的“失独者”,想办法控制与减少“失独者”新增数量。 在不给社会造成压力下,微调政策也是一种人性化的体现。通过调整,让人口和计划生育政策更适应我国经济的发展,更适合我国人口的可持续发展。我相信,在经过专家队伍的探讨认证下,会对各地区的不同情况做出不同调解。这样,会更符合群众的意愿。 (二)社会应给予失独老人更多的关爱 1.为失独老人建立独立养老院 目前的政策下,失独老人是不能入住一般的养老院的,同时他们也不愿与普通的老人同住。每当有子女来探望,或是逢年过节看到别的老人被子女接回家时,他们都会格外的感到悲伤。 不同于一般养老院,独立养老院只为暮年丧子者养老送终,住在这里的均是同病相怜的“失独者”,虽然没有子女探望,但可以互相抱团取暖,彼此照顾。这样的独立养老院对“失独者”来说太需要了。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 2.社会化养老 社会化养老最早出现于西方发达国家,是指逐渐减少老年人口养老对家庭的依赖,而将养老的任务转移到社会中去。社会化养老的内容包括劳动就业和收入保障,医疗保健和生活服务,以及社会参与和生存意义创造等多个方面。它以社会生产力的高度发展为其经济基础,是社会发展到一定阶段的历史产物。本质是向所有的老人致敬,不管他们是不是你的父母,因为这就是向生命致敬。生命无法共享,但生命的意义却是共通的,我们现在所做的一切,都是在点燃一炷心香,为人生送一点光芒,让世界多几分温暖。 3.给失独老人以尊重 关心失独者,还要倡导社会文明,引导人们学会尊重失独者。比如平时说话做事,注意照顾失独者的心理感受和思想情绪,不刺激失独者。关心失独者,不妨给失独者牵线搭桥,鼓励失独者领养孤儿,这样双方都有依靠和亲情收获,都可以健康生活。关心失独者,还要教育年青人尊敬老人,多鼓励年青人与失独者结亲,填补失独者的情感空缺。 (三)失独老人的精神自养 “精神自养”,是指失独老人凭着自己主动进取的人生态度,通过积极有益的活动交往,实现精神的满足和发展。在失独老人越来越多的大背景下,在必须多途径的完善养老体系的同时,深入发掘失独群体自身蕴藏的精神自养的积极力量具有重要的现实意义。 1.信仰宗教,促使精神健康发展 对于失去精神支撑和精神寄托的人群来说,信仰宗教不失为一种减少哀伤和重获希望的好方法。虽然失独者已经通过建立QQ群等方式进行自我救赎,但是他们这种“以我痛抚你痛”的方式会导致负面情绪的传染,更不利于走出心理的阴影。 有心理学家指出,信仰宗教,并将信仰的价值观付诸于实际行动后,能预防各种精神和心理疾病的发生。宗教信仰作为一种社会意识形态,虽不能直接解决问题,但能通过特定的宗教信念,将人的心态从不平衡调整到相对平衡,能使教众在精神上得到补偿。其次,宗教向善的特性,能抚慰人的心灵,给人以生存的勇气和心灵的慰藉。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance7 2.实现自我价值,重获生活信心 不难发现,孤独、凄凉、悲伤和封闭将大部分失独老人的生活围困起来。要想真正走出阴影,就要调整心态,战胜自我。首先,失独老人要接受当下的现实,自我树立正确的人生价值,要自我安慰并从生活中找寻快乐,融入社会,积极地投身到社会生活中去,老有所为,发挥余热。虽然大部分的失独老人都已退休,很难再就业,但是志工、义工都不失为积极的再社会化途径。 其次,培养新的兴趣爱好,广交朋友,丰富生活,多读书,多看报,积极的参与有益的、适合自己的活动,展现自己的风采和价值,多与人交流,不把自己禁锢在悲伤里,让自己的晚年生活过的充实安康。 3.鼓励丧偶/离异失独老人再婚 据了解,孩子去世后,有的老人想忘记这悲伤的一起重新开始新的生活,还有部分男性老人想再续血脉,导致很多的失独家庭都选择了离婚。 老年本就是人生的是丧失期,随着年龄的老去,渐渐的丧失了工作、金钱、健康等,若是再丧失了子女和配偶,家庭的彻底破碎无疑会引起他们剧烈的心理变化。正常情况下,老年人的心理需求的最大满足往往来自于配偶,对于丧失了配偶或者离异的失独老人,他们将会更难走出心中的阴霾。但若是能再婚,男性能从配偶处获得生活起居的照料和情感的支持,女性则能获得经济支持和心理慰藉,都有助于他们的身心健康。 这些老人若是能再婚,能够更好的适应当下的生活,从配偶处获得精神和生活的相互支持,同时也能扩大交际范围,能通过更多的途径获得精神上的慰藉,重新燃起生活的信心。 四、结语 “与死亡俱来的一切,往往比死亡更骇人:呻吟与痉挛,变色的面目,亲友的哭泣,丧服与葬仪”。失独父母也许是在这个世界上,最能理解培根的这句话的群体。当他们正和子女快乐的享受生活的时候,病魔、车祸、灾害等意外事件不期而至,夺走了他们唯一的孩子的生命,使他们变成失独者。他们在年轻的时候积极的响应了国家的政策号召,如今却变成了游离于整个社会保障体系之外的真正意义上的弱势群体。无论是政府还是社会,都应该给予他们更多的了解和关怀,帮助这些悲伤的老人早日走出阴霾,让他们拥有一个安逸幸福的晚年。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance
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