

2017-10-07 18页 doc 55KB 13阅读




杭州英语培训机构贵不贵杭州英语培训机构贵不贵 在线免费参加英语口语测评 ABC天下英语 酷酷口语 51英语 据业内人士估计,当前落户浙江的国际性英语培训机构数量挺多,且规模一般也较大,客户群体主要针对消费能力最强的高端市场。这些“洋培训”收取的学费通常高达数千元至上万元。尽管这些境外英语培训机构的实力很雄厚,且“纯英语环境”、“专为亚洲人设计课程”等概念吸引了不少高端客户,但实际上它们真正对英语的提高也不尽相同参差不起。根据网友投票评选总结培训机构排名,供大家参考。 其实我觉得学英语信心很重要,如果一直很努力地学英语,但是都没什么进步,久...
杭州英语培训机构贵不贵 在线免费参加英语口语测评 ABC天下英语 酷酷口语 51英语 据业内人士估计,当前落户浙江的国际性英语培训机构数量挺多,且规模一般也较大,客户群体主要针对消费能力最强的高端市场。这些“洋培训”收取的学费通常高达数千元至上万元。尽管这些境外英语培训机构的实力很雄厚,且“纯英语环境”、“专为亚洲人设计课程”等概念吸引了不少高端客户,但实际上它们真正对英语的提高也不尽相同参差不起。根据网友投票评选培训机构排名,供大家参考。 其实我觉得学英语信心很重要,如果一直很努力地学英语,但是都没什么进步,久而久之会认为自己不是学英语的料。我相信到了给自己下这样的定论的地步时,应该都再也提不起学英语的兴趣了吧,所以,在学习英语的时候,如果遇到了什么困难,要及时寻求帮助,及时解决,通往英语的学习之路才能畅通,学起来才会越来越轻松。至于向谁寻求帮助,这就因为而异了。身边如果有一起学习英语的,那么就讲出来一起探讨解决。身边如果有老师或者高手,那更要好好把握。实在没有的话,那也可以选择适合的外语学习中心to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 帮忙。但是,我要强调的是,如果要找外语中心之前一定要搞清楚自己的弱点和阻挡自己前进的障碍在哪里,这样才能事半功倍。现在外语中心也很多,鱼龙混杂所以必须慎选,以下是较受欢迎的外语中心,让大家参考去做个依据好比较,重点是必须找到最适合自己的,最好是找能够试着去试听的中心,如果选择到最适合自己的学习方式,学习起来也会事半功倍,得到较好的成效,如果在学习上有任何问题,也务必要立刻找到学习资源来解决疑惑,不能不理会,当然也可以寻求外语教师的帮忙。 老罗英语 该校是上海地区高端优质的欧美外教英语培训服务平台之一。本中心以欧美丰富的教育培训资源背景为强大的依托,以“一切为了求知者的未来”为深层经营理念,致力于为中国大陆地区广大的英语学员提供全面、权威、有效、便捷的服务系统,力图为学员排除求知路上的真正障碍和困难,让你面对培训不再盲目,为你美好未来保驾护航。于此同时,该校还为各类教育培训机构提供了招生营销、市场策划、品牌宣传等一系列的专业化服务,在求知者与教育各机构之间to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 架起一座便捷之桥。 该校会根据本地区的教育培训行业市场现状,在确保所有信息都真实有效的前提之下,收集了欧美及世界各地各类权威培训机构资料与培训课程信息,从求知者的角度与需求出发,对各类教育机构提供客观的评价,为广大的求知者提供了外语培训、IT培训、学历教育、职业技能、资格认证、才艺健身等涉及整个教育培训领域的项目信息。同时,及时关注教育培训行业的全面动态与趋势,不断向广大的求知者反馈与传达各类教育政策与行业新闻及考试信息与动态,让你能够“从此知天下”。 该校正确先进的学习方法和真实逼真的英语母语环境。“多元学习法”更是以国际先进的教学法为基础,结合研究传统教学的弊端,分析中国学生的现状,以及紧扣成人学员的学习目的,以应用型学习为导向的独家学习方法。同时,我们创造了一个如同置身海外、受所有学习英语成功者推崇的—真实的英语母语环境:全部由外籍教师授课,结合先进的多媒体教育技术,并组织英语沙龙和丰富多彩的课外活动,欣赏原版英语影片。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note ABC天下英语 ABC天下英语培训始创于2001年,以为学员提供专业的师资,贴心的服务为根本宗旨。以加拿大专业研发团队为核心,研发出一套创新的在线英语培训,人性化学习,贴近学员的需求。化的水平测试方法及以服务导向为基础的英语学习概念,提供有效的在线英语培训真人外教互动培训模式,结合网络视频的英语学习平台,提供优良的学习环境。 首先ABC天下英语会对学员进行专业的英语口语水平进行测评,并根据学员想要达到的目标,教研组的外教老师,为学员量身定制学习,进行有针对性的教学,提高迅速。 教学特色: 1(一对一英文母语老师真人授课 2(课程与教材的专业性 3(独创口语评估分析 4(因材施教,量身定制学习计划 5. 课前试听学习计划 6(Skype真人互动学习平台 优秀的师资+先进的教学体系+灵活的时间地点+完善的教学to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 服务 高效、快速、个性化的学习体系帮助迅速提高口语一步到位 这家提供专业外教和学员交流的免费课,所有正式课堂均挂在网上公开,只要注册均可进入任意课堂免费试听,还可提供免费的外教一对一英语水平测试。 新东方英语 该校是一所以成人英语口语培训为主的高端英语培训机构。旨在为中国的英语学习和爱好者提供高质量的英语培训课程。该校带着自己独特的“家”的精神理念,凭借着融合各种英语培训的优劣势重组的“细胞式”教学理念和完善的管理、服务,迅速发展,企业品牌影响力迅速提升。处于竞争激流的该校,凭借自己独特的优势――“家”的哲学占据着自己一席之地。这里温馨、浪漫,更赋予神秘感。 这个“家”或许没有华丽的外衣,或许该校没有豁大的空间,但每一处都融合着每个该校人的心血,那是精心费神为学员打造的环境,实用、舒心,在这里你可以感觉到无以言表的舒心,就像坐在自己的家中,却享受着老师的谆谆教导,感受着人与人之间的温情,笑容多一些,快乐多一些。to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 该校愿每一个来这里学习的学员都会有“玩中学,学中乐”的享受。摆脱了学校时代枯燥无味的专业学习,无奈接受者生存的重大压力,有能力为自己充电的时候为什么不选择一种放松和惬意的呢, 这个“家”在短短两年里已经抚育了大量的人才,这些学子都已在自己的岗位和学习上找到了自己的位置。充实知识,充实人生。一个家的构建和经营是一件有意义而有挑战的事情,就像该校经营自己的家一样,该校不求轰轰烈烈,该校只求平平淡淡,但却是脚踏实地。在这片独有的沃土上默默耕耘。该校的目标就像该校教导学生一样:“不求一口吃个胖子,只要明天比今天多掌握一点就是进步。” 该校主要课程设置:成人基础英语、成人商务英语、出国英语口语、企业团体英语、外教小班课程、外教“一对一”、出国雅思等。 该校主要针对人群:企业白领、商务人士、对外贸易工作人员、基础薄弱的英语爱好者、出国留学的、大学生等。该校创造了一个如同置身海外的英语学习氛围和真实的英语母语环境,在与外教面对面授课,面对面沟通彼此国家文化,和各种不同场合的交流中迅速提高您英语的综合能力。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 环球雅思 该校致力于通过营造真实而时尚的语言环境激励的专业教学措施,配备现代而全面的硬件设施,提供专人专设的课程方案。 此外,该校还推出时尚英语沙龙,原版大碟赏析,快乐英语郊游等寓教于乐的主题活动,让学员轻松体会到英语的趣味与魅力,并切实体现英语融入生活,融入工作的真正功能。 1.英语主题教学设置各种实用主题,为学员提供充分与外教进行口语交流和实战训练的机会,让学员的英语水平在实战中不断得到巩固和提高。 2.多媒体软件学习采用以多媒体为基础的“电脑教学平台”为第一教学环节,并配有专业的学习指导老师释疑解惑,使学员更高效、更系统地掌握英语的基础语言知识及基本语言技能。 3.英语课外活动设计各种生活、趣味、时尚类主题并情境模拟,放映经典原声影片,提供各类英语时尚书刊,让学员体验到置身于英美国度的真实感受,同时还成为结交朋友,寻找商机的绝佳平台。 to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 4.英语专题讲座为学员讲解各种实用的学习技巧包括听力、语法、和词汇等,并授予学员丰富的语言背景知识,更快地提高学员的英语水平。 宝贝班课程把英文的学习融合到自然,人文,艺术,生活,游戏和歌谣等领域。 该校教育培训中心——该校時尚英语通过结合现代多媒体教学、有明确目标的小班外教面授和真实的实战演练,激发学习英语潜能,弥补传统教学的短处,通过针对性的、有效的练习,逐步在学习者头脑中形成英语语言的框架,以获取用英语交流的能力的新型学习模式在英语培训市场上获得强烈的反响,独创的“三维法学习法”已被事实证明是最有效地将科学的理念通过专业的方法得以实现的学习模式,是中国英语教育史上新的里程碑。 昂立英语 该校是一家全球著名的提供企业英语培训、企业英语口语培训的企业专业语言培训教育机构。公司总部位于中国的经济与金融中心--上海(Shanghai),分中心扩展到了南通、常州、宁波、南京、长沙等全国18个城市。该校提供的“诊to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 断式教学系统”服务于不同行业中的各个优秀的涉外企 业。帮助员工提高在工作中的职业外语水平,提高中高层管理者在日常和商务场景中的问题解决和危机处理能力,为企业提高专业形象并创造价值。 一、培训形式TrainingForm 企业内训:派送培训师到企业培训 二(该校的教材OurTextbooks 主体内容: Prat1generalbusinessenglish Part2culturaldifference&custom Part3profesionalcomunicationskill Part4caseanalysis&share Part5metrizablesummary 定制Allmadeaccordingtothespecificationsofindividual 三.该校的师资团队OurTeacherGroup 依托美国总部强大资源优势,该校的上海该校企业英语培训、上海该校企业英语口语培训培训师均来自北美、英澳等母语为英语的国家,且具有特定上海该校企业英语培训、上海该校企业英语口语培训培训师背景教学经验经验的优秀to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note 培训师. 四.课程附加值Value-addedoftheCourses ?每一个参训员工,免费获得专业英语学习软件一套; ?每一个参训员工,免费享受专业的笔试测试系统服务; ?每一个参训员工,免费享受专业的口语测试系统服务; ?享受内容丰富的企业活动策划服务; ?长期合作公司单位可免费享受企业员工心理辅导、管理培 训等专业培训服务。 如何高效学习英语的四个关键步骤 想快速提高英语是件很简单的事情。 一、文化:culture Different nations create different cultures,we should know the culture before we learn the language。 And this is very important.We learn English in order to communicate with the foreigners.Only on the promise of knowing their language,can we communicate with them to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note smoothly. 二、发音:pronunciation Some people, who seek quick success, always want to run when they can hardly walk.in fact pronunciation is very important in the whole process.Here the pronunciation includes tone and rate.In this stage you should Look for a pronunciation and insist on practicing it or you will get nothing. 三、词汇:vocabulary Some times you feel your basic training is ok,but when you meet the foreigners you will find yourself having nothing to talk with them.But why?It is because your vocabulary is poor. 四、句型:structure In my opinion the structure is similar with grammar,you to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note can fill the words into it.And besides it can make your words more full,thus you will be more efficient and electric. to reverse the passive situation. 3, select the right topic, highlighting new ideas, strengthen the research work. Research Office staff Assistant role to play at all levels, is the basis of innovative thinking. "There is no investigation, no voice", working in an Office, no investigation, no right to staff. In the area of research, the Government Office has wide coverage, comprehensive advantages, and long-term leadership around, able to grasp the advantage ideas, focus on the job, plus we have a research skills, writing ability is more cadres, improve research conditions are unique. We must make full use of these conditions, incorporated into a regular investigation work, do a good job. One is to carefully choose a research topic. To stand in the global height of discovering, analyzing and thinking and research questions. To grasp the work of Government focus, focus of the leadership and the masses of hot spot; grasp the work of the global significance of new situations and new problems; an accurate grasp of a biased and critical issues. On this basis, select major subject, investigate forward-looking issues. At present, the city should focus on building "coal power, livestock, apples, tourism" four bases, the development of the four industries, nurturing four strategic brand strategy research on development prospects for predictive analysis, to sum up the major typical promotion. Second, effective front line. Note
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