

2017-10-11 31页 doc 269KB 18阅读




适合18-25岁女生用的香水适合18-25岁女生用的香水 1、巴宝莉 红粉恋歌 BURBERRY Brit Sheer 是一款清新的花果味香水。日本柚子和橘子的清新怡人前调借着菠萝叶,在甘美的荔枝和葡萄的衬托下更为特出。中心香型散发着一种优美的花香,混合了牡丹、桃子的花簇和甜豌豆。香味以明亮的白麝香作衬托和粉粉的阿米香木为完结的基调。 2、Bvlgari 宝格丽红茶 香调:清新茶香调 前调:柑橘、佛手柑、红胡椒 中调:南非罗布斯红茶、云南红茶 后调:红茶精华、茶树、胡桃、麝香 3、NinaRicci苹果甜心 香调:清新花果香调 ...
适合18-25岁女生用的香水 1、巴宝莉 红粉恋歌 BURBERRY Brit Sheer 是一款清新的花果味香水。日本柚子和橘子的清新怡人前调借着菠萝叶,在甘美的荔枝和葡萄的衬托下更为特出。中心香型散发着一种优美的花香,混合了牡丹、桃子的花簇和甜豌豆。香味以明亮的白麝香作衬托和粉粉的阿米香木为完结的基调。 2、Bvlgari 宝格丽红茶 香调:清新茶香调 前调:柑橘、佛手柑、红胡椒 中调:南非罗布斯红茶、云南红茶 后调:红茶精华、茶树、胡桃、麝香 3、NinaRicci苹果甜心 香调:清新花果香调 前味:花茎甘蓝柠檬、卡皮林禾莱姆 中味:红太妃糖苹果、果仁糖、香草、月光花、牡丹花瓣 后味:麝香、苹果木 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 4、 5、GUCCI Envy Me 香调:清新花果香调 魅力放电:牡丹花、茉莉花、粉红胡椒 嬉闹挑逗:荔枝、石榴、菠萝 亲密情爱:粉红麝香、西洋丁香花、白茶 6、kenzo 一枝花 调性:优雅花香调 前味:紫罗兰、山楂、肉桂树、保加利亚玫瑰 中味:留尼旺岛香草、白麝香及树脂 后味:希蒂莺、彩戈素 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 7、安娜苏蝶之恋 香调: 甜美花果香调 前味: 佛手柑 、 桂花 、 百香果 、 粉红椒 中味: 白玫瑰 、 橙花 、 紫罗兰 、 荷花 、 茉莉 、 金盏花 、 夜来香 后味: 马达加斯加香草 、 秋葵子 、 麝香 8、Guerlain娇兰LOVE IS ALL 清新花香调 前味:柑桔,粉胡椒 中味:橙花,含羞草,鳶尾花 后味:琥珀,木材 9、Buberry THE BEAT 中味以錫蘭紅茶和鳶尾花的結合,帶來高雅與活力,一種前所未有的全新感受。 藍鈴以及其他花草香,帶出如同光線般流暢的清新質感,更描繪出自然典雅的氣息。前味以清新的佛手柑、荳蔻,粉紅胡椒和柑橘類作為基調,帶來清新愉悅的氣息。搭配白麝香、香根草以及西洋杉等木質調作為後味,散發女性的性感魅力。 10、Dior粉红魅惑 前调:葡萄柚 中调:小苍兰 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 基调:白麝香 11、迪奥真我 香调 : 清新花裹香型 前味 : 常春藤叶、柑桔、黄兰香 中味 : 兰花、紫罗兰、玫瑰 后味 : 李子、葡萄酒香、麝香、木香、黑醋栗 12、浪凡光韵 前味 西西里岛柠檬叶、绿色紫丁香 中味 紫藤、蜜桃花、红牡丹、中国桂花 后味 黎巴嫩白西洋杉、甜麝香、琥珀 13、三宅一生一生之水 香调:清新花香调 前味:睡莲、玫瑰、鸢尾 中味:芍药、牡丹、百合、康乃馨 后味:水果花、月下香、木犀兰 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 14、莫文蔚香水Karen Mok 前调:由活泼的深红色水果复合香调开篇,散发出性感的女性气息。 中调:由茉莉,山谷百合及金银花构成的混合花香调透露出此款香氛端庄朴素的一面。 基调:香柏和蜜桃混合金银花感觉有如一捧春意盎然的花束。一款非同寻常的底香。 15、Aquolina Pink Sugar棉花糖女香 香调:甜美花果香调 前味:树莓、无花果、佛手柑、柑橘 中味:草莓、百合 后味:糖果、香草兰、檀香、麝香 16、雅芳小黑裙香水 “她”具有鲜花和麝香的气味;又具有鲜果和木质的味道。金银花、樱草、杏花、非洲姜花混合而成的透明花香,显现着"她"的清新和纯净;缓缓散溢的粉牡丹、依兰、栀子花、印度尼西亚茉莉的气息,让人领略的是“她”的率直与活力。 灵感来源于奥黛丽?赫本身着小黑裙的经典形象„„ 17、YSL圣罗兰BABY DOLL 香调:花果香甜调 前味:葡萄柚、大黄、黑莓、青苹果 中味:鸢尾、野玫瑰、豆蔻、姜 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 后味:石榴、桃子、香柏 18、VERA WANG Princess 我是公主 香調:清新花果香調 前味:青蘋果、黃金杏仁、柑橘 中味:粉紅番石榴、大溪地皇冠花、野生晚香玉、黑巧克力 後味:雪紡香草、粉紅冰霜、琥珀、木質香 19、TOUS TOUCH 亲亲桃丝熊女香 TOUS TOUCH的韵调遵循了他们特有的自然风格。味道最浓厚的前调就像魔术的前奏柔和了莲花、小苍兰、铃兰的花香。随后来到温和的中调,全部选用白色花系盛开时节的花朵:阿拉伯茉莉、桂花以及塔希提栀子花——波利尼西亚的迎宾礼物。香子兰、覆盆子以及散发着香甜气味的杏仁构成了恬淡的尾调,形成了TOUS TOUCH的独特香味。 20、Tous 淘气小熊宝宝中性香水 前调:柑橘、橙花油、佛手柑 中调:橙花、苹果、梨、玫瑰 基调:麝香、苦橙叶、雪松 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 21、KENZO AMOUR千里寻爱 22、KENZO水之恋 23、Harajuku lovers原宿娃娃 24、DKNY Red Delicious红苹果 香调:甜美花果香调 前味:香槟、荔枝、覆盆莓、苹果 中味:玫瑰、紫罗兰花瓣 后味:香草豆、广藿香、琥珀 25、DKNY Be Delicious青苹果 前味:小黄瓜、葡萄柚、木兰花 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 中味:白铃兰、紫罗兰 、玫瑰、夜来香 后味:檀香木、黄金木、白琥珀 26、纪梵希GIVENCHY 小熊蓝宝宝 香调:花木香调 前味:橙桔、柠檬、酸橙、薄荷 中味:铃兰、茉莉、金银花 后味:橡苔 27、Davidoff大卫杜夫回音 香调:清新花果调 前味:葡萄冰沙、格拉帕酒、意大利覆盆子 中味:爱丽斯、桂花、玫瑰、木樨花 后味:白麝香、水晶琥珀、紫罗兰木 28、Davidoff Cool Water大卫杜夫冷水 香调:花果香调 前调:柑橘、温梨、黑醋栗、 菠萝、甜瓜 中调:玫瑰、茉莉、铃兰、莲花、睡莲 尾调:鸢尾、香根、檀香 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 29、D&G THE ONE唯一 香调:东方花香调 前味:柑橘、佛手柑、荔枝、水蜜桃 中味:圣母百合、铃兰、茉莉、梅子 后味:香根草、香草、琥珀、麝香 30、D&G Light Blue中性香水 香调:清新花果香调 前味:苹果、雪松、风铃草 中味:茉莉花、白色玫瑰色、竹子 后味:柏木、琥珀、麝香 年份:2001 31、雅顿绿茶 香调:清新花香调 前味:葛缚子、大黄、柠檬、橙皮、佛手柑 中味:绿茶、薄荷、茉莉、康乃馨、茴香 后味:桦树苔、麝香、白琥珀 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 32、Lolita Lempicka 海洋之心 香调: 清新东方调 前味: 佛手柑,甜橙 中味: 橙花,香草,广藿香,肉桂 后味: 欢愉木,阳光气息,麝香等 33、Lolita花戒 香调:花香果调 前调:草莓叶和含羞草茎 中调:大茴香子花、牡丹和紫罗兰 基调:黑樱桃和麝香 34、Ferragamo Incanto Shine 佛莱格默闪耀光采 香调 清新花果香调 前味 菠萝,热情果 中味 苍兰,桃子 后味 雪松,龙延香 35、Ferragamo Charms 弗莱格莫 甜心魔力 香调:清新花果香调 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 前味:百香果、忍冬 中味:茉莉、土耳其玫瑰 后味:白麝香、阿米香树木 36、DIOR 甜心 香调:美食花香琥珀调 前味:野苺、绿甜橙 中味:焦糖爆米花、草苺冰沙、紫罗兰、粉红茉莉花 后味:水晶麝香、新鲜广藿香 年份:2005 37、迪奥CD红毒 香調:辛香花果調 前味:馬來西亞胡椒、錫蘭肉桂 中香:橘花蜜、黑醋栗、卡他夫沒藥 後味:龍涎香、黎巴嫩薔薇 年份:1986 38、CK IN2U喜欢你女香 香调:清新花果香调、清新柑橘调 前味:粉红葡萄柚、西西里佛手柑、红醋栗叶 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 中味:砂糖兰、白仙人掌 后味:霓虹琥珀、香草舒芙蕾、红西洋杉 39、Moschino Cheap & Chic Light Clouds 梦仙奴流云 香调: 清新花果香调、 清新花香调 前味: 仙客来花、 桃花、桃叶 中味: 玫瑰花瓣、 茉莉、 莲花 后味: 雪松、 黄葵籽、 麝香 年份:2009 40、Moschino奥莉薇黑娃女香 香调:花果香 前味:佛手柑、小豆蔻 中味:牡丹、紫罗兰、水仙、玫瑰、野蔷薇、茉莉 后味:玉兰花、鸢尾、天然香草、麝香、琥珀 年份:1995 41、Moschino I LOVE LOVE梦仙奴爱恋爱香水 香调 : 清新花果香调 前味 : 甜橙,柠檬,葡萄柚,红葡萄 中味 : 灯心草,铃兰,玫瑰,肉桂 后味 : 麝香,香柏木 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 年份 : 2005 42、Marc Jacobs Daisy小雏菊 香調:清新花香調、柔美花香調 前味:野生草莓、紫羅蘭葉、粉紅葡萄柚 中味:梔子花、紫羅蘭、茉莉花 後味:麝香、香草、珍木 年份:2008 43、Anna Sui Summer of Love 安娜苏 摇滚甜心女香 香調:清新花果香調 前味:佛手柑、神香草、天竺葵 中味:白桃,小蒼蘭、睡蓮 後味:麝香玫瑰,龍涎香、檀香木 44、Anna Sui Dolly Girl 安娜苏 粉娃娃女香 香調:清新花果香調 前味:佛手柑、西瓜、蘋果、肉桂、綠葉 中味:馬纓丹、紫羅蘭、玫瑰、鈴蘭、茉莉 後味:維堤味香草、樹莓、琥珀、麝香、柚木 年份:2004年 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 45、Anna Sui Secret Wish 安娜苏 许愿精灵女香 香调:清新花果香调 前味:柠檬、金盏花、哈密瓜、 中味:黑醋栗、菠萝 后味:白雪松、琥珀、白麝香 46、 47、Chanel CoCo Mademoiselle 香奈儿 摩登COCO小姐女香 香调:清新东方调 前味:柑橘、佛手柑、葡萄柚 中味:荔枝、义大利茉莉、玫瑰 后味:印度广藿香、海地香根草、旁波香草、白麝香 年份:首度1984,再度2002 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 48、Chanel Chance 香奈儿 机遇绿色气息女香 香调:清新花香调 前味:风信子、白麝香 中味:粉红胡椒、茉莉、香根草、柑橘 后味:鳶尾草、琥珀、广麝香 年份:2002年 49、GUERLAIN娇兰IDYLLE爱朵 香调:花香柑苔香调 50、 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides
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