首页 > 全国啦啦操比赛广场舞比赛评分规则


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全国啦啦操比赛广场舞比赛评分规则全国啦啦操比赛广场舞比赛评分规则 第一章 总 则 1.1 定义 广场舞是根据一段完整的歌曲或音乐,以有氧运动为基础,以身体练习和多变的步伐为基本手段,编排成的一套完整的动作,使练习者达到塑造形体、舒缓压力、改善气质、增强身体协调性、提高健康素质的一项运动。广场舞旨在增强团队精神、促进和谐关系和反映健康向上的精神面貌,具有特殊的意义。 1.2 目的 制定本规则的目的是保证全国广场舞比赛评分的客观性、规范性和公正性。 1.3 比赛项目和参赛人数 1.3.1 团体赛每队的参赛人数为12-30 人。 1.3.2 每队可有...
全国啦啦操比赛广场舞比赛评分规则 第一章 总 则 1.1 定义 广场舞是根据一段完整的歌曲或音乐,以有氧运动为基础,以身体练习和多变的步伐为基本手段,编排成的一套完整的动作,使练习者达到塑造形体、舒缓压力、改善气质、增强身体协调性、提高健康素质的一项运动。广场舞旨在增强团队精神、促进和谐关系和反映健康向上的精神面貌,具有特殊的意义。 1.2 目的 制定本规则的目的是保证全国广场舞比赛评分的客观性、规范性和公正性。 1.3 比赛项目和参赛人数 1.3.1 团体赛每队的参赛人数为12-30 人。 1.3.2 每队可有4名替补队员。 1.3.3 比赛项目及比赛分组 儿童组学龄前 1 团体民族传统广场舞 2 团体现代综合广场舞 3 团体轻器械,道具,广场舞 青少年组 6-20 岁 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 1 团体民族传统广场舞 2 团体现代综合广场舞 3 团体轻器械,道具,广场舞 青年组 21-40岁 1 团体民族传统广场舞 2 团体现代综合广场舞 3 团体轻器械(道具)广场舞 中年组 41-50岁 1 团体民族传统广场舞 2 团体现代综合广场舞 3 团体轻器械,道具,广场舞 中老年组51-60岁 1 团体民族传统广场舞 2 团体现代综合广场舞 3 团体轻器械广场舞 老年组 61岁以上 1 团体民族传统广场舞 2 团体现代综合广场舞 3 团体传统轻器械广场舞 报名时,各年龄段以身份证年龄为主,出现跨年龄段的队员 最多不得超过队员总数的10% 1.4 组队名称规范 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 地区+队名, 社会组,××省××市,自定义名称,XX组 广场舞队 单位组,××省××市,单位、学校简称,XX组 广场舞队 1.5 出场顺序 比赛的出场顺序在赛前由全国啦啦操竞赛委员会统一抽签确定。 1.6 比赛方法 1.6.1每队自选曲目按赛前抽签顺序逐一上场比赛。 1.7 入场与退场 1.7.1 可以选择动态入场接开始,也可以选择立定造型开始。 1.7.2 入、退场必须迅速。 1.7.3 退场必须包括向裁判员及观众行礼致意。 1.98 成套动作时间为,2’30”- 4’00”。 1.9 比赛成绩与奖励 1.9.1 预赛成绩不带入决赛,比赛最后成绩由决赛产生。 1.9.2 奖项设置与奖励办法按比赛规程执行。 1.10 服装与装饰 1.10.1 比赛用服装、服饰、鞋、帽等要求符合健身的需求。参赛鞋要求适宜健身的运动鞋。 1.10.2 比赛时选手可化妆、彩绘、花纹图案贴纸均可。 1.10.3 可以佩带与表演相关的饰物。 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 1.11 对手持器械的规定,在团体轻器械广场舞的比赛中可以使用任何适宜健身的器械或道具。 1.12 有关安全规定 1.12.1 编排的动作中不能出现对身体造成伤害的动作,不安全动作,。 1.12.2 动作的难度适合参赛者的身体能力和运动水平。 1.12.3 适合参赛者的年龄特点。 1.12.4 在编排的动作中不得出现抛接、翻腾、叠罗汉等危险动作,不鼓励出现类似竞技健美操或啦啦操中的技巧难度动作,如出现类似的动作不予加分,此类动作失败要进行扣分。 1.13 场地与设备 1.13.1 比赛场地为14×14 平方米,后有特定标志的背景板。 1.13.2 比赛应有专业的放音设备。 1.13.3 裁判席设在比赛场地的正前方。 第二章 动作、编排及音乐 2.1 成套动作要求 成套动作必须是以健身为目的的有氧运动,必须是在音乐伴奏下完成。 2.2 编排要求 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 2.2.1 表演者根据音乐的主题、在准确把握音乐风格以及对音乐理解的前提下,进行舞蹈动作的编排。在编排尽可能的运用身体的各个部位参与运动,并加上队形变化使套路复杂多样地展示音乐的整体风格。 2.2.2 在成套中要求不少于5次队形变化 2.3音乐的准备 2.3.1参赛音乐由参赛者自备两份,载体必须是高质量的CD,光盘里只有参赛表演音乐,其中1 份报到时交大会放音组。 2.3.2光盘盘面必须标明单位、比赛项目和出场顺序。 第三章 评分方法 3.1 采取公开示分的方法。 3.2 成套动作满分为10 分,裁判员的评分采用给分制,精确到0.05 分。 3.3 去掉最高和最低分,裁判员评分相加的平均值再减去裁判长减分即为最后得分,保留小数点后位,。 3.4 成套动作评分,10 分制, 3.4.1 评分因素与分值分为四部分, ? 动作的完成 4 分 ? 动作编排部分 4 分 ? 艺术表现力 1 分 ? 总体完整性 1 分 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project 3.4.2 评分因素解释, ? 动作的完成,动作的准确性与同伴之间动作的一致性,动作与音乐节拍的吻合, ? 动作编排部分,创新性、流畅性、队形变化及音乐风格的把握, ? 表现力,把握风格,面部表情自然、自信,融入音乐的感染力, ? 总体完整性,整齐度、团队精神、视觉效果、全部表演的整体总评价。 3.5 评分标准与分值 3.6 裁判长减分裁判长对以下情况进行减分,每项减 0.2 分, ? 参赛人数不符合规定 ? 出现超过安全规定的动作 ? 出现违规广告标贴 ? 暴露隐私部位、腋毛等 ? 在轻器械比赛中器械掉地,每次, ? 比赛中服装服饰头饰散落、道具掉落等 ? 佩带珠宝、首饰、手表等私用物品 should b paint the surface should be protected, this film should be protected until the construction equipment, bought a number of special construction machinery and equipment. If the company won the bid, according to the construction of the engineering of the characteristics and the Organization of our company principles, construction experience to set the scene of the construction organization, set up a "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project." Our company "yongxinghe secondary hydropower station project C3 project Department" organization diagram shown in Figure: project organization chart for the benefit of the construction management and production dispatch and command, project set up camp at the site. After my company won the bid, will be implemented for this project "project" construction management, carrying out project manager responsibility system. Project Manager authorized by the legal representative, on behalf of my company this project is fully responsible for all matters dealing with contract management and construction management. Institutional projects simultaneously by three in a room, the formation of professional, efficient and flexible construction team. Project executives, management, job level settings. Decision-making by the project
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