

2017-08-31 16页 doc 47KB 30阅读




各种排卵期计算方法各种排卵期计算方法 1. 一、排卵试纸计算排卵期 为什么要将排卵试纸排放在第一位呢,因为排卵期试纸在所有的排卵期计算方法中,支付价格最低,购买途径最广,并且操作方法也是最简单的。 不过,唯一的遗憾的,排卵试纸计算的排卵期不够精确,跨幅大,还有部分人群由于激素分泌的量的差异,所以测试结果有时候不是很理想。 可操作性:????? 准确率:??? 2. 二、排卵期计算公式 排卵期计算公式用来计算排卵期,是一个非常简便的方法,通过上一次月经期的时间与自身经期的长度进行对比计算,可以很容易的算出一个排卵期的范围。随着网络时...
各种排卵期计算方法 1. 一、排卵试纸计算排卵期 为什么要将排卵试纸排放在第一位呢,因为排卵期试纸在所有的排卵期计算方法中,支付价格最低,购买途径最广,并且操作方法也是最简单的。 不过,唯一的遗憾的,排卵试纸计算的排卵期不够精确,跨幅大,还有部分人群由于激素分泌的量的差异,所以测试结果有时候不是很理想。 可操作性:????? 准确率:??? 2. 二、排卵期计算公式 排卵期计算公式用来计算排卵期,是一个非常简便的方法,通过上一次月经期的时间与自身经期的长度进行对比计算,可以很容易的算出一个排卵期的范围。随着网络时代的发展,排卵期计算器在网上一搜一箩筐,完全是无成本免费的进行排卵期的计算。 缺点:排卵期计算器适用于经期稳定的女性,对于经期有浮动的女性,排卵期的检测效果就值得商榷了。此外,要求排卵期较为精准的女性最好选择其他方法辅助测算,以计算结果免误差太大。 可操作性:?????? 准确率:?? 3. 三、基础体温计算排卵期 基础体温测算排卵期想必许多女性并不陌生,尤其是电影《万有引力》热播之后,更多的年轻女性知道了基础体温的作用。是的,基础体温测排卵期是一个非常科学的方法。基础体温只需要#格#一份,体温计一只就可以进行操作了,操作也非常简单,每天早上在床上用温度计测量自己的体温就行了。 缺点:基础体温要求操作,中途最好不要生病感冒,否则影响基础体温的测量。此外,基础体温一般要求持续测量2-3个月,以便形成多个基础体温曲线图进行比较,消耗时间幅度较大。 可操作性:??? 准确率:????? 4. 四、B超计算排卵期 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld B超可以进行卵子的检测,通过监测卵子的大小推算卵子排出的时间,这个目前是非常权威和科学的检测排卵期的方法,各大医院都有这方面的科室进行B超检查,监测准确率比较高,因此是一种比较理想的排卵期计算方法。 缺点:需要反复到医院进行监测,可能容易影响女性情绪。费用较高。 可操作性:????? 准确率: ?????? 5. 五、排卵期的症状进行推算 排卵期有一些症状可以辅助观测排卵期,如排卵痛,排卵期性欲上升,食欲下降等,这种方法需要从自身上观察,观测自己的某些特殊症状。并不是每个女性在排卵期的症状就是一样的,比如有些女性是观测不到自己的排卵痛的。 缺点:精确度不够,此外,受人为因素等的影响,观测起来难度较大,建议只作为辅助手段即可。 可操作性:???? 准确率:? 6. 六、排卵工具计算排卵期 比较新的方法是通过一些小工具进行排卵期的计算,这种排卵期工具类似于女性的口红,是通过观测女性唾液中的黄体生成素进行排卵期的推算,通过观察图像得出是否处于排卵期的结论。 缺点:购买途径较少,费用较高 可操作性:????? 准确率:????? 1. 、排卵期计算:月经周期日历法 月经周期日历法是对于每次月经很有规律的女性来说的,通常在下一次月经来之前的14天,就是排卵的日子,在这一天的前后两天同房,都有可能受孕。 2. 2、排卵期计算:测基础体温法 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 测基础体温法是通过测量体温得出其排卵期,正常排卵的女性在月经 周期的前半期基础体温偏低,排卵后基础体温会升高0.5?左右。在基础 体温升高的3天内为易受孕期,但这种方法对测量本身的要求很高,比如 醒来后不能说话,也不能喝水,而且每天都要在固定的时间测量。对于作 息不规律的女性来说,这种方法并不一定有效,只能作为参考。 3. 3、排卵期计算:B超监测排卵法 B超监测排卵法是在所有测排卵的方法中,最为准确的。它不仅可以 测出两侧卵巢中是否有优势卵泡,同时还能测出优势卵泡的大小、子宫内 膜的厚度等。用B超监测卵泡,最好找固定的医生监测,当医生从某个角 度观察到一个优势卵泡时,下次再从同一个角度去监测这个卵泡的发育情 况会更好,不同的医疗机构、不同的医生,判断都可能出现差异。不过这 种方法一般只有患者确实需要时才使用,正常女性并不需要如此大费周 折。 4. 排卵期同房一定能怀孕吗, 在排卵期同房,只不过是受孕的概率要比平时高一些,但并非100%, 尽管用B超监测卵子是目前最为准确的一种监测排卵方法,但也不能保证 “播种”时百发百中。因为排卵只是受孕成功的要素之一,卵子和精子的 质量也是影响受孕的一个方面,还有其他一些方面。 5. 不在排卵期也有可能怀孕 不在排卵期也有可能会排卵,不在排卵期发生性关系而怀孕到医院做 人流手术的不少,因为人的情绪等心理因素也很可能影响受孕的过程。怀 孕本来是一个很自然的过程,如果太过刻意地去监测卵子的行踪,反而可 能因为情绪紧张而影响卵子的质量,往往会造成越着急越可能怀不上胎儿 的可能。 参考资料 你好, 一般试纸每天3——4次测试即可, 淘宝上0.5元一片的。 排卵是个随机时间点,排卵后卵子活1——2天。可以在最可能排卵的那几天, 坚持用排卵试纸1天3次帮助测定排卵日,不要晨尿。(淘宝上排卵试纸0.5元)(排卵试纸技术不高,请作为参考) 连续测试,测到强阳2条线,就是快排卵了, 测到强阳转成弱阳,就是已经排卵了。 为了怀孕的话, 男性提前吃点叶酸片(是维生素类),能提高精子的活力。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 我了好些知识手册,点我名字,看我用户资料有个链接,我整理了知识手册。建议月经来潮的第十天开始测,每天用排卵试纸测一次。如果发现在逐渐转强,就要增加测的频率,最好每隔4小时测一次,尽量测到强阳,抓住强阳转弱的瞬间,排卵发生在强阳转弱的时候。如果发现快速的转弱,说明卵子要破壳而出了,那就要抓紧时间了~24小时之内一定排卵,测排卵试纸前2小时不能喝水。不要用晨尿测,最好在10,20点测。 下次月经来潮前的14天为排卵日,其前5天后4天,共10天为排卵期,其余时间为安全期。在排卵期内进行规律的性生活,受孕机率高。 如果月经周期正常,那么在14、19号应该是处于安全期,进行性生活受孕率较低。 如果月经周期正常,那么在26号左右为排卵日,在26号的前5天和后4天为排卵期,在此期间进行性生活受孕率较高。 正常育龄女性,如果经期比较规律的话,预估排卵日就是下一次来月经那天倒数第14天,加上前面5天和后面4天,共10天为排卵期。按您这一周期来看,经期是28。按28天算的话,预计4月份18号来月经,预估排卵日就是4月4号,则排卵期由3月30至4月8号。排卵试纸可以从30号开始测,每天同一时间测,直到发现逐渐强阳,隔几个小时测一次,强阳转弱表示在24~48小时内则会排卵。也就是可以安排同房时间。最好能安排三次最好,最能保证精子与卵子结合,排卵前、中、后期 其实正常人不必去费劲测排卵,会误事的。 想怀孕,只要月经周期基本规则,男方提前一周禁欲,养精蓄锐,选在排卵期的中间3天高质量做爱,你高潮时深深内射,怀孕是很顺利的。 祝你心想事成,早生贵子~ 什么是排卵试纸? 排卵试纸则是通过检测黄体生成激素(LH)的峰值水平,来预知是否排卵。 怎样使用排卵试纸? 女性排卵前24~48小时内,尿液中的黄体生成激素(LH)会出现高峰值,用排卵试纸自测,结果就会显示为阳性。具体测试方法,一般排卵试纸包装上都有说明(须严格按照说明做,才能尽量减少误差)。与早早孕试纸不同的是,不可使用晨尿,并尽量采用每天同一时刻的尿样,收集尿液前2小时应减少水分摄入,因稀释了的尿样也会妨碍LH峰值的检测。。要是月经周期比较规律,在经期前14天(也就是预计的排卵时间),这个时间的前三天加后三天,连续六天测定;要是月经不规律或者不正常,则一般在月经干净后第三天开始测。试纸虽然使用方便,但由于制作过程、操作者本身等原因,准确率大概只有75%。 1、用洁净,干燥容器收集尿液,不可使用晨尿,收集尿液的最佳时间是早10点至晚8点,尽量采用每一天同一时刻的尿样,收集尿液前2小时应减少水分摄入,因为稀释了的尿液样本会妨碍LH峰值的检测。 2、试条将有箭头标志线的一端浸入尿液中,约三秒钟后取出平放,10-20分钟 观察结果,结果以30分钟内阅读为准! 3、测试纸插入尿液深度不可超过MAX标志线 (结果以30分钟内阅读为准! ) 怎样看排卵试纸的结果? 1、出现两条紫红色线,下端线(检测线)比上端线(对照线)明显浅色,表示尿液中LH尚未出现高峰值,必须持续每天测试; spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 2、出现两条紫红色线,上,下端线(对照线,检测线)颜色基本相同,或下端线(检测线)比上端线(对照线)深色,表示你将在24-48小时内排卵; 3、只出现一条紫红色线(对照线)于试条上端,表示无排卵。 排卵试纸使用时注意事项 1、测试时间在每日上午10:00-晚上8:00前。 2、在要求测试时间内每日固定,每天连续测试。 3、测试前2小时避免大量饮水。 4、5-10分钟内观察结果,10分钟后无效。 试纸弱阳性是怀孕了吗? 在女性每个月经周期,尿液中的黄体生成激素(LH)会在排卵前24-48小时内出现高峰值。排卵试纸就是利用这一点来测试LH的。在排卵期前几天开始使用排卵试纸,有助找到排卵的日子。 孕妇体内会分泌出hcg激素,试纸测试就是测试这种激素的存在与具体含量。试纸测试弱阳性结果也表明有激素的存在,所以说很有可能说明怀孕了。但是有些情况也并非如此。 1、如妊娠刚开始,或有异位妊娠如宫外孕等,被检测的尿液需静置3分钟以上(一般只需1分钟),并仔细辨别是否有试纸弱阳性,即检测区颜色浅于对照区颜色,或仅隐隐出现。 2、留心非孕因素导致的试纸弱阳性结果,如尿中带血、子宫内膜增生、卵巢肿瘤、近期有过怀孕、过期流产或不完全流产等。 整个生理周期,排卵试纸什么时候用, 排卵试纸并不是在排卵期的时候使用,而是在排卵期到来之前使用。排卵试纸使用的最终目的就是用来检测排卵期什么时候到来。排卵试纸最佳使用时间: 月经来潮的第十天开始测,每天用排卵试纸测一次。如果发现在逐渐转强,就要增加测的频率,最好每隔4小时测一次,尽量测到强阳,抓住强阳转弱的瞬间,排卵一般发生在强阳转弱的时候。如果发现快速的转弱,说明卵子要破壳而出了,那就要抓紧时间了~24小时之内一定排卵,在使用排卵试纸的时候,在一天中什么时候测比较好, 每天最好在10,20点测。 排卵试纸强阳转弱后继续测排卵试纸,不要怕浪费排卵试纸,一直测到阴性为止,这时候可以休息几天,到排卵后10天开始再每天测排卵试纸,如果发现强阳,怀孕的希望就大了,可以用早孕试纸测了,一般这个时候的早孕试纸是弱阳。 如果需要做B超监测最好是排卵试纸测到阳性马上去医院做B超。1.月经周期推算法 育龄女性一般每月排一次卵,由左右两侧卵巢交替排出或由一侧卵巢连续排出。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 2.基础体温检测法 排卵后基础体温会升高,因为排卵后黄体分泌的孕激素具有升高体温的作用,能使体温升高0(2?一04?,并且维持12—14天,因此测定基础体温可以准确地掌握自己的排卵期。 3.宫颈黏液检查法 育龄女性在经期后,宫颈黏液经常有稠厚而量少的现象,甚至没有稠液,这其实提示人体正处于非排卵期。 4.B超检查法 B超检测排卵期是最直接、最准确的方法,但需要由医生操作。 5.尿LH试纸检测法 尿LH试纸检测法通常是在月经后第11一12天用尿LH排卵纸(各大医院药房、药店有售)进行测试。测试时,将试纸上箭头所指的一端浸入尿液中,保持30秒钟后取出。之后按说明上的提示,根据试纸的颜色变化确定测试结果。 1. 1.排卵期保持精神愉快,避免精神刺激和情绪波动,个别在月经期有下腹发胀、腰 酸、乳房胀痛、轻度腹泻、容易疲倦、嗜睡、情绪不稳定、易怒或易忧郁等现象, 均属正常,不必过分紧张关于排卵期前有什么症状您了解了吧。.排卵期注意卫生, 预防感染。注意外生殖器的卫生清洁。月经期绝对不能xing交。注意保暖,避免寒 冷刺激。避免过劳。经血量多者忌食红糖。排卵期分泌物量明显增多,并呈水 样透明清亮,女性会感到阴部潮湿滑溜,分泌物拉丝性高。这种阴道分泌 物增多一般持续2,3天,是女性最易受孕的时间。 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld
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