

2018-02-14 8页 doc 28KB 45阅读




汽车上牌流程,办牌流程,个人汽车上牌攻略汽车上牌流程,办牌流程,个人汽车上牌攻略 适用于 “嘉兴市(南湖区,秀洲区)新车上牌”,五县市的我也不大清楚。 还有几点提醒一下:(1)自己上牌的话早点去,上牌的地方人太多了。(中午11:45-13:30休息时间)。周四、周五较空。(2)验车地方中午有换班的人,但是下午16:00 好像就不能交钱了。验好车之后的××费就交不了了。(3)关于临时牌照,一定要有。临时牌照让4s办理。(4)在摩托车车检那个地方叫。一共是125的车牌费。 备注:准备自己去上牌的,一定要让4S店的人帮忙拓钢印:“车架号”、“发动机号” 第一步:准...
汽车上牌,办牌流程,个人汽车上牌攻略 适用于 “嘉兴市(南湖区,秀洲区)新车上牌”,五县市的我也不大清楚。 还有几点提醒一下:(1)自己上牌的话早点去,上牌的地方人太多了。(中午11:45-13:30休息时间)。周四、周五较空。(2)验车地方中午有换班的人,但是下午16:00 好像就不能交钱了。验好车之后的××费就交不了了。(3)关于临时牌照,一定要有。临时牌照让4s办理。(4)在摩托车车检那个地方叫。一共是125的车牌费。 备注:准备自己去上牌的,一定要让4S店的人帮忙拓钢印:“车架号”、“发动机号” 第一步:准备资料 这个可以请4S店销售小姐给你先准备发票,保险,车辆管理登记证书,合格证,身份证复印件(最好复印3个备用),拓钢印可以让4S店MM帮忙拓好。 接下来就是上牌了, 上牌之前要做好的事情: 1,交完购置税,拿到完税证明(进口车之类的不知道了,不过买了进口车的人应该不会在乎这点代办上牌费用了吧) 2,买了保险,交强险和商业险 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 第二步:拿上所有资料去车城先交税(必须刷卡记得银联的卡都可以哦,交税的地方有标示去了就知道。交完税会给你一个完税证明。 关于缴税:新买的车都要交购置税,区别于买车的发票上面的增值税。(具体多少比例要看车型。税金=购置税比例×购车款(购车发票面额全款)/1.17。比如:税金=10%×100000/1.17) 缴税的地方在楼梯上去右手边,准备的资料(不需要填写)好像是(资料我也是4s得人帮我理的,忘记了-汗):身份证复印件,购车发票(哪一联忘记了,问导服小姐吧)复印件,保险副本,。 步骤:提交资料到3号或4号窗口,然后他会告诉你去1号或者2号窗口缴费。交完了再回来。然后他会给一个完税证明。(一个小本子。完税证明要复印一份,后面有用到)。拿到那个小本子之后出门去东面的文印室复印一下。再拿着资料去4s叫他帮你整理好,粘贴好去去3号台交资料。提交之后有一份回执一样的白纸跟车辆合格证订在一起。拿着这个东西去拍照地方。(下了楼梯 右手边很显眼的拍照车字样) 第三步:拍照 拿着第二步给你的资料去拍照的地方(开车去)。拍照的地方在上牌交税的门口那条路往东20米。把资料从小窗口递进去。等吧,里面(a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 扫描好照片1分钟不到就能出来了。一般的车都很快的。除非没有备案的车型哦。拿着照片开路。 照片的用途:1,后面验车的表格贴一张。2,后面发车辆行驶证用到(行驶证的背面就是照片) 第四步:验车 记得把车开去哦,拿上刚才拍完照片的资料,去4S店让销售MM帮你添一个验车单哦。上面要贴上拓好的钢印的。开车去车管所吧(在车城往南走过桥那条路跑到头右拐再跑到头左拐一直开吧)。进车管所大门记得左转弯走最外面的那条道(12号道)也可以看哪里没车就往哪条道开。停车把资料交给验车的,然后他会让你把车开进去停好打开前盖。接下来他们会简单看看一下,盖章。把车开出去停到停车位上,去服务台总签(就是签字)。总签完了跑去4号楼(刚才验车的地方是2号楼)交440元钱(全年可能480RMB)。然后再回到2号楼还要签字(进门的那个签字台),拿好签完字的材料去选牌吧。 第五步:选牌。 先去“摩托车车检”那个地方交钱,125元,提交的资料就是验车合格回来的那个东西。 还是先给制单,再边上交钱,125元。(这里要说明一下,如果你速度比较慢,验车那里回来已经中午了(他们中午休息的时候),(a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 那下午13.30这里会排很长的队伍。而且还是一个人手里拿好几份的人排队) 交好了钱,拿了回执,你的资料上面也有了他们盖的章写的字了。 回去2楼左手边,问问导服小姐 资料对不对了。对的话,就去提交给4号窗口(应该是4号窗口)。提交给了4号窗口之后,她会把你的身份证跟一张有条码的纸给你(身份证记得拿好啊,别到时候乱,弄丢了身份证就不划算了,还有如果机选得话直接去摩托车选牌哪里,这样速度很快。) 如果自己编制号码:参考网上得步骤方法: 把纸正面向上,条码在机器发出的红色扫描线上扫描一下。 然后就是选号,有机选(系统给你的10个里面选一个)自选(把自己想要的数字,1个或者几个输进去, 系统会显示有这几个数字的牌照供你选择) 备注一下: 1,显示出来的号码别随便点,点了就是选中了 2,选号的地方很多人,不管上午还是下午。 你自己选的时候边上人会跟你说这个好那个好,别受他们影响。如果你要打电话跟人商量,你就一边打一边商量一边选(当然也别太久啊,太久就人神共愤了)。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people. 3,选好了号码了,按一下确认按钮。 接着机器就回吐出一张回条(跟刷卡机吐出来的差不多,上面带条码) 4,领牌照。资料(1,刚刚的回条。2,照片(刚刚给的2张照片还剩下一张)。3,你拿去选号机器的那个A4的纸), 把这3个东西拿个回形针夹在一起,要不然就弄散架会丢的。 把这3个资料拿进去,最里面最东面的窗口(肯定也是很多人堆在那里,没人排队的) 如果是机器给的号码里面选的一个,“牌照2张,车辆登记证,行驶证,车牌固封(就是4个螺帽)“就会马上给你。很快的,在边上停着吧,他们××只报一边××切记××,过了你就得求他们再给你找找了。 如果是自选的,也就是自己输的号码。 这个我就不知道了,应该是这里给“登记证,行驶证,固封螺帽“这几个东西吧, 号牌好像是要寄到你家里的。 (a) construct safe volunteers is a global task. This work is the bureau Party committee according to the required to make the Council an important deployment. It is the significant move that strengthen the comprehensive management of social management, to maintain the stability of the overall situation of social order, is to do a good job of prevention and treatment work under the new situation, constructing the harmonious relationship between the police and the people of a strong starting point, with the central, the provincial, city and county on strengthening and innovating social management, do a good job work of the masses of the major decision is consistent with the spirit. (II) volunteers in peace building is the concrete embodiment of the basic principles of public security work. Combining the basic principles of public security work is the specialized agencies and the broad masses, we carry out Pingan volunteer work is public security organs take the direct embodiment of the mass line, the fundamental purpose is extending public security work in the new platform, absorb the social personnel involved in peace building and create a whole society to participate in the construction, and the broad participation of the masses in the situation, and effectively improve the safety and satisfaction of the people.
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