

2017-09-19 50页 doc 342KB 77阅读




医务人员医德规范医务人员医德规范 一、救死扶伤,实行社会主义的人道主义。时刻为病人着想,千方百计为病人解除病痛。 二、尊重病人的人格与权利。对待病人,不分民族、性别、职业、地位、财产状况,都应一视同仁。 三、文明礼貌服务。举止端正庄重,语言文明,态度和蔼,同情关心和体贴病人。 四、廉洁奉公。自觉遵纪守法,不以医谋私。 五、为病人保守医密,实行保护性医疗,不泄露病人隐私与秘密。 六、互学互尊、团结协作。正确处理同行同事间的关系。 七、严谨求实,奋发进取,钻研医术,精益求精。不断更新知识,提高技术水平。 医务人员职业道德规范和行为...
医务人员医德规范 一、救死扶伤,实行社会主义的人道主义。时刻为病人着想,千方百计为病人解除病痛。 二、尊重病人的人格与权利。对待病人,不分民族、性别、职业、地位、财产状况,都应一视同仁。 三、文明礼貌服务。举止端正庄重,语言文明,态度和蔼,同情关心和体贴病人。 四、廉洁奉公。自觉遵纪守法,不以医谋私。 五、为病人保守医密,实行保护性医疗,不泄露病人隐私与秘密。 六、互学互尊、团结协作。正确处理同行同事间的关系。 七、严谨求实,奋发进取,钻研医术,精益求精。不断更新知识,提高技术水平。 医务人员职业道德规范和行为 一、医务工作者职业道德: 尊重病人 奉献爱心 钻研医术 诊治精心 提高技能 护理细心 救死扶伤 尽责尽心 二、医师在执业活动中履行下列义务: 1(守法律(、法规、遵守技术规范: 2(树立敬业精神,遵守职业道德,履行医师职责、尽职尽责为患者服务; 3(关心、爱护、尊重患者,保护患者的隐私; 4(努力钻研业务,更新知识,提高专业技术水平; 5(宣传卫生保健知识,对患者进行健康教育; 三、廉洁行医诫勉、临床行医十个严禁: 1(严禁利用职权为个人谋私利,切实做到合理检查,合理用药,合理治疗; 2(严禁以介绍病人人院、检查、手术、治疗为理由而收取红包; or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 3(严禁私自为药品经销单位或个人代开、代售药械或要求病人到指定的药店购药; 4(严禁设立或收取药械生产或经营单位发放的“临床促销费、开单费、处方费”等形式的变相回扣; 5(严禁为药品生产、经销单位登记、统计医生处方或为此提供方便; 6(严禁擅自收费、不合理收费或乱收费; 7(严禁以介绍、转诊患者为由收取“介绍费”、“转诊费” 等形式回扣; 8(严禁违反国家有关规定,“以物代药”; 9(严禁涂改、伪造、销毁病历; 10(严禁擅自接受新药临床观察及新药推广; 职工廉洁行医规定 为使卫生院工作健康开展,维护人民群众的利益,树立良好的医德医风,全心全意为人民服务,纠正行业不正之风,根据卫生部有关行业纪律及市卫生局有关廉洁行医的文件精神,特修订本规定如下: 总体要求:要牢记责任,恪尽职守,谢绝“红包”,拒收“回扣”,廉洁行医,大医精诚,诚信服务,奉献社会。 一、医疗科室不准实行药品、仪器检查、化验检查及其他医学检查等开单提成办法;不准设立小金库。 二、全院职工应本着全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,为病人排忧解难,在医疗服务活动中不准接受患者及其亲友的“红包”、物品和宴请;严禁利用看病、住院、手术、检查等机会,乘人之危索取病人钱物,对病人主动赠送的钱物,必须还给病人,无法退回的要在24小时内报告所在科室主任协助处理,同时报告医风办,逾期不报者,作收受“红包”处理。 三、在医疗活动中,医、药、护、技、行政、后勤各类人员应遵纪守法,正直廉洁,在购置药品、物品、设备等经济活动中,不准接受医疗器械、药品、试剂等生产、销售企业或人员以各种名义、形式给予的回扣、提成和其他不正当利益。 四、在医疗业务活动中,医务人员不准通过介绍病人到其他单位检查、 mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant2r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed- 治疗或购买药品、医疗器械等收取介绍费、劳务费等各种“回扣”。 五、医疗部门和医务人员不准在国家规定的收费项目和标准之外,自立、分解项目费或提高标准加收费用。 六、不准违反国家有关药品集中招标采购政策规定;不准使用假劣药品,或生产、销售、,使用无生产批准文号的自制药品与制剂。 上述规定要求全院职工严格遵守,互相监督:有违反规定者,经查实,将视情节轻重,按有关规定予以严肃处理。 医德医风建设规定 为进一步加强卫生院医德医风建设,提高医务人员整体素质,更好地为广大人民群众的医疗保健事业服务,制定本规定。 一、医德医风教育 1、以正面教育为主,理论联系实际,注重实效,长期坚持不懈。 2、主要教育形式有:利用科室政治学习时间进行医德规范的集中学习讨论,定期组织上医德课,不定期举办演讲赛、知识竞赛、讨论会、医德医风培训班等。 3、对新进卫生院工作人员进行上岗前医德医风教育。 4、抓好正、反两方面的典型教育,对好的典型及时宣传、表彰、弘扬,对违反医德医风的人和事进行批评教育,重者严肃处理。 二、医德医风管理 l、建立医德医风建设责任制,实行分级管理、逐级负责制,凡科室工作人员发生违法违纪问题,除追究当事人的责任外,还要视情节追究科室主要负责人及院分管领导的责任。 2、建立重点岗位职能交叉和轮换制度,岗位轮换一般2—3年轮换一次; 3、建立医德医风考核评议制度,一年考核评议一一次,考核结果记入个人医德医风考核档案,作为评选先进、职称聘任、晋升晋级的重要依据。 三、医德医风监督和检查 l、卫生院精神文明建设领导小组定期组织有关部门对住院病人、门诊病人、出院病人进行问卷调查,及时掌握社会对医院工作的评价情况,不 4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant3texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand 断改进工作; 2、聘请社会监督员,每年定期召开社会监督员座谈会,通报卫生院情况,倾听他们的意见和建议; 3、作为精神文明建设考评的一项重要内容,不定期组织有关人员进行医德医风督促检查,及时发现问题,限期整改; ( 4、建立卫生院领导、职能科室负责人与临床、医技科室及后勤班组定点联系制度,定期或不定期地到定点联系科室,进行医德医风方面的座谈、宣传教育、督促帮助和改进等工作; 5、坚持院领导、职能科室主任轮流执行一站式服务中心院长代表制度,接待、处理病人的投诉,对患者解困答疑,巡视门诊各窗口、各诊室工作情况,及时发现问题,予以纠正解决; 6、完善医德医风举报制度,公开群众举报、投诉电话,设立举报信箱,指定专人负责受理群众的举报和来信来访工作; 7、全院工作人员实行挂牌服务,自觉接受监督。 四、医德医风奖惩、管理责任及责任追究 1、设立委屈奖,确因病人或其陪人无理取闹、打骂医务人员的,卫生院给予委屈奖l 00一200元,次; 2、对收到病人锦旗、感谢信、红包的,退还或上交卫生院。 3、对医务人员在年内多次病人问卷调查中反映集中、评价较高者,将推荐年终“优质服务标兵”的评选; 4、因服务态度、医德医风方面的问题而受到病人投诉并给医院造成一定影响的,经查实,扣发科室当月、当事人三个月奖金。并进行医德医风培训,写出保证书,再次发生作下岗处理; 5、职工如无故违反劳动纪律,按规定在扣科室精神文明建设考核得分的基础上,职工个人按院劳动纪律管理办法进行处理。 6、职工上班未挂牌服务或胸牌不规范、衣帽不整洁者,违反言行规范,发现一次扣个人0.5分; 7、病人满意度调查在90,以下者,每低于l,扣科室0.5分; 8、经查实,行政后勤人员和医务人员在医疗活动和其他工作中利用职务之便,索要或暗示收受红包、“回扣"、宴请、有价证券及其他不正当利益者,作待岗处理,并按省卫生厅的新规定接受其他处罚,并按要求追 e circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant4r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectin 究相关科室和人员责任。 卫生院职工代表大会制度 第一章 总 则 第一条 根据中华人民共和国宪法第二条“人民依据法律规定,通过各种途径和方式管理国家事务,管理经济和文化事业,管理社会事务”的规定,为了进一步完善,深化医药卫生体制改革,特建立职工代表大会(以下简称职代会)制度。 第二条 职代会是广大职工对卫生院工作行使民主管理和民主监督的基本组织形式。职代会不建立常设机构,建立定期会议制度。 第三条职代会在卫生院党支部的领导下,高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,坚持“三个代表”重要思想,贯彻党的卫生工作方针,组织和动员全体职工,全力以赴搞好卫生院各方面的工作,不断提高医疗服务水平和质量。 第二章 组织原则 第四条 职代会的组织原则是民主集中制。 第五条 职工代表以科室为单位,由职工直接选举产生,职工代表中应有离退休职工、在职职工和聘用制合同工人。职工代表实行常任制,一般情况下(每三年改选一次,可以连选连任,职工代表对选举单位的职工负责,选举单位的职工有权监督和撤换本单位的职工代表。 第六条 职代会每年召开一次会议。 第三章 职 权 第七条职代会行使下列职权: (一)听取院长的工作报告,讨论卫生院的发展规划方案,财务开支,职工队伍建设。对卫生院管理等重大问题提出意见和建议。 (二)讨论行政提出的议案,职工奖惩办法以及其他与职工有关的基本规章制度,并提出意见和建议。 (三)审议职工的集体福利基金,使用方案和其他有关职工福利的重大事项,提出意见和建议。 (四)监督卫生院各级领导干部,并定期进行评议 第四章 工作机构 ning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant5texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil 第八条 职代会不设专门的工作机构,院工会委员会承担职代会工作机构的任务,在院党支部的领导下,院工会要积极会同有关部门,认真做好以下工作: 1(做好大会的筹备工作和会务安排工作,组织选举职工代表,征集和整理意见、建议,提出大会方案和领导小组名单,经院党支部批准后,召开大会。 2(大会闭会期间,处理大会日常工作;检查和监督大会精神和各项决议的传达、贯彻和落实,组织其他有关的工作活动。 3(向代表和职工进行党的政策方面的教育,要经常组织代表学习,提高代表素质,积极组织代表和职工为落实大会任务和卫生院的各项工作顺利进行,努力工作,保障代表和职工的正当的民主权利。 4(处理职代会交办的其他事项。 院 长 职 责 一、在市级卫生行政部门和乡镇党委、政府领导下,根据卫生工作方针政策和任期目标责任制,全面负责本乡镇、本院的初级卫生保健、预防、保健、健康教育、医疗二培训、人事、财务、总务和村卫生室管理等工作。 二、负责制定本乡镇、本院发展规划和年度卫生,安排布置、检查落实、总结评价全面工作,并向县级卫生行政部门和乡镇党委、政府汇报工作。 三、负责组织、检查本乡镇预防、保健、健康教育和乡村卫生服务管理一体化工作,定期深入村卫生室和农户,了解掌握下情,采取有效对策措施,不断提高预防、保健和卫生管理质量。 四、负责组织、检查医疗护理工作,定期深入门诊、病房,了解掌握工作情况,采取有效的对策措施,不断地提高医疗质量。 五、负责组织、检查本乡镇、本院的人才培养和业务技术学习。 六、负责教育本院职工和本乡镇乡村医生树立良好的思想品德和医德医风,改善服务态度,提高预防保健和医护工作质量。 七、督促检查以岗位责任制为中心的规章制度和技术操作规程的执行,严防差错事故的发生。 mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant6r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed- 八、根据现行人事分配制度,负责组织领导本院职工和本乡镇乡村医生的考核、奖惩、聘任等工作。负责落实全院职工的生活福利待遇。 九、负责审查本院的预决算和成本核算工作,掌握财务收支、基建、维修和财产物资的管理工作。 十、负责本院的清洁卫生、绿化美化、环境治理和安全保卫工作。 十一、因公因事外出时,指定副院长或业务骨干代替院长的管理职责。 副院长职责。 一、在院长领导下,负责分管工作的组织管理,主动向院长请示汇报,并向院长负责。 二、协助院长制定本乡镇、本院发展规划和年度卫生工作计划,安排布置、检查落实,总结评价全面工作。 三、协助院长组织、检查本乡镇预防、保健、健康教育和乡村卫生服务一体体化管理工作。 四、协助院长督促检查医疗制度、医护常规和技术操作规程的执行情况。 五、协助院长深人科室,了解和检查诊断、治疗和护理情况,必要时领导重危病人的会诊、抢救工作,定期分析医疗指标。 六、协助院长做好本院职工的思想政治工作,树立良好的医德医风。 七、协助院长做好本院职工和乡村医生的考核、奖惩、聘任和全院职工的生活福利待遇。 八、协助院长做好清洁卫生、绿化美化、环境治理和安全保卫工作。 九、完成院长临时安排的其他管理工作。 党支部书记职责 uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant7texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin- 一、在上级党委领导下,经常了解和检查党的方针、政策贯彻执行情况,保证党组织在思想上、政治上与党中央保持高度一致。搞好党组织的思想建设和组织建设,充分发挥党组织的政治思想领导作用,战斗堡垒作用和党的先锋模范作用。进一步密切党群关系,调动全院职工积极性,保证和监督基本医疗、预防保健、公共卫生、行政执法任务的完成。 二、制定党支部的组织、宣传、统战、纪检(、政治工作计划及工作制度,组织实施并定期检查总结,按期向支部大会和上级党委汇报。 三、深入研究,掌握全院职工的思想状况,紧密结合单位实际,有针对性地抓好医德医风教育和思想政治工作。 四、加强对工会、职代会、共青团等群团组织的领导,充分发挥其在单位管理和发展中的积极作用。 五、搞好支委成员之间、院长之间的团结,充分发挥他们的作用,积极支持他们的工作。 工会主席岗位职责 一、工会主席是工会的法人代表,在院党总支的领导下,主持工会全面工作。 二、组织全院职工学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策,坚持四项基本原则,紧紧围绕卫生院党总支的中心工作,落实党总支的决议,当好党总支的助手和参谋。 三、组织好工会委员的分工和协作,定期召开卫生院工会委员会会议,传达、贯彻上级有关对工会工作的指示,研究、部署、检查工会工作,经常研究工运的理论和政策,总结工会工作,不断提高院工会的工作水平。 四、有计划地组织工会干部和全院职工学习政治理论、业务知识和文化科学知识,教育职工严格遵守国家政策、法律和卫生院的各项规章制度,廉洁奉公、忠于职守,充分发挥全院职工的积极性。 五、发扬党的优良传统,密切联系群众,听取和收集各方面的意见。关心职工生活,深入了解职工生活状况,积极维护职工的根本利益,及时向卫生院反映群众的合理要求、意见和困难,并配合卫生院帮助解决。 mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant8r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin- 六、加强工会队伍的建设,指导并培训工会干部,调动工会干部的积极性,及时帮助基层解决工会工作中的问题。 七、负责筹备职工代表大会,并向大会报告工作,主持工会委员会的选举工会。在职代会闭会期间,领导各专门工作小组监督、检查大会决议、决定的贯彻执行情况,并完成职代会要求的各项工作。 八、协调党、政、群团各部门关系,经常向党总支请示、汇报工会工作,主动接受党总支的领导,积极争取行政的支持。定期向上级工会和职工报告工作,争取上级工会的指导,接受教职工的意见和建议,不断改进工作。 九、完成党总支和上级工会交办的其他工作。 办公室主任职责 一、在院长领导下,负责医院的行政管理工作,包括安全、节能、考勤、接待、文书、会议组织、生活福利、奖酬金分配和其他行政工作。 二、组织安排院内各级会议以及由卫生院组织召开的各种会议。记录卫生院大事,整理成稿,为卫生院留下珍贵史料。 三、保存好卫生院等重要文件,分类归档备查。 四、接待来访客人,安排好来客的食宿。 五、负责全院考勤工作和安全节能工作,定期和不定期地进行检查和评定,并与各科室奖金挂勾。 六、按照医院分配方案,管理奖酬金的计算与发放,不断推动全院的分配改革,奖勤罚懒,奖优罚劣,进一步加强经济杠杆的作用。 七、关心群众生活,与工会相互配合,搞好群众的生活福利和文体活动。 八、负责院长委托的其他工作。 九、副主任协助主任做好相应的工作。 各种例会制度 一、全院性职工大会:由院长或副院长主持,会务工作由院办组织安 uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant9texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin- 排。 二、院长办公会:由院长主持,全体院领导参加,传达上级指示精神,研究安排工作。 三、院务会:由正副院长主持,各职能科室负责人参加,传达上级指示精神,听取各职能科室工作汇报,布置会后工作。 四、院周会:由正副院长主持,各职能科室人员参加,每周一次,总结上周工作,传达有关会议精神,通报上周值班督查情况,布置和安排本周工作。 五、科务会:正、副科主任主持,全科人员参加,每周一次,传达院务会或有关会议精神,检查各项制度和工作人员职责的执行情况,总结和布置工作。 六、护士长全会:由护理部正、副主任主持,各科护士长参加,每月一次,总结上月护理工作,布置本月工作任务。 七、门诊例会:由门诊部正、副主任主持,门诊各科负责人参加,每月一次,研究解决医疗质量、工作人员服务态度、劳动纪律、急诊抢救、病人就诊和门诊管理等有关问题,协调各科工作。 八、科晨会:由病区科主任或护士长主持,全科工作人员参加,每晨上班十五分钟内召开,进行交接班,听取值班人员汇报,解决医疗护理及管理工作中存在的主要问题,布置当天工作。 九、工休座谈会:由病房护士长主持,邀请住院病员或家属参加,每月召开一次,听取并征求住院病员及家属的意见,增强了解,协调好关系,宣传解释有关管理制度,改进医疗护理服务工作。 十、离退休人员座谈会,每年召开一次,由政工科、工会和院办组织,听取并征求离退休人员的意见和要求,宣传和解释有关文件,会议精神,通报医院形势和任务情况。 十一、知识分子代表座谈会:由副高级技术职称有以上的代表人员参加,每年召开一次,会议由政工科,院办组织。 十二、社会监督员座谈会,每年召开1—2次,正式邀请应聘的社会监督员,部分住院病员或家属代表参加,由院领导主持,听取并征求社会监督员住院病人及家属的意见和建议,改进工作,不断适应和满足社会医疗需求。 ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant10r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deter 十三、乡村医生例会:根据市级卫生行政部门的安排,每月、双月或每季度召开一次。听取乡村医生和妇幼保健员上一阶段工作汇报,收集工作报表和资料,传达学习上级文件,总结上一阶段工作,安排布置下一阶段工作。必要时以会代训,开展预防、保健、医疗、健康教育等公共卫生新技术、新知识和卫生法律法规的培训工作。 以上会议均应有会议记录,记录内容包括时间、地点、主持人、记录人、参加人员、会议议题、发言内容和会议结论。 医院总值班制度 一、院总值班由院领导、职能科室有关人员参加,负责处理非办公时间的医务、行政和临时事宜,及时传达、处理上级指示和紧急通知,签收机密文件,承接未办事宜。 二、值班时间:每天正常上班时间以外的时间,均由总值班负责。 三、值班期间要负责检查夜间工作人员的工作!隋况。 四、值班人员要严格坚守工作岗位,如巡视病房或有要事必须离开值班室时,要及时将去向告诉门诊值班人员或请人代班,以便寻找。 五、值班期间发生的重要问题,如值班人员无力解决,要立即向有关领导汇报。 六、值班期间不得带他人进入值班室。 七、做好值班记录,于第二日上班后向院办公室交班,简要通报值班情况,并由院办负责安排当日值班人员。 八、值班人员遇有特殊情况不能值班时,经院办公室同意可找人调换值班,但不得擅自找人代替。 九、每班交班前,清扫室内卫生,认真做好固定资产交接班。 卫生院行政管理规定 为了加强行政管理,严肃劳动纪律、狠抓医德医风,切实把“医院管理年”活动落到实处,使医院各项管理工作步人规范化的轨道,做到有章可循,违章必究,增强全院干部职工的自觉性,经院委会研究决定,特制定医院行政管理有关规定: uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant11texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin- 一、医德医风: 牢固树立病人至上的服务理念,对病人或外单位到我院办事的工作人员,要热情接待,服务周到,积极提供方便。 1(病人投诉的问题实行首次接待负责制,不属于本人职责范围内的事情,要做好解释,并主动联系相关科室或人员接待处理。推诿、刁难、踢皮球者一次罚款20元,与来院办事人员或医务人员之间发生争吵者一次罚款50元,动手打人罚款100,300元并承担相应经济责任,严重者追究相关法律责任。 2(维护医院声誉,严禁出具假证明,伪造假病历,经核实,一次罚款5 0元,并视其后果承担一切责任。 3(在连续三个月内发生与病人争吵二次,被病人投诉二次,推诿病人二次,无故转诊病人二次,旷工二次者待岗1个月,发生第一次者,全院通报批评,并罚款1 00元。 4(严禁医护人员及其他工作人员以病人名义为自己搭车开药或克扣病人药品,违者按所得药品金额10倍罚款,并待岗1个月。 5(严禁吃里扒外,将病人检查或治疗介绍到外单位或诊所,从中收取中介费,一经查实,一次罚款200元,并承担一切后果。 二、劳动组织纪律 全院职工要有高度的组织纪律性,自觉遵守劳动纪律,保证正常工作、学习、会议时间,实行周休日一天半制,轮班者,按科室排班休息,严禁上班、学习、会议时间迟到、早退、旷工和上班时间吃工作餐。 1(严格考勤制度。对迟到、早退、脱岗10分钟者,罚款20元,20分钟者罚款40元,时间长者以次类推,迟到1小时者按旷工处理。 2(串岗、上班时吃工作餐发现一次各罚款20元。 3(病、事假请假,必须有书面申请。3天内由科主任批准,并报办公室备案。7天以上由院长批准,并报办公室备案。病假必须由我院相关科室主任出具病假证明书,1周以上者取消当月效益工资,超过1个月以上者为长期病假,按医院病假规定执行。事假1天扣当月1,30的效益工资(红、白喜事除外)。 4(未经请假或请假未批准的为旷工,旷工1天扣除当天全额工资,累计矿工1 5天以上者(含1 5天)单位除名并报卫生局备案,科主任、护士 ater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant12r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud 长扣工达7天者,免除其干部职务。 5(通知开会经查实无故不到会者一次罚款5 0元。 6(上班干私活,或未经许可由本科室工作人员替班者一次罚款20元,进行打牌赌博等活动一次罚款100元,并扣发当月效益工资。 三、执行制度与遵纪守法 各类人员应严格执行各项规章制度和技术操作规程,自觉遵纪守法。 1(上班不穿工作服、不挂胸牌,操作时不戴口罩,不执行无菌操作规程,不按文明用语要求,发现一次各罚款5 0元。 2(护士不巡视病房,不及时加药做治疗者,让病人或家属喊叫,住院护士不带病人做检查者,发现一次各罚款1 0元。 3(医务人员不按制度办事,不执行“三查八对"、打错针、开错方、发错药、不发或假发报告者,无论后果如何一次罚款1 00元,取消当月效益工资,造成医疗纠纷者,承担经济责任,后果严重者按医院有关规定处理。 4(任何科室和个人不得私自收费,科室私自收费一经发现除追缴全部金额外,扣除全科室当月效益工资与科主任津贴,对个人私自收费者除追缴本金,并处以20倍罚款,停岗3个月。 5(任何科室和个人在收费和划价过程中,少收、不收、少划价的,一经发现除追缴应该缴费用外,另给予2倍的罚款。 6(严格财经纪律,对在外进行各科业务活动中开假票据,虚报冒领,一经查出除没收所得外,并以冒领金额的20倍罚款,性质严重的追究法律责任。 卫生院诊断、病休证明书制度 一、门诊医师严格按照病情开写诊断、病休证明,并将其记录于病历。严禁开人情假条。急诊病人的病休证明一般不得超过三天。 二、证明盖章时须持门诊病历在假期时间内有效,过期不予盖章,一般不补开病休证明。 三、凡属诊断证明,须持有关单位证明信和病历,由本院指定的专业医师开写,方可盖章。 四、健康体检者,由公共卫生科办理体检手续。 -digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant13texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi 五、须转外院诊疗者,须由医师填写转诊病历,科主任同意,由院长批准后,由医务科盖章,年终做好统计工作。 六、复工、复学证明,须持本单位建议复工、复学介绍信,经分管院长认可后,出具证明。 七、门诊医师不得开写外购药品证明。如有缺药,可与药房仓库联系或用其他药品代替。 八、门诊进修医师只允许出具病休证明,其它证明无效。 请示报告制度 凡有下列情况,必须及时向院领导、市卫生行政部门或乡镇政府请示报告: 一、严重工伤、重大交通事故、中毒、甲乙类传染病以及必须动员全院力量抢救的病人时; 二、凡有重大手术、首次开展的新手术、新疗法、新技术时; 三、发生医疗事故或严重差错,损坏或丢失医疗设备和贵重及毒、麻、剧、限药品,发现药品变质失效时; 四、收治涉及法律问题以及有自杀迹象的病人时; 五、发生房地产与周边单位居民争执和纠纷,发生自然灾害危险和安全问题时; 六、财务开支,药品、卫生材料和设备采购,房屋维修、基本建设时; 七、增补、修改卫生院规章制度、技术操作常规时; 八、工作人员因病、事请假、因公出差、院外会诊、接受院外任务时。 社会民主监督制度 一、乡镇卫生院工作要自党接受拄会和群众的监督,向镇政府聘请义务监督员。 二、乡镇卫生院应建立和完善社会民主监督体系,卫生院设意见箱或 -mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant14r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin 意见本,发放征求意见卡,定期召开座谈会,认真主动听取社区居民对卫生院的工作意见、建议和要求,加强政治思想、医德医风建设。不断改善服务态度,提高医疗护理质量,更好地保障社区居民的健康。 三、乡镇卫生院应该设立社会民主监督的主管部门,负责办理日常事务工作。 四、负责社会民主监督员口头或书面所反映的意见、建议的受理、登记、汇总,卫生院应进行认真负责的调查处理并加以督促改正。 五、要密切与社会监督员的关系,随时向他们通报卫生院的工作和重大决策,虚心听取他们对卫生院工作的建议和要求,并为他们行使社会民主三监督权力提供各种方便。 六、卫生院应定期召开社会民主监督员的例会,定期研究群众意见,及时改进工作。 病案管理制度 一、日常管理 (一)负责集中管理全院病案。 (二)凡出院病案,应于病人出院后三日内(包括死亡)全部回收病案室。 (三)负责出院病人病案的整理、查核、登记、索引编目、装订以及保管工作,在与病房交接病历时,逐一登记住院号、姓名、出院日期、上交日期,并在每次交接登记处由交接双方签字。 (四)计算机组与病案管理员进行病案交接手续,认真进行病案录入及核对工作,按月造表及打印台帐。 二、病案保管与供应 1、负责临床、教学和科研以及个别调阅病案的供应和回收工作 2、负责办理院际病案摘录和经过医务科同意的外调接待工作。 3、配合统计人员做好有关统计资料的整理、分析。 4、把好病案书写质量的初查关,促进病案书写质量的不断提高。 5、切实做好病案储藏室的安全和对病案内容的适当保密工作。 6、住院病案一律由病案室长期统一保管,负责各种资料收集、整理、分类、统计、登记、顺号上架,不得丢失和破损,要保持清洁,妥善保管。 -eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant15texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed 并准确及时的供应医疗、教学、科研所需要的资料,以及接待外来查访和持有批准手续的借阅、抄录病历等。 7、医疗统计工作的原始资料应以病案为主,只有病案内容所反映的情况才是最真实、最确切的,所以在卫生院中统计工作与病案管理工作应密切配合。 8、病案室工作人员必须严格保守病案中一切秘密,不得随意泄露。 9、病案室工作人员应认真检查病历质量和内容是否系统、完整,从中提出存在问题,不断提出改进办法。 10、患者门诊须要参阅住院病案时,由门诊医师到病案室查阅。 11、提高科研分析用的病案,应在病案室内阅毕归档,必须借出时,须经医务科批准,办理借阅手续,方可借出,两周内归还。逾期不能归还者,应到病案室续期,但不得超过一个月。 1 2、院外和本院非医务人员,不得查阅病案,进修医生查阅病案,须经科主任批准,但不得借出病案室。 1 3、本院医生不允许查阅与本专业无关的病历。特殊原因需要,须经医务科签字。 1 4、复印归档病历,按卫生部《医疗机构病历管理规定》要求可以复印。复印时,病案室工作人员根据复印证患者或家属到指定地点,按规定复印相关内容,其他任何机构和个人不得擅自查阅和复印病历。 1 5、任何科室及个人在病案室内讨论、查阅病案必须办理手续。 1 6、病人及其陪护人员不得翻阅病案。病案在院内各部门间的流动,应由有关工作人员传递,不要让病人或其陪护人员携带。 医保、农合、居民医保管理制度 为了进一步贯彻国家医改精神,巩固和完善职工医保、新农合、居民医保制度扩大受益范围,提高三保病人的受益水平,增加互助共济意识,引导群众适时、合理就医,提高三保基金的使用率和效益,更加好地服务于群众,特制定本制度。 一、机构管理 1(建立院医保、农合、居民医保管理小组,由分管院长负责,不定期召开会议,检查院内医保工作的制度执行情况。 mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant16r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed- 2(贯彻落实上级有关医保的政策规定。 3(监督检查本院医保制度规定的执行情况。 4(及时查处违反医保制度规定的人和事,并有相关记录。 二、申报管理 1(入院三天内及时申报,凡因申报不及时,造成患者不能够报销的将由管床医师承担全部责任。 2(人院三天内必须持参保证件及身份证,由管床医师初步验证身份,防止冒名顶替。 3(申报必须实事求是,严禁弄虚作假,一经查实,将移交司法机关处理。 三、医务管理 1(中西药品处方书写要求有姓名、性别、年龄、日期、工作单位及家庭地址、剂型、剂量、用量、用法、医师签名。 2(控制药品需严格掌握适应症。 3(急诊处方不开与急诊无关的药品、控制使用的抢救药品要注明病情、履行审批手续。 4(住院用药必须符合参保有关规定,尊重参保人员对就医费用的知情权,使用自费药品或自费诊疗服务项目时,在非紧急情况下,应事先征求本人或家属同意,并为住院病人提供每日医疗费用清单。 5(出院带药严格按规定执行,禁止挂床住院。不得分解住院和伪造住院。 6(特殊检查和治疗,应指征明确,审批手续完备,凡未经申报取得审批的特殊检查和治疗费用一律由管床医师及患者自负。 四、财务管理 1(配备专人负责与市医保中心医药费结算和衔接工作,并按医保规定提供相关资料。 2(新增医疗项目及时以书面形式向市医保局、市合管办申报。 3(严格执行医保中心的结报制度,控制各项相关指标,正确执行医疗收费标准。 4(对收费操作上发现问题,做到及时处理,并有相关处理记录。 5(参保人员出院结帐后,要求查询收费情况,各医保窗口和财务部 eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant17texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed- 门做到耐心接待,认真解释,不推诿。 电工房工作制度 一、电工房负责全院用电设备的安装、使用和计划维修工作,是全院供电的枢钮,为保证机房安全,未经工作人员许可,不得入内。 二、电工房实行昼夜值班,并建立值班日记和巡回检修日记,在值班时间内,值班人员要坚守工作岗位,不得随意外出,不准打闹,严禁喝酒。 三、电工房要定期对全院的用电设备进行检修和保养,使其经常处于良好状态,接到派工单后,要迅速赶赴现场,排除故障,保证安全用电。 四、严格执行操作规程,高空作业必须有安全措施,杜绝一切责任事故的发生。 五、认真执行医院用电管理制度,定期核查电表,注意节约用电,注意节约用电,节约用水,不准将电、水送人。 洗衣房工作制度 一、负责全院被服制作、消毒、洗涤、缝补、干燥、烫平、折迭、发放等工作。定时下收、下送,保证医疗第一线需要。 二、严格执行被服的交换手续,防止丢失。凡未印字的新制品不准投放使用。发现差错及时处理。 三、被服消毒、洗涤、供应要做到工患分开,已洗与未洗者分别放置。 四、爱护公物,修旧利废,回收敷料,节约用布、水、电、肥皂及其他材料。 五、加强对烘干机的管理,严防烤坏被服做好防火、防盗及机器的保养工作。 六,未经科室领导同意、公用被服一律不准外借。 七、丢失、损坏被服者,要按有关规定赔偿。 八、加强劳动纪律,坚守工作岗位,洗衣房内严禁干私活,洗私人衣物。 九、被服、工作服破损时,缝补后方能发出,应报废的被服,由科室 -mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant18r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin 填好报损单,由总务科长签署意见,报院主管领导批准后,准予报废,凭报损单到仓库交旧领新品。 计划生育管理的有关规定 为了加强我院计划生育管理,根据赤壁市计生局及市卫生局相关文件要求,特制订以下有关规定: 一、凡卫生院停薪留职育龄期女职工在本通知下达后一个月内,必须到卫生院财务科缴纳计划生育保证金一万元整;凡卫生院停留薪留职的协管对象,在本通知下达后一个月内,必须到卫生院财务科缴纳计划生育保证金五千元整,逾期不缴纳计划生育保证金者,一律报市卫生局除名或辞退处理。 二、凡属以上计划生育管理对象,每季度必须寄回一次当地计生部门未孕证明及正规医院B超检查报告单,上面要有本人相片并加盖医院公章。每半年本人必须回卫生院由计划生育专干当面监督做B超检查。逾期不归者,由我院派计划生育专干到当地计生部门当面进行双查,所有发生的费用将直接在生育保证金中扣除。 三、男方在我院上班的协管对象,每李度的20日前必须到我院由计划生育专干当面监督做B超检查,逾期未来检查者,自逾期之日起到检查之日止,扣发其期间工资奖金。 四、在我院上班的育龄期妇女,每季度20日前必须到我院由计划生育专干当面监督做B超检查,逾期未来检查者,停发工资奖金。 五、按要求按期来院检查者,其所缴纳的计划生育保证金在停薪留职期满回院上班后,可以全额退还。 六、如B超医师或计划生育专干弄虚作假,造成后果的,将依规依法追究法律责任。 卫生院考勤休假制度 为了严肃组织纪律,方便病人就医,强化考勤制度,加强对全院职工的职业道德职业纪律的管理,提高医护质量,避免医疗差错事故的发生,特制定卫生院考勤休假制度: ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant19texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0. 一、全院以科室为单位逐日记录各科室考勤,卫生院行政督查组负责全院的考勤监督。 二、科主任、护士长休假和外出口包括出诊口必须向院长请假,并告之去向及联系电话。 三,、根据相关规定结合卫生院实际,一周休假1.5天(一个月六天),法定假期全年十天(?元旦?一天、?五一?三天、?十一?三天、春节三天),女同志?三八?加假半天。当月假期当月休完,逾期作废,由各科主任统一安排,特殊情况报院长审批。 四、连续休假6天以上(含6天)者报院长审批并写请假条,连续休假3天以上(含3天)者报业务院长或分管院长审批。不请假者按旷工论处,旷工6天以上(含6天)将予以调离原岗位或下岗。请假期间所有行为由自己负责与医院无关。 五、门诊2人小科室不得关门休息,单人科室双休日休息时必须将电话告诉总值班,以便急诊联系。 六、其他假期:产期九十天、婚期七天、丧期三天、晚婚晚育假按有关规定执行,计划生育假按国家规定执行。产假、婚假、丧假期间只发基本基本工资。超过假期,如无特殊原因无故不上班者,按旷工论处。 七、凡旷工的按其本人的日平均效益工资3倍扣除(旷工指不请假,未经同意的电话请假,他人代假,未经批准人休假,请假逾期不归者)。事假可用月休假抵销、病休连续十五天以上者,按有关文件精神执行。 水电管理制度 为了加强水电管理,保证水电供应,安全用电,节约水电,减少经费开支,对卫生院的水电管理特制定如下有关制度: 一、水电管理员为水电管理的第一责任人,全面负责卫生院供水供电设施的管理、维护、维修、非公用水电表的抄查、结算和催缴工作。管理中: 1、水电管理员应经常检查水电管线、开关、阀门和用电器的使用情况,为了保证安全和水电供应,出现问题应及时维修处理(电管员每天对配电室最少巡视一遍),管理中如因管理不善,一旦出现安全事故,追究管理 g watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant20r and soil 人员责任。 2、水电设施的维修 (1)卫生院公用水电设施正常损坏,由卫生院负责维修,费用由卫生院支付。各科室所辖的水电设施的正常与非正常损坏,由卫生院负责维修,费用由各科室支付,故意损坏者,给予5倍罚款。 (2)卫生院非公用水电设施的损坏,由水电用户负责维修,费用由水电用户承担。 3、对非公用水电用户的水电表,每月抄表一次,抄表结算情况及时通知水电用户。 二、水电费 l、除公用水电由卫生院支付水电费用外。非公用水电用户的水电费用由各用户承担,在管理人员按时抄表的基础上,用户必须及时将费用缴卫生院财务窒,不按时缴纳时,管理人员有权停止水电供应。用户所欠水电费用,水电管理员承担责任。 2、对各科室白天不应亮灯而亮灯者,一旦查出,除对相关人员给予批评外,连续2次时,给予20元,盏罚款;公用水嘴用后应及时关闭,不及时关闭者,一旦查出给予20元罚款;取暖器、风扇、饮水机和微机用时开放,不用随时关闭;严禁常明灯、常转扇、夜间开饮水机的现象发生。 三、其它 1、不经卫生院批准和允许,不得私设水电管线和使用大功率电器, 一旦发现,拆除后给予3 00元罚款 2私设水电管线和使用大功率电器,一旦发生意外事故,由其个人承担全部责任。 3、全院用户警须节约水电,安全用电。任何住户不得偷用水电,否则,一旦查出一次罚款300元;各户用配电箱,不经电工不得随意耗锁打开,否则一次罚款l 00元。更换水、电表必须经过办公室批准。 4、、每次抄查水电表的情况,须有连续性。 5、为了保证使用,各科室的不亮灯和坏水嘴的情况应及时向水电管理员汇报,由水电管理员及时更换灯管或维修(费用执行有关规定)。 digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant21texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi- 水、电工职责 一、在院办公室的领导下开展工作,确保医院水、电畅通,严守职责。 二、服从领导、团结同志、热心为病人职工生活服务。 三、经常检查水路、电路,对出现的问题及时修理,确保水通、电通、严防一切事故发生。 四、医院所有的水电设备,一律由水电工负责安装和维修,对个人私自安装水电设备或改换线路,要立即拆除,并及时报告院长。 五、经常维护水电设备,尽量延长其使用寿命。冬季要做好水龙头的防冻工作,严禁水龙头的长流水现象发生。 六、定期抄送水、电表(每月25号前),并将水电度数报表交财务科核算,对表外用水,用电及其它违反用水、用电及其它临时工作,根据医院的安排,密切配合,切实解决好。 医务人员“三基”培训制度 一(基础理论、基本知识、基本技能简称“三基”。三基训练全员参加,三基考核人人达标。 二(科主任应重视“三基”培训工作,每年“三基’’培训应根据科室人员结构的具体情况,制订出相适宜的培训目标、计划、措施,组织实施。 三(“三基”培训采取多种形式,讲座、读书报告会、示教等,但重点应具体落实在日常的医疗活动中:三级查房、病历书写、疑难、死亡病例讨论、会诊讨论、换药、手术等。 四(医务人员人人掌握徒手心肺复苏急救技术。科室组织训练,人人达标。 五(计算机属基本技能的范畴,在自己的岗位职责工作中必须熟悉和熟练地掌握计算机的操作,适应卫生院和科室发展的需要。在卫生院业务建设的发展过程中,不能胜任的,应暂停工作,接受专项培训,待合格后,再恢复工作和工资发放。 六(医务科定期组织有关职能科室人员对各科“三基”培训落实情况 g to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant22r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand 进行督查,发现问题,及时提出整改意见。 七(“三基”考核,每年年终必须进行一次理论考试和技能考核,考试、考核成绩汇总上档并报医务科、护理部及相关科室。考核试卷由科室保留备查。 八(“三基”考核应与缺陷管理及效益工资挂勾,不合格的医务人员不能评优、晋级、晋升。经补考不合格者,根据情况,暂停岗位工作,接受专项培训。 医德教育和医德考核制度 一、把卫生部颁发的《医务人员医德规范》和我院下发的《医务人员职业道德规范和行为准则》作为对广大医务人员进行医德医风教育的基本教材,结合上级文件及有关学习资料,每月利用政治学习的时间组织学习,由各科室具体实施。 二、坚持以正面教育为主,选好先进典型,卫生办公室要充分利用黑板报、宣传橱窗、简报等宣传工具,大力宣扬医德医风高尚的典型人物和事迹。 三、坚持利用院周会、院务会等进行医德医风教育,及时将测评情况、院外行风监督员座谈会、工休座谈会、医德医风考评情况通报全院职工,表扬好的,批评差的。 四、坚持运用反面典型进行医德医风教育,组织广大医务人员进行讨论,从中吸取教训。 五、医院建立医德考核制度,结合年终考核,对每一个医务人员进行医德考核,并建立医德档案。 六、医德考核的办法分为自我评价,社会评价,科室考评和医院评定。评价的办法要与社会监督紧密结合,要经常听取患者及社会各界的意见。 七、医德考核的时间为定期和随时考核相结合。定期考核在年终与工作人员年度岗位考核和专业技术人员年度考核一起进行。 八、医务人员医德考核的结果,要与综合目标责任制中的奖惩和执业医师考核、护士注册挂钩,并作为医务人员考核、聘任、职称晋升、晋级、评优、评先的重要依据。 uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant23texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin- 九、对于严格遵守医德规范,医德高尚的个人,要给予表彰和奖励,对于不认真遵守医德规范者应进行批评教育,对于严重违反医德规范者,触犯行政规章制度及法律的,要给予处罚,直至追究法律责任。 考勤制度 一、为严格考勤,卫生院应坚持24小时服务。 二、有事必须向院领导书面请假,准假后方可离开单位。 三、严格考勤制度。对迟到、早退、脱岗10分钟者,罚款20元,20分钟者罚款40元,时间长者以次类推,迟到1小时者按旷工处理。 四、串岗、上班时吃工作餐发现一次各罚款20元。 五、病、事假请假,必须有书面申请。3天内由科主任批准,并报办公室备案。37天以上由院长批准,并报办公室备案。病假必须由我院相关科室主任出具病假证明书,1周以上者取消当月效益工资,超过1个月以上者为长期病假,按医院病假规定执行。事假1天扣当月1,30的效益工资 (红、白喜事除外)。 六、未经请假或请假未批准的为旷工,旷工1天扣除当天全额工资,累计矿工1 5天以上者(含1 5天)单位除名并报卫生局备案,科主任、护士长旷工达7天者,免除其干部职务。 七、通知开会经查实无故不到会者一次罚款50元。 八、上班干私活,或未经许可由本科室工作人员替班者一次罚款20元,进行打牌赌博等活动一次罚款100元,并扣发当月效益工资。 卫生院学习制度 一、每位职工要经常抓紧政治理论和业务知识的学习。 二、学习要有学习笔记,自学和集中学习相结合。 三、要不断加强工作技能和专业知识的学习,学习以自学为主,医院定期或不定期组织集中学习。 四、医院每月检查一次学习情况,每月组织一次专题讨论或知识讲座。 五、每季度进行一次业务授课,选派业务骨干讲授新知识、新方法、 d, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant24r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater i 新技术,以点带面,不断提高业务素质。 六、集中学习要实行签到制度。半年和年终的业务考试,根据院内安排的业务学习内容出题,考试成绩列入技术档案,作为外出进修、学习、晋级、晋升和评选先进的重要条件。 卫生院奖惩制度 一、全体职工必须遵守院内各项规章制度,按时完成各项工作任务,年终考核后,根据工作任务完成情况进行奖惩。 二、职工必须服从院领导的管理和分配的各项任务。 三、职工必须完成考勤天数,旷勤1天扣除当天工资,累计3天以上扣三个月岗位津贴,5天以上扣除全年津贴,10天以上报市卫生局处理。 四、对没有完成计划免疫、妇幼保健的工作人员,按上级文件精神处罚,并视具体情况扣除一定的津贴。 五、对因打架、赌博等行为触犯法律者,拘留期间按旷工计算,并在当年不得晋升职称,也不得调整工资。 六、在值班期间,因脱岗造成损失者,由值班人员负责赔偿,并扣除一季度的津贴。 七、全年认真完成计划免疫、妇幼保健的工作人员,按上级奖励办法执行,评选为优秀工作者可优先晋升职称。 安全保卫制度 一、严格安全防范,确保院内安全,节假日要有专人值班,值班要有记录,按照谁值班谁负责的原则,责任到人,做好防火防盗等工作。 二、除住院病人外,闲杂人员留宿院内,须经院长同意方可留宿。住院病员和陪护人员携带物品出院时(凭出院证),总值班人员要进行检查。发现可疑问题,要及时妥善处理。 三、夜间总值班人员要按时巡查,不得擅自脱离岗位。 四、职工自行车、摩托车要按指定地点存放,病人自行车一律停放在 g to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant25texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 m 停车处。 五、财务人员应将现金按规定及时存人银行或信用社,不得超过规定数额,现金、有价票证一律妥善保管。 六、因总值班人员脱岗造成医院财产损失者,由总值班人员负责赔偿。 新农合监管制度 一、市合作医疗管理委员会不定期对各定点医疗机构进行抽样审核,对处方、病历、报销手续:等进行全遍检查,并对全市的合作医疗基金进行分析评估。 二、市合作医疗管理委员会定期向合作医疗管理委员会主任汇报合作医疗基金收支、使用情况,主动接受审计、财政、纪检监察等部门的监督。 三、市合作医疗管理委员会每季度将合作医疗基金筹集和使用情况通过市电视台向社会公布。 四、乡镇和村街每月将本辖区参合农民住院医药费报销情况在政务公开栏公布。 五、督导检查定点医疗机构的医疗服务质量,依据监督检查情况,对违规行为提出处理意见和建议并及时查处 医疗卫生工作登记、统计、报告制度 一、须建立健全登记和统计制度,并有专人负责登记和统计工作。 二、各种登记要填写完整、准确,字迹清楚,并妥善保管。一般而言,医疗登记包括门诊登记、出诊登记、家庭病床、化验、放射(、心电图(、B超检查的数量和质量登记及各项治疗、康复登记等;预防保健登记包括计划免疫、爱国卫生、妇女保健(、儿童保健、老年保健、生殖保健、传染病报告等各项工作数量和质量登记。 三、工作质量统计包括诊断符合率、治愈率、抢救成功率、差错事故发生率、各医技科室工作数量、质量和预防保健教育、计划生育等各项工作数量与质最。 四、应根据统计指标,定期分析工作效率和工作质量,从中总结经验, -mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant26r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin 发现问题,改进工作。 五、按期完成各项统计报表,经院长审阅后上报。 档案、信息资料管理制度 一、在院长领导下,负责全院的计算机及网络系统、信息资料、统计等管理工作。 二、计算机是全院现代科学管理的重要工具,各种统计数据是全院现代科学管理的重要信息,信息资料统计室是全院医疗、财务等数据信息是全院管理工作的重要组成部分,要严格按照《统计法》的规定进行工作。 三、建立健全各种登记、统计、台账,做好统计汇编。 四、编报上级规定的各种报表,不得虚报、瞒报、拒报、迟报、伪造或篡改。 五、分析各种统计指标,定期给院领导和有关科室提供医疗、经济管理工作所需各种统计数据。 六、监督各种医疗登记、医疗质量统计等信息资料填写完整、准确、原始记录和字迹清楚,妥善保管并逐步实行统计工作的标准化、计算机化。 七、遵守各种信息资料的保密制度。 信息公示制度 为建立和完善自我约束机制,增力医疗工作透明度,尊重并满足患者的知情权和选择权,促进医院内部建设和卫生行风建设,提高医疗质量,降低医疗费用,切实解决群众“看病难、看病贵”等问题,制定本制度。 一、公示原则 医疗服务信息公示按照简单易行、客观公正、分级公示的原则进行。 二、公示对象及范围 公示对象及范围:本院、全镇 三、公示内容 (一)基本信息:医疗机构的基本情况、批准开展的诊疗科目、法人、联系方式、投诉电话等。 -uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant27texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin (二)工作量信息:门诊人次、急诊人次、出院人次、住院手术例数等。 (三)医疗费用信息:门诊患者人均医疗费用、出院患者人均医疗费用、住院床日费用等。 (四)单病种信息:单病种的平均住院费用、平均住院阿和药品费用等项目指标。 四、公示方式 参照省市县做法进行。 五、公示时限 信息公示期限根据公示方式确定。 六、公示程序要求 以多种方式,定期、定向采集医疗服务信息。密切配合并对所提供信息的真实性、准确性、完整性负责。上报的信息须经医疗机构主要负责人签名并加盖单位公章。对有关医疗机构提供数据的真实性、准确性、完整性进行核实。确认医疗服务信息结果后,由负责人审签后按规定的方式进行公示。公示的信息如有不当或错误信息的,应当及时更正或撤消。 七、信息采集要求 如实填报有关数据,保证公示信息的真实性、准确性、完整性、及时性。 八、公示组织管理 (一)制定实施医疗服务信息公示制度。 (二)院务办责采集、核准医疗服务信息,拟定公示文稿、公示方式等,负责将采集的医疗服务信息按规定程序报批、发布。 (三)院务办负责医疗服务信息的网上发布及数据库的安全与维护。 人事管理和绩效分配制度 一、所有上岗人员必须具备法定执业资格,实行全员聘用合同制,择优上岗。 二、建立人员能进能出、职位能上能下、待遇能高能低、优胜劣汰、人才合理流动的用人机制。 三、以按劳取酬为原则按岗、按任务、按业绩定酬,实行绩效工资制。 digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant28r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th- 按各岗位不同性质和要求制定公平、合理的绩效工资管理方案,以调动职工的积极性和业务学习的自觉性,提高业务水平及服务质量。 四、实行量化考核,考核内容包括医德医风、业务素质、出勤情况、岗位业绩和服务质量,按考核办法定期或不定期考核。考核结果,作为工资、奖金分配和年度评先评优依据。 卫生工作制度 一、卫生检查制度 1(坚持每周五上午八点环境卫生检查制度,由院爱卫会成员参加, 办公室作好记录。 2(全院每月大检查二次;由院爱卫会及爱卫会小组组长参加,检查结果由院爱卫会办公布。 3,各爱卫会小组每月应自己检查12次,并做检查记录。 4(各科室卫生监督员,负责监督检查本科的卫生工作。 5,对各科室卫生进行木定期抽查。 二、卫生清扫制度 1,室内卫生每天上午、下午班前各清扫一次,实行全天保洁。 2(门诊大厅、室内走廊、各病室随脏随扫。 3,环境卫生每周二小扫除,周六班前大扫除。 4(各科室环境卫生包干区要经常保持清洁、整齐。 三、卫生标准制度 I(环境卫生应做到四无:无垃圾粪便、无果皮纸屑、无杂草、无卫生死角。 2(室内卫生应做到六无、二净、一整齐:无积尘、无蛛网、无痰迹、无蚊蝇、老鼠、无果皮纸屑、无烟蒂。门窗玻璃净、地面净。室内物品摆放整齐。 四、卫生奖惩制度 4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant29texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand 1、全院卫生大检查总分凡低于80分以下的科室、扣科室当月奖金2,。 2(卫生死角限期不改者扣科室当月奖金3,。 3月卫生检查评比时,爱卫会成员无故不到者,扣所在科室2分。 4(在平时的卫生抽查或夜查房时若发现科室有较严重的卫生问题时,一次扣本科室当月奖金的1,。 5(每月卫生评比一次,按积分排出名次,第一名发流动红旗一面,奖励30元。对卫生特别差的单位除限期改正外并扣罚本科室奖金30元,若限期仍不改者以挂黑旗处理。 6(每半年进行一次综合性评比,对连续三次获得第一名的单位奖励100元,并给予通报表扬;对三次倒数第一名的单位给予通报批评并罚款50元。 7(年终进行总评比,对总分第一名单位授奖旗一面,奖励300元,对在卫生工作中的先进个人予以通报表扬,并给予物资奖励。对全年卫生评比中平均分低于30分以下的单位给予通报批评并罚款1 00元 (从科室奖金总额中扣除) 卫生检查评比制度 一、卫生管理工作由专人负责。 二、办公室每月检查12次,主管人员负责考核,检查时办公室领导和科室护士长参加。卫生员会,公布评比结果,布置下月工作,表彰好 三、每周开一次卫生员会,公布评比结果,布置下月工作,表彰好人好事。 四、对完成任务比较好者,群众满意者,给予适当的奖励。 五、每季度由患者、职工对卫生员进仃一次评估,一贯表现突出者,年终给予是奖励。 六、根据完成任务情况,由办公室对主管人员提出奖惩意见,报院领导批准后付诸实施。 食堂卫生管理制度 e circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant30r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectin 一、工作人员必须学好和做好食品卫生“五四”制,上班时衣帽整洁操作时要戴口罩。 二、每天下班前必须进行清洁大扫除,做到餐具清洁,陈列整齐,案板、锅灶地面冲洗干净。 三、每星期六搞一次清洁大扫除,包括室内外、门窗。 四、不准出售现饭和腐烂变质的食物。 五、做好灭鼠防鼠工作,熟食下班前必须存放好,减浪费。 六、每天及时向病房收送开水及预订客员。 食堂卫生:“五四制” 一、由原料到成品实行“四不制度”:采购人员不买腐烂变质的原料,保管员不收腐烂变质的原料,加工员不用腐烂变质的原料,营业员不卖腐烂变质的食品。 二、成品(食物)存放实行“四隔离":生与熟隔离、成品与半成品隔离、食品与药品隔离、食品与天然水隔离。 三、用(食)具实行“四过关”:一洗二刷三冲四消毒。 四、环境卫生采取“四定”办法:定人、定物、定时间、定质量划片分工包干负责。 五、个人卫生做到“四勤奋”:勤洗手剪指甲、勤洗澡理发、勤洗衣服被子、勤换工作服。 医务人员外出进修学习规定 一、进修学习的目的是更新知识,提高专业技能,更好地为医院工作,为社会服务。 二、进修培训包括专业进修和外语学习,专业进修必须专业对口,原则上应有三年临床经验,外语学习对象应是各专业取得中级职称以上年龄在45岁以下的业务骨干。其程序是:个人申请、科室同意、主管部门研究批准。 三、进修培训需要延长时间的,必须经科室和卫生院同意,否则,卫生院将拒付延长时间的一切费用。 四、在进修培训期间,必须遵守所在院校的规章制度,不得无故半途 4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant31texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand 而废,若有违纪现象发生,视情节轻重给予处分。 五、凡要求自费进修者,一切费用由本人承担,进修期间停发工资,如进修后继续回院工作,学有所用,成绩显著,工作满五年后,医院可报销进修费并补给停发工资,但进修前必须与医院签订合同,未签合同者,不享受此条规定。 六、凡经卫生院同意,派出进修人员,必须先与卫生院签订有关合同才能去进修,否则等同自费进修。 七、外出进修培训期为一年的,提前给三天时间做准备,回院后给假三天;半年的前后各给假两天;不到半年的,前后只给假一天,超过日期按旷工处理。 八、进修培训为期一年以上的可报销两次往返路费,不到一年只报销一次往返路费。 九、进修、培训结业回院后,一定要开展工作,不得调离本院或更改专业(院方因工作需要调动者例外),结业后五年中申请调出者,须一次性院方付清以下费用:卫生院负担的进修费和学习期间的工资、津贴、往返路费和其他福利待遇 财务管理制度 ater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant32r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud 一、认真贯彻执行国家的财经方针、政策,加强财务监督,严格财经纪律,财会人员要以身作则,奉公守法。 二、建立健全财务岗位责任制,组织合理收入,严格控制开支。凡是该收的要抓紧收回,凡不符合财务开支标准和开支计划的要拒付。临时必须的开支应按审批手续办理。 三、根据工作计划,正确编制年度和季度的财务计划,办理会计业务,按照规定上报会计月报、季报和年报表。加强经济管理,做好经济核算管理工作。 四、会计人员要及时清理债务,防止拖欠,避免呆账。 五、医院对外所有开支均应取得合法的原始凭证(如发票、账单、收据等)。原始凭证由经手人、验收人和主管负责人签字后,经财务会计审核制单后,出纳付款结算。一切空白纸条,不能作为正式凭据。出差或因公借款,须经院领导批准,任务完成后及时办理结账报销手续。 六、财务人员应和其它有关科室密切配合,管好本院一切财产帐。 七、每日收入的现金要及时送存银行,编制日报表。收款收据存根及时复核,并签章。发现差错后能更正的立即更正,需要赔偿的应及时汇报领导,酌情给予赔偿处理。现金库存不得超过规定限额。 八、原始凭证、账本、工资清册、财务决算等核算资料,以及会计人员交接等均按财政部门规定办理。 医院会计制度 一、为了加强卫生院会计核算工作,保证会计质量,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》、《事业单位会计准则》以及国家其他有关法律、法规,制定本制度。 二、卫生院的会计核算除采用权责发生制外,均按照《事业单位会计准则》规定的一般原则和本制度的要求进行。 三、医院应按下列规定运用会计科目:(一)本制度统一规定会计科目的编号,便于编制会计凭证、登记账簿、查阅账目,实行会计电算化,不允许随意改变或打乱重编。(二)卫生院应按本制度的规定,设置和使用会计科目。明细科目的设置,除本制度已有规定者外,在不违反统一会计核 -uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant33texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin 算要求的前提下,卫生院可按根据需要,自行规定。(三)医院在填制会记凭证、登记账簿时,应填列会计科目的名称,或者同时填列会记科目的名称和编号,不应只填列科目编号,不填列科目名称。 四、卫生院应按下列规定编制和提供财务报告:(一)医院应当按照《事业单位会记准侧》和本制度的规定,编制和提供合法、真实和公允的财务报告。(二)卫生院的财务报告由会计报表和财务情况组成。医院对外提供财务报告的内容、会计报表种类和核格式等,由本制度规定;医院内部管理需要的会计报表由医院自行规定。(三)卫生院向外提供的会计报表包括: 1(资产负债表; 2(收入支出总表; 3(基金变动情况表; 4(有关附表。(四)卫生院的财务报告应当报送财政部门和主管部门,报送时间由各省、自治区、直辖市财政部门和卫生部门规定。(五)医院会计报表,以人民币“元”为金额单位,“元”以下填至“分”。(六)卫生院向外提供的会计报表应依次编定页数、加具封面、装订成册、加盖公章。封面上应注明:医院名称、地址、报表所属年度、月份、送出日期等,并由医院法定代表人、总会计师(或代行总会计师职权的人员)和会计机构负责人签名或盖章。 五、卫生院会计机构设置、会计人员配备、会计核算、会计监督、内部会计管理制度的要求,按照《会计基础工作规范》的规定执行。 会计档案管理制度 一、会计档案的立卷归档: 1、财务会计部门在会计年度终了后,应将本单位在工作、业务活动中形成的会计资料,收集齐全。根据归档要求,分类整理,装订成册,填写卷内目录并立卷,编写好会计档案案卷目录一式三份。 2、当年的会计档案,可暂由财务会计部门保管一年,期满后,由财务会计部门编制清册,移交单位档案室保管。 3、财务会计部门和经办人,必须按期将应归档的会计档案全部交单位 mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant34r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed- 档案室,单位档案室必须按期接收,交接时,交接双方应当当面进行清点,并在移交清册上签名盖章。 4、单位档案室接收保管的会计档案原则上应当保持原卷册的封装,个别需要拆封重新整理的,应当会同原财务会计部门和经办人共同拆封整理,以分清责任。 二、会计档案的保管: 1、会计档案必须进行科学管理,要做到妥善保管、有序存放、方便查阅,并做好防潮、防霉、防虫蛀、防盗、防火、防磁等工作,确保会计档案的安全。 2、会计档案的保管期限,根据会计档案管理办法的规定和其特点,分为永久和定期二类。永久类包括年终结算报表、会计档案销毁清册、保管移交清册;定期类分为五年期(会计报表等)、十五年期(会计凭证等)、二十五年期(会计帐簿等)。会计档案的保管期限,从会计年度终了后的第一天算起。 3、会计档案的保管要严格执行安全和保密制度,不得随意堆放,严防毁损、散失和泄密。 4、采用电子计算机进行会计核算的单位,应当保存打印出的纸质会计档案及各种光盘资料。 三、会计档案的查阅: 1、单位应当建立健全会计档案查阅、复制登记制度。 2、本单位各部门需要查阅会计档案的,需经财务部门负责人同意,并由财务部门派人去档案室查阅。 3、单位保存的会计档案不得借出。如有特殊需要,经本单位负责人批准,可以提供查阅或者复制,并办理登记手续。 4、外单位来查阅会计资料,查阅人员需持单位介绍信,介绍信上需注明查阅档案的原因、内容和方法(如阅览、复制),由档案室保管人员征得财务会计部门负责人同意后,报经单位领导批准,由财务会计部门派人去档案室查阅。 5、查阅或复制会计档案的人员,严禁在会计档案上涂画、涂改、拆封和抽换,要维护会计档案的完整与安全,保守机密。 四、会计档案的销毁: -eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant35texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed 1、会计档案保管期满需要销毁时,由本单位档案室提出销毁意见,会同财务会计部门共同鉴定,严格审查,编制会计档案销毁清册,经单位领导审查,并报主管局批准后才能销毁。 2、对于保管期满,但未结清的债权债务原始凭证和其他未了事项的原始凭证,应单独抽出,另行立卷,保管到未了事项完结时为止。单独抽出立卷的会计档案,应当在会计档案销毁清册和会计档案保管清册中列明。 3、按规定销毁会计档案时,应由单位档案室和财务会计部门共同派员监销,监销人在销毁会计档案以前,应当认真进行清点核对,销毁后,在销毁清册上签名盖章,并将监销情况报告单位领导。 五、会计档案保管人员,对于违反会计档案管理制度的,有权进行检查纠正,情况严重的,应当报告单位领导或财务、档案管理机关查处。 六、撤消、合并单位的会计档案,应随同单位的全部档案一并移交给指定单位,并按规定办理交接手续。 财务内部审计制度 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强卫生院内部审计工作,建立健全的内部审汁制度,完善内部败督制约机制,规范收支管理,促进我院各项工作健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国审计法》、《审计署关于内部审计工作的规定》和《卫生系统内部审计工作规定》,结合我院实际情况,制定本制度。 第二条 卫生院内部审计:是指卫生院内部审计人员,对本单位的财务收支、经济活动的真实、合法性进行独立监督的行为。 第三条 本制度适用于泉口、随阳分院。 第二章 内部审计人员 第四条 内部审计人员在本单位主要负责人领导下,依照国家法律、法规以及本制度规定开展审计工作。 本单位主要负责人应加强对内部审计工作的领导,定期听取汇报,研究部署工作,及时批复年度内部审计工作计划、审计报告,并督促有关部门落实审计意见,保证内部审计人员依法行使职权。 第五条 内部审计员应按照国家法律、法规的规定,配备裰当的内部 -digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant36r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th 审计人员,开展审计(工作。内部审计人员应当:其有审计、会计、经济管理、工程技术等相关专业知识和业务能力。内部审计人员实行岗位资格准入和后续教育制度,本单位应当予以支持和保障。 第六条 内部审计机构负责人必须具备中级以上相关专业技术职称3年以上审计、会计工作经历。 第七条 内部审计人员办理审计事项,应当严格遵守内部审计准则和内部审计人员职业道德规范,依法审计,忠于职守,做到独立、客观、公正、保密。 第八条 内部审计人员与被审计单位或者审计事项有利害关系的,应当回避。任何组织和个人不得干预内部审计工作。 第九条 本单位应当支持内部审计工作,及时解决工作中存在的问题,保护内部审计人员依法履行职责,保证内部审计开展工作和培训所必需的经费。 第三章 内部审计职责与任务 第十条内部审计人员按照上级主管部门内部审计机构和本单位领导班子的要求,履行下列职责: (一)、拟定本单位内部审计规章制度; (二)、审计预算的执行和决算; (三)、审计财务收支及有关经济活动; (四)、审计基本建设投资、修缮工程、大型设备项目; (五)、审计上级各类专项经费的管理和使用: (六)、开展药品和医用耗材购销专项审计调查工作; (七)、开展医疗服务价格技行情况专项审计; (八)、审计经济管理和效益情况; (九)、审计内部有关管理制度的落实; (十)、其他审计事项。 第十一条、内部审计人员每年应向本单位领导班子提交工作报告。 第十二条、内部审计人员对审计工作中的重大事项,应及时向上级主管部门内部审计机构报告。 第十三条、内部审计人员根据审计业务的需要,报经所在部门、单位主要负责人批准,可委托具有摆应资质的社会中介机构进行审计,并检查 ical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant37texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to root 监督审计业务质量。 第十四条、内部审计人员在审计工作中应加强与处部审计沟通与合作。 第四章 内部审计机构权限 第十五条 内部审计机构在履行审计职责时,具有下列权限: (一) 要求被审计单位按时报送财务预算、财务决算、会计报表及有关文件、资料; (二) 参加本单位基建、设备购置、财务、对外投资等相关会议,主持召开与审计事项有关的会议; (三) 参与研究制定有关规章制度; (四) 审核会计凭证、帐簿、报表,现场勘察实物; (五) 检查计算机系统有关电子数据和资料; (六) 对与审计有关的问题向被审计科室和个人进行调查,。并取得证明材料; (七) 对严重违反财经法规、严熏损失浪费的行为,做出临时制止决定; (八) 经本单位主要负责人批准,对可能转移、隐匿、篡改、毁弃会计凭证、会计账簿、会计报表以及与经济活动有关的资料,予以暂时封存; (九) 根据审计结果,提出纠正(、处理违反财经法规行为、改进管理、提高效益的建议; (十) 对模范遵守财经法规的被审计单位和人员,提出表彰建议;对违法违规和造成损失浪费的被审计单位和个人,提出通报批评或者遗(究责任的建议。 第五章 内部审计工侔程序 第十六条内部审计工作的主要程序: (一) 根据本单位的具体情况,拟定审计项目计划,报经单位主要负责人批准后实施; (二) 内部审计机构实旋审计前,应编制审计工作方案,组成审计组,并提前3日以书面形式通知被审计科室;被审计科室应配合审计工作,提供必要的工作条件; (三) 审计组对审计事项实施审计,应取得审计证据,编制审计工作底稿,由被审计科室相关人员签字确认; d, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant38r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater i (四) 审计组对审计事项实施审计后,编制审计报告,并征求被审计对象的意见。被审计对象在收到审计报告之日起10个工作日内,提出书面反馈意见,送交审计组; (五) 内部审计机构对审计组提交的审计报告进行审核后,报本单位主要负责人审批下达被审计单位应当执行; (六) 内部审计机构应督促被审计单位在规定的期限内落实审计意见,并书面报告执行结果; (七) 内部审计机构应对必要的项目实施后续审计。 第十七条 内部审计机构对办理的审计事项(应当建立完整的审计档案,并按照有关规定保存。 第六章 奖励与处罚 第十八条 对内部审计工作履行职责、忠于职守、坚持原则、做出突出成绩的内审人员,本单位应给予精神或者物质奖励;对不履行审计职费的内部审汁人员,本单位应给予批评;对滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、泄嚣秘密的内部审计人员,本单位依照有关规定严肃处理。 第十九条 对拒绝或者不配合内部审计工作、拒绝提供或者提供虚假资料、拒不执行审计意见以及打击报复内部审计人员的部门和人员,本单位主要负责人应当及时做出严肃处理。 第七章 附则 第二十条 根据本单位实际情况(,本单位内部审计人员为卫生院内部审计领导小组成员。 出 纳 职 责 一、在院长的领导下,负责医院现金及票证的管理工作。 二、严格把关全院各科室的现金及收付,按日收缴日生,及时存入银行。 三、审查各种报销或支出的原始凭证,对违反国家规定的应拒绝办理,内容不全,手续不完备,数字差错,所附票证与报销金额不符以及书写不规范等,均应退回补填,更正和重写。遇有伪单据,涂改凭证,虚报等领款项的行为,应及时报院长。 四、审核收付款凭证,转帐凭证,填制各种付款凭证,办理收支付款 ning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant39texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil 手续。根据规范的原始凭证,登记现金帐,做帐时要做到数字准确,摘要清楚,书写整洁逐日登记。 五、严格遵守现金管理制度,库存现金不得超过定额。(不坐支,更不能私自挪用现金,未经院长签字的借条和白条纸单据,不得报销。按时核对库存现金和银行存款。 六、贯彻执行银行结算制度,加强银行支票管理,负责支票签发。 七、负责办理市局每月经费领拨,村卫生室及其它水电等各项款收付,不得漏收。 八、严格执行安全制度,不随意存放现金及有价票证,如因违反制度而造成损失,由出纳、会计负责。 九、认真完成院长布置的临时性工作。 财务科工作制度 一、正确贯彻执行各项财经政策,加强财务监督,严格财务纪律:财会人员要以身作则,奉公守法,同一切贪污盗窃、违法乱纪行为作斗争。 二、认真审核结算,办理全院的会计业务,合理组织收入,严格控制支出,凡是该收的一定收回。按制度掌握开支,做到专款专用,凡是预算外的、无计划的开支应坚决杜绝,对于临时必须的开支,应严格按审批手续办理:做到手续完备、数字准确、情况真实、内容完整、帐目清楚、帐帐相对、帐单表相符、日清月结、编报及时。 三、根据事业计划,正确及时编制年度和季度财务计划(预算),办理会计业务,按规定格式和期限报送会计月报、季报、年报(决算报表)。 四、贯彻执行预决算制度,凡较大的购置维修应由有关科室编制预算,经院委会研究决定,院长批准,财务科方可付款执行,事后由经办人编制决算,经领导批准后办理结算。 五、加强医院经济管理、定期进行经济活动分析,并会同有关部门做好经济核算管理工作。 六、凡本院对外采购开支等一切会计事项,均应取得合法的原始凭证(如发票、收据、帐单等),原始凭证由经手人、验收和主管负责人签字后方可报销,一切白条不作为正式凭据。出差或因公借支,需经院长批准, -mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant40r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed 任务完成后及时办理结帐报销手续。 七、会计人员要及时清理债权和债务,防止拖欠减少呆帐。 八、财务部门应与有关部门配合,定期对房屋、设备、家俱、药品、器械等国家资财进行经常的监督,及时清查库存,防止浪费和积压。 九、认真执行现金管理制度,每日收入的现金要当日送存银行,库存现金不得超过银行规定的限额,支出的现金必须按规定从银行提取。除国家允许的特殊开支外一律不得坐支现金,执行收存支取两条线6出纳和收费人员如出现差错,由经手人详细登记写出差错发生的经过,并积极查找原因;长款后查清退还,造成脱款全部自负。 十、加强对固定资产、低值易耗品、药品材料物资的管理,分类归口,定期核对,保证国家财产安全。 十一、原始凭证、帐薄、报表、决算等会计资料以及会计人员交接均按财政部门的有关规定办理。 十二、加强公费医疗管理、认真执行上级和医院的公费医疗管理规定。 十三、加强政治思想和业务知识学习,提高会计人员的素质和医院会计核算的整体水平。 现金管理制度 一、现金使用范围,只限于支付工资、津贴、奖金、个人劳动报酬、退住院病人予交款、出差人员差旅费、支付献血人员的营养费及银行规定的限额以下的零星开支等,其他一律从银行转帐结算。 二、卫生院开展医疗业务取得的现金收入,当日全数送交银行,支付所需的现金,一律从银行按规定用途提取,严禁坐支现金。 三、外出采购人员借款,只限按路途、在外时间所需的差旅费,采购的货款原则上不得使用现金(数额较小例外),采购大批物品材料,货款一律从银行转帐。 四、银行核定我院存限额为1000元,出纳员每天库存不得突破此限额,如库存现金超过银行限额,多余部分当即时送存银行。 五、设立专门的出纳人员,做到钱帐分管,出纳人员只管收付款项,登记日记帐,做到日清月结,帐帐相符,帐款相符。出纳人员不兼收入、 4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant41texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand 支出、债权、债务、材料、稽核和会计档案等的核算和管理。 六、出纳人员根据完备的、签审齐全的原始凭证,进行款项的收付,收付款完毕在原始凭证上逐张加盖“现金收讫"、“现金付讫”章,并于当天记帐。 七、出纳人员必须廉洁奉公,严格执行国家的财经纪律,坚持原则,不准白条顶库,不准挪用公款,长款及时查清原因退还或经领导批准注账,脱款查清原因限期追回,损失由出纳员自负,并写出书面检查。 八、加强现金的安全防范工作,送款取款数额较大必须由医院派车,确保国家资金的安全。 九、库存现金不得超过很行规定的限额二千元,如今后卫生院规模扩大,限额增加需申请银行再作调整。 银行存款管理制度 一、严格按财务制度规定签发支票,办理存款、取款和转帐结算业务。 二、签发不填写金额的支票要经领导人批准并进行登记,持支票人要及时向财务科报帐。 三、住院病人入院通过银行转预收款,实行先进帐的办法,不得收取空白转帐支票抵押,特殊情况应办理必要的手续,防止造成经济损失。 四、出纳人员应及时登记银行帐,结出当日余额,每月及时与银行对帐,并编造银行存款余额调节表,对未达款项要及时清理。 五、银行存款帐户只供本单位使用,不得出租出借和转让给其它单位或个人使用 结算资金管理制度 结算资金必须及时清理,否则将会影响资金的周转,它包括各种应收应付等往来款项。 一、关于病人应收款 g to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant42r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand 1、在院病人医药费 (1) 在院病人医药费应坚持合理预收和及时催收。 (2)危重病人经值班或业务院长签字先抢救后收款,一般病人医药费超过预收款时要及时催收,对多次催收不交款者通知科室停药,病人筹款。 (3)病人出院时一般不能欠款,特殊情况请人担保,须出具担保人证明,在住院费用登记卡签字,订出还款计划,女属本单位职工担保者,每月从工资中扣收,直到扣完全部担保欠费为止。 2、出院病人欠款 (1) 结帐处每月安排专人出外催收病人欠费。 (2)每月清收一次病人欠费,对有问题的欠款,要及时向单位领导报告。采取措施进行处理,减少呆帐损失。 二、关于其它应收款 1、本院职工一律不能借用公款,家庭生活困难经领导批准限额借支生活费,次月扣还。 2、职工因公出差,学习借款应及时结帐。 3、往来单位账款,每月清理一次,每季支函上门催收,每年度末进行一次全面清理,对有问题的及时报告院领导。 三、关于其它应付款 1、定期核对应付款帐户,做帐帐相符。 2、按期结帐,如财力困难应及时向对方做好解释工作。 财务开支审批报销制度 一、严格执行国家规定的财政、财务制度及国家的开支标淮和开支范围。 二、严格执行专控商品报批制度,需购置的专控商品,必须由使用科室写出书面请示报告,经领导批准后,由财务科写出呈请报告,经上级批准后方可购置,否则财务科有权拒绝付款。 三、认真执行预决算制度。凡修缮、设备购置等开支较大、期限较长的项目,均应由主管科室编制预算,经领导研究后方可购买、动工。购妥、竣工后编制决算,并找出节余后超支的原因(随同结算单交领导审批签字后,财务科方可按会计制度规定报销记账。 -eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant43texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed 四、国家对个人开支部分,均按上级有关文件规定凭人事或相关其他部门的通知执行。 五、冬季取暖费,院外职工的水电费、房贴、出差人员的各项补助均按上级文件规定的范围和标准执行。 六、各科室开展工作需要的办公用品、清扫工具等项开支均按医院规定的办公费定额掌握执行,节约归已,超支从奖金中扣除。 七、各医技科室开展业务所用的卫生材料,均由器械科统一购买,然后按业务量核定指标,科室在核定的指标内进行使用,超支由奖金中扣除。 医疗收费工作制度 一、收费人员必须认真负责,态度热情和蔼,熟练准确地掌握药品价格各项收费标准及收费核算业务。简化手续,减少排队,同时做到有问必答,礼貌待患。 二、收付现金要唱收唱付,当面点清开写收据或结算报销单,留有存根复核备查,如记帐单有涂改、伪造、冒名顶替者均不予以记帐。 三、病人入院根据医生填写的入院证办理人院手续,严格执行住院预交款制度,根据处方和各种原始单据,准确登记帐卡,日清月结。在日常工作中要与病人、医护人员密切联系,避免欠费和漏费。病人出院,住院收费处根据病房医生开据的出院通知单结算;病区值班护士接到住院收费结算单后,方能允许病人离院。 四、病人住院期间发生的费用,准确及时的登记,让病人家属掌握病人的用款情况,发现病人帐户预交款不多时,必须立即填写催款通知,保证病人的及时治疗,避免欠费和呆帐损失的发生。 五、收费处业务收入款项必须做到“十不准”: 1(不准迟到、早退、旷工。 2(不准串岗、离岗。 3(不准喧嚷、打闹。 4(不准干私活。 5(不准会客。 6(不准冒名开药。 g to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant44r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand 7(不准把收入款私自外借和留款不交 8(不准开病人的“搭车药”。 9(不准私自处理长脱款项。 10(不准态度粗暴与病人及家属争吵。 六、收费处业务收支款项,当天收入,当天送存银行,下午财务科缴款后所收款项一律交财务保存。 七、财务科对收费处进行不定期检查,如有违纪,根据情节轻重进行处理。 八、住院收费处实行24小时值班制。 借款及往来款项结算管理制度 一、借款及往来款项主要包括其他应收款、医疗应收款、专项应收款、医疗予收款、其他应付款、专项借款、专项应付款等科目。 二、因公出差借款,需经院领导,科主任签字批准方可借给,出差归来后,七日内报销结清帐项,否则财务科有权从工资中扣回。需往外地从银行汇出购买的材料、药品或学习进修费等款,经院长批准(方可从银行汇款,由经办科室经办人负责催收结算洁账。 三、负责往来结算管理的人员,根据审核无误的记帐凭证,报单位或个人设立明细账,及时登记并经常核对余额,不准设立综合帐户。 四、按医院财务制度规定,认真审查往来结算款项,加强管理、及时清算。 五、对借用备用金的个人,要核准备用金额,及时办理领用报销手续。 物资采购、验收、入库、发放、报废制度 一、根据工作人员需要和医院实际情况,总务科每月20日前制订下月物资采购计划。 二、采购计划经院长批准后,由采购员执行,在采购工作中(选择质优价廉物资采购,一般物品一周,急需物品三月内按计划购回。 三、对购回物品,保管员要对照计划,对品种、规格、数量、质量进 g to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant45texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 m 行验收,并和总务会计、采购员一起在入库单签字,对不合格物品,保管员有权拒绝入库。 四、保管员对各类物品的保管要确保安全,无潮湿、霉烂、生锈,鼠咬、虫蛀等现象发生。 五、根据科室需要,职工人数,收治病人情况,核定各种办公费标准,供应办公用品,清扫工具等物品,办理出厍手续,为医院第一线服务。 六、对使用年代过久不能继续使用,过期失效,以及霉烂物品。由当事人提出申请,总务科长审查经院长批准后予以报废。总务科予以注销。 仓库安全工作制度 一、仓库严禁一切烟火,非仓库工作人员未经许可不得随便入内。 二、保管人员要坚守工作岗位,发现不安全因素(要及时上报有关领导,及时处理。 三、下班要关好门窗,防止任何偷盗事故发生。 四、定期对仓库的电线、开关等进行检查,发现问题及时处理,避免一切事故发生。 五、防火消防器材功能完好,工作人员应会使用。 挂号、收费人员的职责 一、在财务科主任的领导下,负责挂号、收费工作。 二、挂号是在开诊前开始挂号,并随时宣传看病的注意事项及制度等。 三、负责门诊、住院部的各项费用的收款工作,当日上缴现金及有关票据。 四、负责门诊病历、住院病历的发放、传送、回收、整理、归档管理工作。 五、负责统计就诊人次、金额及月统计、汇总年统计。 六、认真执行各项规章制度和技术操作规程。 计算机管理制度 g to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant46r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand 一、机房工作人员必须严格遵守操作规程,确保人身、设备安全与系统的正常运行。 二、机房内严禁存放易燃易爆、腐蚀及强磁性物质,严格做到七防:防火、防水、防尘、防鼠、防污染、防静电、防雷击。 三、机房用品,包括设备、仪表、资料、家俱等不准随意挪动或带出。 四、计算机管理中心为全院的信息中转处理中心,为医院一级保密部门,工作人员应严格遵守保密制度(加强保密措施。 五、实行值班员证书和操作证书制度。考核通过并持有证书者才能值班与上机,上机人员必须严格遵守机房制度,服从值班员指导,中心应设常务值班人员,保证随叫随到。 六、如遇外单位使用本机房设备,必须经主管院领导批准,在办理必要的手续后,方可进入机房或用户终端上机操作,在使用过程中应服从本室值班人员的安排,遵守本院及本中心的有关规定,未经允许不得随意拷贝文件、打印资料。 七、机房内不准会客。非机房工作人员未经允许不得擅自进入机房。进入机房的费非工作人员未经允许可不得擅自触摸机器开关和键盘。参观人员有经院领导同意后,在陪同人员的带领下方能进行参观。 八、搞好机房清洁卫生。进入机房必须穿好工作服和拖鞋,机房内严禁吸烟。机房每周吸尘一次,每月清扫一次,以保持机房清洁、整齐美观。 九、计算机系统实行定期检查,坚持维护制度,出现问题与故障及时解决。定期检查、维护分三级:日检、清除浮尘,检查运行情况与外观;月检,进行机器内部吸尘,主要部分进行逻辑功能诊断,打印设备加油与质量检查,清洗读写磁头,检修更换易换部件;年检,进行性能全面诊断,断电检查运行时不能检查的部位,并作好检修记录。 十、及时做好软盘备份,并妥善保存,以保证所需要的重要数据及资料的安全性和可靠性。 十一、严格做到无毒采购、检修、使用,严禁外来磁盘上机,以防病毒侵入,严禁利用计算机使用游戏盘,一经查出,应追究当事人的责任并予以处罚。 s or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant47texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-ud 电脑操作人员职责 一、注意安全,加强维护,定期检测病毒,保证数据安全和设备正常运行。 二、外来软件、游戏卡不准上机。外来人员不进入机房。注意数据与文件的保密。 三、完成院办交办的其它事项。 四、按时完成处方结算、新农合、医疗保险管理数据处理及行政公文材料打印工作。 五、负责各科室微机维护保养工作。 卫生院赔偿制度 一、院长或工作人员因工作失职渎职、不负责任或违反操作规程,致使卫生院财产损坏、损毁或造成经济损失的,根据情节给予批评教育、部分赔偿或全部赔偿。 二、凡属使用太久以及在抢救病人时损坏之器材,经有关人员证明可免予赔偿,但要填写报损单。 三、遇有大批财物遗失或霉烂,药品失效、虫蛀时,应调查原因,按责任大小和情节,部分赔偿或全部赔偿。 四、各科室范围内的财产口包括设备口,如属病人损坏的由值班人员负责按比例赔偿,如属工作人员不负责任损坏的则按100%赔偿。 医疗登记、统计制度 一、卫生院必须建立和健全登记、统计制度。 二、各种医疗登记,要填写完整、准确,字迹清楚,并妥善保管。临床各科要填写好病案首页、出院卡片、出入院登记,并按时填报病人流动日、月报。医技科室应填写好病人流动情况和门诊登记。 三、医疗质量统计,一般包括出入院数、治愈率、病死率、床位使用率、床位周转次数,平均住院天数、病人疾病分类、初诊与最后诊断符合率、临床与病理诊断符合率、手术前后诊断符合率、无菌手术化脓感染率、 -mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant48r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handg to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin 手术并发症、以及医技科室工作数量、质量等。 四、卫生院应根据统计指标,定期分析医疗效率和医疗质量,从中总结经验,发现问题;改进工作。 五、统计人员要督促检查各科室医疗统计工作,按期完成各项统计报表,经院领导审阅签字后,报卫生行政部门。 医疗统计人员职责 一、负责编报上级规定的预防、保健、医疗工作报表,为本院领导提供预防、保健医疗工作统计资料。统计资料缮写完毕后必须核对准确、完整、并加以必要的说明,按期上报。 二、定期深入门诊、病房及有关科室收集工作日志,分别整理、核对,进行登记。 三、每月将门诊、病房及各医技科室登记好的原始资科,分别进行统计,按月、季、半年、年度等进行分类分层统计,并做好对比分析。 统计员职责 一、负责统计上级规定的报表,提供领导需要的统计资料,统计资料必须核对准确、完整、并加以必要的说明,按期上报。 二、每日深入门诊和住院部收集工作日报,分别整理和核对,并进行 登记。 三、每日负责向医技科室传达日报表,分别进行登记。 四、督促各科室做好医技登记、统计工作,给予必要的帮助。 五、逐日认真统计全院各人的各项工作量,登记汇总,交财务科进行工资核算,提供医院各项改革的资料。 六、努力钻研业务,不断提高统计水平,保管好各种医学统计资料。 保管员职责 一、负责全院各种后勤物资的采购、调入、供应工作。 -uds or mpit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to rootical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (vert size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the equirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) theslot rrstand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to unde?does not exceed 1cm. ation arked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning devion plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be ming: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distributior a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant49texture must be loose, protecting water and soil posed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soilning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Expoint mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-eters deep). D, hand4 mg to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin 二、根据各科室的要求和需要制订采购计划,报请领导审批后进行采购,按计划供应,属于交换物资要建立登记,以旧换新。 三、采购物品要有验收人签章,分发物品要开材料调拨单,定期盘存,帐物必须相符。 四、各种物品的报废,要报财务科,按规定办理报废手续,任何人不得私自取回或任意处理。 五、勤俭节约,收旧利废,物尽其用,保证安全,防止积压、损坏、变质、被盗。 门诊工作制度 一、对病人要热情接待,耐心解答问题,简化手续,准时开诊,缩短侯诊时间。对危重病人要立即组织抢救,急诊病人优先就诊,一般病人按挂号顺序就诊。 二、医生对就诊病人要尽快做出诊断或印象诊断,及时治疗。并尽量做到复诊病人由初诊医师连续诊疗。凡疑难病人三次门诊不能确诊或疗效不明显者,应及时请上级医师诊视或会诊。 三、加强检诊工作,严格执行卫生、消毒隔离制度,防止交叉感染。 四、严格执行传染病疫情报告制度。 五、对候诊人员积极进行健康知识宣传工作。 内科门诊工作制度 一、门诊内科医师由科主任统一安排,在门诊部主任领导下进行工 二、门诊内科安排一定数量(三分之一或二分之一)的主治医师以上职称的专科专家参加门诊,解决疑难病症。 三、对病人认真负责,病人持病历挂号处方就诊,医生按要求书写病历,对疑难病症或复诊两次以上仍不能确诊的,应及时请上级医师会诊,需住院的病人与住院部联系,妥善解决。 g to the tree root category to deterball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), accordin-mpact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudater id, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a grediameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the enball , slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole groundoles (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of under planting h?y of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. e arrainciples of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, trem to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general pring: shall conforor a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plant50r and soilg watethe pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protectine circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along th-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-mine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand 换药室工作制度作 作作作作 作 作 作 作 作作作作作 度换 作 作 作 作 作 作作 作 作 作 作 度换 作 作作作 药药作作 作作 作 作 作 作 作作作 作 作作 作 作 作 作 作 作 作 作 作 作 作作作制室作作作作作作作作作工作作作换作工作作作作作作工作作作作作作作作作换作作作作作作作作工作换作作作作作作作作作作作作作制室作作作作作工作作作作度作作作制室换作作度作作制室作作制作作作作作作作作作作药换药换作作室换作工作作作作作作作作作工作作作作作作作作制作作作作作作工作作作作药换药换作室工作度作作作作换作作作作作作作工作作作作作作工作作作作作作作作作作作工作作作制室作作作工作作作作作作工作作作作作作换作作作作作作作工作作作作作作作作工作作作工作作作作工作作作工作作换作制室作作作作作作工作工作作作作作作作换作工作作作作作作工作作作制 室作作作作作制室作换作工作作作作工作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作工作作作工作作作作作作作作作作作作 换作作作作作作作工作工作作作作工作作作作作作作作作作换作工作作作作工作作作作作药换作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作工作作作作作换作作作作作作作 作作 作作作 作作作 作作作 作作作 作作作 作作 作 作作作 作作作 作 作 作 作作 作 作 作 作 作 作 作 作作 作作 作 作作作 作 作 作 作作作作工作作作作作作作作作作作作制室作作作作作作作作作工作作作换作工作作作作作作换作作作作作作作作工作换作作作作作作作作制室作作作作作工作作作作作作作作度作作作制室换作作度作室换作工作作作作作作作作作作作制室作作制作作作作作作作作作作药换药换作工作作作作作作作作制作作作作作作工作作作作药换药换作室工作度作作室作作作工作作作作作作作作换作作作作作作作工作作作工作作作作作作作工作作作作作作作作作作作工作作作制作作作作作工作工作作作作作工作作作作作作换作作作作作作作作制 室作作作工作作作工作作作作工作作作工作作换作制室作作作作作作作作作作作作作作换作工作作作作作作工作作作作制室作换作工作作作作工作作作作作作作作作 换作作作作作作换作工作作作作作工作作作工作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作工作工作作作作工作作作作作作作作作作作工作作作作作药换作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作作工作作作作作换作作作作 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