

2017-10-20 7页 doc 25KB 196阅读




高考语文易错常考90个多音字高考语文易错常考90个多音字 1、艾:?ài艾草、方兴未艾、期期艾艾 ?yì自怨自艾 2、拗:?ào违拗、拗口令 ?niù执拗 拗不过 ?ǎo拗断 3、辟:?bì复辟、辟邪、辟易 ?pì另辟蹊径、辟谣、鞭辟入里 4、裨:?bì裨补、大有裨益 ?pí偏裨、裨将 5、扁:?biǎn扁豆、扁桃体 ?piān一叶扁舟 6、背:?bèi力透纸背、背水一战、背道而驰 ?bēi背负、背黑锅 7、便:?biàn方便、便利、便宜行事 ?pián大腹便便、便宜 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core...
高考语文易错常考90个多音字 1、艾:?ài艾草、方兴未艾、期期艾艾 ?yì自怨自艾 2、拗:?ào违拗、拗口令 ?niù执拗 拗不过 ?ǎo拗断 3、辟:?bì复辟、辟邪、辟易 ?pì另辟蹊径、辟谣、鞭辟入里 4、裨:?bì裨补、大有裨益 ?pí偏裨、裨将 5、扁:?biǎn扁豆、扁桃体 ?piān一叶扁舟 6、背:?bèi力透纸背、背水一战、背道而驰 ?bēi背负、背黑锅 7、便:?biàn方便、便利、便宜行事 ?pián大腹便便、便宜 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 8、屏:?bǐng屏除、屏气凝神 ?píng屏障、屏风、荧屏 9、仆:?pú仆人、公仆 ?pū前仆后继 10、剥:?bāo剥皮(单用) 剥花生 ?bō剥削、盘剥、生吞活剥 11、泊:?bó停泊、淡泊名利 ?pō湖泊、水泊 12、禅:?chán参禅、禅宗、口头禅 ?shàn禅让、封禅 13、颤:?chàn颤动、颤音、颤抖、颤巍巍 ?zhàn颤栗、寒颤 14、参:?cān参加、参考、参天大树 ?shēn人参、海参 ?cēn参差不齐 15、称:?chēng俯首称臣、称号、拍手称快 ?chèn称心如意、称职、相称 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 16、处:?chǔ(动词)处暑、处境、处分、设身处地、养尊处优、处心积虑、处之泰然 ?chù(名词)处所、绝处逢生、一无是处 17、答:?dá答非所问、答复、报答 ?dā答理、答应、羞人答答 18、弹:?dàn子弹、弹丸之地 ?tán 弹劾、弹簧、弹指之间、弹冠相庆 19、度:?dù置之度外、度假、度日如年 ?duó揣度、忖度、审时度势、度德量力、揆情度理 20、否:?fǒu否定、否则、不置可否 ?pǐ否极泰来、陟罚臧否 21、佛:?fó佛像 借花献佛 ?fú仿佛 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 22、更:?gēng 更正、更换、自力更生、少不更事、改弦更张 ?gèng更加 23、勾:?gōu勾勒、勾搭、勾结、勾兑 ?gòu勾当 24、分:?fēn分开、分道扬镳 ?fèn分外、本分、成分、恰如其分 25、给:?gěi给以、送给 ?jí供给、给养、自给自足 26、供:?gōng供给、供应、供需 ?gòng上供、供品、口供、供认不讳 27、冠:?guān衣冠、桂冠、怒发冲冠、冠冕堂皇 ?guàn冠军、沐猴而冠 28、荷:?hé荷花、荷兰、荷尔蒙 ?hè荷枪实弹、电荷、负荷 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 29、横:?héng横冲直撞、横行霸道、横征暴敛、横眉怒目 ?hèng蛮横、横财、惨遭横祸、专横跋扈 30、哄:?hōng哄动、闹哄哄、哄堂大笑 ?hǒng哄骗 ?hòng起哄,一哄而散 31、期:?jī期年 ?qī期限、不期而遇 32、 尽:?jìn尽头、用尽、尽人皆知、尽善尽美、喝酒尽量、前功尽弃?jǐn尽管、尽快、尽早、尽先、尽量保证休息时间 33、藉:?jí杯盘狼藉、声名狼藉 ?jiè慰藉、蕴藉、枕藉 34、济:?jì接济、济世、无济于事、同舟共济 ?jǐ济南、济济一堂、人才济济 35、贾:?jiǎ姓贾 ?gǔ商贾、余勇可贾、多财善贾、直言贾祸 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 36、 劲:?jìn(名词)劲头、干劲、差(chà)劲 ?jìng(形容词)劲敌、刚劲、劲旅、苍劲、遒劲、疾风知劲草 37、禁:?jīn禁受、弱不禁风、忍俊不禁、情不自禁 ?jìn禁止、禁忌、禁军、令行禁止 38、嚼:?jiáo咬文嚼字、细嚼慢咽、味同嚼蜡 ?jué咀嚼 过屠门而大嚼 39、角:?jiǎo号角、墙角、独角戏 ?jué角色、角斗、群雄角逐、发生口角 40、靓:?jìng靓妆 ?liàng俊男靓女 41、据:?jù单据、据守、据理力争 ?jū拮(jié)据 42、隽:?juàn隽永 ?jùn隽秀 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 43、壳:?ké贝壳、脑壳 ?qiào躯壳、地壳、甲壳、金蝉脱壳 44、间:?jiān 间架、房间、中间、间不容发 ?jiàn 间谍、间断、间接、间或 45、累:?léi累赘 果实累累 ?lěi累积、连累、危如累卵、连篇累牍、累累失误、罪行累累 ?lèi劳累、受累 46、擂:?lèi擂台、擂鼓 ?léi擂钵、自吹自擂 47、量:?liàng胆量、量刑、量力而行、量入为出、量体裁衣、度德量力 ?liáng丈量、量杯、估量、掂量、车载斗量 48、笼:?lóng(名词)蒸笼、牢笼 ?lǒng(动词)笼络、笼统、笼罩 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 49、露:?lù披露、露天、露骨、崭露头角、原形毕露 ?lòu泄露、露底、露馅、露一手 50、落:?luò落款、落实、落落大方、落井下石 ?lào落枕、落色(shǎi) ?là丢三落四、落在后面?luō大大落落 51、埋:?mái埋葬、埋没、隐姓埋名 ?mán埋怨 52、脉:?mài脉络、山脉、命脉、一脉相承 ?mò含情脉脉 53、缪:?miào姓缪 ?miù纰缪 ?móu未雨绸缪 54、模:?mó模范、模糊、模式、模型、模仿、模特儿 ?mú模板、模样、模具、模子、装模作样 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 55、难:?nàn难民、大难临头、刁难、质疑问难 ?nán艰难、难听 56、胖:?pàng胖肥 ?pán心宽体胖 57、炮:?pào鞭炮 ?páo炮烙、如法炮制 58、迫:?pò迫害、迫在眉睫 ?pǎi迫击炮 59、强:?qiǎng强求、勉强、强词夺理 ?qiáng强大、强横、强取豪夺 ?jiàng倔强 60、卡:?kiǎ卡壳、发卡、哨卡 ?kǎ卡尺、卡片、卡通 61、奇:?qí奇装异服、出奇制胜 ?jī奇偶 62、悄:?qiāo悄悄 ?qiǎo悄无声息、悄然落泪 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 63、翘:?qiǎo翘楚、翘首企盼 ?qiào翘尾巴 64、曲:?qū曲折、曲意逢迎 ?qǔ元曲、歌曲 65、塞:?sāi塞车、瓶塞 ?sè搪塞、阻塞、闭目塞听、敷衍塞责 ?sài边塞、塞翁失马 66、匙:?shi钥匙 ?chǐ汤匙 67、拾:?shí收拾、拾金不昧、拾人牙慧 ?shè拾级而上 68、识:?sù素不相识 ?zhì款识、博闻强识 69、数:?shù数量、数以万计、数列 ?shǔ数落、数典忘祖 ?shuò数见不鲜 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 70、说:?shuō说长道短、解说 ?shuì游说 71、宿:?sù宿舍、宿将 ?xiǔ三天两宿 ?xiù星宿 72、汤:?tāng赴汤蹈火 ?浩浩汤汤shāng 73、提:?tí提心吊胆、提款 ?dī提防、提溜 74、帖:?tiē服帖、俯首帖 ?xiān鲜花、鲜明 78、相:?xiāng相互、相敬如宾 ?xiàng相片、首相、相机行事 79、削:?xiāo削铅笔、刀削面 ?xuē削弱、剥削、削足适履 80、校:?xiào学校、将校 ?jiào校场、校对 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 81、臭:?xiù乳臭未干、铜臭、无色无臭、其臭如兰 ?chòu臭名远扬 82、畜:? chù(名词)牲畜、畜生、六畜兴旺 ?xù(动词)畜养、畜牧 83、轧:?yà倾轧、轧棉花 ?zhá轧钢、冷轧 84、扎:?zhā扎堆、扎啤、扎实 ?zhá挣扎 ?zā扎裹、扎染 85、咽:?yān咽喉 ?yàn狼吞虎咽、细嚼慢咽 ?yè哽咽、咽不成声 86、遗:?yí遗漏、路不拾遗、不遗余力 ?wèi遗之千金 87、饮:?yǐn饮水思源、饮恨 ?yìn饮马 88、殷:?yīn殷实、殷切 ?yān殷红 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 89、与:?yǔ与虎谋皮、与日俱增、时不我与 ?yù参与 90、熨:?yùn熨烫、熨斗 ?yù熨帖 薄?báo 薄饼,薄脆 ?bó刻薄,稀薄,单薄,薄弱,薄利多销,广种薄收,喷薄欲出,厚古薄今 ?bò薄荷 靡:mí浪费奢靡,靡费; mǐ靡日不思,靡有孑遗(没有遗漏,一点儿不剩) 靡靡之音(低级趣味的音乐) 风靡;委靡;披靡,靡丽(华丽,奢华),靡然(随风披靡的样子) be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right
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