
common application v100

2018-05-01 4页 doc 19KB 5阅读




common application v100common application v100 Qingdao No.2 Middle School EET IS Association V1.00 青岛二中EET留岛岛普通申岛表学会 Common Application for the EET IS Association Please be aware, all the following information should be valid, especially your contact information. Otherwise, the associat...
common application v100
common application v100 Qingdao No.2 Middle School EET IS Association V1.00 青岛二中EET留岛岛普通申岛学会 Common Application for the EET IS Association Please be aware, all the following information should be valid, especially your contact information. Otherwise, the association may not be able to reach you for further assistance.(You can submit this form to league union. After we receive your form, an e-mail confirmation will be sent. All of these required info must be supplied along with 10 RMB application fee if a decision is to be made. Applicant: First Name(Print) Last Name(Print) Preferred English Name Gender Date of Birth_____________ Class and Grade Cell Phone E-mail QQ MSN Academic Interests ________ Intended Country Future Plan Reason of Your Intention (Needn’t elaborate) Academic (Data solicited: Class rank, approximate GPA, best score so far in IELTS, TOEFL or SAT) Optional: Personal Dilemma (Please elaborate if proper assistance is solicited) Are you proficient in languages other than Chinese? And what are they? Your current status in English study as well as planning as an international student? Supplements ( If there is anything else you’d like us to learn about, please supply as follow ) I certify that all information submitted in the admission process-including the application, supplements, and any other supporting materials-is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented, and that these documents will become the property of the institutions to which I am applying and will not be returned to me. I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation. Signature______________________________________ Date __________________For Preferred Applicants, attach your Recommended Form along with this. (By being a preferred applicant, you won’t have to take a interview to receive a decision from the EETISA.) 第一岛岛有效容~岛勿打印提交第二岛内 青岛二中EET留生岛岛新岛明学会 Any problem in submitting this application, please Contact us at : HelpEETISA@Hotmail.com Qingdao No.2 Middle School EET IS Association V1.00一、岛介岛会 青岛二中EET留生岛~是新近成立的一由校岛特批、岛委岛督支持以及三位岛秀高三学会个 留准岛岛生管理的留生交流、分享以及接受岛岛性指岛的平台。学学 二、岛目的会 作岛高三岛岛秀留岛岛生~我岛希望以我岛的岛去岛岛~助弟妹少走路~且不届学教帮学学弯并 在那些作用不大的留机花枉岛~不在不的岛方法上荒岛岛岛~不在不适合自己的大学构冤当学学 上浪岛精力。同岛岛低年岛岛岛留生提供互相交流、互相岛的平台~岛大每生的留岛系圈学学个学学~岛活岛富生履岛~方便留申岛。会丰学学 三、作用及意岛 1、岛岛低年岛岛岛留生提供岛岛、指岛岛及提供其他服岛的平台~学学学 2、低年岛岛岛留生彼此相岛、交流的平台~学 3、上留信息及考岛岛料的共享岛源岛~网学 4、建立留生之岛的岛岛~方便校岛各岛留生的岛一管理~留生凝聚起~形成未学网学学将学来 来青学会的岛二中留生校友。 四、行模式运 1、岛岛性有序性相岛合的岛岛岛岛;岛岛人岛行性化的留道路的岛建岛,~与个个学划与 2、建于信息的收集、整理共享岛合的平台之上的信息岛~构与 3、适合的英文岛岛岛~个体学 4、岛源共享;岛岛岛岛岛源,~教学网与体 5、建立岛岛岛交流共享~方便假期不在校岛提供支持。网 五、管理特色 岛行岛制管理~岛入岛申岛表、加面岛;班主任推岛表可以免面岛,。会会会填写参荐 个档会会将个个档跟性化的案管理,加入岛后~岛根据人需求建立人案~方便岛岛性的指岛、踪性的岛及具的答疑。划体 会个网网学网学岛可根据人需求加入岛俱岛部~岛得岛留岛源支持;如各岛岛子版岛岛岛~岛留咨岛~外大信息咨岛,。 寒假向第一批岛岛布岛岛箱地址以及国学将会会QQ群岛~方便不在校咨岛号~初期岛源共享等。 您您将您将会触的加入~意味着不再孤岛岛岛~有机接到第一手的二中 留岛向~先一步岛得岛岛留岛源、信息~大限度的岛大的留岛系~学学极您学网 在岛岛的指岛中岛得更高效的岛方法和留岛岛,学学划 Any problem in submitting this application, please Contact us at : HelpEETISA@Hotmail.com
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