

2017-09-29 11页 doc 35KB 43阅读




交通安全提醒短信交通安全提醒短信 交通安全短信 1、你慢一点我慢一点,文明的步伐快一点;你让一点我让一点,舒心的笑容多一点;你讲安全我讲安全,美好生活到永远。 2、减速慢行勿争先,关照生命到永远;谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多;居安思危危自小,有备无患患可除;心头常亮红绿灯,安全行驶伴人生。 3、你走,我走,大家走,安全意识心中有;你让,我让,大家让,安全行路有保障。 4、带一分小心上路,携一团温馨回家。 5、迈文明步子,行安全车子,做谦让君子,享平安日子。 6、来也平安,去也平安,来去平安,父母心安。 7、安全是父母的寄托,安...
交通安全提醒短信 交通安全短信 1、你慢一点我慢一点,文明的步伐快一点;你让一点我让一点,舒心的笑容多一点;你讲安全我讲安全,美好生活到永远。 2、减速慢行勿争先,关照生命到永远;谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多;居安思危危自小,有备无患患可除;心头常亮红绿灯,安全行驶伴人生。 3、你走,我走,大家走,安全意识心中有;你让,我让,大家让,安全行路有保障。 4、带一分小心上路,携一团温馨回家。 5、迈文明步子,行安全车子,做谦让君子,享平安日子。 6、来也平安,去也平安,来去平安,父母心安。 7、安全是父母的寄托,安全是妻子的企盼,安全是朋友的祝福,安全是儿女的心愿。 8、要让爱车跑,车况要良好;开车别太快,系好安全带;出门要提前,堵车心不烦;行车要礼让,路口多张望;夜行勤变灯,车距要适中;时刻想安全,平安永相伴。 9、让我们忠诚地守卫交通安全,一天又一天;让我们执著地追逐幸福,一年又一年;温馨是永远的伴侣,平安是共同的心愿。 10、上班去,小心点;回家来,慢着点;一路上,注意点;你心中,有一点。“点点滴滴,安全第一”。 11、车漫漫,路漫漫,握好手中方向盘;情相伴,爱相伴,绷紧交通安全。 12、方向盘重又圆,安全法记心间,酒色气全不沾,疲劳车更不玩,保安全重如山,日月年幸福连。 13、遵规驾驶有速度,珍惜生命是成熟,出入平安是祝福,合家团圆享富足。 14、世上的路千千万,安全行驶一线牵;生活的情万万千,关爱生命才久远。 15、千言万语平安是福,千山万水遵规为路,千锤百炼自信有度,千方百计谨慎起步。 16、文明驾车,平安常相伴;守法行路,畅通好心情。 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 17、红绿灯下车如潮,安全行驶最重要,彼此礼让守秩序,归途平安阖家笑。 18、莫道行路难,礼让路自宽。 19、心中装盏红绿灯,文明有序又畅通;交通法规时时守,幸福生活天天有。 20、亲朋相会聚一桌,有酒不劝司机喝,杯下留情真呵护,一路平安幸福多。 21、脚踏畅通路,时刻平安行,谨记安全法,幸福伴一生。 22、宣传交通安全交警苦口婆心,创造文明交通大家谨记在心;行车走路礼让三先万众一心,漫长人生平安是福众皆开心。 23、手中方向盘,生命支配点;握好方向盘,幸福在眼前。 24、有一种叮咛叫滴酒莫沾,有一种感觉叫望眼欲穿,有一种期盼叫一路平安,有一种温馨叫合家团圆。 25、旅途可以寂寞,人生不可孤单。行车关爱自己,走路礼让他人。 26、家有老小责任担双肩,路有风雨安全记心间。 27、平安出行每一步,关爱生命每一天;交通安全心中记,幸福生活比蜜甜。 28、交通拥挤莫急躁,各行其道勿干扰,大家共创文明路,平安就是连心桥! 29、交通是棵树,畅通才能绿;文明是朵花,安全香万家。 30、一家头顶一个天,一人出车一家牵,一路谨慎一路安,一人安全一家欢。 31、漫漫人生路,分秒来计程。安全每一步,幸福伴终生。 32、行车勿大意,走路莫心急,心中想安全,幸福永不离。 33、把好方向盘,安全行万里,法规记心间,你我都平安。 34、文明礼让,车行天下;一帆风顺,毋庸牵挂;平安相伴,温馨万家。 35、足行千里,步步为安~ 36、道路因文明行驶而通畅,生活因出入平安而幸福。 37、日月更替是时间的延伸,道路通畅是空间的延伸,平平安安是生命的延伸。 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 38、交通安全系万家,违法驾驶危害大。遵规守法谨慎行,家庭温馨需要它! 39、交通安全时时不忘,幸福生活天天拥有。 40、脚下留神,心中留意,慎行每步,安全一生。 41、超速超载,深渊~闯灯跨栏,危险~越界过线,侵权~遵规守法,平安~ 42、依法行车,文明走路,春夏吉祥,秋冬安宁。 43、遵守交规路路顺畅,文明出行天天平安。安全记心中,平安行途中,幸福驻家中。 44、 宁可日常抓不懈,不可一时粗心大意。遵守“交规”阳光大道,违章行车险路一条。 45、与其事后痛哭流涕,不如事前遵章守纪。遵章是安全的先导,违章是事故的预兆。 交通安全警示语 1、遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。 2、实线虚线斑马线,都是生命安全线。 3、出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。 4、生命至高无上,安全责任为天。 5、生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。 6、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 7、居安思危危自小,有备无患患可除。 、道路连着你和他,安全系着千万家。 8 9、祸起瞬间,防患未然。 10、珍爱生命,安全第一。 11、交规学记用,安全你我他。 12、亲人翘首望,盼你安全归。 13、安全在你脚下,生命在你手中。 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 14、绷紧安全琴弦,奏响生命旋律。 15、走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。 16、步步小心,平安是金。 17、遵守交规,善待生命。 18、交通安全进万家,出入平安你我他。 19、头脑绷紧安全弦,行车系上安全带。 20、警惕安全在,麻痹事故来。安全在于心细,事故出在麻痹。 21、珍惜生命,守法出行。 22、一丝不苟保安全,半分疏忽生祸端。 23、停让躲慢要果断,犹豫不决出祸端。 24、大意与事故挂钩,小心与平安交友。 25、居安思危,莫忘交规。 26、维护交通安全,关爱生命久远。 27、十字路口易闯祸,一慢二看三通过。 28、找点空闲找点时间,交通法规经常看看。 29、千里之行始于足下,交通安全从我做起。 30、安全最佳效应,平安共同心声。 31、心中交规严,眼前路自宽。 32、遵守交通法规,平安与你同在。 33、车祸猛如虎,安全胜万金。 34、红灯短暂,生命无限。 35、金玉有值,生命无价,遵守交规,平安一生。 36、关注安全点点滴滴不马虎,珍爱生命分分秒秒保平安。 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 37、生命没有回头路,事故没有后悔药。 道路交通安全“三字经” 人出行,安全重。或驾车,或步行。要遵法,应牢铭。 看事故,触目惊。其惨状,车尸横。毁自己,入牢笼。 害他人,殃家庭。纵有志,万事空。究其因,教训重。 劝人们,细聆听。法规弦,要绷紧。驾车行,警长鸣。 莫超速,勿逞能。莫飙车,勿狂疯。莫强会,勿抢冲。 莫截拐,勿耍猛。莫超长,勿超顶。莫超员,勿超重。 莫酗酒,勿赌命。莫疲驾,勿怠松。莫越线,勿闯灯。 莫乱放,勿乱停。初驾驶,要镇定。驾龄长,防惰性。 勤保养,车况整。带病车,上路兢。起步前,察动静。 一上车,全神凝。杂念事,皆抛扔。方向盘,稳操控。 安全带,系生命。车诸灯,准确用。路途上,慎始终。 到路口,先慢行。过村庄,眼紧盯。学校前,减慢行。 遇险段,慎又重。高速上,尤聚精。雨雾天,路看清。 开夜车,神勿松。驾车中,手机停。车窗外,不乱扔。 专用道,别占用。单行道,不逆行。有障碍,慢绕行。 视角差,看清行。见险况,快报警。防后车,免险情。 遇塞车,耐心等。往前挤,堵更重。如失慎,事故尘。 先救人,速报警。若逃逸,错加等。见事故,救生重。 义勇为,人夸颂。小事故,责任明。简易处,两分清。 速撤离,路早通。骑车时,按道行。变更道,须忘清。 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English 步行时,按线行。过路口,要看灯。有天桥,不乱行。 莫翻栏,轻生命。小学生,学前童,过马路,应护行。 斑马线,系准绳。指路牌,明辨清。车距标,谨遵行。 显示屏,铭警醒。遇纠法,要服从。似无情,胜有情。 循规行,最光荣。一着错,全局崩。出事故,犹虎猛。 习不改,自掘坑。后悔晚,痛终生。发与规,血凝成。 你我他,刻心中。从个人,到广众。从单位,到军营。 从孩童,到老翁。点滴起,重养成。师长辈,做标兵。 一人慎,万家幸。驾与行,讲文明。抢一秒,十分恐。 让一让,路畅通。车让车,塑良风。车让人,让出情。 人让车,受尊敬。人让人,乐融融。人在外,亲人等。 重安全,添安宁。道千条,万路通。好秩序,众人撑。 rotary master common neurological disease pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis (localized and qualitative diagnosis), differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. 2. basic requirements (1) number of diseases and cases: the number of disease cases (?) 20 30 cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage: report of 5 5 of encephalitis meningitis in 5 10 10 3 migraines Parkinson's disease epilepsy sclerosis multiplex more than 5 2 spinal disease Guillain-Barre (Guillain-Barre) syndrome in 10 single neuropathy or multiple weeks Surrounding nerve 5 (2) basic skills required: name cases (?) standard full neurological physical examinations and locate 60 waist size 10 reading 20 EMG-EEG reading 20 skull and spinal CT reading 80 head and spine MRI reading 80 Department of Neurology ... (2) clinical knowledge and high skills: basic standards on the basis of further a high standard of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system in pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle. Familiar with common neurological diseases such as encephalitis, epilepsy, EEG; grasp the imaging of inflammation and degeneration of the nervous system, as well as the results of Transcranial Doppler examination of clinical significance. (3) foreign language, teaching, research and other requirements: can read professional foreign language documents and perform simple medical English
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