

2018-01-07 12页 doc 56KB 72阅读




常规体检多少钱常规体检多少钱 常规体检多少钱,看下表,每一个常规体检项目费用都有罗列哦,康康体检网小编费心整理的,但是每个体检机构的报价都是不同的,更多常规推荐费用及多少钱的问题可咨询康康体检网——中国人的健康体检服务平台~ 项目名价格项 目 内 容 临 床 意 义 称 (元) 基础项血压、脉搏、外科、内科、医生运用自己的感官及传统的检查工具,客观了20 目 耳鼻喉、视力、辨色力、 解和评估身体基本状况 裂隙灯检查结膜、角膜、巩膜等前用裂隙灯显微镜在暗室内检查眼病的方法。 15 检查 组织。 通过对眼底玻璃体、视网膜、脉络膜和视神经...
常规体检多少钱 常规体检多少钱,看下表,每一个常规体检项目费用都有罗列哦,康康体检网小编费心整理的,但是每个体检机构的报价都是不同的,更多常规推荐费用及多少钱的问题可咨询康康体检网——中国人的健康体检服务平台~ 项目名价格项 目 内 容 临 床 意 义 称 (元) 基础项血压、脉搏、外科、内科、医生运用自己的感官及传统的检查工具,客观了20 目 耳鼻喉、视力、辨色力、 解和评估身体基本状况 裂隙灯检查结膜、角膜、巩膜等前用裂隙灯显微镜在暗室内检查眼病的方法。 15 检查 组织。 通过对眼底玻璃体、视网膜、脉络膜和视神经的眼底检检查可发现全身性疾病如高血压病、肾病、糖尿非散瞳眼底检查 25 查 病、妊娠毒血症、结节病、某些血液病、中枢神 经系统疾病病变,为临床提供重要诊断资料。 判断是否患有贫血、传染性疾病、组织发炎、物 检查红细胞、白细胞、血红理/化学性中毒、血小板减少型紫癜、血小板减血常规 20 蛋白、血小板等共19项 少症、血癌等血液病,并对多种疾病有辅助诊断 意义。 了解肝脏的生化代谢功能,发现肝脏疾病,如:TB+DBI+IBI+ALT+AST+GGT+A肝功11急性慢性肝炎、重症肝炎、酒精性肝炎、脂肪肝、LP+TP+AL+GL+A/G+rGT(共60 项 肝硬化、肝癌、药物中毒性肝炎、急性胆囊炎、11项) 胆管阻塞、低蛋白血症。 甘油三酯(TG) 胆固醇血脂四(T-cho) 高密度胆固醇高脂血症、高血压、动脉硬化,心脏疾病等。 34 项 (HDL)低密度胆固醇(LDL) 血 糖 血糖(GLU) 检测是否患有低血糖 、糖尿病等 10 肾功三血尿素氮(BUN)血肌苷(CRE)急慢性肾炎、尿毒症等疾病、肾功能不全。 25 项 CO2结合力 血尿酸 血尿酸(UA) 早期检查痛风。 13 幽门螺检测胃有无幽门螺杆菌感染,是治疗胃炎、胃溃旋杆菌幽门螺旋杆菌检测 100 疡的必要条件。 检测 胃功能胃蛋白酶原?/?检测、HP胃癌早期筛查、慢性胃炎、萎缩性胃炎、溃疡等、252 四项 检测 幽门螺杆菌筛查 心肌酶肌酸磷酸激酶增高,为诊断早期心肌梗死灵敏指肌酸磷酸激酶(CK) 40 谱 标之一。 血电解人体必须的一些基本元素,主要是看有没有缺乏K、Na、Cl、Ca 25 质 等 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 同型半主要作为心血管疾病,尤其是冠状动脉粥样硬化HCY检测 100 胱氨酸 和心肌梗塞的危险指标 疱疹病 毒(每HSV:HSV-1和HSV-2 检测有无感染疱疹病毒,指导临床治疗等 116 顶) 风疹病毒)单纯疱疹病毒)优生优检查有无感染此类病毒或原虫感染,此类病毒及巨细胞病毒)B19微小病毒309 育 原虫可通过胎盘屏障,导致胎儿发育畸形。 及弓形虫抗体 引起泌尿生殖道感染,泌尿生殖道感染支原体人型支原体MH、解脲支原体支原体 后,引起的疾病男性为非淋菌性尿道炎,女性主345 UU、生殖器支原体MG 要为非淋菌泌尿生殖道炎。 卵泡生成素FSH、黄体生成 性激素激素(LH)、雌二醇 (E2)、孕了解内分泌情况,指导治疗月经不调及不孕症345 六项 酮(P)、睾酮(T)、催乳激素等。 (PRL) 微量元素在人体内的含量不多,但与人的生存和全血微铅、锌、铜、钙、镁、铁等 健康息息相关,对人的生命起至关重要的作用,100 量元素 主要表现在抗病、防癌、延年益寿等 甲状腺 功能测T3、T4、FT3、FT4、TSH 检测甲状腺功能亢进及甲状腺功能低下等 312 定 (五项) 颜色、反应、蛋白、红细胞、 白细胞、上皮细胞、管型、了解泌尿系统功能、排除肾炎、尿路感染、尿血、尿常规 10 结晶、胆红素尿胆原尿胆素、糖尿病等 比重尿糖 风湿检RF因子、抗“O”试验、血检查风湿,对风湿疾病的诊断 100 测 沉 肿瘤系 列 甲胎蛋白(AFP)定性 筛查原发肝脏肿瘤标志物 69 增高可见于恶性肿瘤的早期发现:如直肠癌,肺癌胚抗原(CEA)定性 69 癌,胃癌,乳腺癌,胰腺癌,卵巢癌,子宫癌等. 常见肿EB病毒定性 筛查鼻咽癌肿瘤标志物 40 瘤标志 物预防前列腺抗原(男性) 前列腺癌早期诊断,监测治疗反应及判断预后。 90 性筛查 卵巢肿瘤标志物主要用于卵巢、子宫内膜、结直CA-125 138 肠、胃肠、胰腺癌等肿瘤的早期筛查 CA-153 乳腺肿瘤标志物主要用于乳腺癌的筛查 138 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 康康体检网——中国人的健康体检服务平台 CA-50 主要用于胰腺、肝、卵巢、胃、肺等癌症的筛查 138 CA-199 主要用于胰腺癌的筛查 138 传染病 类 乙肝两HBSAg、HBSAb、HBeAg、HBeAb、检测血液中乙肝病毒的血清学标志 40 对半 HBcAb 乙肝五HBSAg、HBSAb、HBeAg、HBeAb、较定性检查更准确,避免了假阴性和漏检的问题 200 项定量 HBcAb含量 判断乙肝病毒有无复制的“金指标”,判断人体乙肝DNA HBV-DNA定量检查 160 内存在乙肝病毒的多少和传染程度的 甲肝抗HAV-Ab:HAV-IgG、HAV-Ig-M 了解有无感染甲肝 40 体 丙肝抗抗-HCV 了解有无感染丙肝 28 体 梅毒 TPPA+RPR 检测是否感染了梅毒 115 艾滋抗抗-HIV 检测是否感染了艾滋病 40 体 彩超 腹部彩排除肝硬化、脂肪肝、肝癌、肝血管瘤、肝结石、腹部:肝、胆、脾、胰腺 135 超 胆结石等。 腹部彩双肾、输尿管、膀胱、 排除肾结石、肾肿瘤、膀胱占位等病变 135 超 腹部彩前列腺(男) 前列腺钙化、结节等占位病变 135 超 腹部彩子宫附件(女) 子宫先天畸形、子宫肌瘤卵巢占位病变等 135 超 甲状腺甲状腺 排除甲状腺肿大、结节、囊肿、肿瘤等占位病变 135 彩超 乳腺彩乳腺 检查乳腺纤维瘤,乳腺增生,早期乳腺癌等 135 超 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro c hannel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 经颅多检测脑血管痉挛、脑动脉狭窄和闭塞及脑部供血TCD检测 275 普勒 情况 颈动脉颈部血管 检查颈动脉有无内中膜增厚、斑块或狭窄等 315 彩超 经颅多检查头部供血情况 判断是否有脑动脉硬化、供血不足、血管痉挛等 275 普勒 心脏彩检查心脏的结构 检查心脏的解剖结构,运动状态及心功能测定 308 超 骨密度骨骼的骨量如何,有无骨量减少和骨质疏四肢型骨密度分析 100 检测 松。 动脉硬检测血管的硬化程度和狭窄早期检查血管 防治血管病。 80 化检测 程度。 十二导联心电图(I、II、III、十二导aVR、 联心电了解有无心律失常、心肌供血异常情况等症. 26 aVL、aVF、V1、V2、V3、V4、图 V5、V6) 十二导联心电图(I、II、III、十二导aVR、 动态观察24小时电生理变化,鉴别心律失常、联动态275 aVL、aVF、V1、V2、V3、V4、心肌供血异常情况等症,排除心脏先天疾病 心电图 V5、V6) 呼吸试检测胃有无幽门螺杆菌感染,是治疗胃炎、胃溃胃部 150 验C-14 疡的必要条件。 无痛电检查食道、贲门、胃、幽门、十二脂肠等内壁病胃部 子胃镜 变 无痛电肠道 发现肠道疾病及肠道占位病变等 子肠镜 运动心评估运动状态下,机体的有氧代谢能力,评价健功能测心功能测定 60 康人群的健康状态 定 放射类 检查心脏、心血管、肺部、透视 检查支气管、肺、纵隔等有无炎症、肺结核等 15 纵膈、膈肌等 胸 片检查心脏、心血管、肺部、检查支气管、肺、纵隔等有无炎症、肺结核、心100 (DR) 纵膈、膈肌等 血管及占位性病变等 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole 康康体检网——中国人的健康体检服务平台 颈椎正检查颈椎的骨质变化及其生理曲度,发现颈椎疾侧位片颈椎 164 病。 (DR) 腰椎正 侧位片腰椎 检查腰椎骨质及椎间盘的情况,发现腰椎疾病. 164 (DR) 头部螺对头部行CT逐层扫描,有助诊断或排除脑部占头部 350 旋CT 位病变。 肾脏螺对肾脏行CT逐层扫描,有助诊断或排除肾部占肾脏 350 旋CT 位病变。 妇科检 查 妇科检检查外阴、阴道、宫颈有无畸形、水肿、炎症、外阴、阴道、宫颈 12 查 溃疡、肿瘤等 白带常了解是否有杂菌、霉菌、滴了解是否有杂菌、霉菌、滴虫等感染 19 规 虫等感染 TCT宫颈液基薄层细胞检测(宫颈癌是目前国际上最先进的一种宫颈癌细胞学检查细胞癌240 筛查) 技术。 筛查 判断是否有HPV感染等,高危HPV是至宫颈癌的高危HPV 高危人乳头瘤病毒检测 350 主要病因之一。 总检分健康总结、提示健康饮食注意事项、提示医疗保健建议、提示日常 析 运动、锻炼建议、提示治疗建议、体检后进行网络查询。 the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro c hannel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole the public to participate in, in imperceptible provided L people's cultural quality. To built use "Juxian issued on the micro channel," civilized Juxian "micro channel, Ju, networks and other mainstream network media continued to push send online is energy information, and create a good network environment. Deepen the action of the beautiful countryside civilization, to carry out a wide range of" new countryside, new life "training, give full play to the village population culture courtyard, Park Street, cultural square and other positions the role of publicity and education, promote rural way of life more civilized. This year the province's urban and rural sanitation integration of the rural masses satisfaction telephone survey, significantly improved performance in our county, respectively, than the end of last year, years to improve the 5.2,17.5 percentage points. The township streets. Relevant departments of counties units should conscientiously sum up experience, adhere to the problem oriented, people are not satisfied with the village as the focus of the work, insist on grasping both ends, with the middle, to consolidate and improve, expand further effort, in the realization of the normal long-term efforts, to ensure that the end of this year to obtain better results. Third, we need to accelerate the voluntary service system. To actively promote the party members and members and cadres normalization of volunteer service, do a good job in public places, window units and community volunteer service station construction, establishment of covering the whole
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