

2017-09-21 12页 doc 39KB 44阅读




动画形成原理是因为人眼有视觉暂留的动画形成原理是因为人眼有视觉暂留的 动画形成原理是因为人眼有视觉暂留的特性所谓视觉暂留就是在看到一个物体后即时该物体快速消失也还是会在眼中留下一定时间的持续影像这在物体较为明亮的情况下尤为明显。最常见的就是夜晚拍照时使用闪光灯虽然闪光灯早已熄灭但被摄者眼中还是会留有光晕并维持一段时间。 对这个特点最早期的应用我们上小学时也许就都做过了就是在课本的页脚画上许多人物的动作然后快速翻动就可以在眼中实现连续的影像这就是动画。需要注意的是这里的动画并不是指卡通动画片虽然卡通动画的制作原理相同但这里的动画是泛指所有的连续影像。 总结起来...
动画形成原理是因为人眼有视觉暂留的 动画形成原理是因为人眼有视觉暂留的特性所谓视觉暂留就是在看到一个物体后即时该物体快速消失也还是会在眼中留下一定时间的持续影像这在物体较为明亮的情况下尤为明显。最常见的就是夜晚拍照时使用闪光灯虽然闪光灯早已熄灭但被摄者眼中还是会留有光晕并维持一段时间。 对这个特点最早期的应用我们上小学时也许就都做过了就是在课本的页脚画上许多人物的动作然后快速翻动就可以在眼中实现连续的影像这就是动画。需要注意的是这里的动画并不是指卡通动画片虽然卡通动画的制作原理相同但这里的动画是泛指所有的连续影像。 总结起来所谓动画就是用多幅静止画面连续播放利用视觉暂留形成连续影像。比如传统的电影就是用一长串连续记录着单幅画面的胶卷按照一定的速度依次用灯光投影到屏幕上。这里就有一个速度的要求试想一下如果我们缓慢地翻动课本感受到的只会是多个静止画面而非连续影像。播放电影也是如此如果速度太慢观众看到的就等于是一幅幅轮换的幻灯片。 为了让观众感受到连续影像电影以每秒24张画面的速度播放也就是一秒钟内在屏幕上连续投射出24张静止画面。有关动画播放速度的单位是fps其中的f就是英文单词Frame画面、帧p就是Per每s就是Second秒。用中文达就是多少帧每秒或每秒多少帧。电影是24fps通常简称为24帧。 现实生活中的其他能产生影像的设备也有帧速的概念比如电视机的信号中of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 国与欧洲所使用的PAL制式为25帧日本与美洲使用的NTSC制式为29.97帧。如果动画在电脑显示器上播放则15帧就可以达到连续影像的效果。这样大家以后在制作视频的时候要想好发布在何种设备上以设定不同的帧速。 人眼的辨识精度其实远远高于以上几种帧速因为人眼与大脑构成的视觉系统是非常发达的。只是依据环境不同而具备有不同的敏感程度比如在黑暗环境中对较亮光源的视觉暂留时间较长因此电影只需要24帧。顺便说句题外话只有少数动物的眼睛能在某些方面超过人类但都同时在其他方面存在严重缺陷。如“细节之王”鹰是色盲而“夜视之王”猫头鹰的眼珠固定要转动头部才能观察周围。 在我们前面所学的课程中Photoshop只是被用来制作比如海报、印刷稿等静态图像的我们提到过它具备动画制作 的能力。现在我们就是要在Photoshop中去创建一个由多个帧组成的动画。把单一的画面扩展到多个画面。并在这多个画面中营造一种影像上的连续性令动画成型。 现在很多使用Flash制作的动画都可以附带配音和交互性从而令整个动画更加生动。而Photoshop所制作出来的动画只能称作简单动画这主要是因为其只具备画面而不能加入声音且观众只能以固定方式观看。但简单并不代表简陋虽然前者提供了更多的制作和表现方法但后者也仍然具备自己的独特优势如图层样式动画就可以很容易地做出一些其它软件很难实现的精美动画细节。再者正如同of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 在纸上画画是一个很简单的行为但不同的人画得好坏也不相同。因此优秀的动画并不一定就需要很复杂的技术重要的是优秀的创意。 无论是哪一个软件它们的制作原理都是相同的正如同我们曾经刻苦学习的RGB色彩模式一样到哪里都能应用上。所以我们现在的任务是利用已经学到的Photoshop基础知识将它扩展到动画制作上从中学习到制作动画的一般性技巧和方法。这些知识以后仍然可以应用于其它方面。 并且我们也会介绍如何将Photoshop动画转为视频并为其加入声音。 除了制作上的不同以外在用途上也有不同。动画经常被安放于网页中的某个区域用以强调某项如广告动画。这种动画通常按照安放位置的不同而具备相应的固定尺寸如468x60、140x60、90x180等。也可将动画应用于手机彩信一种可发送图片、声音、视频的多媒体短信服务。这些用途都有各自的特点除了尺寸以外还有其它需要考虑的因素。如字节数的限制帧停留时间等。我们会在教程中逐步予以讲解。 需要注意的是在本教程开始之前我们要求读者都已经学习过Photoshop的基础知识理解并掌握如调整图层、图层样式等概念和操作例如“怎样建立曲线调整层”之类的内容我们只作简要操作介绍而不再详细解释其中原理。因此建议新加入的读者先行学习基础部分内容。 另外Photoshop CS3 Extended扩展版本才具备动画制作功能普通版本是不具备的。CS2版本有附带动作制作功能操作也与of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the CS3 Extended相似。而CS及更早版本则需要借助捆绑的ImageReady软件进行动画制作。建议大家使用与教程相同的CS3 Extended版本。 既然称为动画那就是要令画面中的图像动起来现在我们来实际动手画制作一个“简单且简陋”的动画吧。 新建一个150×150的空白图像新建一个图层并画上一个矩形大致如下左图所示图层调板如下右图。从中可以看出这是一个普通的点阵图层大家在实际操作中应尽可能使用矢量图层在后面的教程中我们也会注意这一点的。 通过【窗口_动画】开启动画调板如下左图所示。而此时图层调板也多出了一些选项如下右图红色箭头处。如果将动画调板关闭则恢复到原先。这里暂时不用去理会。另外动画调板经常与测量记录调板组合在一起后者与我们目前的内容并无关系可将其关闭。 在开启了动画调板后我们就可以开始制作动画了在动画调板中点击红色箭头处的“复制所选帧”按钮就会看到新增加了一个帧。如下图所示。按照我们以前的习惯这个图标应该表示为新建如新建图层等在这里虽然字面上的解释是复制但其实也是一种新建只不过这新增加出来的帧其实和前一个帧是相同的内容。相应的大家也应该能想得到按钮的作用就是删除帧。 确认动画调板中目前选择的是复制出来的第2帧然后使用移动工具将图层中的方块移动一定距离大致如下左图所示。此时动画调板如下中图所示。可以看到虽然在第2帧中方块的位置发生了改变但在原先第of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 1帧中方块的位置依然未变。这是一个很重要的特性。 重复几次这种先复制帧再移动方块的操作最终得到如下右图所示的样子类似即可。现在我们拥有了7个帧且每个帧中方块的位置都不同。注意这句话“每个帧中方块的位置都不同”再看看图层调板很明显只有一个图层存在背景层暂且不算这就引出一个特性对一个图层来说它的位置或坐标在不同帧中可以单独指定。按照这个特性我们使用一个图层就可以做出物体移动的动画。 现在大家可以按下动画调板中的播放按钮在图像窗口就可以看到方块移动的效果了只是移动的速度很快。这是因为没有设置帧延迟时间。注意动画调板中每一帧的下方现在都有一个“ 0秒”这就是帧延迟时间或称停留时间。帧延迟时间表示在动画过程中该帧显示的时长。比如某帧的延迟设为2秒那么当播放到这个帧的时候会停留2秒钟后才继续播放下一帧。延迟默认为0秒每个帧都可以独立设定延迟。 设定帧延迟的方法就是点击帧下方的时间处在弹出的列表中选择相应的时间即可。如下左图所示将第7帧设为0.5秒。列表中的“无延迟”就是0秒如果没有想要设定的时间可以选择“其他”后自行输入数值单位为秒。也可以在选择多个帧后统一修改延迟选择多个帧的方法和选择多个图层相同先在动画调板中点击第1帧将其选择然后按住SHIFT键点击第6帧就选择了第1至第6帧。然后在其中任意一帧的时间区进行设定即可如下右图所示设为0.1秒。这of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 是一个比较常用的延迟时间。 再次播放动画就会看到方块移动的速度有所减缓并且在移动的最后会停留较长时间。很明显这是由于它被设置了较长延迟的缘故。而这种较长的延迟实际上起到了一种突出的作用在实际制作中就可以利用这个特点来突出某个主题。我们在后面的教程中也会找时间专门介绍一些表现手法。 除了延迟时间外动画还有一个特点就是可以设定播放的循环次数。注意在动画调板第一帧的下方有一个“永远”这就是循环次数。点击后可以选择“一次”或“永远”或者自行设定循环的次数。之后再次播放动画即可看到循环次数设定的效果。 现在大家可以按下动画调板中的播放按钮在图像窗口就可以看到方块移动的效果了只是移动的速度很快。这是因为没有设置帧延迟时间。注意动画调板中每一帧的下方现在都有一个“ 0秒”这就是帧延迟时间或称停留时间。帧延迟时间表示在动画过程中该帧显示的时长。比如某帧的延迟设为2秒那么当播放到这个帧的时候会停留2秒钟后才继续播放下一帧。延迟默认为0秒每个帧都可以独立设定延迟。 设定帧延迟的方法就是点击帧下方的时间处在弹出的列表中选择相应的时间即可。如下左图所示将第7帧设为0.5秒。列表中的“无延迟”就是0秒如果没有想要设定的时间可以选择“其他”后自行输入数值单位为秒。也可以在选择多个帧后统一修改延迟选择多个帧的方法和选择多个图层相同先在动画调板中点击第1帧将其选择然后of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the 按住SHIFT键点击第6帧就选择了第1至第6帧。然后在其中任意一帧的时间区进行设定即可如下右图所示设为0.1秒。这是一个比较常用的延迟时间。 再次播放动画就会看到方块移动的速度有所减缓并且在移动的最后会停留较长时间。很明显这是由于它被设置了较长延迟的缘故。而这种较长的延迟实际上起到了一种突出的作用在实际制作中就可以利用这个特点来突出某个主题。我们在后面的教程中也会找时间专门介绍一些表现手法。 除了延迟时间外动画还有一个特点就是可以设定播放的循环次数。注意在动画调板第一帧的下方有一个“永远”这就是循环次数。点击后可以选择“一次”或“永远”或者自行设定循环的次数。之后再次播放动画即可看到循环次数设定的效果。 of relative humidity's not over 65%, Yu into and the layers homes requirements 55~65%: to prevent humidity had big. also must has enough of ventilation volume, built cement ground, don't in low-lying at built sheds,, (4) sufficient of Sun irradiation: this main on open sheds,. Sufficient of Sun irradiation, especially winter can makes sheds warm, and dry and eradication disease original microbial, j so, using natural lighting of sheds first to select good sheds of azimuth, towards South sunny better? second, Windows of area size also to appropriate, species with sheds Windows and ground area of than to 1:5 better, meat with sheds is relative small some: closed type sheds to gives strength right of artificial lighting, as degrees lower not conducive to chicken group of produced egg. as degrees partial high both waste power and easy caused sucking fetish of occurred. Hen activities take place inside the hens chicks and laying hens illuminance of 10 lux and 5~10, respectively. (5) the right density: stocking density is directly related to the health, growth, development and performance. Density is too little equipment investment increased stocking density reduced weight gain, increased egg mortality of the General Assembly. Therefore, the chicken area must be consistent with the capacity of appropriate density. (6) for disinfection and epidemic prevention: in order to improve the sterilization effect of wall surface to be smooth, there must be concrete and Dado. hen-house population should be equipped with disinfection of pools: mechanical scraping manure sheds its outward of the gutter should be placed in the
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