首页 > 用蜂蜜做各种面膜


2018-04-12 8页 doc 31KB 17阅读




用蜂蜜做各种面膜用蜂蜜做各种面膜 1、蜂蜜+奶粉+鸡蛋清 蜂蜜1匙、奶粉1份、鸡蛋清1个,混合均匀制成面膜,用软刷将其在脸上涂上薄薄一层,20分钟后用温水洗去。每周一次,连续使用一个月,对皮肤干燥有明显效果。 2、蜂蜜橄榄油面膜 取蜂蜜100克和橄榄油50克混合,加热40?,搅拌,使之充分混合均匀。用时将混合膏涂到纱布上,覆盖于面部,20分钟后揭去洗净。此面膜能防止皮肤衰老、消除皱纹、润肤祛斑,皮肤干燥者尤为适宜。 3、蜂蜜牛奶面膜 取蜂蜜10克,鲜牛奶10毫升,蛋黄1个搅拌均匀,调制成膏状,洗脸后涂于面部,20分钟后洗去,每日1...
用蜂蜜做各种面膜 1、蜂蜜+奶粉+鸡蛋清 蜂蜜1匙、奶粉1份、鸡蛋清1个,混合均匀制成面膜,用软刷将其在脸上涂上薄薄一层,20分钟后用温水洗去。每周一次,连续使用一个月,对皮肤干燥有明显效果。 2、蜂蜜橄榄油面膜 取蜂蜜100克和橄榄油50克混合,加热40?,搅拌,使之充分混合均匀。用时将混合膏涂到纱布上,覆盖于面部,20分钟后揭去洗净。此面膜能防止皮肤衰老、消除皱纹、润肤祛斑,皮肤干燥者尤为适宜。 3、蜂蜜牛奶面膜 取蜂蜜10克,鲜牛奶10毫升,蛋黄1个搅拌均匀,调制成膏状,洗脸后涂于面部,20分钟后洗去,每日1次。此面膜能营养皮肤,减少皱纹,促使皮肤白嫩。 蜂蜜美白面膜 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 1、蜂蜜黄瓜面膜(美白除皱 ) 取鲜黄瓜汁加入奶粉、蜂蜜适量,风油精数滴调匀后涂面,20-30分钟后洗净,或将黄瓜洗净切薄片直接贴于脸部,具有润肤、增白、除皱的作用。 2、蜂蜜珍珠粉面膜 准备一个干净的小瓶子,倒入大半瓶珍珠粉,再缓缓倒入蜂蜜,边倒边搅拌,使蜂蜜和珍珠粉充分混合,注意蜂蜜不要倒得过多,调成糊状即可。这样面膜就做好了。 使用前,先用温水把脸洗净,然后用小棉签蘸着调好得面膜均匀得涂在脸上,不要太厚,薄薄一层即可,过30分钟后洗掉,可以使脸光滑,有光泽。 优品推荐:长生鸟外用纳米珍珠粉 3、红酒蜂蜜面膜(美白滋养) 红酒中的葡萄酒酸就是果酸,能够促进角质新陈代谢,淡化色素,让皮肤更白皙光滑。蜂蜜具有保湿和滋养的功效。 方法:将一小杯红酒加2-3勺子蜂蜜调至浓稠的状态后,均匀的敷在脸上,八分干后用温水洗干净。注意:酒精过敏的人慎用, Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 4、蜂蜜甘油面膜(美白补水) 蜂蜜1勺,甘油1勺,水2勺,充分混合,即成面膜膏,使用时轻轻涂于脸部和颈部,形成薄膜,20-25分钟后小心将面膜去掉即可,这种面膜可用于普通、干燥性衰萎皮肤,每周1-2次。 5、蜂蜜番茄面膜(美白保湿) 先将番茄压烂取汁,加入适量蜂蜜和少许面粉调成膏状,涂于面部保持20-30分钟,具有使皮肤滋润、白嫩、柔软的作用。 6、蜂蜜柠檬面膜(防晒) 生鸡蛋一个,蜂蜜一小匙,柠檬半个,面粉适量,混合后搅拌成膏状,敷面后入睡,第二天用温水洗净。坚持使用有较显著的防晒作用。 蜂蜜紧致面膜 1、蜂蜜+苹果+乳脂 将苹果煮沸,捣碎,加入蜂蜜与乳脂,制成润肤面膜膏,敷Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 面令你肤洁如玉。 2、蜂蜜+鸡蛋清 蜂蜜50克,鸡蛋清一个,两者搅拌均匀,睡前用干的软刷子刷在面部,慢慢进行按摩,约30分钟自然风干后,用清水洗去,每周2次。此面膜能润肤除皱,驻颜美容,有营养增白皮肤功效。 蜂蜜去斑面膜 1、蜂蜜+甘油+水+面粉 蜂蜜1份、甘油1份、水3份、面粉1份,混合均匀制成敷面膏,敷于面上20分钟后,用清水洗去,此法适用于普通干燥性衰萎皮肤。功效:可使皮肤嫩滑细腻,除去皱纹及黄褐斑,并能治疗疖子、痤疮。 2、蜂蜜+鲜蜂王浆+鸡蛋清+花粉+水 蜂蜜1匙、鲜蜂王浆1匙、鸡蛋清1个,加入适量花粉和水调成糊状,涂于面部,30分钟后用温水洗去,再用鲜蜂王浆1克加少许甘油调匀涂于面部,每周一次。功效:对清除脸部黑斑及暗疮特别Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test 有效。 3、蜂蜜玫瑰面膜 取蜂蜜60克,玫瑰汁10毫升,燕麦粉30克混合调匀。洗脸 后敷于脸上,30分钟后洗去,早晚各1次。此面膜适用于治疗面部黑 斑。 Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test
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