首页 > 不同特性有机质对邻-二甲苯苯及酚吸附现象之研究


2017-11-07 3页 doc 15KB 6阅读




不同特性有机质对邻-二甲苯苯及酚吸附现象之研究不同特性有机质对邻-二甲苯苯及酚吸附现象之研究 不同特性有機質對鄰,二甲苯、苯及酚吸附現象之研究 Sorption Behavior of O,Xylene、Benzene and Phenol on Organic Matter with Different Characteristics 研究生,黃秋卿 Chiou-Ching Huang 指導教授,李芳胤 Fang,Yin Lee 申永輝 Yun,Hwei Shen 【摘要】 芳香族化合物( aromatic compounds )是指苯及化學性質與苯相似之...
不同特性有机质对邻-二甲苯苯及酚吸附现象之研究 不同特性有機質對鄰,二甲苯、苯及酚吸附現象之研究 Sorption Behavior of O,Xylene、Benzene and Phenol on Organic Matter with Different Characteristics 研究生,黃秋卿 Chiou-Ching Huang 指導教授,李芳胤 Fang,Yin Lee 申永輝 Yun,Hwei Shen 【摘要】 芳香族化合物( aromatic compounds )是指苯及化學性質與苯相似之化合物,主要來自於煤及石油中的提煉,普遍用於化學工業及添加於石油燃料中。根據美國環保署 ( EPA ) 列出之主要有毒有機物化合物中,經由統計發現芳香族化合物佔相當高的比例。此化合物易於生物體中累積,並透過途徑危及人類與破壞自然生態。本研究將探討不同特性有機碳( 如碳鏈之長短等 )對鄰,二甲苯、苯及酚吸附現象之影響,期能對鄰,二甲苯、苯及酚在環境中之傳輸與宿命做一深入了解,並對於以吸附程序處理含芳香族化合物廢水技術方面能有所助益。研究結果顯示芳香族化合物主要是透過疏水作用( hydrophobic effect ) 以分配( partition )或表面吸附 ( adsorption )機制吸附於不同特性有機碳。活性碳為一具緊密 且剛性之有機碳結構表面,顯示其對芳香族化合物吸附作用有著高的親和力( affinity )與較大的吸附量。短碳鏈之陽離子型界面活性劑( cationic surfactant )所合成的有機黏土( organoclay )具類似活性碳的緊密及剛性之構造,因此其吸附性質與有機碳相似,具高親合力與吸附量,然長碳鏈特性之陽離子型界面活性劑與非離子型界面活性劑( non,ionic surfactant )所合成之有機黏土,與不含芳香碳構造之軟性有機碳構造,其對芳香族化合物來說並不是一有效的吸附劑。且於含不同特性有機碳構造之吸附劑其吸附量大小依序為活性碳 , 有機黏土 , 土壤有機質,此證明除了有機碳的含量外,分子構造對吸附芳香族化合物亦具有相當程度之影響。 關鍵字,有機黏土 陽離子型界面活性劑 非離子型界面活性劑 芳香族化合物 吸附 【Abstract】 Aromatic hydrocarbons are compounds with benzene as a basic structure. Coal and petroleum are the major sources for aromatic hydrocarbons. Aromatic hydrocarbons have been identified as toxic properties to human by U.S. EPA. Misuse, accidental spillage and improper disposal of Aromatic hydrocarbons have resulted the environmental contamination with serious potential health risks. The purpose of this study is to investigate the sorption effect of characteristics of organics on aromatic hydrocarbon. It is expected that more understanding of the fate and transport of aromatic hydrocarbons in environment may be realized from this study. The results of this study indicate that the sorption of aromatic compounds such as o,xylene 、 benzene and phenol to organic matter is driven mainly by hydrophobic effect. Depending on characteristics of organic matter both partition and adsorption mechanisms may responsible for the sorption process. Activated carbon with a condense and rigid organic carbon structure generally show high affinity and large uptake capacity for aromatic compounds. This condense and rigid organic carbon structure is also found in organobentonite synthesis using cationic surfactants with short carbon chain. Organobentonite synthesis using cationic and nonionic surfactants with long carbon chain will generally result in soft organic carbon structure similar to a polymer phase and is not an effective sorbent for aromatic compounds. The order of aromatic compounds uptake by various organic carbon phases is : activated carbon , organobentonite ,nature soil organic matter. It is concluded that both the amount and the property of organic matter affect the sorption of aromatic compounds. Keywords: Organoclay , Cationic Surfactant , Non,ionic Surfactan , Aromatic Compounds , Sorption
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