首页 > 尾盘跳水沪指失守4400 “神创板”走势步步惊心

尾盘跳水沪指失守4400 “神创板”走势步步惊心

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尾盘跳水沪指失守4400 “神创板”走势步步惊心尾盘跳水沪指失守4400 “神创板”走势步步惊心 在连续2个交易日上涨之后,周三沪指围绕4400点震荡,尾盘跳水震荡70多点。而“神创板”在三家基金公司被证监会约谈的传闻以及连日涨幅过快的回调压力之下,当日走势步步惊心,收盘跌1.79%。对于后市,机构提醒投资者应注意风险。 扬子晚报记者 李冲 徐兢 马燕 前十大高价股 创业板占七成 (单位:元) 全通教育 467.57 安硕信息 433.10 京天利 306.00 贵州茅台 256.40 长亮科技 254.90 暴风科技 252.86 万达院线 244.89 金证股份 2...
尾盘跳水沪指失守4400  “神创板”走势步步惊心
尾盘跳水沪指失守4400 “神创板”走势步步惊心 在连续2个交易日上涨之后,周三沪指围绕4400点震荡,尾盘跳水震荡70多点。而“神创板”在三家基金公司被证监会约谈的传闻以及连日涨幅过快的回调压力之下,当日走势步步惊心,收盘跌1.79%。对于后市,机构提醒投资者应注意风险。 扬子晚报记者 李冲 徐兢 马燕 前十大高价股 创业板占七成 (单位:元) 全通教育 467.57 安硕信息 433.10 京天利 306.00 贵州茅台 256.40 长亮科技 254.90 暴风科技 252.86 万达院线 244.89 金证股份 244.01 三六五网 226.99 光环新网 200.20 股价数据为截至昨日收盘价。 盘面 沪指失守4400点 “神创板”四步步步惊心 昨天两市小幅高开,早盘沪指震荡,午后出现一波跳水跌至4342.48点,随后地产股奋起护盘,收盘跌幅收窄,沪指报4375.76点跌0.58%,深成指报15173.09点涨0.71%。 “神创板”上演步步惊心。惊心之一是早盘下跌逾2%探3123.92点;惊心之二是随后一度大跌近4%,午后开盘大涨近1%,创出3271.18点的本轮新高;惊心之三是两点左右再度跳水逾2%;惊心之四是尾盘又震荡回升。全天的“过山车”让投资者晕头转向,收盘创业板指报3192.15点跌1.79%。成交量方面,沪市成交7808亿元,深市成交7657亿元,两市共成交14465亿元,两市总成交量较前一日萎缩。 两市近184只个股涨停。板块方面,文化传媒、化纤、房地产、食品行业板块涨幅居前,电力、石油、券商信托、工程建设等板块跌幅居前。房地产板块午后护盘有功,陆家嘴、万方发展、苏宁环球等12股涨停,万科A大涨超7%。4G概念、页岩气、网络游戏概念股表现活跃。次新股集体飙涨,板块涨逾7%再掀涨停潮,近30股涨停。此外,昨天有三只新股上市——广信股份、莱克电气、中光防雷,毫无意外都顶格跳涨至44%,随后按交易所规定进入临时停牌。 后市 4400点争夺并未结束 二次回落风险需要防范 对于后市机构看法不同。有分析认为,大盘本周配合降息利好触发强力,但没有完全收复失地也没有突破4450-4500点密集区,所以还是要随时提防,一旦指数向上无法突破前高,二次回落极可能出现。 天信投资认为,随着连续多个交易日的疯狂,上涨指数即将突破近期高点,以及创业板指数连续上攻且毫不费力地突破3000点整数关口,物极必反的情况会不会出现值得思考,建议持股,不建议追涨。 巨丰投顾认为,目前多空双方围绕4400点的争夺并未结束,后市若成交量一旦跟不上,则大盘仍将出现二次回调。天信投顾表示,市场的二次冲高快到“强弩之末”,短期希望投资者不要贪恋牛市的温柔乡,该离开的时候要及时离开,离开后暂时养精蓄锐,待市场经历一定的调整后,再次进来。激进型客户,可及时跟进“刚刚补涨的题材股”,短平快操作。稳健型客户,可对涨幅落后的权重蓝筹股选择性低吸,等待“补涨”。 辟谣 证监会要基金减仓创业板, 三家公司否认:只是了解风控情况 上周末“监管层建议部分机构控制创业板仓位”的传言才被澄清,前天收盘后一则传言不胫而走,某媒体晚间披露监管层当天下午紧急约谈三家基金公司有关的负责人,要求各自控制买入创业板股票的节奏,在风险控制前提下,适当配置创业板股票。而后又有消息称三家基金公司分别是汇添富、易方达和嘉实。 但这一传言再被迅速澄清,昨天上午,有媒体联系三家基金公司相关负责人,对方均表示并没有被监管层约谈。而民生证券随后也指出,“关于市场传言证监会约谈三家机构一事,不是约谈,而是了解有关机构风控情况,且已有结论,都合规”。 广发证券一位分析人士指出,市场大趋势不变。而创业板就算短期出现的震荡盘整,也绝不会是因为什么监管层传话导致,而因上涨过高获利盘整而已,长期投资模式甚至不用理会这种波动。 自2012年12月起,创业板涨幅屡创新高,成为投资者追捧的热地。而上周五开始,创业板指连续三个交易日暴涨,累计涨幅达15.83%;成交金额也一路增加,前日创业板市场成交1850亿元,单日成交金额再创历史新高。但目前对创业板的看法,各方已经出现了巨大分歧,因为估值的虚高,一些分析师反复号召投资者“千万不要protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 碰”;不过某些投资人士则继续看好创业板前景,认为泡沫破裂的时间远远没到。有私募人士指出,创业板近日比较疯狂,一些股票甚至天天涨停,同时也伴随着巨大的成交,建议投资者现在先把融资盘清掉,免得一旦市场逆转会“相互踩踏”,也可以适当保留部分仓位享受“最后的疯狂”。 幕后 创业板疯涨是新股民干的, 4公司被单家基金控盘超20% 面对近期小票的疯狂涨势,市场有观点认为是持续开户入市的新股民源源不断资金接力,但是记者在统计今年90%以上涨幅的样本公司数据后发现,造成小票异常暴涨的原因,其实与公募基金的集中持股有着密切关联。部分暴涨样本股的统计显示,一家基金控制一只股票多达20%以上流通盘,而少的也有10%以上的比例。 1175只基金重仓208只创业板股票 近日有统计显示,2014年第四季度,共有1175只基金重仓持有208只创业板股票,持股总数为24.71亿股,持股总市值为722亿元;到了2015年第一季度,已经有2156只基金重仓持有279只创业板股票,持股总量已经达到了31.24亿股,持股总市值达到了1510亿元,无论是从重仓股票数量还是持股总量,均显示出今年一季度创业板遭到了公募基金的猛烈增持。 在一些创业板股票中,公募基金整体持有流通股比例相当惊人,实现不同程度控盘。 上述279家创业板公司的流通股持有中,仅公募基金披露的重仓持股合计比例超过15%的有31只,超过20%的11只,分别为卫宁软件、京天利、安硕信息、旋极信息、阳光电源、上海钢联、华宇软件、赢时胜、万达信息、鼎捷软件和朗玛信息。其中,对卫宁软件和京天利流通股的持股比例分别达到38.21%和31.26%,实现了高度控盘,安硕信息的持股比例也达到了27.40%。 4公司被单家基金控盘超20% 今年以来(截至5月11日)股价涨幅在90%(含)以上的A股上市公司共754家,截至今年一季度末,单一基金旗下多只产品在一只个股中持股占流通股比例在10%以上的公司有34家。而单只基金持股占流通盘比例在20%以上的公司合计有4家,分别是华信国际、安硕信息、京天利、光环新网,这些被集中持股的公司近期均出现连续暴涨。其中,华信国际被汇添富旗下9只基金产品合计持有12445.36万股,占流通股比例高达26.48%。 汇添富基金集中持股15家公司 在基金多只产品持股占流通盘比例在10%以上的上市公司中,汇添富涉及15家上市公司,是本次统计数据中涉及上市公司最多的基金。其对应的公司分别是安硕信息、赢时胜、光环新网、东华测试、瑞茂通、北信源、东方国信、新南洋、顺荣三七、天玑科技、长亮科技、华信国际、海伦钢琴、华数传媒、鼎捷软件。 回顾这些个股的表现,从年初至今(5月12日),安硕信息涨599.84%,赢时胜涨379.24%,光环新网涨325.53%,东华测试涨239.52%,瑞茂通涨218.59%,北信源涨188.90%„„ 此外,长亮科技在2014年四季度被工银瑞信8只产品合计持股占比更是高达39.39%,而今年以来,其上涨了138.9%。富国基金、嘉实基金涉足的上市公司达到4家。华商基金、中邮基金则各涉足3家上市公司。 据每日经济新闻 protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of 智博体育、智博在线 编辑:ehdnbg protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of protection measures or programmes. To prevent surface water from entering Excavation and trench to avoid slope collapse or destruction of soil. Section III, soft landscape construction schemes and technical measures soft landscape projects, delivery standards construction and acceptance should meet the current code for construction and acceptance of City Green (CJJ/T82-99), and urban landscaping and landscape plant materials (wood of Materia Medica) (CJ/T34-91), the relevant provisions. 1, site preparation and construction technical measures and leveling site preparation: planting soil 50cm all debris should be cleared, litter and not conducive to plant growth in the soil, timely removal of weeds in clean soil, large stones and so on. 20cm 30cm which cannot be more than diameter of surface soil stone; design requires terrain of the site, should be dealt with in strict accordance with the design requirements into the terrain. Site levelling: 30cm soil should be according to the requirements of soil, fertilization, added nutrition, leveling height differences less than 5cm per square metre, and should comply with the design requirements of the slope, keep the soil loose, ventilation and good permeability. Soil: the soil should be well drained soil is neutral and organic-rich soil, should not contain gravel or other toxic or inhibit growth of debris. Poor soils including strong acids, strong alkali soils and heavy clay, sandy and saline soils. Before planting the soil conditions should be checked, and in some key growing areas to ensure that environments must be to improve the soil. For planting soil and backfill, efficiency of fertilizer should be added, joining at least 5cm of humus in the soil. Containing construction waste and other harmful substances, Ph standard, saline soils and heavy clay, soil or soil improvement technology measures should be used. Planting soil: cultivation prior to planting in the region of
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