
s a sp 完美的视角鸟瞰城市之美和天际之蓝,壮观的高空喷泉,天台会酒吧都能为您实现,在以下十个地方,您只需要一杯鸡尾酒的价格就能体会真正危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰的壮怀

2017-12-05 3页 doc 16KB 25阅读




s a sp 完美的视角鸟瞰城市之美和天际之蓝,壮观的高空喷泉,天台会酒吧都能为您实现,在以下十个地方,您只需要一杯鸡尾酒的价格就能体会真正危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰的壮怀s a sp 完美的视角鸟瞰城市之美和天际之蓝,壮观的高空喷泉,天台会酒吧都能为您实现,在以下十个地方,您只需要一杯鸡尾酒的价格就能体会真正危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰的壮怀 BY uhjijykyk For optimum ogling of iconic city skylines, there's a special place where city meets sky: the venerated rooftop bar. Skip out on the tourist hullabaloo at designated ...
s a sp 完美的视角鸟瞰城市之美和天际之蓝,壮观的高空喷泉,天台会酒吧都能为您实现,在以下十个地方,您只需要一杯鸡尾酒的价格就能体会真正危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰的壮怀
s a sp 完美的视角鸟瞰城市之美和天际之蓝,壮观的高空喷泉,天台会酒吧都能为您实现,在以下十个地方,您只需要一杯鸡尾酒的价格就能体会真正危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰的壮怀 BY uhjijykyk For optimum ogling of iconic city skylines, there's a special place where city meets sky: the venerated rooftop bar. Skip out on the tourist hullabaloo at designated observatories— and the frenetic hubbub of the streets below—and head instead for lofty heights and bird's-eye views at high-profile, high-rise watering holes. These 10 rooftop bars are truly "tops," offering atmosphere that's even more intoxicating than your drink, and million-dollar views for the mere price of a cocktail. 想要真正与美丽的地平线有个约会,我们的城市中也有这样的地方:高空中远离 嘈杂的人群和旅游者的喧嚣,完美的视角鸟瞰城市之美和天际之蓝,壮观的高空 喷泉,天台会酒吧都能为您实现,在以下十个地方,您只需要一杯鸡尾酒的价格 就能体会真正“危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰”的壮怀。 Bangkok, Thailand Moon Bar at Banyan Tree Bangkok 曼谷,泰国 Moon酒吧,曼谷菩提树路 From its 61st floor perch, this stunning helipad-cum-rooftop oasis ranks supreme for sultry sunset cocktails. A series of elevated platforms and low glass walls ensure prime 360-degree panoramas of the bustling Thai capital below. Book ahead for a table at the adjoining Vertigo restaurant, where an open-air grill turns out barbecued seafood and steaks. 六十一层高空,直升机岛上享受迷人的落日鸡尾酒,领略高架平台和水晶墙为您 提供的360度的繁华美景,整座曼谷城在您脚下。提前在相邻的Vertigo餐厅预 定一个位置将会为您提供室外的海鲜牛排烧烤。 The View: Landmarks like the Grand Palace, Royal Chapel, Wat Pho Temple, and winding Chao Phraya River litter the lengthy landscape. 风景简介:曼谷大王宫,皇家教堂,卧佛寺,还有湄南河蜿蜒的景观 Signature Drink: The Vertigo Sunset (Malibu with pineapple, cranberry, and lime juice) 招牌饮品:The Vertigo Sunset(Malibu朗姆酒与凤梨,蔓越橘,柠檬汁调制) Insider Tip: A dress code is in effect, so forgo those flip-flops and shorts. 入店须知:美丽的衣物影响视觉,请不要着短装与拖鞋 São Paulo, Brazil Skye Bar at Hotel Unique 巴西,圣保罗 Unique酒店的Skye酒吧 Topping the design-savvy Hotel Unique, the terrace of chic Skye Bar shows off São Paulo's urban sprawl in a perfectly picturesque light. Join the polished crowds to throw back caipirinhas and martinis, and stick around for DJ-spun beats after 9pm. Or, thanks to its underwater sound system, kick off the dance party early in the red-tiled lap pool. Finish up with international fusion BY uhjijykyk fare on the new outdoor deck of the adjacent Skye Restaurant. Unique五星级师酒店的最顶楼,Skye露台酒吧让您享受到圣保罗城市建筑 的如画夜景,在优雅的环境中品尝caipirinhas和马丁尼,九点后感受有DJ的 音乐盛宴或者九点前在红毯舞池中体会水声系统带来的不同音乐。最后再在全新 的户外餐桌上享用Skye餐吧提供的各国美食。 Star Sights: Savor sweeping panoramas of the São Paulo skyline and Ibirapuera Park. 星级美景:圣保罗夜景和完美的天空以及伊比拉普埃拉公园 Signature Drink: Wasabi Mojito (Superior Ron, sugar syrup, lime juice, basil, mint, and club soda) 招牌饮品:Wasabi Mojito(高级朗姆酒与糖浆,柠檬汁,罗勒,薄荷还有苏打 等调制) Insider Tip: Dips in the pool are reserved for hotel guests only. 入店须知:舞池仅对酒店顾客开放
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