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双井街道文化工作汇报材料双井街道文化工作汇报材料 双井街道文化工作在朝阳区文委的指导下~在街道工委、办事处的领导下~从践行人文奥运、构建和谐双井的高度出发~强队伍、抓特色、谋发展~全面提升地区文化水平~满足地区居民的精神生活需求。 一、街道文化工作概况 街道现有文化服务中心一处~指社区服务中心~建筑面积506平方米。社区文化室8处~分布于各社区~共计建筑面积615平方米。文化广场2处~即:富力文化广场~建筑面积5000平方米,金港国际休闲广场~建筑面积1000平方米。街道现有图书馆一处~为双井街道社区图书馆~新址坐落于富力社区~建筑面积150平...
双井街道文化工作汇报材料 双井街道文化工作在朝阳区文委的指导下~在街道工委、办事处的领导下~从践行人文奥运、构建和谐双井的高度出发~强队伍、抓特色、谋发展~全面提升地区文化水平~满足地区居民的精神生活需求。 一、街道文化工作概况 街道现有文化服务中心一处~指社区服务中心~建筑面积506平方米。社区文化室8处~分布于各社区~共计建筑面积615平方米。文化广场2处~即:富力文化广场~建筑面积5000平方米,金港国际休闲广场~建筑面积1000平方米。街道现有图馆一处~为双井街道社区图书馆~新址坐落于富力社区~建筑面积150平方米~藏书1.2万册。 我街道共有国家级重点保护文物一处~位于黄木场路原北京星海乐器厂内乾隆皇帝御笔亲书的“神木碑文”。2004年6月份办事处与北京星海乐器有限公司签订了文物保护单位责任书。 街道现有文化娱乐场所12处~由社区办牵头~联合综治办、劳动科、城管监察分队定期开展“扫黄、打非”专项检查及娱乐场所劳动安全综合检查。 街道文体协会成立于2003年~制订了《北京市朝阳区双井地区文体协会章程》~社区成立文体协会分会~社区党within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 委书记、社区主任任双组长。至此~地区形成了街道文体协会,社区文体协会分会,居民的三级文体组织网络体系。文体协会的成立~有效地推动了地区文体活动的开展~更好地培育了一系列文体队伍。现有文体队伍57支~队员854人~其中合唱队8支~其中广和里社区合唱队以英文歌曲为特色,健身操队、健身球队8支,舞蹈队7支~交谊舞队4支~民族舞队1支,武术队8支~太极拳、剑队6支,书法、书画班5个,象棋队3支,奥运英语班3个,模特队毽子队2支,评剧队、京剧队2支,集邮班、大众图书会、编制队等特色队伍11支,队伍平均人数16人~人员来源主要以本社区居民为主~队员平均年龄59.71岁~以老年人居多,活动时间不固定~以工作日早晨居多,活动地点广泛分布于社区内的文化广场、街心公园、健身园、楼群间空地。 二、工作中的亮点与特色 1、狠抓培训~充实文体骨干~强大文体队伍。 地区文化工作的顺利开展~队伍建设是关键。我们将加强基层文化骨干培训放在文化工作的重要位置上~采取送出去、请进来的学习方法~通过组织文化骨干到先进地区现场参观学习交流、聘请专家来授课、参加区文委组织的各项专题培训等多种形式~学习先进文化活动的同时~开阔了眼界~全面提升了社区文化骨干的素质。文化骨干的培养推动了社区文体队伍的壮大~在原有19支队伍的基础上~2005年新 wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, proproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -corresponding of explosionnormal situation Xia, must in -d be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonot be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts shoulproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may n- the installation of explosion sket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm.elastic gasket, metal ga proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-of explosion rationollowing requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory opelosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the fwithin expsed to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be u-proof electric junction box, explosion-motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion proof-shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-tection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non2 成立了舞蹈、交谊舞等数支文体队伍~使街道文体队伍猛增至57支~吸引居民达千余人。不同社区、不同年龄段的居民迎着朝霞、伴着夕阳在街心公园、休闲广场纵情欢唱、翩翩起舞~成为双井地区一道亮丽的风景线。 2、联合共建~构建精品文化广场。 继成功打造5000平米富力精品文化广场后~今年通过积极挖掘整合地区社会资源~协调物业公司~联合共建了1000平方米金港国际休闲文化广场~地区群众又多了一处休闲娱乐及开展大型文体活动的平台。9月9日在新落成的金港国际文化广场~举办了双井街道2005年庆祝教师节露天舞会~400多名居民在优美的旋律中翩翩起舞~共享和谐美好生活。今年共举办夏日文化广场活动13场~放映露天电影8场~参与活动居民5000多人~受益群众近2万人次。 3、突出自身特色~社区文化活动有新意。 指导社区密切结合自身特色~有针对性开展各类文化活动~丰富居民文化生活。以高档小区为构成特色的大望社区举办了“庆五一”易构空间业主联谊会~小区业主、物业公司、社区居干同台表演~密切了三方的关系~为新型高档居民小区开展文化活动作出了有益的探索。垂东社区关注辖区内残疾人、低保户等弱势群体~举办了心系残疾人爱心捐赠活动文艺联欢会~受到了多方称赞。正处于大规模开发建设中的九龙社区不忘外来务工人员~2004年牵头举办了双井地 wall Shi, must take filling sand, anproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-le cannot directly connection, in nonof cabod contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and goproof lamps lamp type, -arva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosionbe capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping lproof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should -proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-econd grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end swithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ifferent environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with d-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-er, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosionburning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diamet-und with nond fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable aro3 区五月鲜花“富力杯”建筑工人歌咏比赛~丰富了建筑工人业余生活~在地区全面掀起了创建“学习型工地”的热潮。 4、创新思路~坚持文化活动进社区。 2005年是我街道推行文体活动进社区的第四个年头~重点通过举办各类活动~强化社区文化队伍~进一步丰富双井地区居民的业余生活~展示居民蓬勃向上的精神风貌~营造地区“社区一家亲”的和谐氛围。 8月29日,31日在富力社区举办了双井地区“社区一家亲”书法、绘画、编织、收藏才艺展示活动~90多名地区居民踊跃参与~共有125件各类作品参展~充分展示了社区居民的多才多艺及丰富多彩的精神生活追求~表达了居民热爱社区、祝福地区明天的美好心愿~参观人数达500余人。 关注辖区青少年的暑期文化生活~8月29日,31日在富力社区举办了双井地区暑期“读一本好书~写一篇心得”青少年征文比赛活动~辖区广大中小学生积极参与~共征集作文47篇~10名小作者荣获一、二、三等奖~赢得家长和学生的热烈欢迎。 2005年街道共举办“社区一家亲”系列活动10次~被区委部、区精神文明办、区街办、区文化委联合评为“社区一家亲”优秀组织工作奖。 三、下一步工作设想 1、联合组宣科~通过进一步开展在社区文体队伍建党 proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -corresponding of explosionnormal situation Xia, must in -d be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonot be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts shoulproof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may n- the installation of explosion sket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm.elastic gasket, metal ga proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-of explosion rationollowing requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory opelosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the fwithin expsed to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be u-proof electric junction box, explosion-motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion proof-shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and-tection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonwall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, pro4 支部或党小组~探索社区党建与地区文化工作互相推动、协调发展的新思路。 2、作为构建和谐社区的一部分~大力推动社区文化品牌的打造~使街道1-2个社区由文化特色社区步入文化品牌社区。 3、在协调多方力量新建街道文化中心的同时~继续加大对社区文体骨干及精品文体队伍的培养力度。 2005年12月9日 proof electric junction box, explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-er, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosionburning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diamet-und with nond fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable arowall Shi, must take filling sand, anproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories -normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-le cannot directly connection, in nonof cabod contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and goproof lamps lamp type, -arva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosionbe capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping lproof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should -proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-econd grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosionmeet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end swithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall ifferent environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with d-5
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