
今年情人节不收礼 收礼只收音乐安全套-英语新闻-社会生活-

2018-04-25 3页 doc 20KB 13阅读




今年情人节不收礼 收礼只收音乐安全套-英语新闻-社会生活-今年情人节不收礼 收礼只收音乐安全套-英语新闻-社会生活- 今年情人节不收礼 收礼只收音乐安全套 更多英语新闻-社会生活-请点击这里获得 Idom musical condom Forget chocolates or roses this Valentine's Day -- a gift of musical condoms is bound to be more entertaining. Hong Kong's condom maker Ondo Creation hopes its Idom sheath...
今年情人节不收礼 收礼只收音乐安全套-英语新闻-社会生活-
今年情人节不收礼 收礼只收音乐安全套-英语新闻-社会生活- 今年情人节不收礼 收礼只收音乐安全套 更多英语新闻-社会生活-请点击这里获得 Idom musical condom Forget chocolates or roses this Valentine's Day -- a gift of musical condoms is bound to be more entertaining. Hong Kong's condom maker Ondo Creation hopes its Idom sheathes will put a more romantic spin on safe sex. The Idom itself doesn't sing -- but the mint, strawberry, chocolate and banana flavored condoms come in an attractive package with a music CD to get you in the mood for love. "We create an environment for lovers who would like to try a different experience," said Victor Tsang who runs Ondo Creation. "We try to create products that are not embarrassing, but very trendy and hip." he added. Cynics may scoff at the marketing gloss, but the 18 month start-up's products sell across the world. The firm also won a bronze medal in the Industrial Design Excellence Awards run in conjunction with BusinessWeek magazine, which said Ondo had managed to "revitalize the image of condoms." Tsang says his product was inspired by a desire to promote safe sex and to provide a fun, relaxed alternative for what he calls "more conservative" customers. The brand eschews regular prophylactic distributors, instead peddling its wares in bookstores, record shops and trendy nightspots in a long list of cities that includes Hong Kong, London, Paris, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Tokyo and Singapore. "We're targeting more lifestyle stores, rather than pharmacies," said Tsang. Tsang expected a 30 percent surge in sales ahead of Valentine's Day. The Idom's Exotica, Chocotasy and Loveberry brands come with CD compilations of chillout , acid jazz and dance music. 今年情人节还送巧克力和玫瑰吗,改送“音乐安全套”吧~这个礼物一定更有情调。 香港安全套制造商Ondo创意公司希望,这款名为Idom的“音乐安全套”能为安全性生活增添一丝浪漫色彩。 Idom安全套本身并不会唱歌,但一张音乐CD加上薄荷、草莓、巧克力、香蕉等多种“口味”安全套的精美组合,则可以让人很快进入状态。 Ondo创意公司的总经理Victor Tsang说:“我们为那些想拥有另一种性爱体验的人营造了一种氛围。” 他说:“我们想设计出一些新潮、流行,又不会让人感到不自在的产品。” 有些愤世嫉俗者可能会嘲讽这种营销手段,但事实证明,这家成立了仅18个月的公司生产的产品畅销全球。此外,Ondo创意公司还荣获了“工业优秀设计奖”铜牌,联合主办方美国《商业周刊》评价说,Ondo公司“为安全套注入了新活力”。 唐先生说,他们生产这种安全套的出发点在于提高安全性生活,以及为那些“较为保守”的顾客提供一种轻松有趣的选择。 Idom音乐安全套在一般的避孕工具售卖点买不到,相反,在香港、伦敦、巴黎、斯德哥尔摩、阿姆斯特丹、东京、新加坡等很多城市的店、音像店和夜总会却有售。 唐先生说:"我们主要通过'生活方式店'来销售,而不是药店。" 据唐先生估计,情人节前这款安全套的销量会上升30%。 Idom安全套包括奇妙异趣、梦幻巧克力和果之恋三大系列产品,配套的CD以休闲音乐、酸爵士和舞曲为主。 Vocabulary: chillout : 此处指“休闲放松的音乐”; 本文章由吃喝玩乐网收集整理
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