
KENWOOD TK 对讲机 使用设置方法 设置方法

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KENWOOD TK 对讲机 使用设置方法 设置方法KENWOOD TK 对讲机 使用设置方法 设置方法 KENWOOD TK-378/278 中文说明书 2008年10月31日 星期五 下午 02:09 建伍,,,,,对讲机是一种性价比较高的机型,在此介绍其编程方法及维修时的基本调整,以供维修人员参考。 编程方法 ,(同时按住,,,,和,,,,两键,接通电源,两秒钟后液晶屏显示“,,,”,即进入了经销商模式。 ,(在此显示下,按,,键,进入信道频率编程状态,显示信道号数字。 ,(用信道选择旋钮选择好信道号数(共有,,个信道数)后,按,,,键确定,再配合键盘进入该信...
KENWOOD TK 对讲机 使用设置方法 设置方法
KENWOOD TK 对讲机 使用设置方法 设置方法 KENWOOD TK-378/278 中文说明书 2008年10月31日 星期五 下午 02:09 建伍,,,,,对讲机是一种性价比较高的机型,在此介绍其编程方法及维修时的基本调整,以供维修人员参考。 编程方法 ,(同时按住,,,,和,,,,两键,接通电源,两秒钟后液晶屏显示“,,,”,即进入了经销商模式。 ,(在此显示下,按,,键,进入信道频率编程状态,显示信道号数字。 ,(用信道选择旋钮选择好信道号数(共有,,个信道数)后,按,,,键确定,再配合键盘进入该信道数的各功能设定。 各项功能的设定依次为信道号数、接收频率、接收,,,,,频率、发射频率、发射,,,,,频率、,,,,信令、,,,功能、 可否被扫描、锁定繁忙信道、时钟拍频频率偏移、发射功率、自台号码(,,,,)等功能。 ,(全部的信道功能、参数设定完成后,液晶屏显示“,,,”,关机结束。注意:在设定频率时, 用,,,键可切换步进值(,(,,,,,,,,,,);按住,,,,键再旋转信道选择钮能以,,,,的步进值变化。 维修该机时的调整 同时按住,,,,和,,键,打开电源,两秒钟后进入“测试模式”,按,,键,选择好所需频率,再同时按,,,,和,,键, 显示“,,,,”字符,进入调整模式。 ,(调整高发射功率值及低发射功率值 把功率计连接到通信机上,选择好频率后,使通信机处于显示“,,,,”状态,按住,,,键,便自动以高功率发射,此时, 液晶屏显示“,,,,”,一边注视功率计,一边用信道选择旋钮把发射功率调整到目标值(数值在,,,,,可调)。 顺(逆)时针方向旋转信道选择旋转,发射功率变大(小),后按任意键,调好的数值被存入存储器中, 通信机回到“,,,,”状态,再按,,,键,通信机便切换到低功率发射状态,此时显示“,,,,”。 ,(写入接收状态“繁忙”的基准值,调整好静噪电平级,或,的数值,其他静噪电平级的值可根据,和,的数值来自动计算 将信号发生器连接到通信机上,选择好频率,使通信机显示“,,,,”,输入一个希望能恰好打开,级静噪的信号电平, 按住,,,,键,开始进行接收,此时,显示“,,,,”(数值在,,,,,内可调)。 旋转信道选择旋钮到静噪恰好开启的位置,顺(逆)时针方向旋转信道选择旋钮,静噪变深(浅), 按住,,,,键以外的任意键,调整值被存入存储器中,通信机回到显示“,,,,”的状态,再按,,,,键, 则转换到对静噪电平,的调整,此时,显示屏上出现“,,,,”(数值在,,,,,内可调), 从信号发生器输入一个希望能恰好打开,级静噪的信号电平,按任意键,调整值prova mitjanes, ? per punts d'experiència. Mòdul de compressió Es de veure de deformació cohesionada terra, sorra per EO. 3, la distribució de les aigües subterrànies: 3.1, el camp lloc tipus medi ambient classe II. Segons hidrològica geològic dos o tres capa sòl per clay llim, quatre capa de llim General subterrània enterrat, tipus d'aigua subterrània és quart porus Departament submarinisme, enquesta durant nivell estable d'aigua subterrània de llocs mesurat enterrat profundament 1.10 ~ 2.30 m, principal per precipitació de l'atmosfera i aigües superficials de Xia infiltració subministraments, per evaporació i l'escorrentia metro per manera d'excreció principals; nivell freàtic amb temporada canvia la gamma més evident (canvis anys rang 0,50 ~ 1.50 m), ha recuperat Feng la temporada de l'aigua nivell pot lleugerament. 3.2, basat en la experiència regional i resultats de prova de penetració coberta, lloc II clip llim capes de coeficients de permeabilitat franc argila per argila 1x10-4cm/s, de franc interbedded amb coeficients de permeabilitat llims ? per K=6.0x10-4~1.0x10-3cm/s, permeabilitat de franc experiència negra capa valors de coeficient de 6 x 10-3 cm/s. Precipitació negre franc impacte radi és de 253.33 m, per tant, construcció ha de ser uadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 被存入存储器中, 通信机回到“,,,,”显示状态。调整,级静噪电平的步骤与此相同。 ,(调整发射,,,,,亚音频信号的调制频偏 把调制仪连接到通信机上,选择好频率和,,,,,亚音频后,使通信机处于显示“,,,,”的状态, 按,,,键,通信机开始自动发出预先设定的亚音频信号。当设定,,,,,功能为,,,(无效)时, 发出,,,,的亚音频信号,一边注视着调制分析仪,一边用信道选择旋钮调整频偏,顺时针方向旋转信道选择旋钮, 频偏加大,按任意键,调整值被存入存储器中,通信机回到“,,,,”状态。 ,(调整电池告警功能的临界值 用一可调稳压电源连接到通信机上,提供一个能启动告警功能的电源,按,,键,通信机自动以高功率发射,此时, 显示“,,,,”(数值在,,,,,可调),调整信道选择旋钮至发射指示灯恰好闪烁, 此时便出电池电压低于设定值而发出的告警信号,按任意键,调整值被存入存储器中,通信机显示“,,,,”状态, 调试结束。 TK378常规性能 工作频率范围VHF :TK378:400-420MHz 450-470MHz 射频输出功率:4W 信道数量:32个 电源:7.5V +/-20% 电池寿命:5-5-90工作周期 4小时 防尘和湿度:符合军标810-C,D,E 撞击和震动:符合军标810-C,D,E 尺寸(宽*高*深):58*135*30毫米(使用KNB—14电池) 重量:400克(包含KNB—14电池) 内置CTCSS编码/解码 ;内置DTMF编码/静噪 个别选呼,组呼,全呼功能;信道扫描和优先信道扫描 超时定时器;繁忙信道锁定 发射机 信道间隔:25KHz 频率稳定度:+/-5ppm 功率:TK278 5W TK378 4W 调制方式:16K F3E 杂波与谐波:-70dB 调频噪声(300-3000Hz):-45dB 调频失真(300-3000Hz):5% prova mitjanes, ? per punts d'experiència. Mòdul de compressió Es de veure de deformació cohesionada terra, sorra per EO. 3, la distribució de les aigües subterrànies: 3.1, el camp lloc tipus medi ambient classe II. Segons hidrològica geològic dos o tres capa sòl per clay llim, quatre capa de llim General subterrània enterrat, tipus d'aigua subterrània és quart porus Departament submarinisme, enquesta durant nivell estable d'aigua subterrània de llocs mesurat enterrat profundament 1.10 ~ 2.30 m, principal per precipitació de l'atmosfera i aigües superficials de Xia infiltració subministraments, per evaporació i l'escorrentia metro per manera d'excreció principals; nivell freàtic amb temporada canvia la gamma més evident (canvis anys rang 0,50 ~ 1.50 m), ha recuperat Feng la temporada de l'aigua nivell pot lleugerament. 3.2, basat en la experiència regional i resultats de prova de penetració coberta, lloc II clip llim capes de coeficients de permeabilitat franc argila per argila 1x10-4cm/s, de franc interbedded amb coeficients de permeabilitat llims ? per K=6.0x10-4~1.0x10-3cm/s, permeabilitat de franc experiència negra capa valors de coeficient de 6 x 10-3 cm/s. Precipitació negre franc impacte radi és de 253.33 m, per tant, construcció ha de ser uadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 最大频率偏移:+/-5KHz 接收机 频率稳定度:+/-5ppm 灵敏度(12dB SINADE)EIA:0.16uV 调制接收带宽:+/-7KHz 相邻信道选择性:大于65dB 互调失真:大于65dB 噪声响应:大于60dB 音频输出功率:500mW 每个信道都是这样的, 接收频率设定,可以按住LAMP键以1MHZ调整, 接收CTCSS频率设定,如是(OFF)没预先设置按(L0)键后转动旋纽选择需要的 发射频率设定.可以按住LAMP键以1MHZ调整, 发射CTCSS频率设定,如是(OFF)没预先设置按(L0)键后转动旋纽选择需要的 后面的1是DTMF信令选呼 ON 或者OFF,选择ON只有对方发送你机器码的DTMF信号才能打开你机器的静操, 这个我们一般不用. 2是 ANI开关 就是发送你的PTT识别码与否 3 是扫描选项 ADD是在频率扫描信道列表中 DEL反之 4 是禁发选项 OFF是没有限制 1是只要这个频率有信号就不能发射 2是在这个频率有附带同样涯音频的信号就不能发射 5 是频率偏移 一般让它OFF位置 6 是发射功率选项 H 高 L 低 当你把第一的DTMF信令选呼选ON了,会多一个 7 选项 可以输入你的机器码 TK278编程菜单说明 同时按住LAMP和DIAL键开机,接通电源2秒后进入经销商编程模式 进入编程模式后按SCN键,进入1,23项菜单: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1、监听功能: OFF,无监听功能 1,按住MONI打开监听 2,按MONI打开监听,再按MONI,关闭监听 2、扫描功能: OFF,扫描功能无效 CO,载波控制扫描 tO,时间控制扫描 prova mitjanes, ? per punts d'experiència. Mòdul de compressió Es de veure de deformació cohesionada terra, sorra per EO. 3, la distribució de les aigües subterrànies: 3.1, el camp lloc tipus medi ambient classe II. Segons hidrològica geològic dos o tres capa sòl per clay llim, quatre capa de llim General subterrània enterrat, tipus d'aigua subterrània és quart porus Departament submarinisme, enquesta durant nivell estable d'aigua subterrània de llocs mesurat enterrat profundament 1.10 ~ 2.30 m, principal per precipitació de l'atmosfera i aigües superficials de Xia infiltració subministraments, per evaporació i l'escorrentia metro per manera d'excreció principals; nivell freàtic amb temporada canvia la gamma més evident (canvis anys rang 0,50 ~ 1.50 m), ha recuperat Feng la temporada de l'aigua nivell pot lleugerament. 3.2, basat en la experiència regional i resultats de prova de penetració coberta, lloc II clip llim capes de coeficients de permeabilitat franc argila per argila 1x10-4cm/s, de franc interbedded amb coeficients de permeabilitat llims ? per K=6.0x10-4~1.0x10-3cm/s, permeabilitat de franc experiència negra capa valors de coeficient de 6 x 10-3 cm/s. Precipitació negre franc impacte radi és de 253.33 m, per tant, construcció ha de ser uadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 3、DIAL按键 OFF-DIAL键无效 ON,DIAL键有效 4、脱网功能: OFF,此项功能无效 tA,脱网功能有效 rE,倒频功能有效 5、LO键是否有效: OFF,LO键无效 ON,LO键有效 6、优先信道: OFF,没有优先信道 1,固定优先信道 2、可变优先信道 7、优先信道选择: 1,32:优先信道:只在固定优先信道时有效 8、回扫周期A: 9、回扫周期B: 10、恢复信道选择: 1,扫描开始时的信道 2,在扫描进行中,为最近一次停留的信道。 11、扫描发射暂停时间: 因发射而扫描暂停,直至扫描重新启动为止的时间。 12、停留时间: 因信号输入而扫描停止时,直至扫描重新启动为止的时间 13、发射定时(TOT) OFF,无限制(约10分钟) 其它设置:30,300S 14、发射限时警告: OFF,无警告音,其它设置为发射开始后到发出警告音的时间10,250S 15、TOT恢复时间: OFF,松开PTT键马上回到接收状态,在设定的1,60S内,能信机无法进入发射 状态。 16、TOT复位时间: OFF,一停止发射,发射定时器立即复位,准备重新计时,其它1,15秒,未经 过设定时间,发射定时器也不复位。 17、静噪控制: 0,9,数值越大,静噪越深 18、“嘟嘟”音: OFF,没有,ON,有 19、信令控制关系: AND,当采用两个信令控制时,双方中都满足,静噪就打开。 OR,当采用两个信令控制时,双主中有一方满足,静噪就打开。 20、电池省电功能: OFF,省电功能无效,ON,省电功能有效 prova mitjanes, ? per punts d'experiència. Mòdul de compressió Es de veure de deformació cohesionada terra, sorra per EO. 3, la distribució de les aigües subterrànies: 3.1, el camp lloc tipus medi ambient classe II. Segons hidrològica geològic dos o tres capa sòl per clay llim, quatre capa de llim General subterrània enterrat, tipus d'aigua subterrània és quart porus Departament submarinisme, enquesta durant nivell estable d'aigua subterrània de llocs mesurat enterrat profundament 1.10 ~ 2.30 m, principal per precipitació de l'atmosfera i aigües superficials de Xia infiltració subministraments, per evaporació i l'escorrentia metro per manera d'excreció principals; nivell freàtic amb temporada canvia la gamma més evident (canvis anys rang 0,50 ~ 1.50 m), ha recuperat Feng la temporada de l'aigua nivell pot lleugerament. 3.2, basat en la experiència regional i resultats de prova de penetració coberta, lloc II clip llim capes de coeficients de permeabilitat franc argila per argila 1x10-4cm/s, de franc interbedded amb coeficients de permeabilitat llims ? per K=6.0x10-4~1.0x10-3cm/s, permeabilitat de franc experiència negra capa valors de coeficient de 6 x 10-3 cm/s. Precipitació negre franc impacte radi és de 253.33 m, per tant, construcció ha de ser uadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 21、可变音频CTCSS功能: OFF,CTCSS功能无效,ON,CTCSS功能有效 22、删除/追加功能: OFF,不能对扫描信道序列进行删除或追加 ON,可以对扫描停产序列进行删除或追加 23、经销商和测试模式开放: OFF,以后不能再进行经销商和测试模式 ON,保持目前的经销商和测试模式。 进入编程模式后按DIAL键,进入24,42项菜单: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24、号码宽度: 50,200MS设定。发射DTMF码时,每一位号码的发射时间。 25、码间间隔: 50,200MS。发射DTMF码时,每一位号码的时间间隔 26、首位号码宽度: 50,200MS,发射DTMF码时,首位号码的发射时间。 27、号码发射延迟时间: 100,1000MS,注意:使用电池省电功能以及有CTCSS功能时使用DTMF功能,发 射延迟时间应设定在300MS以上。 28、有CTCSS功能时,号码发射延迟时间。 100,1000MS 29、ANI功能: OFF,不发出ANI号码 1,一按PTT,发出ANI 2,一松开PTT,发出ANI 30、电话密码功能: OFF,此功能无效,ON,此功能有效 31、上线号码: 32、下线号码: 33、DTMF键盘制式:12或16键 34、号码发射保留时间: OFF,不保留,ON,保留 35、输入,发出功能: OFF,此功能无效 ON,此功能有效 36、D键空码功能: D,发出D音频 1,16S:在设定时间内发出无制信号,起延迟时间的作用。 37、DTMF功能选择: OFF,无DTMF功能,1,编码静噪,2,选择呼叫 38、中间号码:所选择的数字或字符成为中间号码。 39、组呼“王码”选择: 40、静噪自动关闭时间: OFF,无自动关闭 prova mitjanes, ? per punts d'experiència. Mòdul de compressió Es de veure de deformació cohesionada terra, sorra per EO. 3, la distribució de les aigües subterrànies: 3.1, el camp lloc tipus medi ambient classe II. Segons hidrològica geològic dos o tres capa sòl per clay llim, quatre capa de llim General subterrània enterrat, tipus d'aigua subterrània és quart porus Departament submarinisme, enquesta durant nivell estable d'aigua subterrània de llocs mesurat enterrat profundament 1.10 ~ 2.30 m, principal per precipitació de l'atmosfera i aigües superficials de Xia infiltració subministraments, per evaporació i l'escorrentia metro per manera d'excreció principals; nivell freàtic amb temporada canvia la gamma més evident (canvis anys rang 0,50 ~ 1.50 m), ha recuperat Feng la temporada de l'aigua nivell pot lleugerament. 3.2, basat en la experiència regional i resultats de prova de penetració coberta, lloc II clip llim capes de coeficients de permeabilitat franc argila per argila 1x10-4cm/s, de franc interbedded amb coeficients de permeabilitat llims ? per K=6.0x10-4~1.0x10-3cm/s, permeabilitat de franc experiència negra capa valors de coeficient de 6 x 10-3 cm/s. Precipitació negre franc impacte radi és de 253.33 m, per tant, construcció ha de ser uadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 1,15S,编码静噪被打开后,经过设定的时间,将自动关闭。 41、被呼提示及自动应答: OFF,无此类功能 1,被呼时,有振铃提示音 2,被呼时,有振铃提示音,并以振铃信号做为应答信号。 3,以自台号码作为应答信号。 4,以缩位拔号的0存储器内容作为应答信号。 42、加强自动应答: OFF,加强应答无效,ON,加强应答有效。 进入编程后按TA键,进入设置频率等菜单: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 接收频率设定,可以按住LAMP键以1MHZ调整, 接收CTCSS频率设定,如是(OFF)没预先设置按(L0)键后转动旋纽选择需要的 发射频率设定.可以按住LAMP键以1MHZ调整, 发射CTCSS频率设定,如是(OFF)没预先设置按(L0)键后转动旋纽选择需要的 后面的1是DTMF信令选呼 ON 或者OFF,选择ON只有对方发送你机器码的DTMF信号才能打开你机器的静操,这个我们一般不用. 2是 ANI开关 就是发送你的PTT识别码与否 3 是扫描选项 ADD是在频率扫描信道列表中 DEL反之 4 是禁发选项 OFF是没有限制 1是只要这个频率有信号就不能发射 2是在这个频率有附带同样涯音频的信号就不能发射 5 是频率偏移 一般让它OFF位置 6 是发射功率选项 H 高 L 低 当你把第一的DTMF信令选呼选ON了,会多一个 7 选项 可以输入你的机器码 在经销商模式中,按MONI键进入无线复制模式。 28、有CTCSS功能时,号码发射延迟时间。 100,1000MS 我的理解是当你使用中继,中继是设置了接收亚音,相对你打开中继会有延时,你在选用ANI开在1位置,一按PTT,发出ANI就是发送你的PTT识别码时候也需要同时设置发射延迟时间,不然你按PTT,马上发出ANI-PTT识别码而没有延迟会让对方接受不全你的PTT识别码,一般设置为300MS. 2,一松开PTT,发出ANI是不需要发射延迟时间. TK378G扩频方法:发射调整TC1,接收调整TC2,其他不用动.TK378扩频方法:发射调整TC2,接收调整TC3,其他不用动.调整的时候要用无感螺丝刀,先把频率写好prova mitjanes, ? per punts d'experiència. Mòdul de compressió Es de veure de deformació cohesionada terra, sorra per EO. 3, la distribució de les aigües subterrànies: 3.1, el camp lloc tipus medi ambient classe II. Segons hidrològica geològic dos o tres capa sòl per clay llim, quatre capa de llim General subterrània enterrat, tipus d'aigua subterrània és quart porus Departament submarinisme, enquesta durant nivell estable d'aigua subterrània de llocs mesurat enterrat profundament 1.10 ~ 2.30 m, principal per precipitació de l'atmosfera i aigües superficials de Xia infiltració subministraments, per evaporació i l'escorrentia metro per manera d'excreció principals; nivell freàtic amb temporada canvia la gamma més evident (canvis anys rang 0,50 ~ 1.50 m), ha recuperat Feng la temporada de l'aigua nivell pot lleugerament. 3.2, basat en la experiència regional i resultats de prova de penetració coberta, lloc II clip llim capes de coeficients de permeabilitat franc argila per argila 1x10-4cm/s, de franc interbedded amb coeficients de permeabilitat llims ? per K=6.0x10-4~1.0x10-3cm/s, permeabilitat de franc experiència negra capa valors de coeficient de 6 x 10-3 cm/s. Precipitació negre franc impacte radi és de 253.33 m, per tant, construcció ha de ser uadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts 如一信道写430.000Mhz,二信道写440.Mhz,一点一点地调,调一点按一下发射 键,看有无输出.调好后非常好用. prova mitjanes, ? per punts d'experiència. Mòdul de compressió Es de veure de deformació cohesionada terra, sorra per EO. 3, la distribució de les aigües subterrànies: 3.1, el camp lloc tipus medi ambient classe II. Segons hidrològica geològic dos o tres capa sòl per clay llim, quatre capa de llim General subterrània enterrat, tipus d'aigua subterrània és quart porus Departament submarinisme, enquesta durant nivell estable d'aigua subterrània de llocs mesurat enterrat profundament 1.10 ~ 2.30 m, principal per precipitació de l'atmosfera i aigües superficials de Xia infiltració subministraments, per evaporació i l'escorrentia metro per manera d'excreció principals; nivell freàtic amb temporada canvia la gamma més evident (canvis anys rang 0,50 ~ 1.50 m), ha recuperat Feng la temporada de l'aigua nivell pot lleugerament. 3.2, basat en la experiència regional i resultats de prova de penetració coberta, lloc II clip llim capes de coeficients de permeabilitat franc argila per argila 1x10-4cm/s, de franc interbedded amb coeficients de permeabilitat llims ? per K=6.0x10-4~1.0x10-3cm/s, permeabilitat de franc experiència negra capa valors de coeficient de 6 x 10-3 cm/s. Precipitació negre franc impacte radi és de 253.33 m, per tant, construcció ha de ser uadvantages, facing the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shandong peninsula, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, targeted investment promotion several times. Industry-led unit and various town streets are developing detailed promotion plans, the basis of what is specific to each industry, has formed a kind of scale, need to bring in the kind of projects each town street has the kind of resources, what location, focus on the development of the kind of industries. Four stroke technology and science. Determinants of technology is the County's economic development through scientific and technological innovation, improve product value-added and improve economic competitiveness, is the inevitable way to achieve leapfrog development. Talent is the city center city's first resource, is the primary industry development, and revitalization of the social protection. So, in terms of skills: to catch ... Competitive. Encouraging enterprises to actively undertake science and technology projects, strengthening research cooperation, using advanced technology to increase the added value of their products to ensure that introduction of transforming scientific and technological achievements during the year ... ... New research enterprises ... ... Home, creating innovative platforms ... ... Generic classifier. In: first, we must strengthen the cultivation of talent, efforts to increase vocational education and training and meet the basic demand of enterprise development. Then introduced a number of the county needed scarce education, health professionals, meet social development needs to invest more in machinery, pharmaceutical manufacturing research and development in higher education, such as the introduction of talent to meet the need. Third, we must rely on ... ... Post-doctoral workstation, ... ... Food research station platform, to the XX University to find experts
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