

2017-12-03 10页 doc 57KB 8阅读




胃胀气吃什么好.有哪些食疗方胃胀气吃什么好.有哪些食疗方 胃胀气吃什么好 对于经常频发胃疾的人来说,胃胀气是很让他们难受的一件事。那么,胃胀气吃什么食物能有效缓解并恢复大家的胃动力呢? 在了解胃胀气吃什么食物好之前,我们来先来分享一下胃胀气的原因和临时表现症状。 1、胃胀气发病机理与病因 引起胃胀的原因是多方面的,如精神压力、消化不良等,主要是胃动力不足。 2、临床症状与危害 一般是饭后饱胀,嗳气,坐卧不安,茶饭不思; 胃胀的反复性和长期性可以导致胃炎,消化道溃疡,甚至可以发展为胃癌。 因此出现胃病的时候,一定要谨慎护理。很多人也许会选择...
胃胀气吃什么好.有哪些食疗方 胃胀气吃什么好 对于经常频发胃疾的人来说,胃胀气是很让他们难受的一件事。那么,胃胀气吃什么食物能有效缓解并恢复大家的胃动力呢? 在了解胃胀气吃什么食物好之前,我们来先来分享一下胃胀气的原因和临时现症状。 1、胃胀气发病机理与病因 引起胃胀的原因是多方面的,如精神压力、消化不良等,主要是胃动力不足。 2、临床症状与危害 一般是饭后饱胀,嗳气,坐卧不安,茶饭不思; 胃胀的反复性和长期性可以导致胃炎,消化道溃疡,甚至可以发展为胃癌。 因此出现胃病的时候,一定要谨慎护理。很多人也许会选择靠医药来增强胃动力,这样不但造成了长久的依耐性,还会给人的机体带来大的副作用。 俗话说:“胃病三分靠治,七分靠养。”通过选择胃胀气吃什么食物的方法才是健胃养胃的最合理生活方式。 胃胀气吃什么食物——养胃食谱 1、骨头汤 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 材料: 新鲜腔骨、生姜、七指毛桃根、腔骨洗净,放入滚开水中氽烫,然后洗去血污。 姜切片(三、五片即可),七指毛桃根清洗干净,用干净的细线捆扎好。 做法: a、将以上准备好的材料同放一锅中,加清水(清水多放些,一次加够)。 b、置火上大火烧开,然后转微火炖约2个小时,加少许盐调味,再炖约10分钟关火即可。 2、苦瓜排骨汤 材料:苦瓜500克,排骨400克,葱段、姜片、绍酒、盐、味精适量。 做法: a、将苦瓜去瓜蒂、去瓤,切成块;排骨洗净切小块。 b、锅中加清水适量,烧开,放入排骨煮去血沫,捞出洗净。 C、锅上火,放入排骨、清水,用大火烧开,撇去浮沫後放入葱段、姜片、绍酒,改用小火烧至排骨熟烂,再加入苦瓜同煮约10分钟,加盐、味精调味即可。 微波炉做法:放入排骨、清水,先用高火6分钟将汤烧开,撇去浮沫後放入葱段、姜片、绍酒,再用中小火20分钟将排骨烧熟,放入苦瓜后,先用高火3分钟,再用中小火10enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 分钟即可。 待排骨熟烂后再放入苦瓜,否则瓜易散碎;用鸡粉代替味精,味道更好;此汤具有消暑解热作用。 3、山药鸡肉粥 材料:新鲜山药100克,大米100克,鸡胸肉100克,黑芝麻少许,芹菜少许,盐适量。 制法:山药去皮切丁,芹菜洗净切细粒,备用。鸡胸肉剁碎,加少许调料搅匀备用。大米洗净,放入适量水熬煮至快熟时加入山药,最后加入鸡肉、黑芝麻和芹菜,调味即可。 功效:山药具有益气养阴,补脾肾之效,鸡肉具有益气,补精之功。此粥品适用于夏季食欲减退,脾胃功能欠佳者。 4、凉瓜鸭肉粥 材料:凉瓜100克,鸭肉100克,小米100克,盐适量。 制法:苦瓜去瓤,切成小丁,与洗净的鸭肉、小米一同入锅,enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 煮沸后用小火熬煮成粥。 功效:凉瓜清暑解毒、清心明目;鸭属水禽,性寒凉,既能补充过度消耗的营养,又可消除暑热带来的不适。此粥品适合夏日在户外工作的暑气较盛的人群。但阳虚体质者或感冒者慎食用。 5、荷叶绿豆粥 材料:荷叶2张,绿豆30克,粳米100克,冰糖适量。 制法:粳米洗净浸泡半小时;将一张荷叶洗净切成3厘米左右方块,加水煮10分钟,去渣留汁待用;粳米与绿豆放锅内,将荷叶汁倒入,加水适量,熬煮成粥,加入冰糖并洗净另一荷叶覆在粥面,盖上锅盖,半个小时后拿开荷叶即可食用。 功效:荷叶清热解毒,绿豆具有清热生津,利水消肿。此粥品可预防夏季中暑,也可适用于暑热烦渴、中暑等病症患者。 6、莲子百合糯米粥 材料:莲子20克,百合20克,糯米100克,白糖适量。 制法:莲子、百合浸泡20分钟,与糯米一起煮粥,最后加入白糖即可。 功效:莲子具有补脾益肾、养心安神之功,百合能润肺止咳,清心安神,糯米补中益气。此粥品适用于阴液丢失过多致阴虚而夜寐不安者。 7.养生茶 enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection 成份:砂仁、茯苓、甘草等天然本草。 冲泡方法:1、 每日2次,每次取1-2袋放入杯中,用开水冲泡,3-10分钟后趁热饮用,可反复冲泡至色淡为止。 2、 可根据个人爱好适量加入蜂蜜。 功效:古方楂脾cha传承古老茶疗养生之精髓,融合现代,采用各种天然草本为主要原料精配而成。砂仁是驰名中外的名贵药材,对于脾虚食少,倦怠无力效果显著。茯苓有益脾和胃之功效,加入甘草后对于脾胃虚弱,不思进饮食者效果更佳。 胃胀气吃什么好?以上不但养胃还能治胃病,一箭双雕,对于胃病患者的朋友来说,何乐而不为呢? enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints >100mm, insulation thickness tolerance (+10MM~ – 5mm), appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down ... See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection
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