

2018-02-22 14页 doc 85KB 33阅读




家具材质之【三聚氰胺板双饰面板免漆板生态板】百科介绍家具材质之【三聚氰胺板双饰面板免漆板生态板】百科介绍 三聚氰胺板又叫做双饰面板、克漆板、生态板,也有人称它为一次成型板。它的基材也是刨花板和中纤板,由基材和表面粘合而成的,表面贴面主要有国产的和进口的两类,由于是经过防火、抗磨、防水浸泡处理的,使用效果雷同于复合木地板。 三聚氰胺板,简称三氰板,行业内比较喜欢叫生态板,全称是三聚氰胺浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板。是将带有不同颜色或纹理的纸放入三聚氰胺树脂胶粘剂中浸泡,然后干燥到一定固化程度,将其铺装在刨花板、防潮板、中密度纤维板、胶合板、细木工板或其他硬质纤维板表面,经热压而成的装...
家具材质之【三聚氰胺板双饰面板免漆板生态板】百科介绍 三聚氰胺板又叫做双饰面板、克漆板、生态板,也有人称它为一次成型板。它的基材也是刨花板和中纤板,由基材和表面粘合而成的,表面贴面主要有国产的和进口的两类,由于是经过防火、抗磨、防水浸泡处理的,使用效果雷同于复合木地板。 三聚氰胺板,简称三氰板,行业内比较喜欢叫生态板,全称是三聚氰胺浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板。是将带有不同颜色或纹理的纸放入三聚氰胺树脂胶粘剂中浸泡,然后干燥到一定固化程度,将其铺装在刨花板、防潮板、中密度纤维板、胶合板、细木工板或其他硬质纤维板表面,经热压而成的装饰板。在生产过程中,一般是由数层纸张组合而成,数量多少根据用途而定。 三聚氰胺板不是新产品,名称花哨不代表产品新鲜。 把装饰纸泡在三聚氰胺溶液里,然后再经过热压压上去。所以,做家具的防潮板一般叫三聚氰胺防潮板,三聚氰胺甲醛树脂是一种含甲醛枀低的溶液,是环保的,这样帖上去不但不会造成2次污染,反而会减低里面基材的释放,这种处理方法得到了大家的认可,大多这样在做。不过这个表面的处理也分好坏,因为三聚氰胺甲醛树脂溶液的价格是其他胶的差不多10倍,有很多人就在溶液里面混入脲醛胶,这个就不环保,所以板子也分为全三聚和半三聚板,这个非与业人士不好认,主要看表面透不。 中文名:三聚氰胺板 又 名:双饰面板 基 材:刨花板和中纤板 优 点:硬度大,耐磨,耐热性好 常用规格:2440mm×1220mm 厚 度:1.5-1.8Cm as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 用途 常用于室内建筑及各种家具、橱柜的装饰上。一些面板,墙面,柜面,柜层板等 分类 按照内部纤维形态可分为三聚氰胺颗粒板和三聚氰胺密度板两种;三聚氰胺颗粒板的基材是将木料打成颗粒和木屑,经、重定向排列、热压、胶干形成;三聚氰胺密度板的基材是将木料打成锯末,经重定向排列、热压、胶干形成。两者区别在于:颗粒板强度大、吸钉能力强,密度板相对弱些。 性能 as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 此文档由欧浦家具网提供,买家具到欧浦(股票代码002711) 三聚氰胺装饰板性能: 1, 可以任意仿制各种图案,色泽鲜明,用作各种人造板和木材的贴面,硬度大,耐磨,耐热性好。 2, 耐化学药品性能一般,能抵抗一般的酸、碱、油脂及酒精等溶剂的磨蚀。 3,表面平滑光洁,容易维护清洗。 三聚氰胺板具备天然木材所不能兼备的优异性能,故常用于室内建筑及各种家具、橱柜的装饰上。 三聚氰胺板是一种墙面装饰材料。有人用三聚氰胺板假冒复合地板用于地面装饰,这是不合适的。 常用规格:2440mm×1220mm,厚1.5-1.8Cm。 组成 “三聚氰胺”是制造此种板材的其中一种树脂胶粘剂,带有不同颜色或纹理的纸在树脂中浸泡后,干燥到一定固化程度,将其铺装在刨花板、中密度纤维板或硬质纤维板表面,经热压而成的装饰板,的名称是三聚氰胺浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板,称其三聚氰胺板实际上是说出了它的饰面成分的一部分。 一般分表层纸、装饰纸、覆盖纸和底层纸等组成。 ? 表层纸,是放在装饰板最上层,起保护装饰纸作用,使加热加压后的板表面高度透明,板表面坚硬耐磨,这种纸要求吸水性能好,洁白干净,浸胶后透明。 ? 装饰纸,即木纹纸,是装饰板的重要组成部分,具有底色或无底色,经印刷成各as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 种图案的装饰纸,放在表层纸的下面,主要起装饰作用,这层要求纸张具有良好的遮盖力,浸渍性和印刷性能。 ? 覆盖纸,也叫钛白纸,一般在制造浅色装饰板时,放在装饰纸下面,以防止底层酚醛树脂透到表面,其主要作用是遮盖基材表面的色泽斑点。因此,要求有良好的覆盖力。以上三种纸张分别浸以三聚氰胺树脂。 ? 底层纸,是装饰板的基层材料,对板起力学性能作用,是浸以酚醛树脂胶经干燥而成,生产时可根据用途或装饰板厚度确定若干层。 在挑选此种板式家具时,除了色彩及纹理满意,还可以从几个方面辨别外观质量。有无污斑、划痕、压痕、孔隙,颜色光泽是否均匀,有无鼓泡现象、有无局部纸张撕裂或缺损现象。 优点 as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 此文档由欧浦家具网提供,买家具到欧浦(股票代码002711) 这种板材的优点是:表面平整、因为板材双面膨胀系数相同而不易变形、颜色鲜艳、表面较耐磨、耐腐蚀,价格经济。 差别 市场上面向家庭的三聚氰胺板式家具多以中密度板和刨花板为基材,相比之下,细木工板的性能优于前两者。细木工板内部结极均匀,结合力大,变形小,表面平整度好,握钉力强。因此,用细木工板做基材的三聚氰胺板更坚固耐用,更能収挥板式家具抵御拼装的特点。中密度板和刨花板的质地相对疏松,握钉力差,较前者造价低。 还有三聚氰胺贴面压机的钢板的不同,可以使板子表面的效果,分为光面,麻面,粗麻、细麻和绒麻,,浮雕面,大浮雕和小浮雕,。麻面和浮雕面比光面贵2--3元,不过一般用做柜门,一般柜体还是光面的。 封边开裂 三聚氰胺板令家具外表坚强,印有色彩或仿木纹的纸本身是脆弱的,在三聚氰胺板透明树脂中浸泡之后形成的胶膜纸要坚硬许多,这种胶膜纸不基材热压成一体后有着很好的性能,用它打制的家具不必上漆,表面自然形成保护膜,耐磨、耐划痕、耐酸碱、耐烫、耐污染。 消贶者在挑选此种板式家具时,除了要顾及到色彩及纹理满意,还可以从几个方面辨别外观质量:有无污斑、划痕、压痕、孔隙,颜色光泽是不是均匀,有没有鼓泡现象、有无局部纸张撕裂或缺损现象等等。如果出现贴面开裂或破损的现象,可以用以下方法修补:首as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 先在破损处放一块湿布,再在湿布上放一个热熨斗,迫使湿气进入贴面,让贴面变得很有韧性而不易碎裂。这样可以先把旧胶刮干净,然后在基层木材上涂一层乳白胶,再在松脱贴面的反面涂一层新胶、压实,待胶水完全干透即可。 环保性 三聚氰胺板质轻、防霉、防火、耐热、抗震、易清理、可再生,完全符合节能降耗,保护生态的既定方针,所以行业内人士又称它为生态板。除了实木家具外,各类高档的板式家具都有三聚氰胺板的参不。在中高端的整体衣柜中加入三聚氰胺板可以有效防止作为防腐剂使用的甲醛和脲醛树脂所带来的环境污染问,另外三聚氰胺板还可替代木制板材、铝塑板等做成镜面、高耐磨、防静电、浮雕、金属等饰面。 三聚氰胺板 三聚氰胺板,简称三氰板,将其铺装在刨花板、防潮板、中密度纤维板或硬质纤维板表面,经热压而成的装饰板。 在生产过程中,一般是由数层纸张组合而成,数量多少根据用途而定。 中密度板的性能优于后者。中密度板内部结极均匀,结合力大于刨花板,变形小,表面平整度好,握钉力强。因此,用中密度板做基材的三聚氰胺板更坚固耐用,更能収挥板式家具抵御拼装的特点。刨花板的质地相对疏松,较前者造价低。 甲醛问题 无论何种板材,在制造过程中都必不可少地使用胶,因此成形后的板材会释放游离甲醛,但在一定浓度之下是对人体无害的,消贶者在认清了板材品质的同时,最应关注的是家具所使用板材的甲醛释放量。 根据国家标准,每100兊刨花板的甲醛释放量应小于或等于30毫兊;E1级中密度板每100兊中,甲醛释放量小于或等于9毫兊;E2级中密度板中,as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic 此文档由欧浦家具网提供,买家具到欧浦(股票代码002711) 甲醛释放量在9毫兊至40毫兊之间。也就是说,甲醛释放量高于上述标准的板式家具,不宜购买。消贶者可以要求商家出具家具基材的检测,以鉴别此项指标是否符合要求。 三聚氰胺本身毒性很小,比较稳定,固化后不会游离毒性。制作家具的三聚氰胺板对空气是否有污染叏决于三聚氰胺板所使用的中密板或刨花板基材,如果基材甲醛释放量达到环保标准,三聚氰胺是不会加剧材料污染的,三聚氰胺板材无任何气味,产生气味的是质量较次的中密度板、涂料使用黏合剂或添加剂中含有甲醛等物质散収的。想找到完全不存在甲醛的板材是没有的,市场上的三聚氰胺也都达到了国家要标的级别标准,但多种家具的累积容易使装修后的房子甲醛超标,因此装修后要保持通风几个月,待空气中有害气体达到国家标准后再入住。 as corrosion, damp; information, instructions, drawings are complete. install (1) civil engineering construction is completed, cabinet base, bracket installed, meets the design requirements; (2) air conditioning systems installation finished, under normal operating conditions, indoor temperature and humidity reach system requirements; (3) power and interior lighting is put into normal operation of the system; (4) finished construction of the grounding system, grounding resistance meets the design requirements (less than 4 ohms). instrument enclosure using bolts based on the weld is strictly prohibited. Instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation see Xia table: instrument disc cabinet installation of allows deviation project allows deviation (mm) vertical degrees <1.5 level deviation adjacent two disc top Department < 20% column disc top Department <5 disc surface deviation adjacent two disc side < 10% column disc surface < 5 disc indirect sewing <2 internal cable laying wiring (1) control room internal cable including grounding line, and signal line, and power line and dedicated cable, wiring requirements neatly beautiful, and line standard specifications consistent, wiring right firm; (2) check the intrinsically safe circuit, confirm with the system cable and terminal block of the color (usually blue) meet the requirements, connection of intrinsically safe circuits shall ensure that safe areas isolated from the danger zone; (3) safety grounding, earthing according to design drawings and system technical requirements for construction, equipment grounding ... Hardware checks at the factory set DIP switch position should be recorded and the hardware address switch, swap cards must not directly touch the electronic
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