

2018-04-30 17页 doc 165KB 12阅读




热水器十大品牌热水器十大品牌 中国现代家电对市场上2010年及2011年上半年热门销售的热水器品牌进行了统计分析,从企业关注度、品牌知名度、研发技术实力以及国美苏宁系统营销数据等内容评定了热水器十大品牌。 从全国市场数据分析,海尔、火王、美的占据了整个热水器市场的前三甲,其后有奥特朗、阿里斯顿、西门子、万和等知名品牌。而众多热水器中,尤以电热水器为主力军,燃气热水器和太阳能热水器也占据了大部分市场。随着技术、消费需求的不断提高,一些新品类的热水器也涌现出来,其中有预即双模热水器、空气能热水器、冷凝热水器等。 1、 海尔 2、 火王 ...
热水器十大品牌 中国现代家电对市场上2010年及2011年上半年热门销售的热水器品牌进行了统计分析,从企业关注度、品牌知名度、研发技术实力以及国美苏宁系统营销数据等内容评定了热水器十大品牌。 从全国市场数据分析,海尔、火王、美的占据了整个热水器市场的前三甲,其后有奥特朗、阿里斯顿、西门子、万和等知名品牌。而众多热水器中,尤以电热水器为主力军,燃气热水器和太阳能热水器也占据了大部分市场。随着技术、消费需求的不断提高,一些新品类的热水器也涌现出来,其中有预即双模热水器、空气能热水器、冷凝热水器等。 1、 海尔 2、 火王 3、 美的 4、 奥特朗 5、 阿里斯顿 6、 西门子 7、 万和 8、 帅康 9、 万家乐 10、法罗力 品牌介绍: 海尔是世界白色家电第一品牌,1984年创立于中国青岛。海尔集 团热水器公司,从1986年生产中国第一代电热水器开始,已经成 为海尔集团发展最快、专业制造热水器产品的大型骨干企业之 一。公司产品包括电热水器、燃气热水器、燃气两用采暖炉、太阳 能热水器、软水机、净水机等12大系列500多种规格品种的产品。 海尔热水器主要技术从国外引进,经过多年消化吸收、自主创新,已经在全球热水器技术领域遥遥领先。企业先后主导制定了储水式电热水器安全、储水式电热水器性能标准、储水式电热水器安装规范等多项国家标准。在燃气领域,海尔也成为家用快速燃气热水器、家用两用燃气采暖炉、冷凝式燃气热水器国家标准的编制单位。 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 深圳火王成立于1992年,是中国最早具备完全自主研 发、生产、销售、服务能力的综合性厨卫电器制造企业, 亦是中国少数以完全自主知识产权及自主品牌出口厨电产 品的国内一线高端厨卫电器提供商之一。 数十项中国第一 中国第一台节能防污燃气炉诞生于火王 中国第一台缝隙发散旋流式火盖燃气灶诞生于火王 中国第一台带空气旋流器的家用燃气灶诞生于火王中国第一台双旋火嵌入式灶诞生于火王 中国第一台聚焰保洁燃气灶诞生于火王 中国第一台带温度显示、自动报警的安全型燃气热水器诞生于火王..... 创业于1968年的美的集团,是一家以家电业为主, 涉足物流等领域的大型综合性现代化企业集团,旗下拥有三家上市公司、四大产业集团,是中国最具规模的白色家电生产基地和出口基地之一。美的电热水器属于美的集团的二级产业集团-美的日用家电集团所生产。美的日用家电集团下设生活电器、环境电器、微波电器、洗涤电器、整体厨卫事业部以及东盟公司六个经营单位,生产的主要产品有风扇、电饭煲、微波炉、饮水机、电暖器、洗碗机、电磁炉、热水器、烟机、灶具、电压力锅、电烤箱、吸尘器、小型日用电器等消费类家电产品;大型水处理设备、环境设备、商用及工业微波炉、商用洗碗机等工业及商用设备。 理念:关爱自己,多一点舒适,倡导舒适科技、简易便捷的设计,让我彻底放松,享受舒适的沐浴体验 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 核心:侧重于自我空间的营造 从2000年成立以来,奥特朗就一直致力于 节能、环保的快速电热水器产品的研发生产。在 快速电热水器行业,奥特朗市场份额达到了43%,销售网点近2100家、服务网点达230多家,成为名副其实的快速式电热水器行业领导品牌。2009年 3月,奥特朗成为《快热式热水器》国标起草制定单位。2010年9月,一款奥特朗推出的全恒温电热水器DSF588开始投放市场,彻底解决了热水器水温易波动的问题,率先抢占行业技术制高点,引领行业向全恒温时代加速迈进。2011年5月,公司斥巨资在奥特朗科技园建立国家级中心实验室,成为唯一一家拥有国家级中心实验室的企业,为即将负责制定的国家行业标准《储水快热组合式电热水器》提供重要的测试设备与可靠数据。 阿里斯顿热能集团(Ariston Thermo Group) 原名默洛尼集团(MTS Group),诞生于上个世纪With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 三十年代,总部设在意大利北部城市法布里亚诺(Fabriano),如果追溯集团旗下几个著名品牌的历史,则已经超越百年,是全球领先的家庭供暖热水专家,专业生产家用供暖和热水产品。阿里斯顿热能集团一直兑现着引领热水器行业前进的承诺~每年在科技上投入达5500万欧元,在其质量和研发体系中确立了以“安全 -- 质量 -- 环保”为中心的三位一体的监控体系,对生产工艺精益求精,具有最现代化的工艺流程,例如:ProTech倍恒科技、干粉静电喷涂工艺(干粉搪瓷)、先焊后搪工艺等,都是目前世界上最先进的工艺技术。 西门子股份公司(SIEMENS AG FWB:SIE, NYSE:SI)是世界最大的机电类公司之一,1847 年由维尔纳?冯?西门子建立。如今,它的国际总部 位于德国慕尼黑。西门子股份公司是在法兰克福证券交易所和纽约证券交易所上市的公司。西门子的中国业务是西门子集团亚太地区业务的主要支柱,并且在西门子全球业务中起着越来越举足轻重的作用。西门子的全部业务集团都已经进入中国,活跃在中国的信息与通讯、自动化与控制、电力、交通、医疗、照明以及家用电器等各个行业中,其核心业务领域是基础设施建设和工业解决。 凭借尖端科技和百年精湛工艺,西门子家电致力于满足中国消费者对高品质生活的追求。为了更好地兑现这一承诺,公司对产品品质与工艺精益求精,从生产、研发到检测的许多重要岗位均由经验丰富的外籍专家担纲,确保世界一流的产品品质。目前在中国市场推出的产品有冰箱、洗衣机、干衣机、洗衣干衣机、电热水器、吸油烟机、灶具、消毒柜和其他小家电,同时也经营进口家电产品业务,以补充高端市场的需要。 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 万和成立于1993年8月,总部位于广东顺德国家 级高新技术开发区内,是国内生产规模最大的燃气具 专业制造企业,也是中国燃气具发展战略的首倡者和推动者、中国五金制品协会燃气用具分会第三届理事长单位。近年,万和以连续三年35%以上的逆市增长成为行业发展标杆。万和以“燃气具专家”为品牌定位,生产燃气热水器、燃气灶具、燃气壁挂炉、燃气烧烤炉、燃气空调、燃气取暖器等燃气具产品并与之相配套的电热水器、消毒碗柜、吸油烟机等厨卫电器产品,以及太阳能、热泵热水器等新能源产品和空气能+燃气、太阳能+燃气、电能+燃气等能源集成热水系统。万和生产总面积达100万平方米,分布在四大生产基地,年产能达1500多万台。 万和在燃气具领域十四次填补国内技术空白,引领中国燃气具行业技术升级换代。万和还多次主导或参与了燃气热水器、燃气灶具、消毒柜国家标准的起草和修订,取得了三百多项专利,是中国燃气具行业拥有最多专利储备的企业。 帅康集团坐落在杭州湾南岸余姚境内329国道两旁,是中国 家电行业中以生产家用电器、厨房设备系列产品为主的大型乡镇 企业集团,是一个以资产、技术、产品、管理为纽带,以浙江帅康集团有限公司为核心,由35家企业组成的现代企业群体。公司主要生产高档吸With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 油烟机、燃气灶具、消毒柜、微波炉、蒸汽炉、烤箱、电热水器、太阳能热水器、燃气热水器、现代橱柜、集成吊顶、净水器及水槽等10多个系列1500多个规格的厨电和卫浴产品,是国内系列最全、规模最大的厨卫家电制造基地之一。 帅康集团的前身是余姚市调谐器配件厂,创办于1984年,从创业到今天,企业大体经历了家庭作坊式乡镇小企业、股份合作制企业和现代化集团公司三个战略发展阶段。 广东万家乐股份有限公司成立于1992年10月, 1994年1月在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市,证券代 000533,是广省50家工业龙头企业之一,省83家重点发展大型企业集团之一。 公司成立以来,从美国、德国、瑞士等国进口了一大批先进生产、检测设备,建成15条自动化生产线,具有年产燃气热水器200万台、燃气灶具150万台、电热水器50万台、太阳能热水器10万台的生产能力。公司还作为企业代表,主导起草了43项国家、行业、地方标准,包括《家用燃气快速热水器》、《家用燃气灶具》国家标准和《冷凝式家用燃气快速热水器》行业标准,推动了中国燃气具技术的全面升级,是中国燃气具行业的奠基人和推动者,被誉为中国燃气具工程师的摇篮。 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control 法罗力热能设备(中国)有限公司是一家 意大利独资企业,总投资额6630万美金,注册 资金3070万美金。工厂占地约5万平方米,建筑面积2.8万平方米,是一家集电热水器、太阳能热水器、燃气热水器、空气源热泵热水器等水暖设备产品于一体的生产研发基地。热水器年产能180万台,是当前国内最大的热水器生产基地之一。 该生产基地全套引进意大利APES公司等离子直缝焊接生产线、德国瓦格纳尔(WAGNER)自动化干粉搪瓷生产线、意大利Microplan公司壁挂锅炉智能检测线。整个生产线由德国SIEMENS公司提供控制程序,具有网络化、智能化特点,自动化程度高、质量稳定可靠。配合ISO9001严格的质量控制体系,确保产品在符合国际和中国国家标准的前提下,达到更为苛刻的集团质量标准。 With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology required to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network interfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access entrance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to monitor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor ... Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control
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