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奇幻名句奇幻名句 如果阅读是一次翻山越岭,那文中给您震撼、感动和启发的句子便是途中最美的风景。 这世界最恐怖的力量,并非是先进武器,或杀气腾腾的千军万马,而是那人心中小小的贪婪。 -- 佚名? 一个人有著邪恶冷酷的心,却又能真正地爱著某些事物,是有可能的,而且这才叫黑暗的灵魂,那种只会作恶的,不过是蒙昧的灵魂;那些不敢承认的,只叫做怯懦的灵魂;真正散发著黑暗的甜美芳香的灵魂,是深深知道何谓善,何谓恶,而后坚定不悔地选择恶的那些人,他们知道自己在做什么,对前途有著坚定的决心。 -- 佚名 如果你到了一个金银财宝堆积如山的洞窟,...
奇幻名句 如果阅读是一次翻山越岭,那文中给您震撼、感动和启发的句子便是途中最美的风景。 这世界最恐怖的力量,并非是先进武器,或杀气腾腾的千军万马,而是那人心中小小的贪婪。 -- 佚名? 一个人有著邪恶冷酷的心,却又能真正地爱著某些事物,是有可能的,而且这才叫黑暗的灵魂,那种只会作恶的,不过是蒙昧的灵魂;那些不敢承认的,只叫做怯懦的灵魂;真正散发著黑暗的甜美芳香的灵魂,是深深知道何谓善,何谓恶,而后坚定不悔地选择恶的那些人,他们知道自己在做什么,对前途有著坚定的决心。 -- 佚名 如果你到了一个金银财宝堆积如山的洞窟,小心遇到龙~ -- 佚名 (跑团谚语) 魔法存在于血液之中,它从内心流淌而出。 每一次你使用它,你自己的某一部分将随之消逝。 只有当你预备好不求回报地奉献自身的时候,魔法才将为你所用。 -- 肖博德?贝克曼老师(Theobald Beckman, Master) 你从十八层地狱的哪一层听说我会公平地和你决斗的, -- 崔斯特 我一定会做到。在我的一生里没有什么比这更重要。我的一生除了这一刻别无其他时刻存在。我生于这一刻,而假如我失败,我也将死于这一刻。 -- 雷斯林(马哲理 一个魔法师的灵魂要在魔法的严酷考验中熔炼。 -- 白袍安提摩达斯 "如果这世界真有神灵存在,为什么还充满了苦痛和不公," "因为世上有像你这样的人。" "没人能像我。这世上只有一个我。" ----詹姆?兰尼斯特 用剑者死于剑下 -- 西谚 人类最古老而又最强烈的情感是恐惧,恐惧中最古老而又最强烈的则是对未知的恐惧。 -- 霍华?菲力普?洛夫克莱夫特(Howard Phillip Lovecraft) • Animals die People die everyone on earth must die But a real hero never dies, he will be remebered forever. --Siegfried The Ring Of The Nibelungs 龙枪中法师的三条法则 索林那瑞的法则:所有相同袍色的法师在彼此面前都是兄弟,所有不同袍色的法师在力量面 前都是兄弟。(All wizards are brothers in their order. All orders are brothers in the power.) 努琳塔瑞的法则:研究高级魔法的场所为所有袍色的法师所共有,在那里任何魔法都不允许 用来攻击同道中人。(The places of High Wizardry are held in common among all the orders and no sorcery is to be used there in anger against fellow wizards.) 努塔瑞的法则:高塔围墙以外的世界可以使兄弟反目成仇,也同样会让自相矛盾,不过 这正是宇宙运作的方式。(The world beyond the walls of the towers may bring brother against brother and order against order, but such is the way of the universe. ) People can not choose where, when, and into what conditions they are born. From the moment of birth,each person must live on life's terms. The world is cruel. But that's only natural. We begin life as a chemical reaction. Human existence but a shadow of memory and information. The soul nonexistent. The mind merely synaptic sparks. We live alone, as we must-in a godless, merciless world...and yet... We live! That is the secret of the free will! You may aspire to good! You may aspire to evil! You may grope to find your path! But, unless you are alive, no talent will ever bear fruit! ———————————————————————————————————————— Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night, and all the nights to come. 中文: 长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。我将不娶妻,不封地,不生子。我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。我将尽忠职守,生死于斯。我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫,抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线,唤醒眠者的号角,守护王国的坚盾。我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人,今夜如此,夜夜皆然。 —————————————————————————————————————— When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Summer is the time for squabbles. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths. 中文: 当大雪降下,冷风吹起,独行狼死,群聚狼生。夏天时可以争吵,但一到冬天,我们便必须保卫彼此,互相取暖,共享力量。 ———————————————————————————————————————— 人在恐惧的时候还能勇敢吗, 人惟有恐惧的时候方能勇敢。 ———————————————————————————————————————— 那个时候,世界多么单纯,詹姆心想,身边的人都如新铸的长剑,锋利而明亮。我的十五岁,毕竟是一场梦幻么,大家都进了坟墓:“拂晓神剑”、微笑骑士、白牛、勒文亲王、爱来点黑色幽默的奥斯威尔?河安爵士、热心肠的琼恩?戴瑞,西蒙?托比和他的御林兄弟会,甚至直率的老萨姆纳?克雷赫„„他们都不在了。而我呢,那个曾经的少年„„他,又在何时进了坟墓,穿上白袍时,割开伊里斯的喉咙时,那个少年,从小想当亚瑟?戴恩,但不知怎地,生命拐了个弯,他最后成为了微笑骑士。 ———————————————————————————————————————— 他们的面容,对奈德来说,曾如自己的脸庞一样熟悉,但岁月仿如水蛭,渐渐吸走了人们的记忆,即使是他一度发誓绝不忘记的也不例外.在梦中他们只剩幻影,宛如灰色的幽灵,骑在浓雾聚成的马上„„ ———————————————————————————————————————— 愤怒只是一时,悔恨却是永远——银魔像卡恩 ———————————————————————————————————————— 信仰你的理念,而不是偶像——撒拉 ———————————————————————————————————————— The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning. ———————————————————————————————————————— 在如今,这些灰烬也已冷却,我们翻开古老的书。这些浸着油渍的书页,文词冷漠,叙述着一个疲惫的帝国,英灵们的种种传说。当我翻开英灵之书,呼吸历史深沉的气息,是什么撼动了我的心灵,是什么搅乱了我的思绪,那么,请听,请听这些在微风中传递的言语,这些是我们所有人的传说,反复不息。那就是说,我们是历史的重生,那就是说,永无止息。 ——《马拉桑英灵录》(翻译by PUG) ———————————————————————————————————————— "是的。”索思爵士静静地说道。“我一开口就可以杀人,我可以对着成群的敌人丢出巨大的火球。我统御一整队骷髅战士,它们的碰触可以摧毁一切。我可以从地底升起一座冰墙来屏障服侍我的人。隐形的技巧逃不过我的法眼,普通的法术在我面前灰飞烟灭。”他继续往前逼近,接着,被诅咒的索兰尼亚骑士把手放在身躯中原本容纳心脏的位置,微微地行礼。“但是,在强者面前,我也要低头。”索思爵士说道。 ———————————————————————————————————————— All my life, I was my own person. The choices I made, I made of my own free will.Bow to others in reverence and respect, but never in slavery!" -----------Raistlin ———————————————————————————————————————— “„„这一丝一缕是如何织入历史的的洪流中的呢,” “像其他的千丝万缕一样"阿斯特纽斯说"看你脚底下的地毯,当你翻过地毯时,会看见背后一团五彩的杂线以复杂的方式纠结在一起。但是,如果你从正面来看,一切看来都很整齐,构成一张牢固的地毯。” ———————————————————————————————————————— 混沌指者索兰尼亚骑士。 “帕拉丁已死~你们孤立无依~” 混沌指着黑暗骑士。 “塔克西斯已逃~你们已被舍弃~” 混沌张开巨大的双手,仿佛准备吞没整个宇宙。 “失去了希望,失去了诸神,你们还剩下什么,” 史刚拔出宝剑,高举向天空。 金属并没有反射火光,而是发出如同月色照在冰河上的冷冽白光。 “我们还有彼此~”他回答。 ———————————————————————————————————————— “对不起,可你不是来自九层狱的么,一定防火。”——布特林 卡文迪许对克诺根恶魔说 ———————————————————————————————————————— “为什么不说:‘谁他娘的在乎,’我也有眼睛,我也看着你们俩。要我说,做人就要走自己的路,让别人说去。这管父母什么事,过去了的就过去了,血缘也不过如此。要抓住现在,及时行乐。最重要的是你们内心的想法,其他的都他妈一边去。”——米利亚姆 来一场战争让你献身。遭遇一次困境来让你思考。抓住一次挑战来让你伟大。剩下的时间你们会懒洋洋地坐着,你们。猪猡,你们~好吧,操你妈的~我向你们挑战~死掉或者伟大地活着。格列佛?佛雷,然后我让你们变成真正的人。我让你们变伟大。我给你们群星~” ——《群星,我的归宿》阿尔弗雷德?贝斯特 ———————————————————————————————————————— Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. ——Master Yoda to Anakin Skywalker 《Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom》 we dream of carving our dragon. ——《刺客正传》 ———————————————————————————————————————— “Don't do what you can't undo, until you've considered what you can't do once you've done it. (said according to Regal)” ———————————————————————————————————————— “When considering a man's motives, remember you must not measure his wheat with your bushel. He may not be using the same standard at all.” ———————————————————————————————————————— “Lost a fight? The fight isn't over until you win it, Fitz.” ———————————————————————————————————————— “Little Brother, do not treat me as if I am already dead, or dying. If you see me that way, then I would rather truly be dead. You steal the now of my life away, when you constantly fear that tomorrow will bring my death. Your fears clutch cold at me and snatch all my pleasure in the day's warmth from me.” ———————————————————————————————————————— “Death is always less painfull and easier than life! You speak true. And yet we do not, day to day, choose death. Because ultimately, death is not the opposite of life, but the opposite of choice. Death is what you get when there are no choices left to make. Am I right?” ———————————————————————————————————————— “...and goes on past the happiness and into grief and beyond it.” —— Sam 《The Two Towers》 ———————————————————————————————————————— “You cannot pass! I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor! The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun! Go back to the Shadow! YOU SHALL NOT PASS !!” - Gandalf 《the fellowship of the ring》 ———————————————————————————————————————— "For all the Gods are one God, and all the Goddesses are one Goddess, and there is only one Initiator. And to every man his own truth, and the God within." —— Vivian 《The Mists of Avalon》 ———————————————————————————————————————— “You are rich, you own. We are poor, we lack. You have, we do not have. Everything is beautiful, here. Only not the faces. On Anarres nothing is beautiful, nothing but the faces. The other faces, the men and women. We have nothing but that, nothing but each other. Here you see the jewels, there you see the eyes. And in the eyes you see the splendour, the splendour of human spirit. Because our men and women are free, possessing nothing they are free. And you the possessors are possessed. You are all in jail.Each alone, solitary, with a heap of what he owns. You live in prison, die in prison. It is all I can see in your eyes — the wall, the wall!”—— Shevek 《The Dispossessed》 ———————————————————————————————————————— "If we are the toys of the gods are not perhaps the gods themselves mere children?" ——Elric 《The Bane of Black Sword》 ———————————————————————————————————————— To light a candle is to cast a shadow. --Master Hand of Roke《a wizard of earthsea》 ———————————————————————————————————————— From The Creation of Ea, which is the oldest song, it is said: Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life, bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky. ——《a wizard of earthsea》 ———————————————————————————————————————— “What can change the nature of a man?” ——Ravel the nightwitch “It is *regret* that may change the nature of a man.”——The good incarnation of the namless one “Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear - whatever you ‘believe’ can change the nature of a man, can.”——The last incarnation of the nameless one ———————————————————————————————————————— “Did you ‘live’ your life - the brief life you have had? In the end... was it worth it?”——The good incarnation of the namless one “It seemed so.... short. What little I experienced, I enjoyed, and I do not wish to forget it.”——The last incarnation of the nameless one ———————————————————————————————————————— 黑暗也许会征服一切,但它永远不可能会消灭希望。即使一根蜡烛,或是许多根蜡烛会闪烁 或熄灭,但是新的蜡烛又会接着燃起。 因此希望永远生生不息,在黎明来临前照亮这片黑暗。 ——《龙枪编年史?春晓之巨龙》 必须将魔法放在第一位,世界放在第二位,周围其余一切次之;如若不然,他将会划地自限。 ——雷斯林?马哲理《龙枪编年史?春晓之巨龙》 我一定会做到。在我的一生里没有什么比这更重要。我的一生除了这一刻别无其他时刻存在。我生于这一刻,而假如我失败,我也将死于这一刻。 ——雷斯林?马哲理《龙枪传奇》 “什么能使我忘却被爱的滋味,连死亡都没有这样的力量。” ——雷斯林?马哲里《夏焰之巨龙》 “那么,你不向她道歉。你不要求原谅。之后,你会向她说什么?” 雷斯林久久地沉默。他转向书架,看着笼罩在黑暗中的书,看着准会发生的时间。 “我会告诉她一点事,在我的长长的睡眠中,我梦在了她。”他轻轻地说。 ——《龙枪传奇》 ———————————————————————————————————————— "Nothing ever happens by chance.Everything happens for a reason.Your brain may not know the reason.Your brain may never figure it out.But your heart knows.Your heart always knows." —— Horkin 《Brothers in arms》 ———————————————————————————————————————— 死亡永远在当下的边缘,死亡狙击我们,并始终知道自己的猎杀„„ ——夜眼《刺客任务》 我们本身的野心和任务,以及加诸于这个世界的框架,只不过是横跨雪地的树影,会随着阳光移动,在月夜消逝,在起风时飘扬,而当平滑的积雪融化之后,就会扭曲地落在崎岖的地面上,但树仍屹立不摇. ——珂翠肯《刺客正传》 有朝一日是有朝一日,那天或许会来,也可能不会来。你要等到杀了猎物之后才有肉吃。——夜眼 牺牲献祭。——珂翠肯 我们是一个狼群。——夜眼 ———————————————————————————————————————— 所有已经死亡的人,都还活着;他们获得了重生,生命没有终结,也不会有结束。 ——大法师雀鹰 《地海彼岸》 ———————————————————————————————————————— 地狱只焚烧那些相信它的人。而我,我只相信我自己。 ——高卢《精灵之夜》 没人能像我。世上只有一个我。 ——詹姆?兰尼斯特 (相对的„„) "改成弑君者詹姆'爵士',"......"不论此人行径如何,他终究是个骑士."——史坦尼斯?拜拉席恩 (最终„„) 詹姆?兰尼斯特的历史,由杰洛?海塔尔爵士开始书写,巴利斯坦爵士接续,现在轮到他自己挑起职责。从今往后,他的路由他自己写„„ 由他自己写„„——《冰雨的风暴》 ——《冰与火之歌》 ———————————————————————————————————————— 惟有最耀眼的火光,方能映出最黑暗的阴影——梅丽珊卓 光的影子不只一个,普普通通的一个人便能映出十几个影子,只是有的影子比其他的模糊罢了。——梅丽珊卓 ——《冰与火之歌》 ———————————————————————————————————————— 骑士是你想当的,狼灵是你成为的。你改变不了事实,布兰,你既不能否认它也不能赶走它。你是长翅膀的奔狼,却不能飞翔。"——玖健?黎德《冰与火之歌》 ———————————————————————————————————————— “Valar morghulis”(凡人皆有一死) ——《冰与火之歌》 Memento mori. ——拉丁语,意为“记住,你将死去。” ———————————————————————————————————————— “魔法师能不能杀人,” “从魔法的角度来说,我想能"斯特兰奇先生说,"但一位绅士绝不应该这么做” ——中译本<大魔法师> (原文) "Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could. ——Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell 要倾听,必先缄默。 ——《地海传奇》 ———————————————————————————————————————— If a sword had memory, it might be grateful to the forge fire, but never fond of it. ——Rand al’Thor the Dragon Reborn 《The Wheel of Time》 可言说的游戏。从其他玩家(比如说所有人)的角度类比来说,就像是在伸手不见五指的房间里,以一切为赌注,用空白纸牌玩一种复杂的牌戏,庄家不但不告诉你规则,而且脸上还总是挂着微笑。 ——《好兆头》 (而后抗斥) "凯文,你背着沉重的包袱,到底是为了谁,上帝,是这样吗,上帝,让我告诉你一点内部消息,关于上帝(:——撒旦 :上帝喜欢观察,喜欢恶做剧,想想看他给了人们什么,本能,他给了你无与伦比的天赋,然后他干了些什么,:——撒旦 :准看,不准碰;准碰,不准吃;准吃,不准咽~当你循规蹈矩,一步一趋时,他在做什么呢,他会乐不可支的嘲笑你,他是个性虐带狂,他是个不负责任的房东,让我敬仰他,没门~:——撒旦 :自从有了人类,我就不断的深入到人类的生活中去,创造了人类所有潜在的欲望,我关心他们的需求却从不去评判他们,因为我热爱人类,因为是个人道主义者,可能是仅存的人道主义者~:——撒旦 ——《魔鬼代言人》 (回归信仰„„) “如果你不在胡扯,而是坐下来认真思考,就会冒出特别有趣的念头。比如:为什么要赐予人类好奇心,然后把某些禁果放在他们一抬头就能看见的地方,在摆个一闪一闪的霓虹手指,上书三个大字‘就是它’,„„如果你真的不想让他们吃,为什么要这样做,我是说,也许他想看看到底会有什么结果。也许这只是某个超大的不可言说的的一部分。所有的东西都是。你,我,他,一切。某个超级测试,为了看看你造的东西是否对头。 ——克鲁利《好兆头》 (超然后的淡定„„) “人们有信仰,影子想,人就是这样,他们不可能没有信仰,但却不会为他们的信仰承担责任。他们用自己的信念造出神灵,却不信任自己的造物。他们用幽灵、神明、电子和传说填塞他们无法把握的黑暗。他们想象出某种东西,然后相信它的存在,这就是信仰,最赤裸裸的信仰。一切都是这么开始的。” ——《美国众神》 (最终,发于美中,止于心„„) “停留一下吧,你是多么美呀。”——浮士德 ———————————————————————————————————————— 你不能用理性趋走黑暗,你得用火才行( ——《灵魂骑士》 年轻人,我不跟人决斗。我像一个战士那样杀人,就像一个屠夫杀死猪一样,迅速,高效,危险性小。如果我决定要杀死你,那你必死无疑,而且时间、地点、方式完全有我来定,你永远不会看到袭击的到来。 ——卡扎利尔 《查里昂的诅咒》 ———————————————————————————————————————— 规则一:只有在你确实知道某些战术计算机不知道的东西,你才可以否决它的建议; 规则二:战术计算机总是比你知道的多,你不可能知道连战术计算机都不知道的东西。 ——《贵族的游戏》 ———————————————————————————————————————— 当我们终於厌倦人生的错综复杂,最向往的往往是童年岁月坐在母亲怀里的时光,那时一次小小的亲吻,就是最大的满足,一个柔柔的微笑,就是最大的幸福。只是,童年岁月已一去不复返,凡人岁月连梦里也不可得;如今我们的一切只寄托在揽人入怀的吸血刹那,而这样的拥抱即是生又是死,即是天堂又是地狱;我们可悲的命运,就这样日复一日,年复一年„„沈沦沈沦沈沦下去。 ——《吸血鬼黎斯特》 “I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come,when the courage of man fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowships,But it's not this day!An hour of worlves and shattled shields when the age of man was crashing down,but it's not this day!This day we fright!By all that we hold dear on this good earth,I did you stand man of the west!” ——Aragon《The Return of The King》(the movie) ———————————————————————————————————————— Home is behind. The world ahead. And there are many paths to tread. Through shadow, To the edge of night Until the stars are all alight ——《魔戒》 ———————————————————————————————————————— (波澜壮阔的开始„„) “你们将洒下无尽的眼泪。梵拉将在瓦里诺筑起高高的围墙,把你们关在墙外,连你们恸哭的回声也越不过崇山峻岭。梵拉对费阿诺家族的愤怒由西方到东方,遍及埃阿。对所有追随者亦义愤填膺。誓言驱使他们贸然前行,也让他们一事无成。他们发誓要追回的珍宝终难到手。最初良好的意图将以邪恶告终。兄弟间的相互被判以及对这些背叛的恐怖,将使一切成为过去。他们将被剥夺的一无所有。 “你们让无辜同胞的鲜血染红了阿曼大地。你们将以血还血,以命抵命。离开阿曼,你们将居住在死神的阴影之下。尽管伊路瓦塔赐予你们在埃阿永生,没有疾病能打垮你们。可是,你们能被杀死,你们也一定会被杀死。武器、酷刑和忧伤都可以使你们一命呜呼。无家可归的孤魂野鬼最终回到曼多斯身边。在那里,他们将长时间游荡,可望重新回到自己的肉体。即使被他们杀戮的精灵为这些孤魂野鬼求情,也很难得到上苍的原谅。那些终于来到中洲而没有回到曼多斯身边的精灵将把世界当成负担深感厌倦。在一个新的种族出现之前,他们将日渐衰落,便成懊悔终身的阴影。这就是梵拉要说的话。” ——曼多斯预言 (归于平静的结束„„) 对于“初生者”,这个世界已经变得古老而苍凉。于是,最后一批诺尔多精灵登上大船,起锚远航,永远离开中洲。三枚魔戒最终的主人骑着骏马来到大海边,埃尔隆德大师登上凯尔丹早就准备好的船,在秋天的曙色中,离开米斯隆德港湾,向远方驶去,直到那条船突然“跃出”水面,穿过万里云霞,直上九霄。天似穹庐,风清气爽,它飞快的向古老的西方驶去。埃尔达精灵的故事和歌曲就此结束。 ——《精灵宝钻》 ———————————————————————————————————————— 疲惫不堪的青年军官站在他面前,拿糖浆色的宁静的眼睛盯着他的眼睛。 “还有什么事吗,”奥雷连诺上校问他。 青年军官咬紧牙齿。 “收条,”他说。 ——《百年孤独》 ———————————————————————————————————————— “每一个帝国在即将建立的时候,都富于朝气,希望和成功的光芒;然而一旦皇帝登基,这一切都会荡然无存,留下的只有象征腐朽和无意义的各种仪式典礼。” “想要达到善良却不接触邪恶,就象得到真理却不了解谬误,理解光明却不接近黑暗,这是不可能的.” “人类的潜意识存在一种压倒性的需求,即渴求一个符合逻辑,万事有理可据的世界。但是,现实中的宇宙总是领先逻辑一步,人类的思想永远无法企及.” ——《沙丘》 ———————————————————————————————————————— 在内心中经常与邪恶战斗的人,才不会轻易屈从于外界的邪恶. ——《灵魂熔炉》 ———————————————————————————————————————— “宇宙,永远沉默不语。” “是在很久以前就失去故乡的——人类啊~ 你们想向这冰冷星海中的辽阔大地,要求什么呢, 失去故乡的人类啊~ 所有的一切 都该向你们自己要求啊~” ——《沉默的呼唤》 帝皇语录MK.2完成版 Death be thy compass. 唯死是向。 Carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows. 炬烛帝志,洞灭魍魉。 Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. 拙不疑,则帝佑之。 To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor. 苟败而挫,是堕帝威。 Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the body. 祈祷涤魂,痛挞涤体。 There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector. 唯赖帝皇,苍生倚庇。 A small mind is easily filled with faith. 拙则无邪。 For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave. 精益求精,至死方息。 The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance. 首祸曰逆,惘从曰叛。 Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution. 思邪至逆,逆邪至惩。 Knowledge is power, guard it well. 智识力也,戒之以谨。 A small mind is a tidy mind. 驽则不移。 An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. 智而无信,神锋倒持。 Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. 宁残体肤,不坠心性。 Hope is the beginning of unhappiness. 欲则失乐。 If a job's worth doing it's worth dying for. 苟业之,则死之可也。 Innocence proves nothing. 无辜亦辜。 Only the awkward question; only the foolish ask twice. 一疑痴,再疑悖。 Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind. 痛者身瘅,沮者心瘅。 Success is commemorated; Failure merely remembered. 胜当贺,败足戒。 The wise man learns from the deaths of others. 见没知省谓之智。 Wisdom is the beginning of fear. 怯由智生。 Zeal is no excuse. 信坚不阐。 Zeal is its own excuse. 信以信坚。 Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. 胜无坐言得,败无坐言免。 Know the mutant; kill the mutant. 必知寇,乃荡寇。 Death is the servant of the righteous. 苟从大义生死以。 My armor is contempt. 自下以为胄。 Ignorance is a virtue. 上德若愚。 A wise man does not fear, a man afraid does not think. 有识无畏,有畏无思。 Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. 纵无所有,尚捐一躯。 Only in death does duty end. 瘁无尽时,死而后止。 Excuses are the refuge of the weak. 懦者多诿。 Kill, kill, kill~ 戮之~ Faith is your shield. 无邪以为盾。 All souls cry out for salvation. 普罗众生,皆望一赎。 Without Him there is nothing. 帝皇出,乃生寰宇。 Damnation is eternal. 咒诅难销。 Cease and Repent. 常涤己罪。 Submit to His will. 帝首是瞻。 Purity of purpose. 诚哉斯行。 Curse now the death in vain. 贪得无厌,必没沟壑。 His will be done. 帝望必达。 No man died in His service that died in vain. 死帝皇事,粉身可往。 To withdraw in disgust is not apathy. 弃而去之,非为木石。 There is nothing to fear but failure. 唯败可畏。 Mercy is a sign of weakness. 多慈必蹶。 A mind without purpose will wander in dark places. 思而无信,必蹰魍魉。 Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. 存妄念,辄致怠。 Truth is subjective. 信而后信。 Faith without deeds is worthless. 空言非诚,当以身报。 Nobody is innocent, there are merely varying levels of guilt. 举凡皆罪,安言无辜。 Beginning reform is beginning revolution. 始乎维新,终于板荡。 Educate men without faith and you but make them clever devils. 教而无信,益邪以黠。 Forgiveness is a sign of weakness. 妄恕必蹶。 Hard work conquers everything. 胼手胝足,无不可克。 Perseverance and silence are the highest virtues. 上德坚默。 Success is measured in blood; yours or your enemy's. 血迸死生,强者为胜。 Leniency is a sign of weakness. 莠仁必蹶。 Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift to humanity. 民心雠忾,帝授之至圭。 Magnanimity is a sign of weakness. 滥慨必蹶。 Thou shalt not. 妄行不可。 The man who has nothing can still have faith. 无所有者尚存一信。 Compassion is a sign of weakness. 淫悯必蹶。 Be strong in your ignorance. 愚且益坚。 Doubt is a sign of weakness. 狐疑必蹶。 A broad mind lacks focus. 泛思无专。 Tolerance is a sign of weakness. 怠宽必蹶。 A narrow view sees better. 目无旁视,始得见微。 Despair is a sign of weakness. 唐颓必蹶。 The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. 灼灼国华,死士血溉。 Burn the heretic. 炮烙奸佞。 Kill the mutant. 族灭丑类。 Purge the unclean. 涤荡垢孽。 Examine your thoughts. 慎己之思。 Serve the Emperor today, tomorrow you may be dead. 克效帝皇,随死可瞑。 Obey your orders. 克己之职。 It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself. 效死帝皇,敢图苟安。 To question is to doubt. 存疑辄移。 The truly wise are always afraid. 上智知畏。 Fear denies faith. 惧生信堕。 Never forget, never forgive. 恒戒之,恒雠之。 Only the Emperor is all. 舍帝无他。 The Emperor knows, the Emperor is watching. 帝知之,帝审之。 Life is a prison, death a release. 斯生是役,死而后憩。 A suspicious mind is a healthy mind. 慎思无邪。 Heresy grows from idleness. 逆肇于逸。 Life is the Emperor's currency, spend it well. 蚁命帝馈,当自珍重。 That was then, this is now. 菲既往,贵今昔。 Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything. 无知无畏,是谓 愚勇。 Brave are they who know everything yet fear nothing. 知且无畏,是谓神勇。 Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. 智仁不悯。 It is better for a man to be afraid than happy. 慎胜于乐。 Happiness is a delusion of the weak. 懦者淫逸。 True happiness stems only from duty. 方责方欢。 To serve Him is to worship Him. 唯帝是纲,乃效帝事。 The loyal slave learns to love the lash. 忠仆好笞。 Work earns Salvation. 克尽则恕。 Work is Prayer. 倾职既祷。 He who keeps silent consents. 帝意默许。 Truth begets hatred. 真知抒祸。 Immortal, but not invulnerable. Immortality was a by-product of their Astartes strengths. Yes, they might live forever, but they would never get the chance. Immortality was a by-product of their Astartes strengths, but those strengths had been gene-built for combat. They had been born immortal only to die in war. Eldar族的語錄 規則書的5個創造世界的開篇語 Biel-tan We brings only death,and leave only carrion.It is a message even a human can understand 我们只是带来死亡,留下尸骨,这是连人类也能理解的警示。 Saim-hann The wind whipping across your face as your blades whip across the throats of the foe.It makes the blood sing. 疾风吹过脸颊,刀刃掠过敌项,鲜血欢然歌唱。 Ulthwe He who sees his own doom can better avoid its path.He who sees the doom of others can deliver it. 预见自己的灾难就躲避它,预见敌人的灾难则引导它。 Alaitoc There is no corner of the galaxy that has not felt the eagle-keen gaze of Alaitoc. 星河的每个角落,都能感受到阿莱托克鹰眼的注视。 Iyanden The dead must join our ranks,lest we be forced to join theirs. 死人也要与活人一同战斗,免得活人加入死人的队伍。 =====================領主和先知們==================== 暗黑死神的凤凰领主Maugan-Ra: War is my master. Death my mistress. 战争吾师尊,死亡吾爱人。 血手之神盖恩的战争圣歌: Blood runs.Anger rises.Death wakes.War calls! 热血永奔涌,怒气亦升腾,死亡已苏醒,战争正呼召~ Uthwe的先知Eldrad Ulthran: What do humans know of our pain?We have sung songs of lament since before your ancestor crawled on theire bellies from the sea. 人类怎能理解我们的伤痛,当我们唱起悲伤的歌谣时,你们的先祖还用鳍爬行在海边的泥滩 上。 先知Mirehn Bielann: The stars themselves once lived and died at our command. 就是星辰也曾随我族的意愿而明灭。 Assyri之战前人类收到的口信: We warned you of the price of your actions,now you must pay it in full-in blood. 我曾告诉过你行动的代价,现在你必须用血付清它。 Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life: bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky. -The Creation of Ea 惟有沉默中才有话语 惟有黑暗中才有光明 惟有死亡中才有生命 鹰的翱翔把寂寥的天空照亮 ——《地海传奇》 埋怨和生闷气无济于事。重点在于认识现实,分析环境,找到一条行动路线,然后大胆实践。 认识、思考、选择、行动。整个过程与“情绪”无关。 ----------(美)奥森 斯科特 卡德《安德的影子》 运气是平庸之辈用来形容天才的成就的托辞. ----------海因莱因《傀儡主人》 飞行,都是从坠落开始的 乔弗里:她有狼的血统 提利昂:你有鹅的脑瓜 最愚蠢的人通常也比嘲笑他们的家伙聪明 "如果这世界真有神灵存在,为什么还充满了苦痛和不公," "因为世上有像你这样的人。" "没人能像我。这世上只有一个我。" 人们相信什么,那就是力量,不多也不少 每点亮一根蜡烛,就会投下一道阴影 鹰的翱翔把寂寥的天空照亮 ——《地海传奇?巫师》 月狼军团影之四副官之一罗肯对自己,对阿斯塔特(Astarte=Space Marine=星际陆战军)生 命的描述
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