

2017-09-01 9页 doc 69KB 28阅读




爱护牙齿手抄报爱护牙齿手抄报 健康口腔 幸福家庭 一、爱牙日的由来: 今年9月20日是我国第23个全国爱牙日。 1989年,由卫生部、教委等部委联合签署,确定每年的 9月20日为全国爱牙日。 宗旨是通过爱牙日活动,广泛动员社会的力量,在群众中进行牙病防治知识的普及教育,增强口腔键康观念和自我口腔保健的意识,建立口腔保健行为,从而提高全民族的口腔健康水平。 建立爱牙日是加强口腔预防工作,落实预防为主方针的重要举措。 二、2011年爱牙日主题:健康口腔,幸福家庭。 三、平时生活中在牙齿方面有哪些不良习惯: 牙病的预防其实很重要,...
爱护牙齿手抄报 健康口腔 幸福家庭 一、爱牙日的由来: 今年9月20日是我国第23个全国爱牙日。 1989年,由卫生部、教委等部委联合签署,确定每年的 9月20日为全国爱牙日。 宗旨是通过爱牙日活动,广泛动员社会的力量,在群众中进行牙病防治知识的普及教育,增强口腔键康观念和自我口腔保健的意识,建立口腔保健行为,从而提高全民族的口腔健康水平。 建立爱牙日是加强口腔预防工作,落实预防为主方针的重要举措。 二、2011年爱牙日主题:健康口腔,幸福家庭。 三、平时生活中在牙齿方面有哪些不良习惯: 牙病的预防其实很重要,牙齿的很多疾病与人们日常生活中不良习惯有很大关系。 如每天刷牙不够三次,每次刷牙不够三分钟; 饭后不漱口,尤其是吃了水果后不漱口,而水果和唾液一反应,对牙齿腐蚀作用更大; 一些孩子有咬手、咬铅笔等坏习惯,这些都会造成牙周组织损害,引起一些系统性疾病。 强调日常生活中的吸烟、酗酒等不良习惯不仅对全身健康有害,而且会直接刺激口腔黏膜,导致癌变。此外,最好每半年进行一次口腔检查。不要等到发生口腔疾病才去治疗,对已发生的牙缺损、松动病牙,要到正规专科医院或口腔科治疗,千万不要为省钱和方便找游医修补或拔除。 四、保护牙齿的宣传口号: (1)牙齿一旦失去,将不再拥有。 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 我的分享,我的分享我耳朵 (2)爱护牙齿就是爱护生命,保护口腔就是保护健康。 (3)保护口腔健康,提高生活质量。 (4)拥有健康口腔,笑容和谐美丽。 (5)维护口腔健康,增进全身健康 五、促进口腔健康的。 1.早晚刷牙,饭后漱口; 2.使用牙线、间隙刷等清洁工具; 3.使用含氟牙膏、氟泡沫、氟涂漆等氟化物; 4.少吃含糖食品,减少甜食次数; 5.戒除烟酒,不嚼烟草和槟榔; 6.不吃过烫或有刺激性的食物; 7.定期进行口腔检查: (1)发现龋齿要及早治疗; (2)发现牙石和牙龈出血要进行洁治; (3)矫正牙齿畸形; (4)拔掉不具保留价值的残根,处理不良修复体,去除不良刺激; (5)及时镶复缺失牙。 六、儿童应注意: (1)纠正吮指等口腔不良习惯; (2)对新萌出的恒磨牙和前磨牙进行窝沟封闭; (3)及时拔除滞留的乳牙; (4)必要时使用间隙保持器,以保持缺牙的间隙,有利于恒牙的正 常萌出。 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 我的分享,让知识的力量传递的更远。 七、保护牙齿的诗歌和绕口令之类 人人都有一口牙, 整齐洁白才健康, 有了牙齿吃东西, 才会长高又长壮, 保护牙齿爱惜它, 说话唱歌又清楚。 牙齿干净又明亮, 笑起来更漂亮。 手拿花花杯, 喝口清清水, 抬起头、闭着嘴, 咕噜咕噜吐出水。 你也刷、我也刷 小小牙刷手中拿, 上下左右全刷遍, 爱清洁的好娃娃。 早也刷、晚也刷, 小小牙刷功劳大, 人人夸我讲卫生, 我是一个好娃娃。 3 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 我的分享,我的分享我耳朵 四个护牙好习惯, 天天保持不偷懒, 早晚刷牙少吃糖, 牙医半年见一趟, 餐后无糖口香糖, 保护牙齿更健康~ 上牙从上往下刷, 下牙从下往上刷, 咬合面要来回刷, 下后牙内侧从下往上刷, 上后牙外侧从上往下刷, 每颗牙至少刷五遍, 里里外外都要刷。 小牙刷,手中拿,张开我的小嘴巴。 上面牙齿往下刷,下面牙齿往上刷, 左刷刷、右刷刷,里里外外都刷刷。 早晨刷、晚上刷,刷得干净没蛀牙。 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder 我的分享,让知识的力量传递的更远。 刷完牙齿笑哈哈,露出牙齿白花花。 5 yan Zhen and other places. Shan Bao Zhuang Shaozhen ban during the evening, offered to help make teaching preparation, such as take a stool, greeting students, cleaning up the classroom, trainees carry out various cultural activities and organizations. Zhuang Shaozhen in Dai Xiuchang home, ate and lived with juvenile Dai Xiuchang Zhuang Shaozhen, get along with long, Dai Xiuchang was coming under the influence of revolutionary thoughts. Zhuang Shaozhen also loved and trusted the bright teenager, often let him assist services. Zhuang Shaozhen out active at a time, Dai Xiuchang row a boat send him. Zhuang Shaozhen to contact party letters sent out by Dai Xiuchang. Directed by the Zhuang Shaozhen, Dai Xiuchang keep in touch with enter the confidential code clerk of the County Government of the Kuomintang Shen Wenjing. Zhuang Shaozhen in Che Jia BA spent 3 years, Dai Xiuchang help from start to finish. (15) Shao work running underground library in October 1940, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and special branch of the Communist Party, under the leadership of young founded the "Youth Club" Al read progress books, publishing mimeographed letters of the justice. In November, another nearby rural big "adult literacy" to promote anti-Japanese way. Being a strict party branch members of the publicity of the tomb of Shao deeply shoulder
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