
修女也疯狂 Sister Act 中英文剧本

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修女也疯狂 Sister Act 中英文剧本修女也疯狂 Sister Act 中英文剧本 谁能说出所有使徒的名字, Who can name all the apostles? 迪劳丽丝 Yes, Deloris. 约翰,保罗,乔治和林格(披头士四子) John, Paul, George... and Ringo. Deloris Wilson, 迪劳丽丝,学校里 就数你最不守规矩 you are the most unruly, disobedient girl in this school. Now, I want you to march r...
修女也疯狂 Sister Act 中英文剧本
修女也疯狂 Sister Act 中英文剧本 谁能说出所有使徒的名字, Who can name all the apostles? 迪劳丽丝 Yes, Deloris. 约翰,保罗,乔治和林格(披头士四子) John, Paul, George... and Ringo. Deloris Wilson, 迪劳丽丝,学校里 就数你最不守规矩 you are the most unruly, disobedient girl in this school. Now, I want you to march right up to that blackboard... 你给我走到讲台上来„ and write the names of all the apostles alphabetically. 把所有使徒的名字 按字母顺序写出来 约翰,保罗,彼德和猫王 我真的受够你了~ This is enough. You are hopeless. 朽木不可雕也, 让四大天王教你去吧~ And I wash my hands of you. Mark my words, Deloris. 记住我的话,要是这样下去 If you continue on this disruptive track, 你会变成混世魔女的~ it will lead straight to the devil. Have you any idea what girls like you become? 你知道这么下去会变成什么吗, Whenever I'm with him 大意:只要我和他在一起 Something inside - lnside - Starts to burning 我的内心就开始燃烧 And I'm filled with desire 我充满了渴望 Would it be the devil in me 是不是我心里有只魔鬼, 或者这就是爱的滋味 Or is this the way love's supposed to be 象一阵热火 - It's like a heat wave - Heat wave - Burning in my heart - Heat wave 在我心里燃烧 - I can't keep from crying - Heat wave 它将我撕烈让我不停哭泣 - It's tearing me apart - Heat wave - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah - Yeah - I said, oh, yeah - Heat wave Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah 主演:乌比.戈德堡 - I said, Oh, yeah - Ain't nothing but love, girl 不要放弃这个机会 片名:修女也疯狂 Don't pass up this chance Here's a chance for a true romance 这是个找到真爱的机会 Heat wave 热火 我们两个如胶似漆 Nothing you can say can tear me away From my guy My guy Nothing you can do 'cause I'm stuck like glue - To my guy - My guy - My guy 粘在一起就象邮票贴着信 I'm sticking to my guy like a stamp to a letter 粘在一起就象羽毛贴着鸟 Like two birds of a feather we stick together 从一开始我就不能和爱人分离 I'm telling you from the start I can't be torn apart from my guy Whoa-oa-oa-oa-oa No muscle-bound man 猛男也不能把我和爱人分离 Could take my hand from my guy My guy 帅哥也不能把我和爱人分离 No handsome face could ever take the place - Of my guy - My guy - My guy 我的爱人 他不是个电影明星 He may not be a movie star 可是情人眼里出西施 But when it comes to being happy, we are 没有人能让我与爱人分离 There's not a man today Who could take ,你说什么, ,没人能让我与爱人分离 - What'd you say - There's not a man today 谁能让我与爱人分离 Who could take me away from my guy - Tell me more - There's not a man today ,再说一次 ,今天没有人„ 能让我与爱人分离 Who could take me away from 把这包起来 All right. Wrap this up, okay? Wrap it up. 我会跟着他 I will follow him 不论他到哪儿 Follow him wherever he may go There isn't an ocean too deep 不论海有多深 不论山有多高 A mountain too high it can keep 也不能阻挡我 - Keep me away - You better, you better 我会跟随他 - I will follow him - Follow him Ever since he touched my hands I knew 离他越近越好 That near him I always must be 没什么能让我与他分离 And nothing can keep me away He is my destiny 我命中注定 我爱他,我爱他,我爱他 I love him, I love him I love him 他去哪我都要跟随 - And where he goes I'll - Follow - I'll - Follow - He'll always be my - True love - My - True love 他是我的真爱 从现在直到永远 - From now until for - Ever - For - Ever - Whoo! - Whoo! 走~ Go. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah - Yeah 我是美丽女人 - I'm a whole - Heat wave - Yeah, yeah - Keep burning - Yeah, yeah - Keep burning - I'm a whole, yeah - Ain't nothing but love, girl 不要放弃这个机会 Don't pass up this chance 一只钻石手镯和一条裤子 A diamond bracelet and a pair of pants 晚上好,女士们先生们 - Heat wave - Good night, ladies and gentlemen. - Heat wave - You don't give a shit. 一帮不识货的家伙 - Heat wave - Let's get the hell out of here. 我们得离开这个没开化的鬼地方 Heat wave 热火 世界上最大的小城 So I-- I guess eating is out of the question, huh? 陪我吃个饭应该不成问题吧, Eat? Your next show is in 20 minutes. 你20分钟之后还有演出 You still haven't told me what she said. 你到底和她说了没有, 和谁说什么, - What who said? - ''What who said?'' 和你的老婆提离婚 The one with the moustache. The one you're married to. You are so damn hot. ,你真是满身喷火 ,你真是满嘴喷粪 And you are so full of it. You didn't tell her, did you? 早料到你不肯说 I knew it. I knew you weren't gonna tell her. I knew it. 我知道你不会跟她说 I want us to be together, babe. 宝贝,我希望我们在一起 Hmm. I want us to be an honest, decent couple. 我真希望我俩能人模人样地 出现在别人面前 I do. I went to confession today. 今天我去忏悔了 什么样的忏悔, 蹲在小黑箱嘟囔的那种, You went to confession? Like confession conf 是跪在小屋子里 向神父尽诉心中情 You know where you kneel in the box, you tell the priest your deepest secrets? 宝贝,今天我真去忏悔了 Well, I did that today for us, babe. I told Father Antonelli I was in love... 我告诉神父,我坠入爱河 and that it was a special love. 想和她天长地久,永沐爱河 A love for all the ages and that I want to be with her. 神父怎么回答你, And what did he say? 他说别爱河了,胆敢离婚 那就等着坠入地狱 He said that if I got divorced I'd burn in hell for all eternity. 帮我把鞋子拿来,不去 - Hand me my loafers, doll. - You-- No, I-- You-You can get your own damn shoes. 你自己拿你的臭鞋吧~ So what does this-- What does this mean? 你到底什么意思, 是不行吗, - Is this no? Does this mean no? - No. No. ,什么意思,,不行~ 就是不行,现在不行 - What does it mean? - Not no. Just not now. 你给我滚蛋~出去~ Just get out, okay? Just go. 你想让我背叛神父„ You want me to go against a priest? 被逐出教会吗, Get excommunicated? 算了吧 Okay. 我把你做的东西都吃了 I'll eat the thing you made. ,这样可以了吧,,不行~ -Is that was this is all about? -No, that's not what it's about. 问题不是你吃不吃饭 而是你滚不滚蛋 It's about you leaving. Good night. 晚安~晚安~ Good night! 我会打电话给你 I'll call. You're quitting just because he won't leave his wife? 就因为他不肯离婚,你就了他, No, not just because he won't leave his wife. 不仅是这个,还有诸多原因 I'm quitting for a lot of reasons. It's something I have to do. -What's gonna happen to the act? -What do you mean, ''What's gonna happen to the act''? ,那我们还演不演了, ,什么意思, You're gonna get somebody else. It's not a big loss. 你们可以另找个人,没什么大不了的 Well, you put everything together. You pick all the music. 可说拉弹唱都是你一手包办的 You tell us where to stand and everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a real genius. 我的确是个的天才 所以才这么招人爱 I'm a real genius. That's why we're packin' 'em in. 别把我的化妆品往你包里装 And don't you pack any more of my makeup in that bag. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. 你那套小伎俩别想瞒过我, 你们来这干什么, - What do you want, huh? - And don't you ever knock? 你妈没教你进来要敲门啊, Hey, girl, you ain't got nothing that I haven't seen before, all right. 姑娘们,你们哪儿我没见过 Yeah, well, stop tryin' to memorize it. 那你该去洗洗脑了~ ,米歇尔 ,请吧 - Hey, Michelle. - Oh, please. Hey,迪劳丽丝.文森送给你的 - Here. - I hope it's his dead body. ,希望里面是他的死尸 ,是为了示对你的爱 - With love. - Oh, really? 真的吗,他怎么不亲自送来, - Yeah. - Then why didn't he bring it down to me himself? Oh, he wanted to, but he's got a big meetin' upstairs. 他是想来 可他在楼上有个重要的会 - Hey, Tina. - Hi. 赶紧和这些小丑们道别吧 Could you say good night to these clowns, please? I'm getting a headache. I don't want them in here. Get out. 我头痛,出去 ,走吧,好吧,好吧 - Let's go. - All right, I'm goin'. Just take it easy. 别这么神经兮兮的 Well, at least you got somethin' out of all of this. 至少捞到一份礼物 迪劳丽丝,打开看看 -Come on, Deloris, open this up. -Yes. ,打开~,我为什么要打开, Why should I open this? I don't give a damn what's in that box. ,里面是什么我都没兴趣 ,可我有兴趣 - I don't care. - Oh, see what the man brought you. - I want to see it. ,我也想看,为什么,为什么, - Why? - Come on. - Why? - Well, I want to see. - Fine, okay. 好吧,咱们看看是什么 Let's look and see what it is then. - Oh, look at this. - Oh. - Look at this. - Check it out. ,是貂皮,看看 - It's mink. - Yes! 是紫貂皮,迪劳丽丝 - It's purple mink, Deloris. - Oh. 太漂亮了 Oh, that's beautiful! Look. - Oh. - Feel. 显然拉罗卡因先生 认为送这个给我. Well, obviously, Mr. LaRocca feels he can win me back... by sending me this absolutely fabulous coat. 就能使我回心转意„ 绝对是这样. 这大衣真不错~ - Mm-hmm. - Whoo! - Put it on. Put it on. - It's beautiful. ,试试~试试~,真漂亮 很多女孩都会被打动,可我不会 Well, see, some girls would fall for that, but not me. I think I'm gonna make him wait a little while... 我过一段时间再告诉他 before I just let him know that I-- 什么他什么, What? “康妮.拉罗卡因” Connie LaRocca. 是他老婆的大衣 It's his wife's coat. 这个人把他老婆的衣服送给我 The man gave me his wife's coat. ,真不敢相信,你穿上 - Oh, I don't believe this. - Put it back on. It's yours now. You deserve it. 这已经是你的东西了,你该穿 不,我不该穿,我也不会穿 No, I don't deserve it. I haven't earned it. You don't earn other people's wife's fur coats. 我绝不穿别人老婆的大衣 Okay? 一会我就到楼上还给他„ I think it's time to just go upstairs and give it back to him, get the hell out of this dump. 我要离开这个不体面的地方 How long you been with me, Ernie? 你跟我多久了,恩尼, 啊..三年,拉罗卡因先生 - Um, three years, Mr. LaRocca. - Really? Two as a croupier, one as your personal limo driver. 两年管理赌场,一年做你的司机 ,恩尼,你知道我最看重什么,,什么, Ernie, you know what's important to me, what counts? 忠诚,伙计,我最看重忠诚 Loyalty, my man. Loyalty is what counts to me. ,我一直都很忠诚 ,恩尼,群众眼睛可是雪亮的 Well, I've been very loyal, Mr. LaRocca. Gee, Ernie, that's not what I hear. I hear you went down to the police station last night... 听说你昨晚去 警察局和中尉谈过话 and talked with Lieutenant Souther. 听说你在那儿泡了三个小时 I hear you were there for over three hours. ,我,,我是去了 I-I-I-I went. 我去了,可我什么也没说 I went, but I didn't tell them anything. 据说可不是那样 Again, not what I heard. 再见,文森,我要走了,别拦着我 Good-bye, Vince. I'm leaving and don't try to stop me. I'm going to L.A. where it's nice and warm. 我要去洛杉矶 美丽又暖和的地方 People don't need fur coats from their boyfriend's wife's closet. 在那用不着别人老婆的大衣 Good-bye, Vince. I'm going to Miami, where the sun shines. 再见,文森,我要去迈阿密 那儿阳光灿烂 I know they're trying to get something on me, Ernie, 警察想查我的老底,恩尼 but so far they've come up with bubkas. 可现在什么也没找到 乔尼和威尔也去了. They called Willy and Joey in there, but they were out in 20 minutes. 可他们20分钟后就出来了 What were you doing there for three hours, Ernie? 你却在那儿泡了三个小时, I know you don't think I have any talent, Vince, but I do. 你认为我没本事,我其实挺能的 And I'm gonna leave you, and I'm going to Chicago. 我要离开你,我要去芝加哥 Tell me what you told Souther. 你跟索瑟说了些什么, 不搞清楚今晚我睡不安稳 I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't know. I've always wanted to go to New York. 我一直都想去纽约 I know if I went to New York, I could get some things together, Vince. I could. 到了纽约我就能大展拳脚 I could-- I could. 肯定行~我„肯定行~ I could. 我肯定行~ 私人禁地 That's all I told him. I swear it. 我发誓就说了这么多 Thanks, Ernie. Now I can sleep. 谢谢,恩尼,我可以睡个安稳觉了 - Say good night, Ernie. - No, no, no. That's all-- 道个晚安,恩尼 别~别~别~ 宝贝~ Babe. Deloris. 迪劳丽丝,迪劳丽丝~ Deloris. Is there a problem? 有事吗, 大衣怎么了, - With the coat? - With the coat? No. 大衣,, 不,大衣没什么 No, not with 大衣很漂亮, 很漂亮,谢谢,谢谢 It's-- It's fine. Thank-Thank you. Is that why you came here tonight? To thank me? 你就是来谢我的, Yeah. Thank you. 是的~谢谢 And to say you're sorry, about tonight and the things you said? 说句对不起吧„ 今晚的你就当什么都没见 Forgotten. 完全地„失忆,明白吗, Completely. You understand me? - Forgotten. - Of-Of course. ,失忆~,没错~,没错,失忆 It's-- Of course. It's forgotten. That's my girl. My girl in mink. 那才象我的女人 穿貂皮大衣的女人 - Will you be home? - Yeah. - Soon? - Yeah. ,今晚你肯定在家吗,,是的 去吧 - Go ahead. - Okay. 好吧 Hey, Vince, is she okay? 文森,她可靠吗, I don't know, Vince. She seemed kind of upset. 我瞧着很不妥,文森 ,是吗,,是的 - She did? - Yeah. 叫她回来,我找她谈谈 Bring her back, now, for a talk. And if she runs, then what? 如果她跑路了可怎么办, 赶紧带她回来 Take care of it. 迪劳丽丝, Deloris! Come on back! 回来,迪劳丽丝~ 迪劳丽丝,他只想和你谈谈 Deloris, he just wants to talk! ,哪去了,,那边 - Which way? - That way. Hey! Hey! Taxi! Hey! 出租车~ Hey! Hey! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Go! Go! Go! 快走~快走~快走~ 文森盯着恩尼,逼他说晚安 And then Vince looks at Ernie and says, ''Say good night.'' And then Vince looks at Joey and Joey shot him. 后来文森又望着乔伊„ 乔伊杀了他 I mean, he just shot him in the chair. 砰的一声乔伊就完蛋了 Just boom. He blew this guy away! Sorry I'm late. I'm Lieutenant Souther. 对不起,我来迟了 我是索瑟中尉 - Eddie Souther. - How do you do? I'm Deloris Van Cartier. ,你好,我是迪劳丽丝.范凯蒂 Listen, this guy was a simple limo driver, right? 那个家伙只是个开车的 He was a limo driver. So maybe he made a couple wrong turns in his life. 也就偶尔把车开到沟里去 可没理由杀他 That's no reason to kill him. I've never seen anybody killed before. 我从没见过死人 Except, you know, sometimes you pass on the freeway, you see a couple of people dead. ,也就偶尔在高速路上见过 几具尸首而已,范凯蒂小姐, - But it's not the same thing-- - Miss Van Cartier? - What? ,怎么了, ,你是文森.拉罗卡因的女朋友吗, You're Vince LaRocca's girlfriend, right? 也许算是吧,要看以什么衡量 Well, you could, sort of, maybe-- It depends on how you look at it. I mean, the guy just tried to kill me, 那个家伙居然要对我下手 我们之间已经没关系了 so I don't think that cements our relati Well, you realize he's a major underworld figure, don't you? 你清楚他是黑社会大佬,对吧, He's into drug dealing, money laundering. 他贩卖毒品,洗黑钱 We've been investigating Mr. LaRocca for the last 18 months. 3年来我们一直在调查这位大佬 We've got videotapes. We've got surveillance photos. 我们拍了录象带和照片 Am I-- Am I in any of the-- On the videotapes? 那,,录象带里有我吗, - No, no, no. Criminal activity. - Oh. ,没有,我们又不是拍三级片 ,那就好 The tapes aren't enough to convict him. 可录象带不足以指控他 Apparently, there's a lot you don't know about Vince. 显然他有很多事情瞒着你 I mean, the last two people that saw him in action kind of disappeared. 最后两个证人都不见了 What do you mean, they kind of disappeared? What does that-- What do you mean? “不见了”是什么意思, Well, we found a piece here and a piece there. 我们分别在不同的地方 找到他们身上的零件 别担心,喝杯咖啡吧~ But don't you worry. Here, have a cup of coffee. You're safe now, and we're gonna see that you stay that way. 你没事的 保护你是我们的份内事 - That's our job. - If you help us, we can help you. 如果你肯帮我们 我们就可以帮你 If you testify against Vince about what you saw, 如果你肯指证他 我们就让他下半辈子都耗在监狱里 we can put him away for the rest of his life. Are you crazy? You're telling me this guy is a mad criminal, and you want me to testify? 你没病吧,居然让我去惹一条疯狗, Do you know what's gonna happen? He's gonna track me down. ,他肯定会把我大卸八块 ,迪劳丽丝 - Deloris. - He's gonna kill me. - Can I call you Deloris? ,可以这么称呼你吗, ,只要你能让我活着 叫我麦当娜都没可以 You can call me anything you want, as long as you keep me alive! - We wouldn't put you at risk if we couldn't protect you. - Right. ,要保护不了你 我们也不敢让你冒险的 ,好吧~ It'll only take a couple of months to get a court date. 藏两个月就可以到法庭作证了 Just a couple of months? Only a couple? Why not a year? 就两个月,只要两个月,, 为什么不是一年,二十年呢, - How about a couple of decades? - Two months we hide you out, then you testify. ,我们把你藏两个月 然后让你出来指证他 ,不干,不干,不干 No! No. No. It's just for a little while, then you can come back. 躲一段时间你就可以回来了 Really? What are you gonna do? You gonna stick me in a bag and bury me? 你们到底要干什么, 把我活埋然后再挖出来, Forget it! ,别做梦了~ ,如果你出来做证„ If you testify, 我们会把 I'm gonna put you in the last place on Earth... that Vince would ever look for you. - Nice church, huh? - Yeah, it's very nice. ,这教堂不错吧, ,是的,很好 Look, what am I gonna be, Quasimodo in the bat belfry? 可我在这能干什么, 象卡西莫多一样敲钟吗, - What is this? - I want you to stay here for a while. ,我打算让你在这藏一段时间 ,哪儿, Where? In the convent. It's the safest place in the world. 藏在修女院,这是最安全的地方 - You think Vince is gonna look for you in a convent? - No, no. What? What? ,文森做梦也找不到这, ,藏在„在哪儿, - In the what? - The convent. - You must be out of your-- ,修女院 ,你一定是搞错了,, You know what? I'm gonna go back and work this out with Vince. You're a lunatic. 我还不如去找文森通融一下 I'm not gonna be in no damn convent with these people. 我才不要进什么狗屁修女院 These people don't even have sex! 那帮修女连爱都没得作~ 迪劳丽丝,文森 已经悬赏10万美金找你 Deloris, Vince has a contract out on you for a hundred grand. -Now you've seen what he can do. -Look-- 你知道他什么都干得出 一颗子弹,你就完了 One bullet, that's all it's gonna take. No, no, look. Let me explain something to you. 让我解释一下吧,文森交际广泛 Vince knows people all over the place. You realize that. He knows people all over the place. That means he's gonna be looking for me everywhere. 他会掘地三尺把我翻出来 - Everywhere but this convent. - Oh, come on! ,可再怎么找也不会找到修女院来 ,好吧 Nobody knows you're here but me. 除了我没人知道你在这儿 We're trying to get you a quick court date. One month, two months tops. 我们会设法让你尽早上庭 一个月,最多两个月 I promise I'm gonna spring you as fast as I can. What-- What am I gonna do here? I'm gonna go crazy here. 我在这儿能做什么, 我会疯的 There is nothing but a lot of white women dressed as nuns. 那儿只有一堆修女走来走去 我能做什么, I'm-- What am I gonna do here? 祈祷 - Pray. - Pray? 祈祷, Yes, but, Monsignor, we are a small convent. 可是,主教,我们只是一家小修道院 Surely, there are more appropriate places. 肯定可以找到更合适的地方 We can save this young woman's life and imprison a parasite all in one gesture. 我们可以救那女人一命 而且还可以让那寄生虫坐牢 My heart goes out to her, of course. 我也很同情她 My concern would be she might subject the convent to danger. 可我怕她搞得我们鸡犬不宁 The Reno Police Department assures me you'll be protected from any harm. 瑞里警方会确 They've promised to make a generous financial
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