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汽车防盗密码读取、里程表调校、故障诊断仪汽车防盗密码读取、里程表调校、故障诊断仪 全车系智能型 V60(测易通)汽车故障电脑检测仪: 采用工业级控制板、26万色480×640超大触摸彩屏,高达2G的存储卡可容纳常用车型电路图库、维修资料,另具备维修导 航系统、故障码分析资料使客户不但能找到维修问题而且可获得解决问题的方法。同时正原科技将联合国内外汽车维修资料出版 商不断推出新车型维修资料以满足客户需求。 V60(测易通)涵盖欧、亚、美及国产各类汽车电控系统的软件检测;奔驰、宝马车系具有专家诊断的水准;大众、东风雪铁龙、 广州本田、上海通用、北京现代、马自达...
汽车防盗密码读取、里程表调校、故障诊断仪 全车系智能型 V60(测易通)汽车故障电脑检测仪: 采用工业级控制板、26万色480×640超大触摸彩屏,高达2G的存储卡可容纳常用车型电路图库、维修资料,另具备维修导 航系统、故障码分析资料使客户不但能找到维修问题而且可获得解决问题的方法。同时正原科技将联合国内外汽车维修资料出版 商不断推出新车型维修资料以满足客户需求。 V60(测易通)涵盖欧、亚、美及国产各类汽车电控系统的软件检测;奔驰、宝马车系具有专家诊断的水准;大众、东风雪铁龙、 广州本田、上海通用、北京现代、马自达等车系检测具有原厂测试功能。 V60方便实用的USB升级方式支持网络升级。具有大众气囊碰撞记忆修复功能;防盗密码读取;中英文辞典;汽车维修资料 等特殊功能。 V60内置CAN-BUS测试芯片,超大触摸屏和双导航键完美结合,使您操作更简便。 适用客户:一、二类维修进口车系及国产车系的大、中型维修企业。 测试范围:全车系,欧洲、美洲、亚洲、国产等万种车型。 【V60(测易通)产品特点】: ?高性能工业级控制板(小型电脑)全面超越ARM平台,运行快速稳定 ?主机内置CAN测试芯片,您无需购置CAN测试电缆.节约成本 ?独创USB盘快速升级方式,单次升级在1分钟内即可完成 ?诊断车型覆盖几乎所有国产车系和亚欧美洲各车系,功能强大 ?提供不断更新详尽维修资料和特殊功能导航功能 ?特别增加专用仪特殊功能,使您1套V60完成多种专用仪器功能 ?随时储存测试汽车信息和维修数据 ?内置汽车专用英文辞典 ?特别增加柴油12V共轨系统测试,同时可选配24伏柴油车专用软件,搭建柴汽一体综合诊断仪 【配件】 ZY-C3-D01 奔驰38PIN电缆 ZY-C3-D03 宝马20PIN电缆 ZY-C3-D18 OBDII16PIN电缆 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui ZY-C3-D15 日产14PIN电缆 ZY-C3-D17 现代/三菱12PIN ZY-C3-D14 马自达半圆型17PIN ZY-C3-D11 丰田方型17PIN ZY-C3-D12 丰田半圆型17PIN ZY-C3-001主机线 ZY-C3-002点烟器线 ZY-C3-D29短接线 ZY-C3-D33电缆 ZY-C3-D32电缆 DC12V变压器 说明、保修卡等。。。 【V60(测易通)可测车系及系统:】 美洲车系: 通用(GM)、福特(FORD)含CAN、克莱斯勒(CHRYSLER) 奔驰(MERCEDES-BENZ)含CAN、宝马(BMW)、大众.奥迪(VOLKSWAGEN.AUDI) 欧洲车系: 含CAN、富豪(VOLVO)... 丰田(TOYOTA).凌志含CAN、本田(HONDA)、三菱(MITSUBISHI)含CAN、 亚洲车系: 日产(NISSAN)含CAN、马自达(MAZDA)含CAN、五十铃(ISUZU)、现代 (HYUNDAI)含CAN、起亚(KIA)含CAN、大宇(DAEWOO)...... fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 一汽大众、一汽红旗、一汽马自达6(Can)、一汽丰田、一汽佳宝、上海大众、 上海通用、上汽奇瑞、上汽通用五菱、上海华普、东风雪铁龙、东风标致、 东风日产、东风悦达起亚、北京现代、北汽福田、北京吉普、长安铃木、长安福特、 国产车系: 长安之星、广州本田、沈阳金杯、江西昌河、南京菲亚特、江淮瑞风、华泰现代、 海南马自达、长丰猎豹、扬子皮卡、航天三菱、厦门金龙、重庆庆铃、京安云豹、 万丰皮卡、长城皮卡、金程赛风、中华汽车、哈飞汽车、东南汽车、比亚迪汽车、 江铃汽车、汉江汽车...... 特殊功能: 大众气囊碰撞记忆修复功能;防盗密码读取 ;中英文辞典;汽车维修资料... 【V60(测易通)CAN-BUS系统可测车型列表】: 车型 可测系统 引擎、车身稳定、刹车、变速箱、车距、电子排档杆、空气悬吊、胎压、安全气囊、中央闸道、点火、头灯、行李箱盖、拖车监控、座位保险丝和继电器控制、特殊车辆控制、电瓶、车门、座椅、奔驰 系统诊断、仪表板、保养、方向盘、倒车雷达、音响语音、卫星导航、冷气空调、加热…… 发动机、变速箱、防抱死刹车、通风与空调、中央电子、安全气囊、方向盘、仪表、CAN网关、四轮驱动、防盗、中央门锁、导航、车内监视、舒适中控、视野、驾驶、电瓶、离合器、差速器锁、 大众 距离、助力、悬挂、防滑、车身水平、扰流、稳定、底盘、胎压、辅油箱、车门、座椅、天窗、雨刮、感应、行车变道、车道保持、后视、加热、认可、远程信息、灯光、防拖、挂车、内部通讯、 特殊功能、数据传输、音响语音…… 丰田 引擎、变速箱、巡航、防抱死刹车、四轮驱动、辅助、悬挂、防盗、空调、安全气囊、车身、方向盘、仪表、防盗、座椅、后视镜、天窗、车门…… 三菱 引擎、变速箱、巡航、防抱死刹车、安全气囊、空调、ETACS、仪表板、方向盘、4WD、音响、LIN、KOS/IMMO/无钥匙…… 日产 发动机、变速箱、防抱死刹车、转向、仪表、车身、四轮驱动、钥匙、电源分配、空调、大灯、AV、RAS/HICAS、自动驾驶、滑动门、四轮驱动、ICC、安全带…… 北京现代 发动机、变速箱、ABS/TCS/ESP、安全气囊、空调、转向、悬架、车身…… 悦达.起亚 发动机、变速箱、制动控制、安全气囊、自动空调…… 一汽奔腾 引擎、变速箱、仪表板、安全气囊、防抱死刹车…… 标致 发动机、 ABS+ESP、安全气囊、空调、方向盘、仪表板、车门、BSI、报警、驻车辅助、显示器、收音机、 CD换碟机…… 一汽马自达 引擎、变速箱、仪表板、安全气囊、防抱死刹车…… 长安福特 动力、变速箱、防抱死刹车、动力转向、仪表板、安全气囊、车身、车门…… 雪铁龙.凯旋 发动机、 ABS+ESP、安全气囊、空调、方向盘、仪表板、车门、BSI、报警、驻车辅助、显示器、收音机、 CD换碟机…… 【V60(测易通)特殊功能简介】: 车型 型号、系统 特殊功能 防盗密码读取功能(诊断座直接读取) 支持大众第二代防盗密码读取:1997年,2000年:AUDI A2、A3、A4、A6、TT、PASSAT 、B5GOLF ?、BEETLE(甲壳虫)、SEAT和SKODA、时大众奥迪 防盗匹配 代超人2000/3000 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 支持大众第二代防盗密码读取:帕萨特、奥迪C5A6、宝来、高尔夫、新款捷达、POLO全系、斯柯达欧亚、斯柯达速派、斯柯达法比亚等 第三代里程表调校功能 支持帕萨特、宝来、高尔夫、新款捷达、POLO全系、斯柯达欧亚、斯柯达速派、斯柯达法比亚等里程表调校 支持以下气囊电脑型号免拆修复: 气囊修复功能 VW3:1GD 909 603A; VW5: 1C0 909 601 / 1C0 909 601A / 1GD 909 601 / 1GD 909 601 A / 6Q0 909 605 / 6Q0 909 605A ; VW6: 6Q0 909 605C 节气门设定 仪表板匹配 CAN系统车型:东本(07年以后)CRV、思域、思铂睿 本田 广本08款雅阁、飞度、锋范、奥德赛 钥匙匹配 车窗升降调整 德尔福防盗 读故障码、清除故障码、读数据流、匹配钥匙、匹配新防盗器、复位防盗器、复位发动机ECU、编程发动 尊驰 (内置防盗码) 机VIN码 骏捷 三菱防盗 读故障码、清除故障码、读数据流、匹配钥匙、匹配新防盗器、复位防盗器 酷宝 (内置防盗码) 中华 骏捷FRV 读故障码、清除故障码、读数据流、整套新系统匹配、匹配钥匙、匹配防盗器、匹配发动机ECU、编程钥骏捷FSV 西门子防盗 匙号、写发动机VIN码、编程维修站代码、复位发动机ECU、复位防盗器、读版本信息、简明数据流、删金杯 除钥匙 读故障码、清除故障码、读数据流、整套新系统匹配、匹配钥匙、匹配防盗器、匹配发动机ECU、写发动机VIN码、复位发动机ECU、复位防盗器、钥匙检哈飞赛马防盗匹配 测、发动机ECU检测、锁定防盗器、写发动机VIN码、写防盗器VIN码 哈飞 哈飞8防盗匹配 读故障码、清除故障码、读数据流、匹配钥匙、匹配新防盗器、修改防盗密码、复位防盗器 发动机 自动调节装置初始化(节气门) 雪铁龙 变速箱 1.踏板程序编程 2.自动调节装置初始化 3.机油油耗表 毕加索 1.匹配钥匙 2.电控单元设置 读故障码、清除故障码、读数据流、整套新系统匹配、匹配钥匙、匹配防盗器、匹配发动机ECU、编程钥匙号、写发动机VIN码、编程维修站代码、复位发上海实业防盗匹配 动机ECU、复位防盗器、读版本信息、简明数据流、删除钥匙 海南马自达 读故障码、清除故障码、读数据流、整套新系统匹配、匹配钥匙、匹配防盗器、匹配发动机ECU、写发动机VIN码、复位发动机ECU、复位防盗器、钥匙检联创防盗匹配 测、发动机ECU检测、锁定防盗器、写发动机VIN码、写防盗器VIN码 1.9L柴油电喷系统IQA匹配;07款车身控制器系统遥控器匹配; 东方之子 防盗器匹配,钥匙匹配 奇瑞 东方之子CROSS 西门子防盗系统: 钥匙匹配,电脑匹配 车身控制器系统: 遥控器匹配 QQME 现代.起亚 伊兰特、索纳塔、酷派、途胜、圣塔菲、悦动、赛拉图、RIO、佳乐、狮跑、远舰、 遥控器匹配 众泰汽车 匹配发动机ECU、安全气囊电脑匹配、车身电脑匹配、仪表板电脑匹配、防盗器匹配、钥匙匹配、遥控器匹配、保养灯归零、电脑个性化设置 专用诊断仪 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui Top V60测易通 技术参数表 主机部分 配件部分 处理器CPU 32位工业级控制板 诊断电缆接口 不带电路板的诊断电缆 主频 400MHz 内存 32M 支持K线诊断 功能 支持CAN线诊断 存储器: 2G CF卡 主机电源 微型打印机 选配 DC12V USB口 标准USB口 1)PWM 2)VPW 串行口 标准RS232 3)KWP2000 显示器 5.6寸 26万色彩色触摸大屏幕640*480 TFT 4)ISO9141 温度操作 -20?—+70? 支持 5)EKWP2000 6)CAN-BUS 相对湿度 小于90, 7)ISO14230 CAN测试芯片 内置,支持CAN-BUS测试 主机尺寸 300mm×200mm×55mm 支持网络升级 升级升级 主机重量 1200克 USB升级方式,单次升级1分钟 Top 【基本功能】: 1.读取电脑版本 2.读取故障码 3.清除故障码 4.读取数据流 5.执行元件测试 6.基本设定 7.匹配 8.保养灯归零 9.汽车维修资料 fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui
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