

2017-08-31 12页 doc 131KB 20阅读




笔记本电池检测及恢复笔记本电池检测及恢复 对于使用时间在1年以内的电池,续航时间变短,往往不是因为电池正常老化,而是因为电池在多次的充电和放电过程中,笔记本BIOS系统对电池电量产生了误判。本来电池还有一定电量,但BIOS却错误地认为电量已耗尽,让本本强行关机。如果出现了这种电池续航时间缩水的情况,首先不要忙着下结论是电池质量问题,而可以通过“电池校正”这种简单易行的办法来让剩余的电量充分发挥出来。 如何进行“电池校正” 电池校正的方法不止一种,通常有三种方式:使用BIOS中的电池校正程序、人工方式电池校正以及使用第三方电池校正软件。这里主...
笔记本电池检测及恢复 对于使用时间在1年以内的电池,续航时间变短,往往不是因为电池正常老化,而是因为电池在多次的充电和放电过程中,笔记本BIOS系统对电池电量产生了误判。本来电池还有一定电量,但BIOS却错误地认为电量已耗尽,让本本强行关机。如果出现了这种电池续航时间缩水的情况,首先不要忙着下结论是电池质量问题,而可以通过“电池校正”这种简单易行的办法来让剩余的电量充分发挥出来。 如何进行“电池校正” 电池校正的方法不止一种,通常有三种方式:使用BIOS中的电池校正程序、人工方式电池校正以及使用第三方电池校正软件。这里主要说说前面两种校正方式。 小贴士:不建议使用第三方的电池校正软件。至于原因,首先需要安装第三方软件,没有前两种方法简便;其次,其实背后的校正原理是类似的,第三方软件并没有太多独到的地方,而且还存在潜在的安全风险。所以在通过前面两种方法可以完成电池校正的情况下,不建议使用第三方软件。 校正法:用本本BIOS中的电池校正功能 很多品牌的笔记本电脑在其BIOS里面都集成了电池校正的程序,一般英文的说法叫做“Battery Calibration”,即“电池电量校对”。直接进入本本BIOS就能完成电池校正的操作,这里以华硕笔记本为例,简单说说如何操作,其他本本的操作方式类似。 step 1: 开机,出现开机画面后按【F2】进入BIOS菜单;通过左右方向键,选择进入Power菜单。 step 2:进入Power菜单,就能看到“Start Battery Calibration”选项(图1),选中它并按回车键执行。 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of ?图1选择“电池校正”程序 step 3:这时屏幕会变成蓝色,并有英文提示,要求把笔记本的电源适配器插上给电 池充电。等电池电量充满后,屏幕又提示用户断开电源适配器(图2)。之后笔记本开始持续 对电池放电,直到电池电量耗荆 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of ?图2根据屏幕提示进行操作 step 4:这个过程需要一段时间,等电池耗尽自动关机后,然后接上电源适配器给电池充电,但不要开机。等充电完毕(充电指示灯熄灭)后,电池校正的过程才算完成。 这个操作是比较官方的电池校正办法,整个过程大约需要4-5个小时,比较耗时。如果你发现你的本本电池没用多长时间,比如几个月,续航时间不如当初,而且本本BIOS带有这个功能的话,建议实施一下。 山寨校正法:让本本开机自然放电 而有些笔记本,在BIOS里怎么找也找不到电池校正的选项。难道这样的笔记本就没法进行电池校正吗,其实不然,我们可以通过“山寨版”的电池校正法对其进行操作。之所以叫做“山寨”,因为这不是官方公布的方法,而是通过我们手动的一些设置,让本本在正常工作中放电直到自动关机。 小贴士: “山寨版”电池校正的原理 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of 表面上看,电池校正的过程是对电池进行充电和放电,不过它的目的不是像我们所想象的那样激活电池,因为现在的本本电池都是锂电池,不存在激活的问题。而充放电的真正目的是让电脑重新认识电池的容量。所以,要尽量把电放干净,让本本工作在较小功率下,这样校正的效果才好。 下面介绍一下手动电池校正的必要操作步骤。 step 1:本本在操作系统(以Windows XP为例)中,进入“电源选项”。把“电源使用”选择为“一直开着”,并把“关闭监视器”、“关闭硬盘”设置为最短的时间,而系统待机要设为“从不”(图3)。 ?图3设置电源选项 step 2: 在“电源选项”的“警报”中,取消所有警报选项(图4),目的是让电池完全耗尽直到关机。 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of ?图4取消电量警报功能 step 3:设置完毕之后,关闭所有的应用程序,关闭WIFI,拔掉电源适配器,用电池供电。不要做任何操作,直至把电池耗尽后自动关机。这个过程估计比较长,可能要好几个小时。放电完毕后,连上电源适配器,把电池充满,则完成了一次电池校正。 校正之后,试试电池的续航时间是否有所增加,如果不明显,可以按照上面的方法再进行一次,但不建议经常进行。如果电池已经有较长的使用时间了,且做了电池校正后,效果不明显的,则可能是电池本身的寿命自然老化。另外,如果笔记本电池的续航正常的话,我们不建议进行电池校正的操作。 软件法:让软件来校正 features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of 像IBM的本子时自带相关软件的,但是其他的本子好像还没有。这里推荐一款软 件: 我个人用了感觉还不错了~ 这款软件就是BatteryMon,现在出汉化版的了,可以试试了~ features, technology quality requirements, and system divided, and construction process, and construction points and note matters,, do idea, to conducive to has plans, and has Organization to completed task, competent can further help workers understanding Digest drawings. Second, specific requests for technical, security, construction procedures, preparing tools for detailed instructions. 11th Festival, project quality management, quality management link management is a comprehensive reflection of construction work, our quality system according to the ISO9001 system engineering standards throughout the entire process, effectively improve quality links for the following: the standardization of the construction drawing and drawing of quality standards; Construction quality inspection and supervision; Material quality inspection and supervision; Review wiring specifications and quality requirements; Wiring construction quality inspection and supervision of field devices or front-end equipment quality inspection and supervision; Main equipments of quality inspection and supervision; Outline of debugging and audits and quality checks and supervision; System run time parameter statistic analysis and quality; System check procedure and methods; Specification of system operation and management; Maintenance and repair of the system specifications and requirements; Summary of inspection records and system operation. We understand when carrying out the above link to ensure quality, effective quality control, quality inspection and quality evaluation. Engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose. Second, quality assurance measures implemented, the implementation of quality system established in the company at all levels under the guidance of Chief Engineer, headed by project engineer ... When wearing a uniform; Clean and clean the construction site every morning before work, and timely construction of waste, is strictly prohibited by the dumping of
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