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88年福建省计划生育条例88年福建省计划生育条例 福建省计划生育条例 (,,,,年,月,,日福建省第七届人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为控制人口数量,提高人口素质,使人口的发展同经济和社会发展相适应,根据《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国婚姻法》和国家有关规定,结合本省实际情况,特制定本条例。 第二条 实行计划生育是我国的一项基本国策。应坚持宣传教育和鼓励为主,辅以必要的经济和行政措施。 第三条 夫妻双方都有实行计划生育的义务。公民实行计划生育的合法权益受法律保护。 第四条 各级人民政府要加强对计...
88年福建省生育条例 福建省计划生育条例 (,,,,年,月,,日福建省第七届人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议通过) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为控制人口数量,提高人口素质,使人口的发展同经济和社会发展相适应,根据《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国婚姻法》和国家有关规定,结合本省实际情况,特制定本条例。 第二条 实行计划生育是我国的一项基本国策。应坚持宣传教育和鼓励为主,辅以必要的经济和行政措施。 第三条 夫妻双方都有实行计划生育的义务。公民实行计划生育的合法权益受法律保护。 第四条 各级人民政府要加强对计划生育工作的领导,负责组织实施本条例。 第二章 生 育 第五条 提倡晚婚,推行晚育。男二十五周岁、女二十三周岁以上结婚为晚婚。已婚妇女二十四周岁以上或晚婚妇女生育第一个孩子为晚育。 禁止未达法定婚龄者结婚或生育。 禁止计划外生育。 第六条 农村一对夫妻生育一个孩子。有实际困难、符合下列情形之一,要求再生育的,可以再生育一个孩子: (一)夫妻双方均为独生子女,只有一个孩子的; (二)只有一个孩子并患非遗传性残疾,经治疗不能成长为正常劳动力的; (三)患不孕症,合法收养一个孩子后怀孕的; (四)夫妻一方为烈士的独生子女,只有一个孩子的; (五)夫妻一方因公致残,评为二等甲级以上残废,只有一个孩子的; (六)夫妻一方或双方为再婚,再婚前生育孩子合计不超过两个的; (七)夫妻双方从台湾、香港、澳门回大陆定居,时间不满六年,只有一个孩子的; influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there (八)夫妻一方两代为独生子女,只有一个孩子的; (九)只有一个孩子,且男方的兄弟均无孩子并已丧失生育能力的; (十)女方无兄弟,男方到女方家结婚落户,赡养女方父母,只有一个孩子的,女方姐妹数人,适用其中一人; (十一)夫妻双方定居在人口密度每平方公里五十人以下,且人均耕地二亩以上或人均山林地三十亩以上的村,只有一个孩子的。 井下矿工、从事外海捕捞的渔民以及居住在计划外生育得到有效控制的县双方均为农民的夫妻,只有一个女孩有实际困难,要求生育第二个孩子的,按省人民政府规定执行。 第七条 国家干部、职工、城镇居民一对夫妻生育一个孩子。有特殊情况要求再生育的,适用第六条第(一)项至第(七)项和第二款有关井下矿工方面的规定。 一方在城镇,一方在农村的夫妻,女方常住户口在城镇的,适用前款规定;在农村的,适用第六条规定。 第八条 归国华侨除适用第六条、第七条规定外,符合下列情形之一,要求再生育的,可以再生育一个孩子: (一)回国定居入境时已怀孕的; (二)夫妻双方回国时间不满六年,只有一个孩子的; (三)所生孩子在国外定居、国内无孩子的。 在我省定居的华侨配偶适用前款第(三)项规定。 第九条 少数民族(除壮族外)一对夫妻可以有计划生育两个孩子。符合下列情形之一,要求再生育的,可以生育第三个孩子: (一)夫妻双方均为独生子女的; (二)两个孩子中有一个患非遗传性残疾,经治疗不能成长为正常劳动力的; (三)符合第六条第(六)项规定的。 夫妻一方为少数民族,一方为汉族,所生子女按有关规定定为少数民族的,适用前款规定;定为汉族的,不适用前款规定。 第十条 凡符合第六条至第九条规定,要求生育第二个或第三个孩子的,须本人申请,乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处审查,报县(市、区)计划生育主管部门核准。生育间隔必influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 须在四周年以上。 符合第六条第(二)项、第(三)项、第(九)项、第九条第(二)项规定要求再生育的,须取得县以上医学鉴定。 第十一条 提倡优生优育、推行婚前健康检查。有关单位应开设婚前门诊和优生咨询门诊,加强围产期和婴幼儿期保健。对患不孕症的妇女,提供医疗服务。 第十二条 凡经县以上医院检查证明患有会造成下一代严重遗传性疾病的夫妻禁止生育,夫妻一方必须施行绝育手术,已怀孕的,应中止妊娠。 第三章 节 育 第十三条 凡有生育能力的夫妻均应按计划生育要求落实一项有效的节育措施。 对计划外怀孕的,所在单位或乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处、村(居)民委员会应责成其及早采取补救措施。 第十四条 接受节育手术的,经医疗单位证明,按有关规定给予假期。接受绝育手术一方需另一方照顾的,另一方所在单位可给五至七天假期。 在落实节育措施休假期间,或因节育手术引起的并发症治疗期间,或施行吻合手术期间,国家干部、职工工资照发,不影响晋升。接受绝育手术的,国家干部、职工可由所在单位给予适当补贴;农村夫妻或城镇居民可由乡(镇)人民政府、村民委员会或街道办事处根据实际情况给予适当补贴。 第十五条 经县以上医学鉴定,确认因节育手术引起并发症的,予以免费治疗。经治疗后仍不能从事正常劳动的,由所在单位或当地人民政府按有关规定给予照顾或救济。 第十六条 接受绝育手术后,因孩子夭亡或残疾,符合本条例规定,要求再生育的,经所在单位或乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处证明,县(市、区)计划生育主管部门批准,予以免费施行吻合手术。 第十七条 各级医疗保健和计划生育指导机构应做好计划生育技术指导工作,承担手术任务。节育技术人员必须经过,考核合格者由卫生行政部门发给合格证,以保证手术的安全。 加强计划生育科学研究,推广安全、有效、简便的节育新技术。 计划生育和有关部门应做好避孕药具的计划、管理、发放工作。 第四章 流动人口 第十八条 流动人口的计划生育工作,由户籍所在地和临时居住地人民政府共同负责,influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 各有关部门应在各自职责范围内管理流动人口的计划生育工作。 第十九条 乡(镇、街道)计划生育部门,对外出从事经济活动或其他活动的人员,应进行计划生育教育,发给生育节育证明书,登记造册,并与外出人员临时居住地计划生育部门取得联系,加强管理。 第二十条 外来人员到临时居住地,各有关部门应审检其生育节育证明书后方可准予登记暂住户口、租用房屋或摊点、承包工程、领取营业执照、招用为临时工、工、季节工等。招用单位和承包单位应指定人员负责计划生育日常工作,临时居住地计划生育部门应定期检查。 省内外跨域施工人员的计划生育管理,除适用前款规定外,施工单位应将育龄妇女(包括来工地探亲一个月以上的家属)的婚育情况和节育措施登记造册,报工程所在地城乡建设主管部门审查,同时送街道(乡、镇)计划生育部门备查。 第二十一条 长期外出从事经济活动或其他活动的育龄夫妻,要求生育孩子的,须持户籍所在地的生育节育证明书,经临时居住地县(市、区)计划生育主管部门审查核准后,方可生育。 第二十二条 对未落实节育措施的外出人员,户籍所在地和临时居住地有关部门应动员教育其回原地或就地落实节育措施,其节育费用由户籍所在地负责。 第五章 人口计划与管理 第二十三条 各级人民政府根据上级下达的人口指标,制定人口计划,实行人口目标任期责任制。计划生育和人口计划执行的情况,应作为考核各级人民政府政绩的重要内容。 第二十四条 各单位都要实行计划生育工作责任制,管理本单位计划生育工作并服从当地人民政府领导。 村(居)民委员会等基层组织应掌握育龄妇女的结婚、生育、落实节育措施等情况,做好科学管理。 第二十五条 各有关部门应按本条例规定在计划生育管理工作中各司其职、各负其责,各级计划生育主管部门负责监督检查。 第二十六条 宣传、卫生、计划生育、教育、科技等部门,以及工会、共青团和妇联等群众团体要做好计划生育、优生优育科学知识的宣传教育、咨询服务工作。中等学校应结合有关课程进行人口理论教育或开设人口理论讲座。 第二十七条 计划生育和人口的统计应及时准确,有关单位和人员不得瞒报、虚报、篡改或有其他伪造行为。 出生、婚嫁异地的,应按有关规定及时申报户口或暂住户口。 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 第二十八条 有关土地、山林、滩涂承包或宅基地、住房分配、户口管理、入学、就业以及发放营业执照、社会福利等方面的规定,应有利于计划生育。 第二十九条 各级计划生育委员会,为同级人民政府的职能部门。县以上计划生育部门应建立计划生育服务站;乡(镇)、街道可成立计划生育办公室,配备计划生育助理员、专职干部;村(居)民委员会可设计划生育管理员;村(居)民小组可设计划生育宣传员。 各机关、企业应配备专职或兼职计划生育工作人员。 鼓励成立有关计划生育的群众组织,加强群众性的宣传教育、自我管理和监督。 第六章 优待与奖励 第三十条 国家干部、职工双方晚婚的,婚假延长到十五日;晚育又领取独生子女证的,产假延长为一百三十五日至一百八十日,由所在单位具体规定。夫妻为双职工的,可给男方一周照顾假。婚假、产假期间,工资照发,不影响晋升。 第三十一条 女方在四十九周岁以内,只有一个孩子的育龄夫妻,经本人申请,所在单位核实,由乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处发给独生子女证。 第三十二条 凡孩子年龄未满十四周岁,领取独生子女证的夫妻,发给领证奖励费: (一)国家干部、职工的奖励费每月四至五元,发至孩子十四周岁,或者一次性发给不高于四百元,由夫妻所在单位各发给一半。一方属城镇居民或村民的,由国家干部、职工一方单位发给全数。 (二)城镇居民的奖励费由县(市、区)人民政府规定。 (三)农村可发给奖励费,也可用扶持发展生产,优先安排进乡(镇)、村办企业,优先解决宅基地、适当减免义务工等办法照顾,具体由乡(镇)人民政府规定。 已领取独生子女证的夫妻,一方死亡的,其奖励费由另一方所在单位发给;离婚的,由子女跟随的一方所在单位发给。 享受独生子女待遇后,符合本条例规定,本人要求再生育的,从批准之日起收回独生子女证,退回已发奖励费。 第三十三条 在同等条件下,独生子女可优先照顾入托、入园、入学、招工、就医、分配住房等。 各地应创造条件为独生子女及其父母办理各种社会保险、设置人口基金。 对农村丧失劳动能力的独生子女父母,实行退休金制度的地方,可适当增加退休金;未influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 实行退休金制度的地方,应逐步办好敬老院等社会福利事业,做到老有所养。 第三十四条 农村夫妻女方无兄弟,男方到女方家结婚落户,并赡养女方父母的,为女方家庭成员,具有与当地村民同等权利和义务,依法享有的财产继承权,受法律保护。 男方是职工,到农村独女家结婚落户,女方父母享受男方直系亲属劳保待遇。 第三十五条 各部门、各单位或个人,在计划生育工作中做出显著成绩的,由各级人民政府给予奖励。连续三次被评为县(市、区)、市(地)或省计划生育先进工作者的,享受同级劳动模范待遇。 第七章 限制与处罚 第三十六条 对计划外生育的夫妻,征收计划外生育费: (一)国家干部、职工、城镇个体从业人员或其他居民、违反计划生育规定提前生育第一个孩子或违反间隔期规定的,按夫妻双方月工资或年(月)总收入百分之十五至二十比例征收;计划外超生一个孩子的,按夫妻双方月工资或年(月)总收入不低于百分之二十比例征收;超生两个以上的,加重征收。也可按以上幅度一次性征收。 征收期,违反计划生育规定提前生育第一个孩子的,从怀孕之月起到符合按计划生育规定的年龄(月)止;违反间隔期规定的,从怀孕之月起到间隔期满止;计划外超生一个以上孩子的,从出生起七年。 (二)农村参照前项规定幅度,根据实际情况,可一次性征收或按当地县、乡(镇)人均年总收入比例征收。 城镇、农村征收的具体措施由县(市、区)人民政府规定。 第三十七条 对计划外生育的夫妻,给予限制和处罚: (一)国家干部、职工违反计划生育的,不发综合奖,不转正、升职、提级或评为先进工作者,期限按第三十六条第(一)项征收期规定;产假期间不发工资,不享受劳保待遇,分娩费用自理;计划外超生一个以上孩子的,还须从怀孕之月起夫妻双方各降一级工资,情节严重的,可给予行政纪律处分。 (二)城镇居民计划外超生的孩子,从出生之月起十年内按议价供应粮油。 (三)村民违反计划生育的,不安排进乡镇企业工作,不办理农业人口转非农业人口,期限按第三十六条第(一)项征收期规定;对计划外超生一个以上孩子的,还可收回一份自留地(自留山、自留滩、自留果等)。 第三十八条 已领取独生子女证后计划外生育的,除适用第三十六条、第三十七条规定外,还应追回奖励费和优待假工资等。 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 第三十九条 征收计划外生育费、限制和处罚,当事人属国家干部、职工的,由所在单位决定;其他的由乡(镇)人民政府或街道办事处决定,均应书面通知当事人并负责执行,同时报县(市、区)计划生育主管部门备案。 流动人口违反计划生育规定的,由户籍所在地或临时居住地的乡(镇)人民政府或街道办事处处理。 计划外生育费由当事人所在单位或乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处征收,并用于计划生育专项开支,不得挪作他用。 第四十条 在征收计划外生育费、限制或处罚的同时,作出决定的单位应责成当事人落实有效节育措施。 第四十一条 未认真执行本条例规定,出现计划外生育现象的单位,当年不得评为文明单位或其他荣誉称号,情节严重的,还应追究领导责任,并由县(市、区)人民政府予以经济处罚。 流动人口在临时居住地出现计划外生育的,县(市、区)、乡(镇)人民政府、街道办事处应对不认真抓好计划生育的招用单位负责人、工程承包人,以及知情不举的个体雇主、出租(借)房主予以经济处罚。 第四十二条 阻碍计划生育公务,对计划生育工作人员、医务人员和积极分子进行侮辱、诽谤、伤害,或以报复为目的故意毁坏财产的,公安机关应按照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》及时处理;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 第四十三条 计划生育工作人员、医务人员和其他工作人员在计划生育工作中有弄虚作假、循私舞弊行为的,视其情节由所在单位或上级部门给予批评教育或行政处分,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 对造成节育手术责任事故的直接责任人员,按有关规定处理。 第四十四条 禁止溺弃女婴、虐待生育女婴的母亲或干涉妇女落实节育措施。 禁止非法堕胎或摘除宫内节育器。 有违反前两款行为的,按《福建省保护妇女儿童合法权益的若干规定》和有关法律处理。 第四十五条 当事人对征收计划外生育费决定不服的,可在接到决定通知书之日起十日内,向上一级计划生育主管部门申请复议。上一级计划生育主管部门复议后作出的决定为终局决定。逾期不申请复议又不履行的,由作出征收计划外生育费决定的单位申请人民法院强制执行。 地方各级司法机关依照法定程序受理的有关计划生育的案件,按国家有关法律、法规及influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there 本条例的规定进行审理。 第八章 附 则 第四十六条 各县(市、区)人民政府根据本条例规定,结合实际情况,制定实施办法,并报上一级人民政府备案。 第四十七条 本条例应用解释权属省计划生育委员会。 第四十八条 本条例自,,,,年,月,日起施行。 自本条例施行之日起,,,,,年,月,,日省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议批准的《福建省人民政府关于少数民族计划生育的若干暂行规定》即行废止。本省有关规定不符合本条例规定的,以本条例为准。本条例施行之前,因违反计划生育受过处理的,继续有效,不再重新处理。 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there
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