

2017-10-27 50页 doc 1MB 17阅读




华硕笔记本风扇清理华硕笔记本风扇清理 转眼时间进入了四月,夏季就要来临,逐渐走高的气温开始对笔记本的散热性能进行着挑战,相信不少朋友都有夏天使用笔记本热到烫手的经历,归其主要原因就是在季节更替时没 有进行好笔记本的除尘清理工作。 为什么换季时一定要进行除尘工作呢,这主要是因为冬天空气中的尘埃比较多,尤其是北方冬季的干燥气候和西北风带来的大量浮尘,使得笔记本的散热系统在度过一个冬季之后存积大量污垢,大大影响了笔记本的散热效果。此外笔记本的清理周期大概每个月进行一次小的清灰,每半年一次大的清理,因此赶在夏季气温升高之前对笔记本进行一次彻底的大...
华硕笔记本风扇清理 转眼时间进入了四月,夏季就要来临,逐渐走高的气温开始对笔记本的散热性能进行着挑战,相信不少朋友都有夏天使用笔记本热到烫手的经历,归其主要原因就是在季节更替时没 有进行好笔记本的除尘清理工作。 为什么换季时一定要进行除尘工作呢,这主要是因为冬天空气中的尘埃比较多,尤其是北方冬季的干燥气候和西北风带来的大量浮尘,使得笔记本的散热系统在度过一个冬季之后存积大量污垢,大大影响了笔记本的散热效果。此外笔记本的清理周期大概每个月进行一次小的清灰,每半年一次大的清理,因此赶在夏季气温升高之前对笔记本进行一次彻底的大扫除, 就成了十分必要的工作。 但很多朋友都感觉清理笔记本是一件十分麻烦的工作,由于对笔记本内部构造不甚了解,加上没有拆解和清理的经验,想进行一次清理就要拜托朋友或送到维修店,无论人情还是金poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 钱都要送出不少。因此为了方便大家能够自己动手,简单快速的来一次“笔记本大扫除”,我们 今天就以两款笔记本产品为例进行一次“除尘+清理”讲座。 在清理开始前我们要做一些准备工作,首先是工具,除了拆卸螺丝用的螺丝刀外,我们还 会用到清洁剂、软布、硅脂、软毛刷、气吹,同时还有可能需要润滑剂或润滑膏。下面就是 我们在清理时用到的一些工具。 多合一螺丝刀,内含一把镊子,同时可用于承装拆卸下来的螺丝 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 常用螺丝刀口PH0 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 常用螺丝刀口PH1 常用螺丝刀口一字1.3 螺丝刀的作用除了拆卸螺丝外,还可以用来撬开一些卡扣,另外小号螺丝刀如一字 1.3和圆形1.0都可以用来清理一些极窄的空间,或用来给风扇轴承涂抹润滑油脂。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 软毛刷 清除附着在机身内部的灰尘时会用到软毛刷,可以在清洁套装里或市场上轻松弄到。如果 找不到软毛刷用毛笔刷也可以,但必须保证不掉毛。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 网购的倍能事达ST700含银导热硅脂1.5g装,足够给三台笔记本添加 另外用户可以用自备的导热硅脂来替代笔记本原来配备的硅脂,这次我们用的是从淘宝上 购买的倍能事达ST700含银导热硅脂,导热系数7.5,成本只有6元,足够给三台笔记本替 换使用。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 网购的红色美孚润滑脂, 如果是老产品需要对风扇进行清理,那还会用到润滑油或润滑脂,其中很多朋友认为用缝纫机油足可以胜任笔记本风扇的润滑功用,但实际上油类润滑物在笔记本散热风扇的小空间中极易挥发,因此首选应该是润滑脂。我们这次选用的也是从淘宝上购买的美孚润滑脂,红 色款是耐高温型,正适合笔记本散热风扇的使用。 此外如果是一般的简单清理,我们还会用到皮吹,用以清除笔记本内部四角及散热孔的灰尘,普通的相机镜头皮吹即可。而这次我们清洗时用沾湿的软布进行擦拭灰尘,同时用水压 冲洗散热片内的污垢,因此没有用到皮吹。 除了硬件工具外,我们还采用了Everest Ultimate工具软件对两款笔记本的核心温度进行了监测。它内部有一个可模拟处理器全功率运作状态的工具,开启后将同时显示处理器、 处理器核心、显卡、硬盘四部分的温度,便于我们对比清理灰尘前后的效果。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 今天作为范例的这两款产品都是一段时期内的热销机型,首先是一部2007年购入的华硕F8SG。这款笔记本采用了Intel迅驰SantaRosa平台,处理器是65nm的酷睿2双核T5750,主频2.0GHz;另外还配备了两条1GB DDR2-667内存和一块希捷的160GB 5400转硬盘;图形方面搭载了一块NVIDIA GeForce9300M G独立显卡,拥有256MB显存。整体来说这款产品的配置可以算是典型的SantaRosa平台,各部分性能也十分均衡,在当时 是一款性价比出众且现不俗的主流价位产品。 除尘前华硕F8SG的温度 在没进行“大扫除”之前我们对它的温度进行测试,在处理器满负荷10分钟之后,处理器的两个核心温度保持在74~78度之间,硬盘温度39度,显卡温度73度。由于主要部件位 于右键盘下方,因此使用时会有明显的烫手感觉。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 这台就是需要除尘的华硕F8SG poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 右掌托的标识显示了Intel迅驰平台和NVIDIA独立显卡,不过操作系统已经由Vista升 级为Win7 左侧掌托的标识被油脂腐蚀得不成样子,只能看到ASUS字样 拆机前一定要先关机,并且拔掉电源、卸下电池,等待3分钟左右再拆解 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 为了保证笔记本内部元件的安全,在拆机前请尽量洗手,一方面可以消除静电,同时能清 洁手上的油脂和污垢,避免沾染到元件上。此外,拆机前一定要先关闭笔记本,并拔下电源、 卸下电池,如果有防静电手镯也要尽量使用,毕竟静电是号称主板杀手的头号天敌。 清理前的华硕F8SG内部积存了大量灰尘 这款笔记本的上次清理时间大概在半年前,刚好度过了北方天气最干燥的几个月份,从机 身右后的散热孔处可以看到内部积存的大量灰尘,它们就是影响散热的主要元凶。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 华硕F8SG主要部件布局 接下来就可以进行笔记本的拆解了,首先打开后盖,我们可以看到华硕F8SG的一些主要 部件。如图所示,左上角是两根1GB的DDR2内存,右上角是被导热管覆盖的处理器,左下 角是NVIDIA独立显卡,右下角就是散热风扇了。 后盖上覆盖的金属隔层 卸下来的后盖内部覆盖了大范围金属隔层,在工程塑料机身上也能优化散热。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 后盖上的灰尘 不过在后盖上我们也看到了不少附着的灰尘,我们选择了直接用水冲洗,但一定要晾干才 能装回。不想用水冲洗的直接用软毛刷刷掉即可。 清理前的华硕F8SG风扇 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 我们首先清理的是华硕F8SG的风扇部分,可以看到清理前的风扇很脏,过多的灰尘和纤 维必然会影响风扇转速和散热。风扇的拆卸很简单,只需要卸掉黄圈内的四枚螺丝,并拔掉 风扇的四针连接线。 华硕F8SG的风扇 风扇仓内壁也有大量灰尘 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 卸下风扇后发现风扇仓内壁也有大量灰尘,因此这里也需要清理,不过风扇仓和导热管是 连为一体的,所以我们必须把它们一起卸下来。 被导热管覆盖的处理器 导热管的拆卸也不复杂,首先它的一端覆盖在处理器上,拥有四枚螺丝固定点,只需要卸 下螺丝就能拆下来。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 显卡部分有五枚固定螺丝 导热管的另一端在显卡下方,因此我们先要卸下显卡。拆卸也不难,显卡四周有五枚固定 螺丝,很好辨认。 华硕F8SG配备的MXM规格NVIDIA GeForce9300M G独立显卡 卸下后我们发现华硕F8SG采用的这块NVIDIA GeForce9300M G独立显卡属于MXM 规格,也就是说可升级同样MXM接口的更高性能独立显卡。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 风扇仓底部也积攒了不少灰尘 显卡拆掉后导热管和风扇仓也就很容易拿下来了,之后我们发现风扇底部也附着了不少灰 尘,看来真到了必须清理的时候了。 拆解华硕F8SG风扇 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 拆解完毕,接下来就是清理过程。首先是风扇,华硕F8SG的风扇比较典型,拆卸起来也 可作为其它产品的参考。清理风扇要先把扇片和轴承拿下来,擦拭后掀开覆盖在中心位置的 贴纸,并妥善保管保持贴纸黏性,这是我们可以看到风扇转轴和垫圈。垫圈是呈字母“C”型的, 用螺丝刀圆头1.0配合镊子将它小心取下,转轴即可和扇片脱离。 分解后的华硕F8SG风扇 分解后的风扇包括支架和控制芯片、两枚轴承、“C”字型轴承垫圈、扇片弹簧以及扇片。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 清理风扇扇片 清理风扇扇片,可用水冲洗,之后要一定要晾干装配。扇片内壁上会附着一些旧的润滑油, 可以用卫生纸沿内壁将其擦拭干净。 清理风扇轴承 轴承同样需要清洗,不过轴承尺寸较小,在清理过程中一定注意不要丢失。轴衬内部可用 卫生纸捻成细条进行擦拭。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 给风扇主轴添加润滑脂 风扇扇片和主轴都清理完毕后就可以给主轴涂抹润滑脂了,我们用圆头1.0螺丝刀将润滑 脂均匀涂抹在主轴四周。需要注意的是,这种风扇内壁采用了吸铁石,所以涂抹过程中需要 掌控好腕力,避免蹭到周围。 润滑脂涂抹好后将扇片弹簧装回原来位置 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 重新装配风扇 由于风扇支架上有电路板,所以我们采用蘸湿的软布进行擦拭而不再用水冲洗。待各部件 都清理完毕后,就可以按照拆卸步骤进行重新装配了,装配次序由下往上依次为扇片——弹 簧——轴承——支架——轴承——垫圈——贴纸。 清理后的散热风扇焕然一新 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 小心清除芯片残余硅脂 清理完风扇后我们可以重新给华硕F8SG的芯片添加导热硅脂了,但之前首先要清除旧的 硅脂,这里切记不要过度用力,一些比较顽固的半点可以放弃清理,以防损坏芯片。 清理后可以用软布简单擦拭一下芯片顶部 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 涂抹新的导热硅脂 清理过旧导热硅脂后我们就可以在芯片上添加新的导热硅脂了,这里针筒装的导热硅脂使 用起来比较简单,但需要注意推进时的力度,导热硅脂只是为了填补芯片和铜质导热管之间 的缝隙,因此只需要在芯片正中放置一小部分,扣合导热管时让其自己覆盖四周即可。 给显卡芯片添加导热硅脂 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 给显卡芯片添加导热硅脂同样如此,依然注意不要太多,更不可让大量硅脂溢出芯片顶端。 将各部件重新装配 除尘后的华硕F8SG测试温度 经过上面的几个步骤之后,我们就可以将各部分清理过的部件进行重新装配了,过程中依 然按照倒序一步步进行。最后我们来看看清理过的机器运行温度如何——Everest显示目前 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 这款华硕F8SG在处理器满负载情况下两个处理核心温度均为60左右,显卡温度降到了54,硬盘温度保持39不变。清理灰尘让华硕F8SG的核心温度下降了15度多,可谓相当成功。 接下来看看我们今天的另一款产品——一部2009年购入的联想IdeaPad Y450。估计小Y的名号大家都不会陌生,这款重新塑造了联想笔记本产品形象的产品一经上市就重重撼动了整个市场的产品结构,让中价位多媒体笔记本也能提供出众的3D游戏性能,因此深受年轻人 群的喜爱。 这台联想IdeaPad Y450是最先推出的第一批产品,它搭载了Intel酷睿2双核P7450处理器,主频2.13GHz,同时配备了Intel PM45芯片组;产品配备两条1GB DDR3-1066内存和一块西部数据的320GB 5400转硬盘;图形方面则采用了NVIDIA GeForce GT 130M独立显卡,拥有512MB显存。和前一台的华硕F8SG相比,这部联想IdeaPad Y450无论配置还是性能上都超越其很多,产品定位上也更激进。它搭载的高性能的独立显卡在发热量上更大,因此整体温度也不低,上一次对它清理的时间距现在已经有半年左右,经过一 个冬天已经迫切需要清理一下了。 联想IdeaPad Y450温度检测信息 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 从Everest Ultimate的检测信息来看,没有清理前的这款联想IdeaPad Y450在处理 器满负荷运转10分钟后双核心温度稳定在83~85度左右,显卡温度66度,十分有必要进 行降温处理。 联想IdeaPad Y450正面照 产品型号 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 屏幕左下角的Y450产品型号,可以看到机身上也附着了不少灰尘,可见平时很少清理。 掌托信息 由于是首批产品,掌托的标识还是Intel迅驰2,而不是后来的酷睿2处理器标识。 准备工作 按照惯例,清理前先洗手,然后断开电源、卸下电池。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 底部后盖 联想IdeaPad Y450的主要部件都集中在了左侧键盘下方,并由四枚螺丝和一个后盖保 护。 内部布局 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 拆下后盖,可以看到整款产品的主要部件,其中风扇位于左下角,双铜质导热管由风扇出 发依次覆盖了处理器、北桥芯片、图形芯片,另外还可以看到两条内存和内存插槽。 拆卸风扇 第一步依然是拆风扇,可以看到风扇的扇叶上有不少灰尘,难免会对散热造成影响。拆卸 方法很简单,卸下两处固定用螺丝,拔起3针接头,就可以把风扇拿下来了。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 联想IdeaPad Y450散热风扇 联想IdeaPad Y450的散热风扇设计和前面的华硕F8SG不太一样,采用了金属外壳保 护,因此在坚固度和散热方面都更好一些。 卸下风扇后的风扇仓 当风扇卸下后就可以看到风扇仓和散热孔了。真是不看不知道,不光是风扇下方聚集了大 量灰尘,就连整个散热孔都快被灰尘堵死了,这样下去散热当然是大问题。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 被灰尘堵住的散热孔 导热管途径的处理器部分 看来这款联想IdeaPad Y450温度高的原因主要在于散热孔的灰尘积压过多,因此清理 散热片就成了一个主要任务。想拆卸散热片其实不难,它的散热片和铜质导热管是一体的, 所以我们先要将导热管卸下来。在设计中导热管有两处固定位置,一个是处理器上方,另一 个是显卡上方。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 导热管的终点在图形芯片上 知道了位置,拆起来就很方便了,去除处理器上边的四枚螺丝,再卸下图形核心上的两颗 螺丝,我们就可以轻松把散热片连同导热管一起拿下来,可以先放到一边等待清理。 联想IdeaPad Y450内存 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 另外内存部分也需要卸下来,并用软毛刷对内存和内存槽进行除尘清理,或使用气吹吹走 内存插槽内的灰尘。 需要清理的东西都拆下来后,我们来一个个的对其进行清理。首先依然是风扇,联想 IdeaPad Y450的风扇有一个金属保护层,可以加强散热效果,当然也容易积存灰尘。金属 层拆起来很简单,外面可以看到三颗细小的螺丝,用PH0螺丝刀口拆下后,可以解开两角的 卡扣,将金属盖拿下来。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 拆卸金属盖先要过“卡扣”关 风扇内部结构 打开风扇,内部结构和其它类型风扇并没太大区别。 风扇内积存了大量灰尘 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 擦拭胶带后可以先开并妥善保管 我们依然先看看能不能拆开风扇,首先是擦拭外部灰尘,可以用沾湿的软布进行清理,效 果还不错。清理完毕后将胶带撕开放在一边,但不能随意摆放,避免失去黏性。 查看转轴 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 撕掉胶带后我们发现这款联想IdeaPad Y450的风扇转轴采用了锁死的设计,所以转轴 拆卸下来会很困难,不过好在最初的小Y到现在也只有一年的时间,风扇还不需要更换润滑 物质。所以清理扇叶就只能用软布慢慢进行擦拭。这里需要说明的是,有些风扇提供了添加 润滑物质的小孔,使用起来会更方便,不过联想这款IdeaPad Y450没有这样的设计。 清理干净后的风扇 对比清理前,简直是天差地别的干净 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 清理硬盘仓 清理完风扇,我们再来关注下一些细节,以前风扇位置遗留下来的灰尘可以用软毛刷+气 吹清理,因此不会花费太大周折。 联想IdeaPad Y450导热管 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 接下来我们一起清理导热管部分,其实导热管的导热效果不错,主要是因为它采用了双铜 质设计,做工和选材都十分细腻。 散热片上覆盖了近一半区域的灰尘 从外面看不怎么脏的散热片,里面却被灰尘堵塞成这个样子,散热效果自然会大幅下降。 冲洗干净后一定要晾干才能再装配回去 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 为了让用水冲洗过的散热片快速风干,这里我们有一个小窍门——用吸水的纸巾或卫生纸 包裹住散热片部分,用力甩干。 导热管上的固定用螺丝 这些固定位的螺丝都有塑料垫圈保护,防止丢失,因此我们可以放心的甩干导热管而不用 担心螺丝丢失。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 清洗过后的散热片,相当干净~ 清理干净的导热管和散热片 处理好散热片,接下来就是清理导热管上早先的导热硅脂,清理过程会比较繁琐。 清除残余旧硅脂 导热管清理干净后,谨慎处理附着在芯片上的旧硅脂,以便替换新的硅脂。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 擦拭干净的Intel酷睿2双核P7450处理器 擦拭干净的Intel PM45北桥芯片 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 擦拭干净的NVIDIA GeForce GT 130M图形芯片 添加新硅脂 清理后可以添加新的硅脂了,切记不要太多,只需要在芯片中心点一些,安置导热管时挤 压力会自然将其铺开。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 最后将所有清理过的部件装配回原位 底盖内侧有防尘罩设计 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County, 辅助散热设计 在清理过主动散热系统后,朋友们可以尝试继续清理下这些辅助散热设计,包括无线模块、 南桥芯片和硬盘,只需用软毛刷简单的刷一下即可。 poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to "help a horse", and "giving a lift" to prevent poverty and returning again. (D) to co-ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented "five closely around the", developed to support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: "national waste management policies and the people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas." Meanwhile, provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, "two offices" introduced the integration of agriculture-related projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County,
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