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杭州中焯信息技术有限公司杭州中焯信息技术有限公司 代理协议 甲 方:杭州中焯信息技术有限公司 地 址:浙江省杭州市塘苗路18号华星现代产业园B座4F 电 话:0571--56927619 传真:0571--56927606 网 址:www.tzt.cn 乙 方:焦作市金迈科技有限公司 地 址:河南省焦作市解放中路恒基财富大厦东座421 电 话:0391--2996005 总 则 甲乙双方经友好协商达成本协议。根据本协议规定条款,双方建立平等互利、优势互补的合作关系,双方愿意按照协议确定的方式进行商业运作,在市场开发、产品销售等领域进...
杭州中焯信息技术有限公司 代理协议 甲 方:杭州中焯信息技术有限公司 地 址:浙江省杭州市塘苗路18号华星现代产业园B座4F 电 话:0571--56927619 传真:0571--56927606 网 址:www.tzt.cn 乙 方:焦作市金迈科技有限公司 地 址:河南省焦作市解放中路恒基财富大厦东座421 电 话:0391--2996005 总 则 甲乙双方经友好协商达成本协议。根据本协议规定条款,双方建立平等互利、优势互补的合作关系,双方愿意按照协议确定的方式进行商业运作,在市场开发、产品销售等领域进行合作。 一、合作模式 甲方同意乙方销售甲方指定的产品,乙方按双方商定的价格直接向甲方购买相应的产品与服务,并以甲方允许的价格,向乙方的自有用户进行销售,并提供相应的售后服务。在乙方的销售和售后服务过程中,甲方给与乙方必要的帮助与支持。乙方的销售必须符合附件一的要求。双方共同努力拓展市场,发展用户。 二、乙方保证在签订及履行本协议时,乙方须满足下列条件: organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 1. 经工商部门登记注册,具备法人资格,有固定的经营场所;乙方需向甲方提供加盖 公章的营业执照复印件,加盖公章的法定代表人身份证复印件。 2. 遵守《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《计算机软件保护条例》及相关法律法规,有良 好的市场信誉。 3. 具备基本的日常经营场地和培训场地。乙方需向甲方提供加盖乙方公章的营业场所 房产证或租赁的复印件。经营场所内至少配备2台可供演示的电脑。 4. 能够熟练地使用投资堂主要产品,对其产品有较深刻的理解;具备产品培训的人员 及能力。 5. 不得从事代客理财,诊股荐股等相关业务(有相关资质的除外)。 三、保证金 1. 乙方应支付 元保证金,作为履行本协议的保证,并用于甲方解决乙方客户的 投诉和赔偿事宜。发生用户投诉到甲方的情况,原则上先让乙方与用户进行协商解 决,解决不了的,甲方有权使用保证金酌情对客户进行赔付,或因乙方违规行为导 致的严重不良后果,经甲乙双方协商不能解决,甲方有权利从保证金中直接扣除违 约金。 2. 保证金发生扣减后,乙方须在五个工作日内补足,否则甲方有权解除本协议。 3. 本协议终止后,在没有违约和用户投诉或用户投诉已解决的情况下,甲方将在三个 月内退还乙方所有的保证金(无息)。 四、产品销售种类与区域 1(乙方销售甲方的各类产品,必须得到甲方的书面同意。 2(本协议甲方同意乙方销售的产品种类有: , 投资堂指标灵机构版 , 投资堂指标灵专业版 , “投资堂手机炒股软件”及终端设备 补充:即将上市的其他产品待价格政策确定后另行通知销售。 3(经甲方书面同意,可以增加乙方销售的产品种类。 4(甲方同意乙方为“投资堂指标灵”产品 市(地区)代理商,乙方应在该市(地区)区域内主动开展销售活动。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 五、流程及结算。 1(乙方按甲方规定的产品价格进货(具体细则见附件),并已对甲方产品的功能、质量 等其他情况熟知无误。 2(甲方确认收到乙方的货款后,给乙方提供相应产品的充值后台和开通权限,乙方遵 照甲方制订的产品价格政策从事代理活动。 3(甲方确认收到乙方的货款后即给乙方开通代理商管理后台和相关权限,进货款一律 不予退还。 4每批进货不得低于人民币 / 万元,否则甲方不予受理。甲方保证款到发货。(价 格政策详见附件。) 六、甲方权利与义务 1. 协议生效后,应乙方书面申请,甲方在杭州于合适的时间为乙方指定的人员(限10 人以内)提供一次为期1-2天的现场业务培训,乙方人员的往来的费用、住宿及其 它相关费用由乙方自行承担。甲方也可考虑上门为乙方提供培训。 2. 甲方通过电子文档或书面材料或网络课堂的形式向乙方提供培训和相关支持。 3. 对重点项目,甲方可协助乙方进行重点攻关。 4. 乙方举办现场讲座等活动,甲方将尽力给予支持,但相关费用由乙方承担。 5. 甲方将根据本协议的约定提供完善的售后服务支持。 6. 甲方拥有产品销售价格调整的权利,并应提前两周通知乙方,但若因上证所信息网 络有限公司等此类授权机构要求即时调价的除外。 7(为保障乙方权益,甲方应配合乙方进行用户名单数据系统导入,并保证甲方销售部门 不对该批客户进行其他电脑版收费软件的销售 8. 甲方应积极配合乙方进行“指标灵软件”相关营销活动,包括线上以及线下活动, 线上活动包括:甲方配合乙方制定促销,并通过投资堂官网进行活动的推广等 线下活动包括:甲方将不定期联合券商与乙方一同举办股票讲座,为乙方解决部分客源问题等。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 七、乙方权利与义务 1. 乙方必须积极销售和推广本协议约定的产品,维护甲方的市场形象。 2. 在不具备相应条件和资质时,乙方不得经营代客理财,诊股荐股等国家法律、法规、 政策不允许开展的业务。 3. 乙方通过网络途径销售(包括网站,网店销售,网络群,聊天室等)必须向甲方提前 申报方可上线销售,采用网络群或聊天室销售的,必须允许甲方人员进入。 4. 乙方不得以甲方或者或甲方工作人员、分支机构的名义进行宣传和销售。所有涉及 甲方产品销售的推广用词或宣传文字必须按照甲方口径,如有不一致的,必须事先 书面征得甲方同意。 5. 乙方不得以夸大、欺骗、过度承诺等不正当方式宣传和推销产品,由此产生的一切 后果均由乙方承担。 6. 乙方不得违反甲方官方网站(www.tzt.cn)规定的产品销售价格销售甲方产品,乙 方不得在销售区域以外的地区进行产品销售,否则甲方有权取消乙方代理资格。 7. 乙方有义务为付费用户进行相关软件操作培训。 8. 乙方的法定代表人为乙方履行本合同项下乙方的全部义务,为乙方向甲方提供连带的 不可撤销的担保。 八、违约处理 1( 任何一方违约,经催告后在10日内仍未纠正的,非违约方有权解除本协议,违约方 并应赔偿非违约方的一切损失。 2( 在不具备相应条件和资质时,乙方不得经营代客理财,诊股荐股等国家法律、法规、 政策不允许开展的业务,如乙方违反本条规定,将视为严重违约,甲方立即解除本 协议并扣除全部保证金。 3. 乙方在销售过程中出现夸大宣传,虚假宣传,或未经甲方允许利用投资堂名义从事 其他商业活动的,导致用户投诉,经查实确为乙方责任,第一次给予严重警告,第 二次处违约金1万元,第三次即解除本协议、取消代理资格并扣除保证金。若上述 行为被媒体曝光的,甲方有权立即解除本协议、取消代理资格并扣除保证金。 4. 乙方在销售区域以外进行销售,或违反甲方制订的价格政策,第一次处违约金1千 元,第二次处违约金5千元,第三次即解除本协议、取消代理资格并扣除保证金。 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 5. 乙方在对外销售活动中,不得进行任何影响甲方声誉的活动。如果乙方的行为有损 甲方声誉,乙方的行为视为违约,乙方必须承担损害赔偿等责任,甲方有权立即终 止本协议,并追究相应责任。 九、协议有效期 1. 本协议从双方签章之日起生效,至 2012 年 月 日止。期满需要续约 的,乙方须在本协议期满前一个月提出续约申请,否则将视为乙方没有续约要求。 2. 不论本协议因任何原因被终止,乙方应立即将甲方发放的并为乙方所有或控制的与 甲方有关的说明书、技术、照片、产品、广告材料、规格和其它材料、文 件和文章等返回或根据甲方的指示进行处理。 十、争议与解决 凡因执行本协议所发生的或与本协议有关的一切争议,双方可以通过友好协商解 决;如果协商不能解决,应提交位于杭州的滨江仲裁委员会,根据该会的仲裁规则进行 仲裁。 十一、保密 1. 未经信息披露方事先书面同意,任何一方将对任何专有信息保密,不得向任何人或实体披露这些专有信息,但正常履行本协议需要的除外。 2. 互相之间的合作及本协议的具体内容负有保密责任。未经对方事先书面的同意,任何一方不得将双方的合作及本协议的具体内容披露给任何第三方。 3. 专有信息包括但不限于有关商业秘密,电脑程序,技术,专有技术,工艺,数 据,业务,产品开发计划、折扣率和产品价格,与该披露方业务有关的客户信息及 其它信息,或该披露方从他方收到的保密信息。 4. 双方的保密义务不因本协议的终止而解除。 十二、免责条款 甲方并非证券咨询机构,不具备证券咨询资质,不提供股析报告、股市预测等咨询服务,合作软件所提供的常用指标,以及相关资讯内容,均来自公共渠道,仅供参考,乙方或其用户依据合作软件产品提供的数据、信息进行金融、证券等投资项目所造成的盈亏与甲方无关,organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 据此入市,风险自担。乙方对软件的全部或部分进行加载的内容与甲方无关,由此产生的责任和风险全由乙方承担。 十三、本协议一式两份,自双方签订之日起生效。双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。 甲方:杭州中焯信息技术有限公司 地址:浙江省杭州市塘苗路18号华星现代产业园B座4F 电话:0571--56927619 传真:0571--56927606 开户行: 账号: 公司代表(签章): 签约日期:2011年 月 日 乙方:焦作市金迈科技有限公司 地址:河南省焦作市解放中路恒基财富大厦东座421 电话:0391--2996005 开户行:中国工商银行焦作市解放路支行 账号:6222021709004507096 公司代表(签章): 签约日期:2011年 月 日 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 附件: 1、销售价格 乙方在取得甲方的代理资格后,以下产品价格即开始实行: 一年以上续费用 户代理价格 产品 代理价 市场价 指标灵机构版 市场价1.8折 7580元/年 市场价1.8折 电脑版行情软件 指标灵专业版 市场价1.8折 3580元/年 市场价1.8折 高级会员版 90元/年 180元/年 80元/年 手机机构王 市场价1.8折 12800元/年 市场价1.8折 手机版炒股软件 手机炒股软件 栏目价格5折 按照栏目标 资讯栏目 价 股票机+移动流量卡800元 1499元 股票机 包年(不含软件) 注:后期将陆续增加其他产品。产品允许调、换货,差价须补齐。 2、销售奖励 乙方全年提货指标超过 40 万元,甲方将给予总货款3%的货款奖励,以等价产品形式发放 开户行:中国农业银行杭州滨江支行 帐号:0451 0104 0017 181 开户名:杭州中焯信息技术有限公司 ------------------------------------------------------ 开户行:中国工商银行杭州钱江支行 帐号: 1202 0214 1990 0108 326 开户名:杭州中焯信息技术有限公司 organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and 甲方:杭州中焯信息技术有限公司 乙方: 公司代表(签章): 公司代表(签章): 签约日期:2011年9月6号 签约日期: organizational structure: II. company's management structure: three, the organizational structures of departments 2. organizational chart of the Department of human resources: 3, Finance Department organizational chart:Framework required adjustment, proposed by the first head of the headquarters or branches of the Department head, General Manager meeting for discussion and adoption, approved by the General Manager, issued a document officially recognized by Headquarters. Office work functions 1, General Office work General Office work to participate in Government Affairs, in charge of the transaction so as to improve service and other major features, is the basic guarantee for enterprise development, has an important role to promote the company's development process. 2, and total do functions 2.1 foreign contact: coordination and government competent sector, and social functions institutions of relationship, established good of dredge channel, promote company and social from all walks of life including industry enterprise of widely cooperation and friendly between, set good of enterprise image; 2.2 system developed: drafting, and modified, and perfect the administrative management system (including Conference, and issued a, and
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