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献血策划模板血荒有济,大爱无涯的策划献血策划模板血荒有济,大爱无涯的策划 关于“血荒有济,大爱无涯”活动的策划 一、活动主题: 血荒有济,大爱无涯,人文法政,献血光荣 二、活动背景: 2010年全国主要省会大多出现了采血困难的情况,在这个原本的“献血旺季”,全国却突然出现了大面积的“血荒”。先是云南昆明陷入了“十年来最严重的库存血量短缺”。接着,北京、南京、青岛、武汉、长春、威海等地出现不同程度血库告急,造成全国范围血荒。不足4个月,市中心血站已经连续发出了三次血源保障三级预警,但血液的库存量一直上不去,继而市中心血站发布了十年来的首次血液保障二级预警...
献血策划模板血荒有济,大爱无涯的策划 关于“血荒有济,大爱无涯”活动的策划 一、活动主: 血荒有济,大爱无涯,人文法政,献血光荣 二、活动背景: 2010年全国主要省会大多出现了采血困难的情况,在这个原本的“献血旺季”,全国却突然出现了大面积的“血荒”。先是云南昆明陷入了“十年来最严重的库存血量短缺”。接着,北京、南京、青岛、武汉、长春、威海等地出现不同程度血库告急,造成全国范围血荒。不足4个月,市中心血站已经连续发出了三次血源保障三级预警,但血液的库存量一直上不去,继而市中心血站发布了十年来的首次血液保障二级预警,这意味着血液库存不能保障3日救治用量,八成以上的择期手术患者手术被迫推迟。10月29日,卫生部部长陈竺带头献血。随后,各地高校、基层单位纷纷组织集体献血。 为了响应党组织和国家卫生部的号召,缓解血库用血紧张状况,更好的贯彻我党“创先争优”的精神,在实践中发挥基层党组织及党员的先锋模范作用,弘扬与宣传当代大学生乐于奉献关爱他人的高尚精神,同时也为提高我院当支部的活动能力,特策划组织此次无偿献血活动。 三、活动目的及意义: 本次活动以无偿献血为主,旨在保证我市的血液供应,让病患能够得到及时有效的救治,支援血荒,以切实行动响应并贯彻我党“创先争优”的号召。同时,可让我院支部党员及共青团员用自己实际行动向社会奉献一份爱心,践行作为一名当代大学生的社会责任,切实增强我院党员、团员的责任感、紧迫感和使命感,推动我院人文法政氛围的营造。亦可一展汉语党支部的风采,让爱心传递,让志愿服务、创先争优的精神发扬光大。 四、主办及承办单位: 主办单位:法政学院汉语第一党支部、法政学院分团委 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 承办单位:法政学院学生会、心理协会法政分会、中文影院 五、活动时间及地点: 活动时间:2010年11月12-13日 活动地点:天津理工大学校本部足球场前广场(11月12日11:30-14:00); 滨江道流动血站(11月13日9:00) 六、活动流程及安排: (一)、活动分组及人员安排: 将参与此次活动的工作人员及志愿者分为宣传组、协调组、办公室、场地布置组、后勤保障组五个小组,每组设负责人一名,明确各自的工作任务。各组做好自己的工作,以保证活动正常进行。所有活动由总负责人负责。 1、宣传组:负责展板、海报、横幅和宣传单等的制作和保管,与系部联系人及志愿者共同负责活动前期的宣传事宜。 (1)海报、展板绘制组:院会宣传部负责() (2)横幅、宣传单印制: (3)现场主持组: (4)人员引导、展板解说及传单发放组:活动志愿者() (5)无偿献血知识普及及影片展:具体内容及影片资料由中文影院相关人 员负责, 2、协调组:负责提前与我市血液中心联系,申请献血车到我校开展采血活动,并提前到我市血液中心拿献血宣传。同时,积极与新闻中心、校报记者团、6green及法政学院宣传部等校园传媒探讨报道宣传事宜,吸引更多的理工学生参与到无偿献血的行列中来,扩大此次活动的影响力。 (1)血液中心联系、宣传材料获取组: (2)与校内媒体及院系沟调动通组: 3、办公室:负责制作参与人员通讯录,制作工作人员签到表,统计参与活动志愿者详细信息并备案。制作献血人员登记表并做好现场记录。准备好相that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 机,负责全程拍照和摄影。活动完成后,负责活动材料的收集和存档,完成活动总结。 (1)表格制作组: (2)现场签到组: (3)照相摄影组:(志愿者) (4)资料汇总存档组 4、场地布置及后勤保障组:负责当天场地的布置及工作人员短暂休息的场所,并负责维持现场秩序。准备好活动当天志愿者饮用水等,并负责处理活动中的意外情况,活动结束后与场地布置组一起清扫收拾活动现场。 (1)场地布置组: (2)后勤保障组:全体工作人员 (注:各组在已完成自己工作的情况下,可积极协助其它小组进行活动的开展。由于工作繁杂,人手有限,可适当考虑招募志愿者或邀请院学生会其它部门成员辅助参与,以确保活动的顺利进行。) (二)、活动准备阶段 1、申请活动场地:11月8日(周一)向学校申请足球场前广场为12号(周五)活动场地,由 负责; 2.绘制宣传材料:9号-10号(周二、周三)负责完成宣传海报和活动展板的绘制、以及条幅的预定。注: A.海报共两张,分别张贴至风味和综合楼下的海报栏,内容大致为此次支部献血活动的主题及流程安排,主题由支部决定并通知下达至海报绘制组; B.展板内容包括血荒的介绍及近况,以及无偿献血的相关知识,具体内容由展板筹划组负责搜集制作; C.心愿卡片的制作:最好是爱心形状。由心理协会部分志愿者制作,具体人员由负责; D.条幅的及预定:悬挂条幅和签名条幅主题由支部决定,款式设计和预定由负责; E.宣传单的设计起草及印制:由负责; that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly F.无偿献血知识普及和影片展:由负责,联系,负责订好教室。 3.现场道具筹备: A.现场主持及音乐:主要包括此次活动背景介绍及无偿献血的相关知识,音乐要有鼓动性。由负责,本自带; B.音响、话筒配置:负责向学院筹借相关事宜。 C.摄像及记者:负责; .桌椅准备:由场地布置组准备,负责; D 4.宣传动员:所有支部成员及积极分子努力向所在班级宣传无偿献血对党员发展的重要性,以确保活动当天有足够的人员参与。 (注:该组所有工作须在11号(周四)之前完成。两张海报需周四当天上午就贴至海报栏。周四晚上开支部会议商议次日活动具体事宜,并验收所有次日所需活动材料是否全部完工。材料包括:海报两张、条幅两条、展板两张、血液中心宣传册若干、心愿卡若干、宣传单五百份、现场主持词及音乐选取、笔记本一台、音响及话筒、工作人员签到表、现场报名人员登记表、摄像机及记者到位、桌椅、党旗。) 七、活动开展: 此次活动共分两天完成,12号(周五)主要是校内宣传工作,13号(周六)为集体去附近采血车献血。 (一)、校内宣传 1、活动当天,参与活动的所有工作人员及志愿者于上午11:00在校本部足球场前广场集合。活动开始前,摆好展板,准备好桌椅,做好活动的准备工作,由负责人员协调,安排同学们排队,维护好现场秩序。 2.在现场设立两个引导点(在风味楼下和报刊亭下各一个,志愿者若干负责分发传单,并引领有献血意向的同学至活动地点)、一个咨询点(主要在展板附近,负责对来访同学解答相关疑问并发放宣传册)、和一个登记点(负责工作人员签到和献血人员登记名单)。 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 3、活动11:30正式开始后,给等待填写献血表格的同学提供适当的凳子、及宣传材料。由登记点负责对献血的同学进行登记(登记内容为姓名、院系、联系方式),并负责提醒献血的同学一些献血事宜,看其是否满足献血条件。 4、登记完毕后,由负责人员引导符合献血要求的同学于次日早上九点在本部西门集合,集体去滨江道流动血站。提醒要献血者献血前应该注意的相关事宜。 5.记者要全程拍照采集影响资料,可适当制作新闻; 6、在活动过程中,应始终做好应急思想准备,积极处理突发意外事件。在活动结束后,场地布置组及所有工作人员负责场地的打扫收拾、器材的保管送还。 7.所有工作人员及志愿者和各班积极分子于玩7:30在指定教室观影。 (二)、次日集体献血 1.所有工作人员、志愿者及献血报名人员带本人身份证于上午9:00在校本部西门集合,集体去滨江道流动血站。工作人员负责签到及点清人数; 2.备好悬挂的横幅及党旗,负责; 3.记者及摄像机到位,负责在校门口和献血点分别合影; 4.有序献血,听从现场医务人员安排; 5.献血结束后点清人人数,安全返回。 八、注意事项: 1、负责成员必须体现团体、积极精神,如非特殊情况,不可迟到,早退,缺席,严格按照事先安排做事,并以身作则,维持好活动现场秩序。 2、活动期间所有工作人员必须对待献血的同学态度要积极、热情,维护我院及我支部的形象,如遇不能处理的情况,及时向主负责人周伟军反映。 3、应有专人看管活动物品和前来献血的同学的物品,防止遗失。 4、应提前关注活动当天的天气,若因下雨等原因使活动无法顺利进行,应与血站工作人员提前进行协商。若要更改活动日期,应及时进行宣传纠正。 5、若突发意外事件,而负责人员无法进行有效处理,应立即联系我校相关部门,由他们协助处理。 九、活动总结: that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 1、认真听取血站及其工作人员对组织此次活动的评价,探讨日后合作事宜; 2、支部各成员在例会上相互交流,各抒己见,指出得失,提出意见,更好地指导以后的工作开展。积极分子及志愿者上交关于此次活动的思想汇报; 3、将此次活动的成果反馈到院党委,听取院党委的意见建议; 4、由办公室组整理活动照片和活动材料,辑写活动总结,进行存档。并将相关活动制作完成ppt或电子杂志准备“创最佳党日”的评选。 十、经费预算: 横幅 2(条)60*2=120 海报 2(张)*5(元)=10 心愿卡纸张 及贴板 20 宣传单 500(份)*0.2(元)=120 展板纸张 及照片打印 2(张)展板及照片若干 50 矿泉水 12(瓶)*1(元)=12 往返路费 30(人)*1.5*2=90 总计:422元 天津理工大学法政学院汉语第一党支部 2010年11月7日 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly
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