

2017-08-31 19页 doc 249KB 7阅读




华为T8830完美解决外置内存卡问题华为T8830完美解决外置内存卡问题 入手华为T8830已经一个多月了,软件及系统都比较熟悉,这个手机的性价比还是很高,Antutu跑分3700以上,玩一般游戏足够了,不过安装几个大游戏以后,手机内部存储空间512MB根本不够用,转移到USB存储器2G空间,只是略有好转,在安装了几个游戏的数据库,听了几天在线音乐、看了几天在线视频、上网聊天等等,各种应用的数据很快填满了2G的空间,可是我买的那个16G的TF卡装了几部电影和几百首音乐以后还空着10G多呢。可是T8830的首选安装位置试了几次也不能把软件和数据包安装到TF卡上,...
华为T8830完美解决外置内存卡问题 入手华为T8830已经一个多月了,软件及系统都比较熟悉,这个手机的性价比还是很高,Antutu跑分3700以上,玩一般游戏足够了,不过安装几个大游戏以后,手机内部存储空间512MB根本不够用,转移到USB存储器2G空间,只是略有好转,在安装了几个游戏的数据库,听了几天在线音乐、看了几天在线视频、上网聊天等等,各种应用的数据很快填满了2G的空间,可是我买的那个16G的TF卡装了几部电影和几百首音乐以后还空着10G多呢。可是T8830的首选安装位置试了几次也不能把软件和数据包安装到TF卡上,是不是这个TF卡只能当作影音图像的仓库来用,有没有把软件和数据包安装到TF卡上, 以上是有点啰嗦,不过大家在玩机中一定也有这样的感觉,是不是很郁„„ 好了,现在这个问题可以解决了,本人亲测,总结出该方法,将我外置的16Gtf卡在华为T8830里变成内置卡,原内置存储空间2G卡变成外置卡。提醒:该方法需改动手机系统文件,据说有变砖可能,建议动手能力弱的别试,如出现无法预知的问题本人概不负责~修改前注意:安装空的TF卡到手机里--连接电脑------把内置存储卡的全部内容拷贝到TF卡上~不要取出~注意备份手机通讯录和短信。 一、准备工作 1、 手机华为T8830进行ROOT获得超级授权 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 推荐在官方固件刷机后立即ROOT,推荐用“卓大师刷机专家”ROOT,ROOT方法这里就不在说了。 不过这个卓大师ROOT后会出现一个问题,手机特别卡,而且手机的外放没有了,连开机音乐都没了,经过多次刷机折腾,才找到了解决机器卡顿的办法,就是ROOT后进入设置——备份和重置——恢复出厂设置,恢复后手机依然是ROOT状态,超级授权还是有的,不过手机不再有卡顿和其他不明故障了。如果机友有其他好的ROOT方法,请告知。 2、 手机安装RE管理器(不要说你不知道),进入RE管理器(如下图)-------点击上面的挂载读写按钮-------然后点击进入etc文件夹: e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 3、找到vold.fstab文件(下图)-------确认文件属性石3读1写,显示为rw -r--r— e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 4、长按该文件,显示选项(下图)------选择打开方式 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 5、选择文本编辑器 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 6、重点来啦~~进入vold.fstab,找到以下两行: dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard emmc@fat /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-sd.0/mmc_host dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard2 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 /devices/platform/mtk-sd.1/mmc_host 注意:这两行是前面不带#号的~该文本文件是不能有回车的,只是用空格和# 号分开命令行~所以空格不能多也不能少~请把上面部分修改为 dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard2 emmc@fat /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-sd.0/mmc_host e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 /d evices/platform/mtk-sd.1/mmc_hos 如下图(简单说就是把下一行的2删掉,改到上一行)以上操作用手机进行~注 意不要改错了,这里有风险。 7、按手机最左的触摸键,选保存并退出(下图)-----这时会提示生成bak文件, 该文件用于恢复备份,注意保存好,别删~~ e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 8、修改第二个文件:进入vold.fstab.nand,操作方法同上个文件vold.fstab 找到命令行 dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-sd.1/mmc_host 修改为 dev_mount sdcard2 /mnt/sdcard2 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-sd.1/mmc_host 如下图 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 保存并退出~ 9、退到桌面----关机------拔电池-----15秒钟后装电池重启-----检查修改结 果是否成功。如下图: e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift 10、说明:(1)如果失败或想还原,请用RE把两个文件删除,并将bak结尾的俩个备份件文件名的bak去掉,关机重启。 (2)有可能原来新安装的应用程序游戏等要卸载重新安装才能使用。简单说就是二步: 1、将vold.fstab里的/sdcard改成/sdcard2;/sdcard2改成/sdcard 2、将vold.fstab.nand里的sdcard /mnt/sdcard 改成sdcard2 /mnt/sdcard2 注意空格~ 改不了的原因可能是: 1、改的不对。要注意,注意空格 2、彻底关机,拔电池。呆一会再重启 3、不行把生成的BAK文件先移到别处 最后,希望对大家有用,也欢迎一起讨论解决各种手机系统、软件问题。 2012、12、12 e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should be carried out according to DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a water pressure test, ... (1) of the same geologic bedrock Grouting must first complete consolidation grouting and curtain Grouting inspected before. (2) in the areas that need filling from the rock surface, in front of the grout clean up leakage or leakage should be fractured, and the removal of loose rocks, so that plugging. (3) filling in the case of concrete cover, should be built of concrete pipe embedded in grout, grout is required in the corresponding position of strength design of concrete at 50%. Use grout without cover should be approved by the supervisor. (4) with lift irrigation area of observation equipment, to be lifted observing apparatus is completed, and test requirements before completing the filling and Grouting operations can be carried out. Fractured washing, water pressure test and Grout shall be lifted in the course of construction monitoring results shall be submitted to the supervisor, uplift
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