

2018-08-22 12页 doc 73KB 10阅读




写给在厂里上班的朋友们写给在厂里上班的朋友们 或许你现在背井离乡,生活过的马马虎虎,拿着2-3千的工资,有电视看有电脑玩,这就够了,但是未来在哪里? 下面的话请耐心看完,也许会对你有一些的帮助!! 每年,制造业都会吸纳很大一部分大学毕业生,在这些职场新人庆幸找到工作,对未来充满憧憬的时候,他们的前辈——已在制造业内打拼了几年的师兄师姐们——却怀着深深的忧虑,他们不知道未来会怎样?他们不知道何时会被抛弃? 职业生涯的O形路口 不管何种企业,大学毕业生进入其中从事研发、业务、生产、采购、人事等工作都要从零学起。两三年过去了,这些大学生的职位...
写给在厂里上班的朋友们 或许你现在背井离乡,生活过的马马虎虎,拿着2-3千的工资,有电视看有电脑玩,这就够了,但是未来在哪里? 下面的话请耐心看完,也许会对你有一些的帮助!! 每年,制造业都会吸纳很大一部分大学毕业生,在这些职场新人庆幸找到工作,对未来充满憧憬的时候,他们的前辈——已在制造业内打拼了几年的师兄师姐们——却怀着深深的忧虑,他们不知道未来会怎样?他们不知道何时会被抛弃? 职业生涯的O形路口 不管何种企业,大学毕业生进入其中从事研发、业务、生产、采购、人事等工作都要从零学起。两三年过去了,这些大学生的职位会从储干、技术员、工程师慢慢做到主管,工资也从2K、3K变为5K。看起来有着不错的职业发展,然而事实上他们中大部分人的职位会停留在工程师及主管这个阶段,工资也会停留在3K至4K左右,之后再难有进展。从主管至经理,工资发展到5K以上对绝大多数大学生来说是很难实现的。当大部分人在前进的道路上停留下来后,他们就将在职业生涯的O形路口无休止地循环,看不到尽头,当尽头出现之日,很可能就是他们被抛弃之时。 一个公司中,最有技术含量并创造最大利润的是研发部与业务部,但制造业公司往往都只是一个代工车间。那些外资企业,他们的研发、销售中心都放在国外,中国的公司仅仅只Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 是作为产品制造环节。虽然这些公司在国内也设有研发中心和销售中心,但产品的原创设计都在国外完成,国内的研发人员只是接收图纸,然后安排开模,将产品实现。这种情况下,国内的研发工程师更确切地说只是一个产品实现技术员,至于设计方法、设计理念、工程技能和他们关系不大,他们也很难掌握真正的核心技术。外企在国内设立的销售中心功能更加单一,主要是接收国外业务人员转过来的制造订单,并跟踪订单完成情况确保出货,销售技巧、营销手段、市场开拓这些都与他们绝缘。而国内民营企业在这些方面则更为不堪。 其他与产品制造有关的如生产、品管、生管、采购等职位,其中的技术含量或者说从业人员的价值更低。技术含量低则意味着门槛低,门槛低则意味着不可替代性低,不可替代性低则意味着被淘汰的可能性高。在企业中,生产、品管、生管、采购人员被老板炒鱿鱼是最多的,你上午还在上班,或许下午人事就通知你离开。制造业公司的人事部每天做的就是致力于招人,或者说低工资招人,而不是致力于留住人,因为人才市场上有的是价廉物美的新毕业生。当年,你花了一年左右的时间就能轻松胜任所担任的职务,那么你的师弟师妹凭什么就不可以呢?尤其是在外资企业,他们往往以每月1千多的工资招募一个大学毕业生,两年后,当他的工资需要增长时,将其换掉,再招一个毕业生,如此往复循环,将人力成本控制到最低。这些企业的核心竞争力就是廉价的劳动力成本。 老话说男怕入错行,入行后想再转行的难度显而易见。当你进入制造行业,再转入其他行业的可能性极低。你只能在这个行业内转,如果哪天离心力过大,被甩出圈子,那将是一切悲剧的开端。当城市产业升级,人到中年的你又如何自我升级?当工厂搬迁,拖家带口的你难道又开始候鸟迁徙?当公司关闭,已显富态的你难道又开始奔走在各个人才市场,忍受着招聘人员的白眼和无耐,与那些刚走出学校的大学生竞争? 制造业公司普遍缺乏培训提升机制,处在公司中层的大学生在公司里并没有不可替代的作用,高层职位有限且要求很高,后来者中又有很多优秀者,在整个人才需求不断扩大的情况下,新求职者的期望下探,中间层处在前无进路后有追击的尴尬之中,看起来失去自己生存空间的日子并不遥远。长江后浪推前浪,前浪恐怕真的只能死在沙滩上了。 要知道你并不处于一个大锅饭或者铁饭碗的行业,逆水行舟,当不利的环境出现时,你是否能确保被抛弃的那些人中必定没有你„„? 与世隔绝的社会生活 人是社会化的生物,和前程黯淡相比,与世隔绝的工厂生活更能使人自卑与绝望。你努力挣扎向上,想脱出现有的阶层,最终发现是那么的无力,而年华却已老去。 当你走出大学进入工厂,你会发现自己的生活世界是那么狭小,你的活动范围基本是工厂、出租屋、超市。你和生产线上那些天天重复同一个工作的普工并没有什么区别。除了上班和睡觉,你最重要的活动就是去超市购买所需的生活用品。其他的社会生活最多也就是与同事打牌、喝酒,你建立不起自己的社会资源。你孤身一人在外地打拼,身边没有父母亲人,只有一帮同病相怜的同事,当你需要帮助的时候,需要维护自己的权益的时候,身边的人都无能为力。你的生活圈是那么的狭窄,人际交往显得那么苍白。有一天,你离开了现在的工厂去到另外一个地方,现有的同事朋友都会失去联系,你需要在新的公司重新来过。那无奈Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 的漂泊注定了总是在重复地画着大小不一但形状相似的圈。 春夏秋冬四季转换,你的工作服也在冬夏间轮转,你和所有的外地人都没有明显区别。在本地人眼中你们都只是打工的而已。如果你很乐观的话,倒是可以把公司的工作服看作是一种福利,冬夏各两套,从周一穿到周五周六,基本上不需要再多买什么衣服。毕竟你可以自由地穿自己衣服的时间一周也只有那么一两天。 此外,工厂食堂每天会给员工提供伙食标准为十块钱左右的工作餐。伙食费有些公司要从员工工资里扣除,有些公司则当作一种福利完全免费。但食堂饭菜的难以下咽很多人都深有体会,发霉的面包、没削皮的土豆、黄色的青菜、无从查证的劣质油等等,花样百出。在外租住的员工还可以在周末时自己改善一下伙食,住在宿舍的只能奢望偶尔在饭店里的应酬了。 公司提供的宿舍则多为四人间、八人间。当然,条件远比不上大学的集体宿舍。很多人为了有自己的私人空间,情愿每个月花费三四百块钱租一个十多平米的房间,这种房间多为厨、卫、阳台三位一体。蚁居于这样的房子里,关上门则如同囚禁在一个封闭的牢房里,打开门则所有的东西一目了然,没有隐私可言。然后,你会购买一些简单得不能再简单的家具,包括必备品桌子、凳子、衣架。而洗衣机、冰箱、空调则是绝对的奢侈品。一是需要花钱,无力承担;再就是房间太小,摆放不下。也有些已婚人士一家两口或三口挤住在这个小房子里,区别就是家具相对更完整一些。但这里给不了你家的感觉,你只是一个租客,你只是暂Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 住在这里,当你买东西的时候你会时时考虑以后搬家会不会太麻烦,你不知道明天是否还在这里。当房东需要提高租金时,你是没有多少谈判的能力的,要么接受新的租金,要么就搬走。 在这种生活状态下,婚姻成为很多大学生不敢面对的问题。你的生活圈决定了你交际的人大多和你一样,大家同病相怜,没有能力去摘取爱情的果实。工厂里三十左右的单身柜族比比皆是,不是不想结婚,是找不到结婚的人,是不敢面对没有房子的婚姻,是不敢去想孩子的抚养问题,是不敢承担那贫贱夫妻百事哀的未来!“宁愿坐在宝马中哭泣,也不愿坐在自行车后笑”,听起来功利,却也包含一种无奈。 如果你已成婚,那最让你纠结的就是孩子的入学以及对父母的照顾。你只是暂住在本地,你的孩子没有权力上那些好的公办学校,或者说你没有能力交那么大一笔的赞助费,而民办学校的教学质量又不能让你放心。毕竟,读书是你能想到的唯一能改变自己孩子未来的救命稻草。你只好无奈地将你年幼的儿女送回老家,回到爷爷奶奶身边成为留守儿童。每周的电话是你最开心的时刻,在外的苦累在孩子的笑声中都会消融。你在心里默默企求上苍,让自己的父母和孩子平平安安,无病无灾。任何一点风吹雨打就可能让你刚刚起步的家陷入泥沼。 你每年只能回家一到两次看一下逐渐老去的父母和日渐长大的孩子。因为没有假期,因为没有存款,因为路途太远往返不便,因为所有的因为。为了生存,你离开生活了二十年的家乡,但在他乡却无力构建一个属于自己的家,如同水中浮萍,没有根,心也不能降落。 明天在哪里? 来到城市的大学生对未来最大的期望是能走出父辈贫苦生活的轮回,让自己进入更高一个阶层,为下一辈创造一个更好的起点。但当你已年入不惑,自身可以贩卖的价值已所剩无几,而城市却不再需要你的时候,你难过落魄地回到老家,让你的儿女从你二三十年前的起点重新出发,再画着一个和你一样的圆?作为大学生的你无力改变自己的命运,难道你能保证你的下一代能顺利地考上大学并改变命运„„? 经济改革的初期、扩招后大学生毕业的初期、经济处于上升周期等等这些都极易让找到工作特别是较满意工作的你麻痹,你极易停下自己前进的脚步,但十五年、二十年后,情况还会和现在一般乐观吗?失业真的是那么遥不可及吗?当它来临的时候,你将发现你被整个世界所抛弃!当你四十岁左右的时候失去工作,没有任何收入来源,你将如何面对年迈的父母、苦难相随的伴侣、十七八岁的孩子?! 城市很大,外面的世界也很精彩,在这个只许进很难出的围城里,作为打工的大学生们你是否有了足够的储备以避免属于你的精彩落幕呢?! 忠告:打工只能求生存!创业才是唯一的追求!成功才是目标。 平台有三个:可以创造一个平台;也可以购买一个平台;还可以借用一个平台。 概念的选择:做事(寻求生存);市场(寻求生意);趋势(寻求发展)。选择大于努力!选择不对,努力白费。 Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists 改变:改变自己;帮助他人改变;改变环境。只有改变,才能成就自己。 如果你现在感觉很触动,很现实,不放好好的静下心来好好的想想自己的未来在哪里,自己是愿意拿着两三千,三四千的工资安稳的想这样生活着,还是有自己的理想,社会是残酷的,师哥师姐们用他们的亲身体会告诉了我们,再大的理想会在我们打工安稳的工厂生活中给磨灭的! 此时的你不防想想: 1、我的理想是什么?(我想很大一部分同学不知道吧,很盲目,其实我也是) 2、我下一个目标在哪里?(当你把第一个想通的时候,这个就是你眼前摆着的问题,是你拟定的开始。) 3、我有能力做什么?(这是一个最关键的问题,但也是一个次要的问题,因为能力是培养的,当你的理想和目标都明确是,只要你坚持不懈的向着自己的理想和目标走去,能力自然就要得到提高!但现在你一定要认清自己的能力,这样才能为自己定好目标。) Monitoring Center security deployment statistics are as follows: security point distribution statistics-medical building, rehabilitation building, 2nd floor, serial number F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 B1 B2 camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera camera alarm detection access control alarm detection access control pickup pickup camera detection medical alarm building 41, # # 5 16 6 # 5 3 7 # # 4 3 9 18 10 6 4 6 4 2nd on the rehabilitation floor, building 2, 1 ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was illegally opened, front-end alarm device to send a signal, alarm on alarm management platform automatically warn the person on duty in red on the map. Dang door was illegal open, and door opened Hou failed to in provides time within return bit or lock failed to normal lock live Shi, will automatically triggered emergency alarm system, and in Control Center to sound light alarm way corresponding, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, triggered depending on audio system linkage management. until alarm lifted, to this to elimination exists
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