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郑州大型商场调查郑州大型商场调查 一、调查提示 众所周知,郑州是商战的发源地,到本世纪末,郑州要建设成为中国的商贸中心,是有历史和现实基础的,不用多说,交通便利是最主要的条件。郑州商贸城建设的主要发展目标中,第一条就是到本世纪末要建设20个建筑面积超万平方米,营业额超亿元的大型零售商场。随着市场经济的不断深入,郑州的商贸活动日趋活跃,商业竞争也愈演愈烈。商业竞争成为全国关注的焦点。 1996年,郑州市亚细亚五彩购物广场、正弘购物中心、明珠购物中心和金博大购物中心等几家大型商场相继落成开业,各种便民连销店,专业性批发市场等应运面生,这使郑...
郑州大型商场调查 一、调查提示 众所周知,郑州是商战的发源地,到本世纪末,郑州要建设成为中国的商贸中心,是有历史和现实基础的,不用多说,交通便利是最主要的条件。郑州商贸城建设的主要发展目标中,第一条就是到本世纪末要建设20个建筑面积超万平方米,营业额超亿元的大型零售商场。随着市场经济的不断深入,郑州的商贸活动日趋活跃,商业竞争也愈演愈烈。商业竞争成为全国关注的焦点。 1996年,郑州市亚细亚五彩购物广场、正弘购物中心、明珠购物中心和金博大购物中心等几家大型商场相继落成开业,各种便民连销店,专业性批发市场等应运面生,这使郑州的商业竞争更加激烈。有限的消费群体,不断增加的商品营业面积,加上各种便民连锁店,专业性批发市场的强烈冲击,郑州市各大商场消费群体不断分流,供大于求,加上市场大气候的影响,1996年各大商场销售额全面下滑,普遍亏损,为了使“九五”期间郑州商贸城得到健康的发展;加强郑州商贸城建设宏观管理,市政府宣布:郑州暂停上马大商场,力争使现有的商场扭亏为盈,走向良性循环。 本次调查发出问卷70份,收回有效问卷50份,对郑州市各大商场的基本情况进行了抽查。具体分析如下: 二、近看郑州大商场 colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 最近,我们对大型市场的局部情况进行了相关抽查,对70户居民家庭进行了电话问卷调查,调查结果汇总分析表明:1996年,郑州市抑制通货膨胀工作成效显著,在确保城乡市场繁荣稳定的同时,价格涨幅逐渐回落,全年商品零售价格总水平平均上升4(5,,各大商场的营业额较去年下降16(3,,主要零售商场负债利息总额4000万元,随着专业性批发市场的相继落成,消费者到大型商场购买烟酒、食品、家具等一系列生活常用品不断减少。据统计表明,1997年消费尚无热点,各大商场面临严峻考验。 三、大商场各具特色 大型零售商场的迅速发展,充分显示了流通领域的活跃和商业的繁荣,在郑州大型商场的发展史上,亚细亚就是一个明显的标志。 A、亚细亚商场,微笑服务背后的科学营销策略 调查显示亚细亚商场在消费者最信赖的商场中排列第一,占被调查者的55,。1996年亚细亚商场销售额名列郑州市第一,被河南省委宣传部和省贸易厅评为“参加百城万店无假货”活动先进单位。注重树立和保持企业自身的形象与经营的特色,科学地制定营销战略,加上严格的内部管理与“微笑服务”,是亚细亚商场商战取胜的关键。1996年,面对超市、专卖店、便民连锁店、仓储超市的应运面生,在批发市场和超市等其它商业网点的冲击下,亚细亚商场对经营管理进行了必要的调整,在方便消费者方面,商场调整商品结构和经营部,colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 新设或合并部门,对日用、服装、小家电等部门实行开架自选,增加一倍以上的商品种类,加快商品更新换季、及时把名优特新商品奉献给消费者。并增设许多别具特色的服务项目招揽顾客,吸引消费者。 亚细亚商场把商品质量作为经营管理的基础,严把商品进货渠道,建立起完善的商品质量管理体系,坚持从商品进货、上柜、销售、售后服务等方面层层把关,并把责任落实到人,防止假冒伪劣商品流人商场。 B、紫荆山百货大楼 男装商场实施名牌战略 1996年重建后的紫荆山百货大楼及配套工程,建筑面积1(6万平方米,投资1(32亿元,重新开业后,实施男装精品名牌战略,并随季节性提前供应货源,1996年销售额不断回升。据调查,紫荆山百货大楼所售物品中,仅皮尔?卡丹、金利来等5个精品廊全年销量占总销售额的60,,充分显示了精品名牌魅力。在战略实施过程中,商场推出十大精品系列购物金卡,以金卡开展长期促销活动,刺激消费者购买欲望。紫荆山男装商场以自己的特色经营赢得了一定的市场。目前,紫荆山男装专柜已拥有了自己的顾客和忠实的经销商,在服装市场不太景气的状况下,独树一帜,保持了旺盛的销售活力。 C、亚细亚五彩购物广场 商场中的“大哥大” 1996年10月开业的亚细亚五彩购物广场,其主体大楼建筑面积9万平方米,营业面积6万平方米,共28部双向踏电梯和7部电梯。colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 商场内设有中央空调,电视监控系统,防火防盗系统,计算机系统和邮电服务等设施也都应有尽有。广场楼内还设有顾客活动中心,男士休息厅,宝宝屋,民航售票处和商务中心等多种配套服务设施。 五彩广场是郑州又一轮商战的标志,将引发郑州商界的一场从购物环境,服务质量,营销策略到经营方针等方面的革命。据问卷调查显示,五彩购物中心以其豪华的装修,优雅的购物环境和丰富的商品,全面的服务显示较强的商业竞争力和市场占有量。 D、百货楼价格稳定,文化与消费联姻的老字号 据消费者调查问卷统计,在大商场知名度和依赖度消费者按序排列中,郑州百货大楼名列第三,占被调查人数的20,,在亚细亚商场、五彩购物中心之后。新扩建的百货楼,建筑面积4(14万平方米,投资1(89亿元,作为省会老字号,考虑到大多数的消费者是工薪阶层,适时推出一系列促销活动,物价较其它大商场低,并联合国内各名优厂家,向广大消费者提供优质商品。百货楼在郑州首先推出商业与文化联姻,在商场内设有图书柜台,以“文明工程”“形象工程”“满意工程”“效益工程”等系列活动加强文化氛围,扩大市场,营造购物欲望,文化与消费初步的联姻给老字号的百货楼带来了一定的经济效益。 E、其它 colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 河南金融商贸中心,金博大商场以其金融,购物、商务、娱乐中心综合为一体的商场特色加上超、宽、大的变配电设备,在河南商场中开了先河;友谊商厦也以其会员制连销店显示经营特色;商城大厦则以其主经营鞋子赢得了一定的消费群。据调查分析,花园商厦、正弘商厦、商业大厦都依其自身的优势在批发市场、连销店迅速倔起的夹层中拥有一席之地,稳步发展。 四、郑州消费者眼中的大商场 商业的繁荣使大型商场成为现代化城市的一个缩影,逛商场已成为一部分人生活中不可少的一项内容,逛商场,不单单是买东西这么简单,买什么样的物品逛什么样的商场,既能反映出消费者的购物心理,也反映了商场在消费者心目中的位置。 设计问卷中,我们列出了郑州10大商场,以排列顺序的方式来调查商场的知名度,以“您心目中理想的商场形象”和“购物时,您不满意的地方”为开放式问答来预测商场的形象和不足之处,调查结果显示:亚细亚商厦和五彩购物中心给消费者的印象最好,分别占被调查者的54,和30,。虽然现在便民店、专卖店、连锁超市不断涌现,并以其低消费、低价格的特点迎合了工薪阶层的消费需求,但调查显示,大商场还是以绝对的优势让消费者青睐信任,信任度占70,以上。在“消费者购买何种物品去商场”一档中,家电和洗化用品也以很大的比重排在前两列,分别为44,和30,。通过对问卷的分析研究发现,消费者在钱包鼓起来的同时,纷纷走进商场购物成为一种colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 潮流。但是在大商场形成规模后,分布上的相对集中、加之商品价格的提高、引厂入店的进货渠道、服务态度等一系列问题,大商场的信誉受到损害,损失了一部分消费者。 A、去商场购物比较放心 ——消费者眼中商场之一 据调查,70,的消费者依赖大商场,认为在商场购物比较放心,质量可信,售后服务较其它能得到保证。一姓张的先生说:情人节那天去亚细亚为女友买一顶帽子,拿回家一试不合适,到商场去退挺不好意思,没想到卖帽小姐还是微笑服务,给退了货。 B、逛商场感觉不错 ——消费者眼中商场之二 据调查结果,(50,的人认为去商场不一定去买东西,而是散散心,或者看中的物品顺便买下,他们主要认为商场环境优美,区别于批发商场和个体小店,而且在服务上比较规范,逛商场看各式各样的物品有一种赏心悦目的感觉,总之,节假日和闲散时间愿意到商场看一看的人占相当比例。 C、买大件我会选择大商场 ——消费者眼中的商场之三 colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 调查中,一位中年男子这样告诉我:平时,我不怎么逛商场,家离商场远不方便,想要买什么日常用品,附近的连锁店都有。但是如果问我买什么物品才去大商场,我想应该是说象买家电、金银首饰之类大件及化妆品才去。因为大商场所售商品进货渠道正规,手续齐全,送货上门,最主要的是消费者的合法权益能够得到保障,出现问题可以得到妥善的处理。持这位中年男子观点的人占70,以上。 D、亚细亚东西太贵 ——消费者眼中商场之四 “亚细亚的东西最贵”这个观点在消费者的心里已根深蒂固,持这种观点的消费者占30,以上。不管是说亚细亚物品贵,还是其它什么商场价格偏高,总之价格高是消费者普遍反映的一个问题。消费者也清醒认识到大商场的标价往往物超所值,这也是消费者不愿花钱在商场买小百货、普通服装等的一个重要原因。 E、完善的服务 是我的选择 ——消费者眼中商场之五 调查结果表明,大商场的服务态度是大家普遍关心的。据一位姓陈的小姐叙述:春节前在华联买了一部随身听,用了一天就出现了问题,随即到商场去调换,而服务小姐一改买时的笑脸,拒不退换。象这样承诺不兑现,售前热情服务,售后漠不关心的服务态度是许多消colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 费者常遇到的问题,要求加强职业道德,提高服务质量是消费者共同的心愿。另外,服务不到位、服务不规范、对商品性能不了解等也是消费者较多关注的问题。 五 郑州大商场任重而道远 “大型商场还有必要建吗?”调查问卷统计结果显示,这个问题有两种极其鲜明的相反答案,61(5,的被调查者回答没有这个必要,郑州的商场已经饱和了。35,的被调查者认为很有必要,他们认为现在郑州市大商场不是多和少的问题,而是个怎么开的问题,他们认为郑州作为商贸城,大商场应起龙头作用,市场消费是一个巨大的空间,只要开得好,有特色,就一定能象亚细亚商场一样在全国叫响牌子。目前,郑州的大商场之所以销售不好,是因为分布不合理,形式单一,特色不突出等,而不是说大商场已经太多的问题。不管这两种说法谁对谁错,从调查数据分析表明,大商场近几年的销售额不容乐观,那么1997年会有什么景象呢?在批发市场和超市的夹击下,大商场想短时间迈出大步还不容易,造成这种大商场效益滑坡的原因是多方面的。一方面是社会购买力有限,大商场建得越多,社会购买力就越分散,经营自然就难以为继;另一方面,一些商场结构单一,布局不合理,在新的居民住宅区,可供人们购物的场所明显不足。而在闹市区,大型商场又过分集中,导致市场竞争激烈,生意难做;与此同时,大商场在经营决策中上档次,比豪华,组织商品缺乏广泛性、针对性,商品价格难以下浮都使商场失去购买力。由此看来,价格高一时难以colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 下调,分布不合理也暂时无法改变,在超级市场与专卖店之间,大商场作为郑州商贸城的一个大窗口,任重道远。也可以这么说,1997年是重复上马大商场降温的时候了。 六、大商场路在何方? A、脱下“豪华时装”贴近消费者 建设商贸城的目的首先是便民、服务于民并且加速郑州的经济发展,只有方便群众,符合消费者的实际需求和消费水准,才有收益,才有出路,才能促进经济的发展。所以发展大商场的零售业并不是盲目投人人、财、物的资源,应该充分考虑群众的消费水平。在郑州市可适度发展为集娱乐、购物、服务于一体的大型连锁商场,只有脱下“豪华时装”,和消费者站在一起才能赢得市场。 B、撤销出租柜台,尝试商场分期付款并开展商品租赁业务 调查显示,1996年郑州市十多家大型商场只有华联略有盈利,亚细亚持平,其余的全部亏损。具体分析,现在国有大型商场亏损的一个原因是出租柜台。自己盖商场,让别人经营,自然就要亏,只有尝试着搞商家连销,撤销出租柜台,并且服务承诺兑现,只要质量好,价格合理,服务到位,购买的潜力就很大。 对买大件商品如彩电、冰箱、空调等销售可以实行分期付款。一旦实行分期付款,群众可以放心购买,你东西不好,我可以退货,你colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 不退货,我不付款,这本身也是一种对顾客的质量承诺。另外,商场也可以推行租赁制,按时收费,不用了可以退回去,例如推出租赁电脑业务,每天5元,不管怎样,商场只有在探索尝试中才能不断发展,俗话说,出奇才能制胜就是这个道理。 C、加强市场调研 开展行之有效的促销活动 加强市场调研,不断适应居民消费结构和消费水平变化,科学制定营销策略。在广告宣传上,要注意保持企业自身的形象与经营特色,开展行之有效的广告促销活动。例如学历的高低上与促销联系起来,高学历的消费者喜欢的促销形式是送优惠卡,免费咨询,导购等,中等学历的喜欢打折销售,免费试用;低学历的喜欢幸运抽奖和买几赠几。掌握成熟的促销经验,促销规律,使商场经营定向成熟。 D、消费与文化联姻 伴随着经济浪潮的汹涌澎湃,“文化渗透”到商场中,为企业树立“企业文化”。在郑州市百货大楼,紫荆山大楼等几家商场都设有国书柜台。餐饮、休息、娱乐为一体的综合商场还将歌舞、书画等活动融人其中,亦是一种追求时尚的文化行为。扶持文化,建设文化是商家重视文化的具体表现,它既能在激烈的广告战中出奇制胜,还能显示自身具有较强的商业竞争力和市场占有量。 E、提高服务态度 形成特色服务 colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 调查结果显示,消费者认为大商场的服务多多少少都存在着不尽人意之处,售后服务比售前差、服务意识差、服务不规范、服务用语不当等等直接影响着商场的形象。亚细亚商场尽管物品价格相对较高,但消费者对亚细亚的满意度和信赖度却很高,这就是亚细亚“微笑服务”所包括的深远含义。所以说各大商场要想在竞争中立于不败之地,加强服务意识,提高服务质量,端正服务态度势在必行。例如:规范服务用语,售前、售后服务始终如一,真正落实服务承诺制,创新服务,形成科学完善的服务体系和服务特色,走好自己的经营之路。 七、调查总结 郑州市大商场该往何处去?这不是一两句话可以解释说明的问题,也不是这次调查一下子就能讲透、指明方向的事。随着郑州商贸城的建设,各大商城本着为民服务的宗旨实施经营战略,大商场不仅是郑州的大商场,更重要的它是河南的乃至全国的大商场,更是郑州商贸城建设的窗口,只有这样加以认识和从这个高度出发,大商场才可能真正发挥其在商贸中的龙头作用,才会创造良好的经济效益。 colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System
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