

2017-09-01 6页 doc 23KB 24阅读




爱丽丝长高了"我长得多快呀!"她说这时爱丽丝长高了"我长得多快呀!"她说这时 The Pool of Tears Alice grew bigger. "How quickly I'm growing!" she said. And then, "Oh!" she cried, as her head hit the ceiling. "I must go into that garden," she thought. "This hall is too small for me now." She took the little golden key a...
爱丽丝长高了"我长得多快呀!"她说这时 The Pool of Tears Alice grew bigger. "How quickly I'm growing!" she said. And then, "Oh!" she cried, as her head hit the ceiling. "I must go into that garden," she thought. "This hall is too small for me now." She took the little golden key and went quickly to the garden door. She was much too big to go through it. Poor Alice! She sat down and began to cry again. Because she was so big, the tears that fell from her eyes were very big too. They made a big pool. "Stop crying!" Alice told herself. "You're a big girl (and she was big -- very big) and you mustn't cry." But she couldn't stop the big tears, and soon there was a pool of tears all round her. After a time, she heard little feet running towards her, and then she saw the White Rabbit coming back. He had his best clothes on, and he had two very clean white gloves in one hand and a fan in his other hand. " Oh, the Duchess, the Duchess!" Alice heard him saying. "How angry she'll be because I'm late!" Alice wanted to ask him for help. She tried to speak in her nicest way as she said, "Please--' The White Rabbit jumped. The word came from the ceiling, and he was afraid. He ran away as quickly as he could, and the gloves and the fan fell from his hands. Alice took up the very small gloves and the fan. It was hot in the hall, so she began to fan herself with the fan. "Am I changed?" she wondered. "I was myself yesterday, but things are not the same today. If I'm not me, who am I? I don't want to be my friend Mabel because she doesn't know very much. I know much more than she does," Alice stopped. " Do I know more?" she wondered. "I'll try. I'll try to say four times. Four times one is four. Four times two is eight. Four times three is nine, Four times four is-- Oh!" She began to cry again. They were only small tears. One of them fell on her hand, and she looked down. There was a glove on the other hand. She had put one of the White Rabbit's little gloves on. "How can I have done that?" she thought. "I must be growing small." She stood up and walked to the table again. "I'll see how big I am," she said. The table was a long way up. Alice was very small and she was quickly becoming smaller. "The fan!" she thought. "The fan's making me smaller." She threw it down. "I'm so small that I can go through the door." she thought, and she ran towards it. She had not run far when-splash-she fell into a lot of water. "I have fallen into the sea," she thought. It wasn't the sea. It was the pool of tears that she had made when she was very big. "Why did I cry so much?" Alice said. She heard something splashing about in the pool near her. "It must be a very big fish or sea animal," she thought. But then she remembered that she her- self was very small, and she soon saw that it was a mouse that had fallen into the water. "I wonder if it can speak," Alice thought. "This place is not the same as home, so I'll speak to it. 0Mouse!" she said. "Do you know the way out of this pool?" There was no answer. "Is it a French mouse?" Alice wondered. She tried to remember some French words. The words that began her school French book were the words for: Where is my cat? So she said them: "Ou est ma chatte?" There was a great splashing, and the Mouse moved away as quickly as he could. " Oh!" Alice cried. " Please don't be angry! I didn't remember that mice don't like cats." "Don't like cats!" the Mouse said. (He was very angry.) 'Would you like cats if you were me?" "No," Alice said. "No. But I think you would like Dinah. She is a nice, dear thing." Alice was speaking mostly to herself. "She never makes a noise, and she's very good. She catches all the mice--Oh! You're angry again! We will not speak about Dinah any more--“ "We!" the Mouse cried. "I never speak about cats! I don't want to hear any more about them." Alice quickly tried to speak about other things. "Perhaps--" she said, "perhaps you like dogs?" The Mouse did not answer, so Alice began again: "There is a very nice little dog near our house. You would love it. It likes playing with children, but it works too. Its home is on a farm, and the farmer says that it helps him a lot. It kills all the m -- Oh!" The Mouse was very angry. He splashed his way to the side of the pool and got out of the water. Alice went after him. There were a lot of animals and birds which had fallen into the pool: a duck, and a dodo, and others with names that Alice did not know. They splashed after Alice and got out of the water. 泪水池 爱丽丝长高了。“我长得多快呀~”她说。这时,“噢~”她叫了一 声,她的头碰到了天花板。 “我一定要进那座花园,”她想,“现在这个大厅对我来说是太小了。 她拿起小金钥匙,很快地走到花园门口。她身材太高大了,进不了门。 可怜的爱丽丝~她又坐下来大哭起来。因为她太高、太大了,从她眼 里掉下来的泪珠儿也很大。泪水流成了一个大池子。 “别哭啦~”爱丽丝跟自己说,“你现在是个大姑娘了(她确实大— —大极了。),你不该哭啊。”可是她禁不住大滴的眼泪掉下来。不一会 儿,她的周围就形成了一个泪水池。 过了一会儿,她听见小脚朝她跑过来的声音,接着她看见那只白兔又跑回来了,他穿着最好的衣服,一只手里拿着一副挺干净的白手套,另一只手里拿着一把扇子。 “啊~公爵夫人,公爵夫人~”爱丽丝听到他这么说,“我迟到了,她会多么生气啊~” 爱丽丝想要他帮忙,就用她最和气的语气说道:“请——” 白兔跳了起来,这句话是从天花板上传来的,白兔很害怕,丢下手套和扇子拚命跑开了。 爱丽丝拿起那副小小的手套和那把扇子。大厅里很热,她就用扇子扇扇。 “我变了吗,”她觉得奇怪。“昨天我是我自个儿,今天情况就不一样了。假如我不是我,那么我是谁呢,我可不愿意做我的朋友玛贝尔,因为她知道的事儿太少,我比她知道的事儿多得多。”爱丽丝停住了,“我知道得比她多吗,”她又怀疑起来,“我试试看,我来试着说四的倍数。一四得四;二四得八;三四得九;四四——啊呀~”她又大哭起来。 掉下来的是小泪珠儿,有一滴眼泪掉在她一只手上。她低头看看,在另一只手上戴着一只手套。 “我怎么能戴上的呢,”她想,“我一定是在缩小。” 她站起来,又走到桌子旁。“我得看看我到底多大。”她说。 要走到桌子旁去,有很长一段路。爱丽丝很小,而且还在很快地变得更小。“扇子~”她想道,“这扇子把我变小了。”她把扇子扔了。 “我这么小,能钻进门去了。”她想着,就朝那门跑去,没跑多远,——扑通——她掉进水里去了。“我掉到海里了。”她想。 这不是海,是泪水池,就是她身材十分高大的时候流的泪形成的泪水池。 “我干吗要哭得那么厉害呢,”爱丽丝说。 爱丽丝听到旁边有什么东西在哗啦哗啦地划水。“一定是条大鱼或是只海兽。”她想。这时,她才想起自己是很小的。她马上看到了,那是只掉进水里的耗子。 “不知道它会不会说话。”爱丽丝想,“这地方跟家里不一样。我跟它说说看。”“喂,耗子~”她说,“你知道怎么离开水池吗,” 没有回答。“这是只法国耗子吧,”爱丽丝挺纳闷儿,她试着回想几个法文字儿。学校里的法文上头几个词儿是:我的猫在哪儿,所以她就用法文说:“Oestmachatte,(我的猫在哪儿,)” 哗啦,哗啦,水花乱溅,那只耗子拼命游开去。 “哦~”爱丽丝叫道,“请别生气,我忘了,耗子是不喜欢猫的。” “不喜欢猫~”耗子说(他很生气),“假如你是我的话,你能喜欢猫吗,” “不,”爱丽丝说,“不喜欢。不过我想,你会喜欢蒂娜的,她是个讨人喜欢的小东西。”爱丽丝主要是跟自个儿说的,“她从来不闹,她真好。她逮所有的耗子——哦,你又要生气了~咱们别再谈蒂娜吧„„” “咱们~”耗子叫着,“我从来不提猫儿~我不要再听猫儿的事了。” 爱丽丝马上想法子谈别的事儿。“也许——”她说,“也许你喜欢狗吧,”耗子没有吭声,所以爱丽丝又说:“我们家附近有一只可爱的小狗。你会喜欢它的。它爱跟小孩子一块儿玩,它还干活儿呢。它家在一个农场里,农夫说,它帮了他很多忙。它弄死了所有的耗——哦~” 耗子气坏了,它一路溅着水游到岸边,爬出水池。爱丽丝跟在它后面。 有不少飞禽走兽掉进池子里:一只鸭子、一只渡渡鸟,还有爱丽丝叫不出名字的动物。他们跟在爱丽丝后头,哗哗地划着水,上了岸。
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