

2017-09-19 4页 doc 22KB 150阅读




英语短语和造句At the critical moment, the government took effective measures to prevent the infectious disease from spinning out of control 危机关头,政府采取了有效措施,阻止了这种传染病的迅速加剧而失去控制。 2 3.  失控 beyond one’s control  In realistic life, we must keep our minds so prepared for things beyond o...
At the critical moment, the government took effective measures to prevent the infectious disease from spinning out of control 危机关头,政府采取了有效措施,阻止了这种传染病的迅速加剧而失去控制。 2 3.  失控 beyond one’s control  In realistic life, we must keep our minds so prepared for things beyond our control as to cope efficiently with them later on. 现实生活中,我们必须为那些不可控制的事件做好准备,以便随后能有效地应对 4. 减轻压力(负担 to lighten one’s load The core of the issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers is to lighten the farmers’ load and increase their income “三农” 问题的核心就是要减轻农民负担,提高农民收入 5.  除其他······之外 among other things  It goes without saying that a peaceful and stable environment, among other things, proves to be of vital importance for China 不言而喻,除其他因素之外,一个和平稳定的环境对中国至关重要 6. 把 ······ 归因于 ······ to attribute… to…  Some people wrongly attribute success to good luck, but the truth is that hard work is the key to success 一些人把成功错误地归因于运气,但事实是:刻苦努力是成功的关键 7.  表面上 on the exterior  On the exterior, this building is grand and magnificent, reflecting the typical styles of European architecture arts 从外表看,这座建筑物雄伟壮观,集中体现了欧洲建筑艺术风格。 8. 本质上,内在地 on the interior On the exterior, she is timid and weak-willed; but on the interior, she has a rather strong mind and never yields to any difficulties 她貌似怯弱,但内心却十分坚强,在困难面前从不屈服。 9. ······的根源 the root of ... A great dam has been built up so as to eliminate the root of flood, which used to endanger the people along the river. 一座大坝已经建立起来,从而彻底根除了过去威胁着沿岸人民安全的洪水 10. 十全十美 to be all things  As is opposite to the reality, some parents expect their children to be all things, thus urging them to learn this and that after class. 一些家长不切合实际地希望自己的孩子十全十美,因此逼迫他们在课余时间学这学那。 11. 大发雷霆 to blow one’s top  The coach pinned high hopes on his team; so when they suffered a complete defeat in the match, he blew his top. 教练对自己的球队寄予厚望,因而当球队在比赛中被打得一败涂地时,他大发雷霆 12. 生活没有方向 to have no compass in life  If ambition is likened to the navigation mark for one’s life, those with no ambition have no compass in life. 如果把理想比作人生的航标,那么,那些无所追求的人生活没有方向 13.  看重/强调 ······ to give emphasis to… In the course of children’s growth, we should give as much emphasis to the cultivation of their love for others as to their intellectual development. 在孩子的成长过程中,我们应把对孩子的爱心培养和智力发展看得同等重要 14.  生气 to own anger  (L. 33) He is so tolerant that he never owns anger even when suffering wrong. 他心胸非常豁达,即使受了委屈,也从来不生气 15.  受煎熬 to stir in one’s own juice  (L. 34) When their favorite team met its Waterloo and lost the hope of getting into the finals, the devoted fans were stirring in their own juice as if it were the end of the world 当自己最喜爱的球队兵败麦城 从而无望打入决赛时,这些忠实的球迷在痛苦中煎熬,仿佛天都要塌下来了。 16.  因······而跨下来 to blow apart with sth. (L. 37) The company, which once achieved a roaring success, is now about to blow apart with the lack of money and efficient management. 这家公司曾经获得巨大成功,可是由于缺乏资金和有效管理,现在行将跨塌。 17. 在路上 on one’s trail So long as you go ahead steadily and proceed step by step on your trail to the pyramid of success, you are bound to reach its peak 在通往成功的金字塔的道路上,只要你稳扎稳打,一步一个台阶,你就一定能登上顶峰 18. 降低到······ to cut sth. down to… (L. 49) Thanks to the efficient and proper treatment after the accident, the damage was cut down to the minimum level. 由于有效的善后处理工作,事故造成的损失降到了最低限度。 19. 确定优先做的事情 to set one’s priorities  Whatever you do, priorities should be set because it is unwise to try to attend to big and small matters all at once 无论做什么事情都应该有个轻重缓急,因为眉毛胡子一把抓是不明智的 20.  牢记,记住 to keep sth. in mind As PLA men, we should keep in mind our sacred mission — getting ready to give our lives for the national dignity 作为军人,我们应该牢记我们的神圣使命 — 时刻准备为民族的尊严而献身 21.  对 ······ 几乎没有或没有控制 to have little or no control over sth Once you exercise little control over your sensibility, it is more likely to overflow the banks of your sense , thus bringing you into great emotional depression 你一旦对自己的情感放任自流,它很可能会漫过理智的堤岸,使你陷入情感的深渊 文档已经阅读完毕,请返回上一页!
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