
求助 八个月宝宝的食谱1

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求助 八个月宝宝的食谱1求助 八个月宝宝的食谱1 求助 八个月宝宝的食谱 我家宝宝八个多月了,有点挑食,我都不知道该煮什么给她吃了,求助一个星期的食谱 错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。 2009-12-24 20:06 最佳答案 8个月宝宝的一周食谱 星期一 上午 糙米糊 芝麻盐 蛋黄 青菜泥 下午 赤豆粥 红薯泥 豆腐泥 星期二 上午 米糊 芝麻盐 蛋黄 鱼泥 下午 青菜烂面汤 豆腐泥 星期三 上午 小米面粥 南瓜泥 ...
求助 八个月宝宝的食谱1
求助 八个月宝宝的食谱1 求助 八个月宝宝的食谱 我家宝宝八个多月了,有点挑食,我都不知道该煮什么给她吃了,求助一个星期的食谱 错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。错误~未找到引用源。 2009-12-24 20:06 最佳 8个月宝宝的一周食谱 星期一 上午 糙米糊 芝麻盐 蛋黄 青菜泥 下午 赤豆粥 红薯泥 豆腐泥 星期二 上午 米糊 芝麻盐 蛋黄 鱼泥 下午 青菜烂面汤 豆腐泥 星期三 上午 小米面粥 南瓜泥 蛋黄 下午 青菜肉饺子 星期四 上午 米糊 胡萝卜泥 豆腐泥 下午 蛋黄粥 鱼泥 青菜泥 星期五 上午 糙米粥 芝麻盐 蛋黄 下午 菜烂面片 豆腐泥 星期六 上午 牛奶面包粥 蛋黄 土豆泥 下午 青菜 鱼泥 白粥 星期日 上午 玉米面粥 蛋黄 南瓜泥 下午 蔬菜鲜肉小馄饨 素食宝宝特别要注意的营养 7,9个月?咀嚼期 虽然还是以母乳或配方奶为主,但宝宝们已经尝试过多种辅食了,此时,辅食为提供铁质的重要来源,通常1天喂食2,3次辅食。只要是未加调味的健康新鲜食物,都可当作宝宝的辅食。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 特别要注意的营养 钙质 哺喂母乳及配方奶的宝宝,其钙质足够宝宝一开始的需要,随着宝宝奶量逐渐减少,在咀嚼后期需要多摄取钙质丰富的食物,如强化钙质豆奶、深绿色蔬菜、全谷类面包、种子豆类、豆腐、芝麻糊等。 喂食的食物型态 浓稠状、块状型态,舌头能抵碎或手指能捏碎的硬度。 可选用的食物种类 除先前已喂过的食物种类外,可再增加如下食物: 1.蔬菜类各种切成小段煮软的蔬菜(波菜及甜菜根最好等宝宝10个月大后再喂食)。 2.水果类各种切成小丁的软质水果、果汁均可。 3.五谷根茎类糊状稀饭、米线、麦糊、小短软面条、软的吐司面包等。 4.豆腐(放在后期食用)。 5.油脂类煮软磨碎的花生泥、芝麻糊(放在后期食用)。 喂食要领 1.不爱吃某种食物,可能是不习惯,不防煮软一点或加点淀粉勾芡让食物滑口,或是把食物放在稀饭中亦可。 2.食物材料若有多种色彩组合,宝宝会更爱吃。 3.6个月大后可开始尝试吃煮熟的蛋黄,但有些专家建议,1岁前避免吃所有奶类制品及全蛋。 4.红豆、绿豆、扁豆等豆泥,若太早提供怕造成一些不易消化的问题,等8个月大后才吃较佳。 每日分量表 月数 五谷根茎类 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 豆、蛋类 蔬菜、水果 7个月 打碎稀饭1/3碗 软豆腐或蛋黄1/4份 泥状2匙 8个月 1/2碗 1/2份 4匙 9个月 2/3碗 2/3份 6匙 10,12个月 辅食的添加期接近尾声了,此时宝宝已能吃些较大的块状食物,也开始模仿大人的动作,所以父母可以和宝宝一起吃饭,并示范给他看;餐桌上的食物,只要没有加盐都可以让宝宝尝试看看。当宝宝能够咬一片一片的水果时,三明治也可成为每天的食物。当宝宝满周岁后就可以和爸爸妈妈一起用餐,吃一样的东西,享受到像大人一样一天三餐的感觉。 特别要注意的营养 维生素B12 来自微小有机生物,大部分来自于动物性食物,小Baby所需之维生素B12来自母乳或配方奶,之后来自乳制品或全蛋当中,而严格素食者可从强化铁质的豆奶、酵母粉或素汉堡取得。 喂食的食物型态 有齿感的条状或小块状的食物形态均可。 可选用的食物种类 除先前已喂过的食物种类外,可再增加的食物如下: designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 每日分量表 月数 五谷根茎类 豆、蛋类 蔬菜、水果 10个月 稀饭4/5碗 蛋黄1/2份 泥状6匙 11个月 1碗 1份 7匙 12个月 1碗 1份 8匙 1.水果类 各种切成小片并去皮的水果均可。 2.五谷根茎类 软饭、马铃薯、地瓜、磨牙饼干、烤过的面包、煮烂一点的绿豆汤、红豆汤等。 3.蛋、豆类 豆腐、鸡蛋豆腐以及蒸蛋。 喂食要领 避免甜饼干或脆饼干,尤其是精致甜食、糕点、饮料,过多的甜食会影响宝宝正餐的食量,甚至会影响宝宝将来的反应能力,有碍健康。 有许多市售婴儿食品都适合素食者使用,且准备起来快速又简单,如果您在购买市售婴儿食品时,别忘了看一下营养成分标示,是否为素食可用或符合宝宝月龄食用。 营养师小叮咛 黄豆的蛋白质属于优质蛋白,并不缺乏任何一种氨基酸,只要摄取足够,不必担心蛋白质不足,素食者的蛋白质来源,主要是豆类,五谷根茎类、坚果类等,designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 也都含有丰富的蛋白质。只不过,一般干豆类含甲硫胺酸的成分较低,而谷类也是少了一种胺基酸(谷类离胺酸含量较低),不过,如果把这两种食物搭配,则形成了完整的蛋白质来源,所以素食者在摄取食物时,不能有偏食的习惯。 养育素食宝宝并不是件难事,而素食也可以提供成长中的宝宝所有营养。但妈妈也许要有心理准备,辅食添加时期您的宝宝可能会拒吃带有味道的食物,如胡萝卜、青椒等,不过别担心,几个月之后宝宝有可能会喜欢上它们的。 给宝宝添加辅食新主张 2005年07月25日 09:32 《为了孩子》 宝宝4个月后,不论采用哪种喂养方法,这时候都应开始添加辅助食品了,以满足宝宝的生长发育所必需的热能及各种营养素。 小贴士:3个月以内的宝宝一般不应该添加辅食。 不足3个月的婴儿,其消化吸收系统还不能接受复杂的食物结构。如果太早添加辅食, 会引发宝宝消化不良,导致腹胀、腹泻,给发育不成熟的肾脏带来很大的压力,留下隐患。 添加辅食的理由 * 乳汁已经无法满足宝宝的生长需求 4个月后,单纯从母乳或配方奶粉中获得的营养成分已经不能满足宝宝生长发育的需求,必须添加辅食,帮助宝宝及时摄取均衡、充足的营养,满足生长发育的需求。 * 为“断奶”做好准备 婴儿的辅助食品又称断奶食品,其含义并不仅仅指宝宝断奶时所用的食品,而是指从单一的乳汁喂养到完全“断奶”这一阶段时间内所添加的“过渡”食品。 * 训练吞咽能力 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 从习惯吸食乳汁到吃接近成人的固体食物,宝宝需要有一个逐渐适应的过程。从吸吮到咀嚼、吞咽,宝宝需要学习另外一种进食方式,这一般需要半年或者更长的时间。 * 培养咀嚼能力 宝宝不断长大,他的牙粘膜也逐渐变得坚硬起来,尤其是长出门牙后,如果及时给他吃软化的半固体食物,他会学着用牙龈或牙齿去咀嚼食物。咀嚼功能的发育有利于颌骨发育和乳牙萌出。 添加辅食的时机 * 宝宝的头颈部肌肉已经发育完善,能自主挺直脖子,方便进食固体食物; * 吞咽功能逐渐协调成熟,不再把舌头上的食物吐出来; * 消化系统中的分解酶素,已经能够消化不同种类的食物了。 特别提醒:具体到每个宝宝,该什么时候开始添加辅食,父母应视宝宝的健康及生长状况决定。 添加辅食的原则:量和速度都应循序渐进。 * 添加的量——由少到多 每添加一种新的食品,必须先从少量喂起。而且大人需要比平时更仔细地观察宝宝,如果没有什么不良反应,再逐渐增加一些。 例如:添加蛋黄,先从1/4蛋黄加起,如果宝宝能够耐受,1/4的量保持几天后再加到1/3,然后逐步加到1/2、3/4,最后为整个蛋黄。 * 添加的品种——由一种到多种 给宝宝添加辅食,只能一样一样地加,宝宝习惯一样加一样。要等宝宝适应后,再添加新的品种。 例如:添加米糊,就不能同时添加蛋黄,要等宝宝适应米糊后才能开始添加蛋黄,等宝宝适应了米糊和鸡蛋黄后,再添加土豆泥。 * 添加的浓度——由稀到稠 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 添加初期给宝宝一些容易消化的、水分较多的流质、汤类,然后从半流质慢慢过渡到各种泥状食品,最后添加柔软的固体食品。 例如:米糊?粥?软饭。 * 添加的形态——由细到粗 添加固体食品时,大人可先将食物捣烂,做成稀泥状;待宝宝长大一些,习惯一些,可做成碎末状或糜状,以后再做成块状的食物。 例如:肉泥?肉糜?肉末?肉丁。 特别提醒:添加辅食要在宝宝身体健康的时候进行,宝宝生病或对某种食品不消化,不能添加甚至或暂停。 添加辅食的顺序—— 第一步:在日常奶量以外,适当添加米糊、麦糊、果汁和菜汤。 第二步:添加蛋黄泥。从喂食1/4的蛋黄开始,慢慢过渡到整只蛋黄。 第三步:添加鱼虾和肉类等蛋白质类的食物。 添加辅食是宝宝品尝新口味的开始,应该是一件开心的事情 * 要有足够的耐心 第一次喂新的食品或固体食物时,宝宝可能会将食物吐出来,这是因为他还不熟悉新食物的味道,并不表示他不喜欢。 特别提醒:需要连续喂食数天,宝宝才可能习惯新食品的口味。 * 创造愉悦的进餐氛围 最好在宝宝心情舒畅、你自己感觉轻松的时候,给宝宝添加新的食物。 特别提醒:你和宝宝的情绪都会影响宝宝对新食品的兴趣。 * 读懂宝宝进食时的肢体语言 肚子饿、宝宝对食物感兴趣时,他会兴奋地手舞足蹈,身体前倾并张大嘴。相反,如果不饿,宝宝会面对食物紧闭嘴巴,把头转开或者干脆闭上眼睛。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 特别提醒:勉强和强迫只会让宝宝产生反感,把享受美食当成痛苦。 妈妈应该了解的注意事项 * 每次喂食一种新食物后,必须密切观察宝宝排便、食欲、情绪和皮肤等全面状态。如有便秘、腹泻、呕吐、皮肤出疹或潮红以及哭闹等不良反应,应立即停止喂食,并带他去医院。 * 添加辅食过快过量,会加大宝宝肠胃负担,引起消化系统的麻烦。 * 将食物装在碗内,用小匙一口口地喂,让宝宝渐渐适应成人的饮食方式。当宝宝具有一定的抓握力后,可鼓励他自己拿小匙。 * 添加辅食最好安排在宝宝喝奶之前,这样不会因为肚饱而无兴趣尝试辅食。 * 如果宝宝性格比较温和、吃东西速度比较慢,千万不要责备和催促,以免引起他对进餐的厌恶。 妈妈亲手做的,就是最好的 市场上有许多成品婴儿辅食,卫生、方便,可省去许多制作的麻烦。但我们还是提倡妈妈自己动手给宝宝制作食品,这不仅经济实惠,还有利于保持食物的新鲜度,确保没有任何添加剂。 卫生安全是首要 * 一定要选用新鲜的天然的原料。最好现做现吃,不要把制作好的食品存放过久。 * 有皮的水果和蔬菜,应去皮后再加工制作;切忌用已破损或糜烂的水果及蔬菜(哪怕已经剜除了溃烂面也不行)制作辅食。 * 烹饪时一定要煮熟煮透。特别是鸡蛋、鱼虾和肉类,以免发生感染和过敏。 * 不放或少放调料,特别是添加辅食的初期,原则上不放调味品。 * 制作辅食和喂食前,一定要剪短指甲、清洗双手;保证所有用具和餐具清洁干净。 小贴士:辅食的保存方法 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, 必须放在消毒过的容器内,密封后再放入冰箱。一般只能在冰箱里存放2天。生熟食品要分开保存。 巧手妈妈速成 4-6个月 * 果 汁:新鲜水果洗净切开,将果汁挤出后以纱布过滤,1份原汁加等量冷开水。 * 菜 汁:绿色新鲜蔬菜,去除大茎,放入沸水中稍煮,去除菜叶,菜水冷却后即可食用。 * 米麦糊:将米粉或麦粉置于碗中,加开水调和成糊状。 7-9个月 * 果 泥:选择熟软、纤维少、肉多的水果,洗净去皮,用汤匙刮取果肉,碾碎成泥。 * 菜 泥:将绿色新鲜蔬菜洗净,去皮去茎,切段,放入沸水中煮熟,置于碗内用汤匙压碎成泥。 * 蛋黄泥:整只鸡蛋水煮,开锅后再煮10分钟,把鸡蛋煮老。取蛋黄用少量温开水调制成糊状。 特别提示: 1. 不应将蛋黄泥加在奶瓶中给宝宝喂食,这容易引起宝宝食欲减退。 2. 对蛋黄过敏的宝宝,应等待肠道发育进一步完善、对异种蛋白的屏障作用进一步加强后,再添加蛋黄。一般要到7个月甚至1岁,才能尝试喂蛋黄。 * 肉 泥:里脊肉洗净用汤匙刮成泥,加入少许水搅拌均匀,置于碗中蒸熟。 * 鱼 泥: 鱼去皮去骨洗净,蒸熟后捣成泥。 * 豆腐泥:开水冲净后,去外层硬皮,以汤匙捣碎,加适量开水调匀后蒸熟。 * 稀 饭:米洗净后加10倍水,浸泡30分钟,大火烧开后改成小火煮50分钟,熄火后再焖10分钟,以汤匙捣碎后喂食。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and, * 蔬菜粥:饭加5倍水,煮15-20分钟,熄火后焖10分钟,将烫过的青菜嫩叶捣碎,加入稀饭中搅匀即可。 * 肉泥粥:饭加5倍水,煮15-20分钟,熄火后焖10分钟,将蒸熟的肉泥加入搅匀即可。 10-12个月 * 剁碎的蔬菜:菜叶洗净切碎,放入锅中加少量水煮熟,稍捣后即可喂食。 * 蒸蛋:蛋打入碗中,加水或汤汁至8分满,放少许盐打均匀,蒸熟。 不能让宝宝吃的食品: * 蜂蜜:虽然属于天然食品,但因无法消毒,其中可能含有肉毒杆菌,会引起宝宝严重的腹泻或便秘,不适合给1岁以下的宝宝。 * 容易引起过敏的食物:鸡蛋的蛋白、有壳的海鲜类(如龙虾、螃蟹、蛤蜊)等。 * 刺激性的食物:咖喱、辣椒、咖啡、可乐、红茶或含酒精的饮料及食物。 * 口味太重的食物:太甜的布丁、太咸的稀饭和汤类。 * 不易消化的食物:章鱼、墨鱼等。 * 纤维太多的食物:芹菜、竹笋等。 * 含人工添加物的食物:方便面、膨化食品等。 designate a person responsible for periodically repaired, if significant quality problems, whether it's design or construction reasons, are required at the first meeting to study and propose solutions; 5) post through re-examination on the basis to resolve all remaining issues, well prepared for formal acceptance. 9, officially accepted: 1) the letter of acceptance issued by the Chief Engineer, project manager, and submitted it to the construction completion data; 2) by the employer organization design, supervision and quality supervision stations, construction and other construction units work together to check the quality and acceptance of views put forward, assessed quality rating; 3) Unit checked and confirmed after the completion of works comply with the standards and requirements, issue a certificate of completion to the construction unit, construction and design, quality supervision station, the engineer, civil engineering and other units to sign the certificates of completion; 4) signed a final acceptance certificate and construction unit, and according to the contract provisions of settlement procedures, unless indicated in the contract by the contractor of the warranty work, economic and legal responsibilities of each party are able to remove; 5) get the files transfer and project procedures. 10 quality tracking, maintenance plan is an important part of our quality assurance system, the company sold products and installation works are carried out by the after-sales service obligations. In particular, we developed a departmental duties and quality guarantee measures, as follows: 1) visited customers and product usage information. 2) collect customer feedback, product information, customer reports, complaints. 3) based on customer comments and respond promptly to complaints, to the site to identify the cause analysis, engineering quality problems and fill in the data form. 4) record type, the location, cause, and complete solutions. 5) identify reasons to propose solutions and,
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