

2017-12-02 17页 doc 56KB 11阅读




长脸圆脸方脸的眉毛化妆方法长脸圆脸方脸的眉毛化妆方法 眉毛是面部非常突出的部位,颜色较浓。它的形状往往会给人不同的个性印象。眉毛的印象因眉毛的形状、宽窄、长短、疏密、曲直等而产生。眉毛在脸型中是横向的线条,因此在做化妆造型时,常常利用眉毛的形状和色调来调整脸型,增加表现力,以突出造型的个性特征。眉毛的造型应当衬托与协调整个妆面,而不能孤立地出现,使妆materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certifi...
长脸圆脸方脸的眉毛化妆方法 眉毛是面部非常突出的部位,颜色较浓。它的形状往往会给人不同的个性印象。眉毛的印象因眉毛的形状、宽窄、长短、疏密、曲直等而产生。眉毛在脸型中是横向的线条,因此在做化妆造型时,常常利用眉毛的形状和色调来调整脸型,增加现力,以突出造型的个性特征。眉毛的造型应当衬托与协调整个妆面,而不能孤立地出现,使妆materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 面显得突兀,破坏妆面的整体感。 一眉毛的结构与颜色: (一)眉毛的印象 眉毛是面部非常突出的部位,颜色较浓。它的形状往 往会给人不同的个性印象。 眉毛的印象因眉毛的形状、宽窄、长短、疏密、曲直 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 等而产生。 眉毛在脸型中是横向的线条,因此在做化妆造型时, 常常利用眉毛的形状和色调来调整脸型,增加表现力,以 突出造型的个性特征。 眉毛的造型应当衬托与协调整 (二)眉毛的立体形态 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 眉毛是立体的。一方面,眉毛自然生长的浓密程度各不相同,眉头眉梢较为稀疏,色泽浅淡,眉腰的眉毛较浓密,色泽深。另一方面,眉毛是高出皮肤表面的一撮毛发,每个部位的受光情况也不相同,产生了不同的明暗。 眉毛的上缘受光好,较为浅亮;眉毛的下缘不直接受光,较为深暗。所以,眉毛是有明暗变化的立体形态,一般来讲,两头虚,中间实,上面虚,下面实。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 在描画时应依据眉毛的自然生长规律和明暗变化,才 会把眉毛画得真实生动。切忌画出生硬的轮廓线,使眉毛 失去真实感。个妆面,而不能孤立地出现,使妆面显得突兀, 破坏妆面的整体感。 (三)眉毛的比例关系 东方人的眉型以长为美。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 眉头和内眼角在同一垂直线上。 眉梢在鼻翼至外眼角连线的延长线上为长眉。 眉梢在嘴角至外眼角连线的延长线上为短眉。 如果眉的长度长于或短于上述这两个尺度,化妆时就 要适当调整。 眉峰在眉头至眉梢的外1/3处。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe (四)眉色的选择 常用的眉色有深棕色、灰色和黑色。 深棕色的眉笔一般用于淡妆,自然、写实、时尚;黑色 的眉笔可用于眉腰,强调出眉毛的立体感,并使眉毛的力 度加强。灰色的眉笔可使整体眉毛深浓而又真实不生硬。 眉色的深浅要与眼线、眼影的颜色和整体妆容相协调, materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 浓度一般不超过眼线。浓妆眉色要深,淡妆眉色要浅淡自 然。也可以根据特殊造型的需要调整颜色,大胆地使用红 色、绿色、蓝色、紫色等色调。 二眉毛的画法: 要画出自然的眉形,可以先从眉腰处着手,向上,向外 侧斜画,在长有自然眉毛的地方着色。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 如果眉毛稀疏或者有缺口,可模仿毛发的生长在皮肤上画出细细的线条,眉峰至眉梢以向外的笔触描画,眉梢顺走向略向斜下方描画。眉头可以不画,或者向上轻轻画出毛发一样的线条。 不能描画出生硬的轮廓线条后,在中间填满,因为眉毛看上去应该是自然生长的而不是画出来的线条。 A眉刷画眉: materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 化妆对象自然眉型比较清晰,只是色泽比较浅淡,或 者眉尾较短。 用眉刷沾眉粉轻刷,根据妆面的色调来选择颜色,但 用色要少,涂刷要均匀,局部可用眉笔强调。 刷好的眉毛保留了原有的眉型,色调深浅与妆型相符 合。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe B眉笔画眉: 化妆对象原有眉型不清晰,或者过细,有残缺。 用眉笔按照眉毛的自然生长方向一根根描画,将残缺 的眉型修补整齐。 注意眉型的边缘不要过于整齐,不要出现上下两条明 显的边缘线,眉毛的描画不应过满过实。常用颜色是棕色。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 三眉型与脸型: A圆脸: 眉型宜成上扬趋势,可适度描画一定的角度和层次, 表现力度和骨感,减弱圆润,平板的感觉。也可用略短粗的 拱形,不宜选择平直短粗眉形和弯挑细眉。 B长脸: materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 适合平直略带弧度的眉型,也可画成短粗智慧眉。不 适合弧度弯,上挑的、纤细的眉型。 C方脸:眉形宜呈上升趋势,但为了与方下颌呼应,眉 峰最好在外四分之三处。眉峰转折棱角分明,不宜选择平 直细短的眉型。 D菱形脸:宜平直略长为宜,不适合弧度大的眉型。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe 眉毛的重点应放在眉腰处而不是眉峰。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe
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