

2018-08-09 9页 doc 33KB 16阅读




怎样计算汽车的耗油量怎样计算汽车的耗油量 2002年,我国推出了新的汽车分类统计标准。新的汽车分类标准将汽车分为商用车和乘用车两大类。在基本乘用车类别上主要以发动机排量进行划分,比如,在基本型乘用车型的分类中,按所装备发动机的排量共分为1升排量以下、1升至1(6升、1(6升至2(0升、2(0升至2(5升、2(5升以上等五个排量区间,对应现行的轿车分类标准大致就是目前的微型轿车、普及型轿车、中级轿车、中高级轿车、高级轿车等五个类别。 一般来说,发动机的排气量和马力(功率)是成正比的,考察一辆车的气缸数以及排气量大小,大致就可以知道这辆车的马力(...
怎样计算汽车的耗油量 2002年,我国推出了新的汽车分类统计。新的汽车分类标准将汽车分为商用车和乘用车两大类。在基本乘用车类别上主要以发动机排量进行划分,比如,在基本型乘用车型的分类中,按所装备发动机的排量共分为1升排量以下、1升至1(6升、1(6升至2(0升、2(0升至2(5升、2(5升以上等五个排量区间,对应现行的轿车分类标准大致就是目前的微型轿车、普及型轿车、中级轿车、中高级轿车、高级轿车等五个类别。 一般来说,发动机的排气量和马力(功率)是成正比的,考察一辆车的气缸数以及排气量大小,大致就可以知道这辆车的马力(功率)是否强劲,排气量越大,马力(功率)越大。但随着汽车技术的发展,仅仅考察排气量就不够了。并不是排气量最大的发动机马力(功率)最大。其根本原因在于新技术的运用除了多气门技术外,还有电喷技术和涡轮增压技术等。 电喷技术就是电子控制汽油喷射装置,电喷发动机在同样排气量时,马力(功率)能要大于普通化油器发动机。 电喷分为两种,这是我们必须考察的。喷射器安装在原来化油器位置上,称为单点电控燃油喷射装置;喷射器安装在每个气缸的进气管上,称为多点电控燃油喷射装置。两者除了Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 喷射器的安装位置不同外,还有使用性能和制造成本的差异。 我们知道,汽油发动机是依靠混合气在气缸内燃烧做功而运转的,发动机的运行质量很大程度是由混合气的质量决定,混合气的形成在相当程度上又决定于燃油喷射系统的形式。因此,采用哪一种电控燃油喷射形式对发动机性能的影响是很大的。 单点喷射是将喷射器设在节气门上方,只能改善在节气门处的雾化以及加热管壁温度提高燃油的蒸发程度,但难以保证节气门后至进气门的一段管壁上不形成油膜或油滴,因此进气歧管的结构对混合气的输送和分配有重大影响,而且难以实现在所有工况下都能保持理想的混合气分配;多点喷射是将喷射器设在进气门处,燃油在热的进气门上进一步蒸发与空气充分混合后立即通过进气门进入燃烧室,不受到进气歧管结构的影响,可以保证均匀一致的混合气分配。 单点喷射虽然在运行性能上略低于多点喷射,但其构造简单,工作可靠,维护简单。这就意味着单点喷射系统可以降低对电动燃油泵的要求,节省了成本。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 为了保证汽车发动机的运行质量,现在大部分乘用车发动机电控燃油喷射系统采用多点喷射的型式,单点喷射系统一般仅用于小型乘用车上。我们在考察车辆技术时不仅仅知道是不是电喷发动机,还应该搞清是单点喷射还是多点喷射。 涡轮增压器 涡轮增压器实际上是一种空气压缩机,通过压缩空气来增加进气量。它是利用发动机排出的废气惯性冲力来推动涡轮室内的涡轮,涡轮又带动同轴的叶轮,叶轮压送由空气滤清器管道送来的空气,使之增压进入气缸。当发动机转速增快,废气排出速度与涡轮转速也同步增快,叶轮就压缩更多的空气进入气缸,空气的压力和密度增大可以燃烧更多的燃料,相应增加燃料量和调整发动机的转速,就可以增加发动机的输出功率了。参加竞赛的跑车或方程式赛车一般在发动机上装有涡轮增压器,以使汽车迸发出更大的功率。发动机是靠燃料在气缸内燃烧来产生功率的,输入的燃料量受到吸入气缸内空气量的限制,所产生的功率也会受到限制,如果发动机的运行性能已处于最佳状态,再增加输出功率只能通过压缩更多的空气进入气缸来增加燃料量,提高燃烧做功能力。在目前的技术条件下,涡轮增压器是唯一能使发动机在工作效率不变的情况下增加输出功率的机械装置。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 在最近30年时间里,涡轮增压器已经普及到许多类型的汽车上,它弥补了一些自然吸气式发动机的先天不足,使发动机在不改变排气量的情况下可以提高输出功率10% 以上。因此许多汽车制造公司都采用这种增压技术来改进发动机的输出功率,藉以实现轿车的高性能化。 汽车的经济性指标主要由耗油量来表示,是汽车使用性能中重要的性能。尤其我国要实施燃油税,汽车的耗油量参数就有特别的意义。耗油量参数是指汽车行驶百公里消耗的燃油量(以L为计量单位)。在我国这些指标是汽车制造厂根据国家规定的试验标准,通过样车测试得出来的。它包括等速百公里油耗和循环油耗。 等速百公里油耗:指在平坦硬实的路面上,汽车以最高档分别以不同车速等速行驶这段路程,往返一次取平均值,记录下油耗量,即可获得不同车速下汽车的百公里耗油量。将每个车速段的耗油量用点连起来,就发现是一条开口向上的抛物线,最凹点就是耗油量最低的车速段,也就是“经济车速”。一些厂家以这个经济车速做为耗油量参数,实际上只能做为参考值,因为一般用户是很难做得到的。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 循环油耗:指在一段指定的典型路段内汽车以等速、加速和减速等三种工况行驶时的耗油量。有些还要计入起动和怠速等工况的耗油量,然后折算成百公里耗油量。一般而言,循环油耗与等速百公里油耗(指定车速)加权平均取得综合油耗值,就比较客观地反映了汽车的耗油量。一些汽车技术性能表上将循环油耗标注为“城市油耗”,而将等速百公里油耗标注为“等速油耗”。 欧洲车的耗油量表示方法与我国相同,数值越小,燃油经济性越好。但它的耗油量测定分为三部分,分别是模拟城市内行驶工况的“城市行驶循环”、90公里,小时和120公里,小时的等速行驶。因此一般欧洲车的耗油量都有这三个参数。 美国车的耗油量表示方法刚刚相反。它是以每加仑可行驶的英里数(mile,gal)或每升可行驶的公里数(km,l)来表示。数值越大,燃油经济性越好。(1加仑=4.546升、1英里=1.6公里)当然,在中国销售的美国产车,其耗油量的标注也要“入乡随俗”了。一般来说,汽车的动力与油耗成正比。马力越大,油耗越高。但随着汽车技术的发展,许多动力强劲的车辆,油耗却比同类动力的发动机低得多。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency
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