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官府门第官府门第 官府门第,指门阀类匾额,古之门阀制度颇为严格。宋秦观《王俭论》:“自晋以阀 阅用人,王谢二氏,最为望族。”因此,随着科举制度的兴起,门阀制度渐次衰微, 但父死子荫和光宗耀祖的传统并没有完全消失,名门望族的观念还有很大的影响。 因此,匾额就成为自表家门的一种形式。本厅所陈列的匾额,从功名、仕宦、族望、 世系诸方面为我们展示了大致的类型。 Government and Patrician Tablets for In ancient time, the system of influential family is...
官府门第 官府门第,指门阀类匾额,古之门阀颇为严格。宋秦观《王俭论》:“自晋以阀 阅用人,王谢二氏,最为望族。”因此,随着科举制度的兴起,门阀制度渐次衰微, 但父死子荫和光宗耀祖的传统并没有完全消失,名门望族的观念还有很大的影响。 因此,匾额就成为自表家门的一种形式。本厅所陈列的匾额,从功名、仕宦、族望、 世系诸方面为我们展示了大致的类型。 Government and Patrician Tablets for In ancient time, the system of influential family is rather severe. In the chapter “On Wang Jian”, Qin Guan, a scholar of the Song Dynasty (420-479),says: “The Wangs and the Xies become the most distinguished families after the court of the Jin Dynasty (AD 265-420) appraise and promote officials by their families.” With the development of imperial examination system and the declining of influential family system, while, the tradition of son inheriting his late father’s honor and glorifying his family don’t complete vanish. The concept of patrician still has a big influence. As a result, tablet is become a form of glorying one’s family name. Tablets in the hall exhibit their probable types from the aspect of honor, official rank, family reputation and descent. 功德声望 功德声望,指功劳德行和名声威望类匾额。古者对有功于民者或人格名声为世人所 仰慕者,多以匾额述其业绩懿行,以示褒奖,以示教化,谓之旌表。《新唐书忠义传 孝源》:“夫旌忠,所以劝臣节也。旌者,所以激人伦也。”此类匾额蕴含多宽,不仅 包括公益、善事、节义、操守,还包括抚养、教育、恩泽、授受等,反映了社会人 性的诸多方面。 Tablets for Virtues, Achievements and Prestige In ancient societies, the person who serves to the people or his good personality is worshiped by the world whose outstanding achievements and good deed will be recorded and declared with tablets. The form of inscribed tablet is called Jingbiao (confer an inscribed tablet on one person for his/her honour). “Xiaoyu” of Biographies of Loyalty and Righteousness in New History of Tang says: “Honoring loyalty can urge the officials to preserve their moral integrity, while praising filial piety can harmony the people relations.” These tablets imply many aspects of society and humanity, which covering not only public service, good deed, loyalty and integrity, but also fostering, education, grace, offer and acceptance and so on. 医德教泽 医德教泽,是指反映古之医患关系和师生关系的匾额。医教之兴,在我国有着极为 悠久的历史,有“不为良相,即为良医”、“一日为师,终身为父”之说。前者讲治人 救命,功德无量;后者讲诲人子弟,干系重大。本厅所陈列的匾额,就为我们展示 了古之良医在追求医术的同时,更加注重医德的培养,从而为人们所拥戴。教泽也 然,一代人伦师表,堪为万世敬仰。 Tablets for Medical Ethics and Educational enlightening These tablets show the relationship of doctor-patient and teacher-student in ancient times. Medicine and education have a rich history in China which can be proved by some sayings such as “If not a good official, then a good doctor" and “a tutor for a day is a father for a lifetime”. The former saying shows that curing the sickness to save the patient will render great service and the later that teaching other children will be serious responsibility. The exhibited tablets show us why the ancient good doctors are admired by the people for them pursuing for knowledge of medicine, with more emphasis on cultivation of medical ethics. So does education. A modal teacher for his time will win the admiration for all ages. 精品匾额 精品匾额,是我们从本馆收藏的近两千块匾额中几 经斟选出来的。其大致包括年代、作者、书法、雕饰、内容诸方面。目的是, 我们在了解这些匾额的同时,还可以更深一步地了解其历史渊源和文化内涵,更进 一步地了解这些历史名人的生活背景和人性情感的其他方面,以便满足不同观众欣 赏的需要。 The Choice Tablets These are selected from nearly 2,000 tablets in the museum in accordance with broadly standards such as time, author, calligraphy, carving ornamentation and its content. The reason for the classification lies in the following: On the one hand, the visitors can understand and find out more their historical origins and cultural connotations as well as the living environment during watching the tablets and emotions of their original owner; on the other hand it can cater to different visitor tastes 婚喜寿庆 婚喜寿庆,泛指喜庆类匾额。古时民间,每逢喜 庆,官宦门第,积善人家,三教九流,往往有匾额赠送。这些匾额或锦上添花,或 称觞祝颂,故多溢美褒赞之词,但世事繁杂,也不乏恩德相报、亲情缅怀之作。这 些匾额盛烈之余,颇也忠实诚恳,真实地为我们再现了当时的礼尚往来和人事交流 的习俗。 Tablets for Happy Event In ancient time, when the official or benevolent families have happy events(such as wedding, birthday feast), they often can receive congratulatory tablets from people of all walks of life. Most tablets are full of splendor praise words to the families, while some honestly express kindness and emotion of the donors. Except some ornate and flowery language, these tablets really represent the custom of reciprocity and social behavior among the people of that time. 贞节贤孝 贞节贤孝,此类匾额多用来指女性。古之女性,不仅要受到“三纲”、“五常”、“三从”、 “ 四德”的束缚,还有《内则》、《女诫》诸规范。女子从一而终的观念,根深蒂固。 《明史列女传王氏》:“其一从夫地下为烈,次则冰霜以事翁姑为节,三则恒人事也。” 本厅所陈列的匾额有殉死、守节、尽孝、抚孤诸内容,深刻地反映了当时妇女家庭 变故后的情景、言行.。 Tablets for Chastity, Loyalty and Filial Piety These tablets are much used for eulogizing ancient women whose words and deeds meet not only “Three Cardinal Guides” (ruler guides subject, father guides son, and husband guides wife), “Five Constant Virtues” (benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity), “Women’s three Obediences” (to father before marriage, to husband after marriage, and to son after the death of husband)and Four Virtues (morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work) of the feudal ethical code, butalso “Neize”(The Rules in Household)and Nüjie (Lessons for Women). Ancient women have a tenacious idea that a woman shall be faithful to her husband to the very end. In the chapter “Madam Wang” of Biographies of Women in The History of Ming Dynasty, it says: “A woman shall how to do after her husband died? To die for the died is the greatest honor, attend husband’s parents the second, and only keep chastity the third.” These tablets include such as suicide through fidelity, maintaining chastity, filial piety and fostering kids on ancient widow deeds, which deeply reflect their situations after a family misfortune in that time. 堂号 堂号,是古代家庭的称号。此类匾额就是表现家族文化状况的遗存。堂号的不同, 反映了一个家庭的历史渊源和尊崇信奉的不同。本厅所陈列的匾额,除少数为洛阳 周边地区外,大部从江南一带征集,反映了清代南方家族文化的昌盛和北方家族文 化的凋零。此外,南北文化的差异,我们从匾额的型制、书法诸方面比较看出。 Tabletsfor Tanghao Tanghao refers to the name of a household in ancient China. These tablets reflect the survival of China clan culture. Different Tanghaos display different historical origins, values and beliefs of each family. Tanghao tablets are mostly collected from South China, with a few from the Luoyang (a northern China city) areas, which reflect the prosperity of the southern China clan culture and the fading of the northern in the Qing dynasty. The culture differences between the south and north China also can be told from their modes, calligraphy, etc. 寺庙宗祠 寺庙宗祠,是指寺院、庙宇、祠堂类匾额。需要说明的是,此类匾额,在洛阳应该 是最为光彩的部分。据史料记载,仅北魏时期,洛阳就有寺院1367所,匾额之盛可 想而知。遗憾的是,由于历史的原因,此类匾额的隳坏也最为残烈,目前我们所能 看到的,仅为清代、民国时期山乡僻壤的一些遗存,但还是依稀反映了当时洛阳郊 县一带的风俗状况。 Tablets for Temples and Ancestral Halls These tablets shall be the most famous in Luoyang. In the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) alone there are 1,367 temples in Luoyang in records history, which we imagine the prosperity of the tablets for temples. For historical reasons, such tablet swere ruined severely. At present, these tablets can be seen only are some survival of the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China in remote mountainous areas, vaguely reflecting the custom of Luoyang neighborhood in that time.
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