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汽车机油型号简述汽车机油型号简述 汽车机油型号简述(2009-01-15 21:13:39)标签:汽车 现在的汽车用的机油大部分是冬夏通用的,这里简单说明型号的组成。 例SAE5W-40(粘度表) SAE:是英文“美国汽车工程师协会”的缩写 5W:“W”表示winter(冬季),其前面的数字越小说明机油的黏度越稀,流动性越好,代表可供使用的 温度越低,在冷启动时对发动机的保护能力越好。 5w -30?C 、10w -25?C 、15w -20?C 、20w -15?C -40: 机油耐高温性的指标,数值越大说明机油在高温下的保...
汽车机油型号简述 汽车机油型号简述(2009-01-15 21:13:39)标签:汽车 现在的汽车用的机油大部分是冬夏通用的,这里简单说明型号的组成。 例SAE5W-40(粘度) SAE:是英文“美国汽车师协会”的缩写 5W:“W”表示winter(冬季),其前面的数字越小说明机油的黏度越稀,流动性越好,代表可供使用的 温度越低,在冷启动时对发动机的保护能力越好。 5w -30?C 、10w -25?C 、15w -20?C 、20w -15?C -40: 机油耐高温性的指标,数值越大说明机油在高温下的保护性能越好。较高黏度的机油对运动系的阻力 也相对较高,不但耗费功率、增加油耗,而且机油容易氧化、影响冷启动的保护。 30 30?C 、 40 40?C 、50 50?C 例API SJ(品质) API :美国石油学会的英文缩写 S: 表示汽机油(C表示柴机油) J: 从“SA”一直到“SL”,每递增一个字母,机油的性能都会优于前一种,机油中会有更多用来保护发 动机的添加剂。字母越靠后,质量等级越高,国际品牌中机油级别多是SF级别以上的。 朋友们更换机油的时候根据车辆使用的地区及强度选择就可以了。www.socpj.com找所有经销商,找北京最低价。 关于机油的基础知识、合理使用及答疑 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 汽车之家 类型:原创 日期:2009/01/06 汽车之家 编辑:韩路 [汽车之家 技术] 机油一直是很多汽车用户熟知的一个词汇,那到底机油是干什么用的呢,那些标号代表什么意思,什么车适合用什么机油最合适,今天汽车之家编辑为您进行详细的讲解:(本文仅以汽油发动机用的机油作为主要讨论目标) ? 机油的作用: introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 发动机是汽车的心脏,发动机内有许多相互摩擦运动的金属表面,这些部件运动速度快、环境差,工作温度可达400?C至600?C。在这样恶劣的工况下面,只有合格的润滑油才可降低发动机零件的磨损,延长使用寿命,那么合格的润滑油要满足哪些要求呢,也就是说润滑油的六大作用是什么, 1、润滑减磨:活塞和汽缸之间,主轴和轴瓦之间均存在着快速的相对滑动,要防止零件过快的磨损,则需要在两个滑动表面间建立油膜。有足够厚度的油膜将相对滑动的零件表面隔开,从而达到减少磨损的目的。 2、冷却降温:机油能够将热量带回机油箱再散发至空气中帮助水箱冷却发动机。 3、清洗清洁:好的机油能够将发动机零件上的碳化物、油泥、磨损金属颗粒通循环带回机油箱,通过润滑油的流动,冲洗了零件工作面上产生的脏物。 4、密封防漏:机油可以在活塞环与活塞之间形成一个密封圈,减少气体的泄漏和防止外界的污染物进入。 5、防锈防蚀:润滑油能吸咐在零件表面防止水、空气、酸性物质及有害气体与零件的接触。 、减震缓冲:当发动机气缸口压力急剧上升,突然加剧活塞、活塞屑、连杆和曲轴轴 6 承上的负荷很大,这个负荷经过轴承的传递润滑,使承受的冲击负荷起到缓冲的作用。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 机油的分类: 目前市场上的机油因其基础油之不同可简分为矿物油及合成油两种(植物油因产量稀少故不计)。合成油中又分为:全和成及半合成。全合成机油是最高等级的。 二者最大差别在于:合成油使用的温度更广,使用期限更长,以及成本更高;同样的油膜要求,合成油可用较低的黏度就可达成,而矿物油就需用相对于合成油较浓的黏度才可达到如此要求。在相同的工作环境里,合成油因为使用期限比矿物油长很多,因此成本较高,但是比较换油次数之后,并不比矿物油高多少。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 机油的标号: 润滑油的黏度多使用SAE等级别标识,SAE是英文“美国汽车工程师协会”的缩写。例如:SAE15W-40、SAE5W-40,“W”表示winter(冬季),其前面的数字越小说明机油的低温流动性越好,代表可供使用的环境温度越低,在冷启动时对发动机的保护能力越好;“W”introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 后面(一横后面)的数字则是机油耐高温性的指标,数值越大说明机油在高温下的保护性能越好。 (SAE) 适用的环境温度(?C) 5w耐外部低温-30?C 10w耐外部低温-25?C 15w耐外部低温-20?C 20w耐外部低温-15?C 30耐外部高温30?C 40耐外部高温40?C 50耐外部高温50?C 『左:适合极热地区的60系列机油 / 右:适合极冷地区的0W系列机油』 这样看来,5W-40机油的适用外部温度范围从-30?C至40?C;而10W-30机油适用外部温度范围是-25?C至30?C。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 机油的分级: "S"开头系列代表汽油发动机用油,规格有:SA,SB,SC,SD,SE,SF,SG,SH,SJ,SL,SM。"C"开头系列代表柴油发动机用油,规格有:CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, CF, CF-2, CF-4,CG-4, CH-4, CI-4。当"S"和"C"两个字母同时存在,则表示此机油为汽/柴通用型。 从“SA”一直到“SL”,每递增一个字母,机油的性能都会优于前一种,机油中会有更多用来保护发动机的添加剂。字母越靠后,质量等级越高,国际品牌中机油级别多是SF级别以上的。 关于机油的基础知识、合理使用及答疑 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 汽车之家 类型:原创 日期:2009/01/06 汽车之家 责任编辑:韩路 [汽车之家 技术] 机油一直是很多汽车用户熟知的一个词汇,那到底机油是干什么用的呢,那些标号代表什么意思,什么车适合用什么机油最合适,今天汽车之家编辑为您进行详细的讲解:(本文仅以汽油发动机用的机油作为主要讨论目标) ? 机油的作用: 发动机是汽车的心脏,发动机内有许多相互摩擦运动的金属表面,这些部件运动速度快、环境差,工作温度可达400?C至600?C。在这样恶劣的工况下面,只有合格的润滑油才introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 可降低发动机零件的磨损,延长使用寿命,那么合格的润滑油要满足哪些要求呢,也就是说润滑油的六大作用是什么, 1、润滑减磨:活塞和汽缸之间,主轴和轴瓦之间均存在着快速的相对滑动,要防止零件过快的磨损,则需要在两个滑动表面间建立油膜。有足够厚度的油膜将相对滑动的零件表面隔开,从而达到减少磨损的目的。 2、冷却降温:机油能够将热量带回机油箱再散发至空气中帮助水箱冷却发动机。 3、清洗清洁:好的机油能够将发动机零件上的碳化物、油泥、磨损金属颗粒通循环带回机油箱,通过润滑油的流动,冲洗了零件工作面上产生的脏物。 4、密封防漏:机油可以在活塞环与活塞之间形成一个密封圈,减少气体的泄漏和防止外界的污染物进入。 5、防锈防蚀:润滑油能吸咐在零件表面防止水、空气、酸性物质及有害气体与零件的接触。 6、减震缓冲:当发动机气缸口压力急剧上升,突然加剧活塞、活塞屑、连杆和曲轴轴承上的负荷很大,这个负荷经过轴承的传递润滑,使承受的冲击负荷起到缓冲的作用。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 机油的分类: 目前市场上的机油因其基础油之不同可简分为矿物油及合成油两种(植物油因产量稀少故不计)。合成油中又分为:全和成及半合成。全合成机油是最高等级的。 二者最大差别在于:合成油使用的温度更广,使用期限更长,以及成本更高;同样的油膜要求,合成油可用较低的黏度就可达成,而矿物油就需用相对于合成油较浓的黏度才可达到如此要求。在相同的工作环境里,合成油因为使用期限比矿物油长很多,因此成本较高,但是比较换油次数之后,并不比矿物油高多少。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 机油的标号: 润滑油的黏度多使用SAE等级别标识,SAE是英文“美国汽车工程师协会”的缩写。例如:SAE15W-40、SAE5W-40,“W”表示winter(冬季),其前面的数字越小说明机油的低温流动性越好,代表可供使用的环境温度越低,在冷启动时对发动机的保护能力越好;“W”后面(一横后面)的数字则是机油耐高温性的指标,数值越大说明机油在高温下的保护性能越好。 introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas (SAE) 适用的环境温度(?C) 5w耐外部低温-30?C 10w耐外部低温-25?C 15w耐外部低温-20?C 20w耐外部低温-15?C 30耐外部高温30?C 40耐外部高温40?C 50耐外部高温50?C 『左:适合极热地区的60系列机油 / 右:适合极冷地区的0W系列机油』 这样看来,5W-40机油的适用外部温度范围从-30?C至40?C;而10W-30机油适用外部温度范围是-25?C至30?C。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? 机油的分级: "S"开头系列代表汽油发动机用油,规格有:SA,SB,SC,SD,SE,SF,SG,SH,SJ,SL,SM。"C"开头系列代表柴油发动机用油,规格有:CA, CB, CC, CD, CE, CF, CF-2, CF-4,CG-4, CH-4, CI-4。当"S"和"C"两个字母同时存在,则表示此机油为汽/柴通用型。 从“SA”一直到“SL”,每递增一个字母,机油的性能都会优于前一种,机油中会有更多用来保护发动机的添加剂。字母越靠后,质量等级越高,国际品牌中机油级别多是SF级别以上的。 introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas
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