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《儿子与情人》与《雷雨》恋母情结对比.《儿子与情人》与《雷雨》恋母情结对比. A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm 编号: 2011 论文英文题目:A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm 论文中文题目:《儿子与情人》和《雷雨》中俄狄浦斯 情结对比分析 作作 者者 姓学 名号 所 在 院 系 外语学院 所 学 专...
《儿子与情人》与《雷雨》恋母情结对比. A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm 编号: 2011 论文英文题目:A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm 论文中文题目:《儿子与情人》和《雷雨》中俄狄浦斯 情结对比分析 作作 者者 姓学 名号 所 在 院 系 外语学院 所 学 专 业 英语 导 师 姓 名 2015.04.07 论文完成时间 i A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm 河南中医学院外语学院本科学位论文 原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品或成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 论文作者签名: 导师签名: 年 月 日 学位论文使用授权说明 本人完全了解河南中医学院关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的,即: 按照学院提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版本; 学院有权保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务; 学院可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文; 在不以赢利为目的的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。 论文作者签名: 导师签名: 年 月 日 i A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm Acknowledgements I am deeply grateful to associate professor Liu, my tutor, to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude and appreciation. Without her help and encouragement, this paper would never have been made possible. Thanks should also go to all the professors and teachers who guided me into the field of culture and context and offered me full support in my study in Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my classmates and roommates, who are always ready to help me whenever I am in trouble both in study and in daily life. Last but not least, I would like to extend my special gratitude to my beloved parents for their love, support and encouragement. ii A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm Abstract: In the history of literature, David Herbert Lawrence and Cao Yu are considered as influential modern writers. Their literary works has challenged the traditional thinking, which makes them controversial, but their artistic achievements have been recognized and vigorously promoted again. Their respective works express intense concern in the process of human civilization society, and concerns about human cultural consciousness. In this article, I will analyze Oedipus complex in their famous works Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm. Similar life experiences in similar topics and their works reflect the similar fate that they have. This paper first introduces Lawrence and Cao Yu as well as their works of love experience, and analyzes the two works’ emotional tragedy and fate tragedy. The second part analyzes the main emotional tragedy and fate tragedy in the two works to find their life philosophy on the inner link and its tragic consciousness of transcendence. In front of the plight of survival, the authors can both face it bravely and fight against it correctly. This also reflects the philosophy of life. But different cultural environment in eastern and western makes their life philosophy has different characteristics, eventually lead to different resistance. Concerning modern civilization, Lawrence mainly fights against modern industrialization, the industrial revolution leads the alienation of men and women, and he wants to seek human nature; But Cao Yu opposes the modern defective rational civilization and he looks for living as a real man. Key words: D.H. Lawrence; Cao Yu; Sons and Lovers; Thunderstorm; Oedipus complex iii A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm 劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》与曹禹的《雷雨》二者之对比研究 摘要:在文学史上,戴维?赫伯特?劳伦斯与曹禺是两位被认为很有影响力的现代作家。他们的文学作品挑战了传统思想,这使他们都曾饱受争议,但后来其艺术成就又得到肯定和大力推崇。他们在各自的作品中表达了在人类文明进程中强烈的关心社会,关心人类的人文意识。在本文中,我们将以他们的成名作品《儿子与情人》和《雷雨》为例进行对比研究。相似的人生经历,相似的表现主题以及他们在作品中反映出的相似的人类文化命运使他们具有诸多不谋而合。两位作者的作品都带有一定的自传色彩,本文以二者的真实生活为切入点,比较他们的共同点和不同点。 论文首先着重介绍了劳伦斯和曹禺的爱情生活经历,为分析两部作品中的情感悲剧和命运悲剧做铺垫。论文第二部分分析了两部作品中的主要情感悲剧和命运悲剧,发现他们人生哲学观的内在联系及其悲剧意识上的超越性。面对生存的困境,两位作者都能勇敢正视并采取正确的反抗态度,这也体现了他们生命哲学的契合之处。但东西方迥然不同的大文化环境使他们的生命哲学呈现不同的特色,最终导致不同的反抗归宿。在反现代文明这一研究对象上,劳伦斯侧重反对工业革命带来的现代工业化,导致男女关系的异化,寻求人类的本真;而曹禺反对的是现代具有缺陷的理性文明,寻求人样的生活。 关键词:劳伦斯;曹禺;《儿子与情人》;《雷雨》;恋母情结 iv A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2 1.1 The Origin and Analysis of Oedipus Complex ................................................. 2 1.2. Foreign Studies of Oedipus Complex .............................................................. 3 2. The Researches to D.H. Lawrence and Cao Yu ......................................................... 3 2.1 The Experience of D.H. Lawrence.................................................................... 4 2.2 The Witness of D.H Lawrence’s Oedipus Complex ...................................... 4 2.3 The Experience of Cao Yu and the Witness of his Oedipus Complex .............. 4 3. Oedipus complex of Paul and Zhou Ping .................................................................. 5 3.1 An Abnormal Love-Oedipus Complex Reflected in Sons' and Lovers............. 5 3.2 Oedipus Complex Reflected in Thunderstorm.................................................. 6 onclusion ................................................................................................................. 6 4. C Works Cited.................................................................................................................... 7 1 A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm Henan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tutor: Professor Liu Hong 1. Introduction Oedipus complex is a motif of a long history of literature. There have been many scholars and writers discussing Oedipus complex and in which way it reflected in literature. Some scholars believe that the deformation of complex feeling is unlikely happen to children of a good family and social environment, but others think Oedipus complex is a ommon phenomenon. In this paper, the study of Oedipus complex is based on D.H c Lawrence’s sons and lovers and Cao Yu’s Thunderstorm, showing in different culture and different social background the impact of Oedipus complex to a person, as well as the significance in real life. 1.1 The Origin and Analysis of Oedipus Complex In one of the ancient Greece and Rome mythologies there was a prophecy that the new prince of Oedipus realm would be the person who killed his father and married his mother, after hearing the prophecy, the Oedipus King decided to dissent his son to the desolate mountain. Luckily, the young prince was rescued and brought up by a shepherd and was sent to Oedipus realm country as the son of Oedipus realm. The prince did a lot of charitable deeds that the people regarded him as a hero and then supported him as the king of Oedipus realm. Becoming the king of Oedipus realm, the young king married the queen of Oedipus realm. One day he knew the truth that the queen was his mother and his father had been killed by him as a passenger. Having realized this, the young Oedipus King dug out his eyeballs and then led a vagrant life. The Austrian psychologist Freud posed the theory of Oedipus, also called Mother Fixation according to this story (Parsons 68). Though people believe that the phenomenon of incest was ignorant, there was no doubt that in the western feudal dynasty such phenomenon was common. Oedipus complex was on the basis of instinctual impulse, which was original essence. With the development of human society, Oedipus Complex has changed a lot and has developed from instinctual 2 A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm impulse into psychological dependence and love. We can see in our daily life that the boys always depend on his mother, also, in the mothers eyes their children are little children forever. Many of the young children have a deep dependence on their mother sin psychology, even after they grow up. They believe that their mothers are the ones love them most and can be relied on that they don’t want to leave their mothers and they desire to stay with their mothers forever. At the same time, the mothers put most of their attention to their children. They try their best to protest their children. They decide everything for their children because they believe that they know what their children need. In their children’s life nobody can take the place of their mother. Gradually they want to control the activity and thought of their children. The fever love will make the mothers have such a sense that they are afraid of losing their children. They prevent their son making friends with others especially female friends. They even interfere with their son’s love and marriage. In their heart, they wish that their sons never leave them and marry other women(Appignanesi 9). We can define it as selfish love but in most occasion it can be regarded as abnormal love, Oedipus complex, such kind of love not only distort the normal love between mothers and sons but also affect their life, especially the happiness of the future life of the sons. 1.2. Foreign Studies of Oedipus Complex After Freud had posed the theory of Oedipus complex according to the Ancient Greece and Rome mythology that Oedipus killed his father and married his mother who was on the basis of core of instinctual impulse, many western psychologists fixed their eyes on Oedipus complex. Many of them did not agree with the idea of Freud because he could not provide specific evidence for his theory. Some of the psychologists agreed with Freud, but they believed that Oedipus complex was not a common phenomenon because they focused on biological research, in their opinion, Oedipus complex was just a phenomenon of incest happened by chance. Evidently, they had a misunderstanding of Oedipus complex. With the development of human civilization, the core of Oedipus complex has developed from instinctual impulse into psychological dependence and love. Incest and parricide are every rare. In 20th century, the publication of Sons and Lovers and the experience of the author D.H. Lawrence had provided specific evidence to support the theory of Oedipus complex and it was further to reveal the essence of Oedipus complex. Although D.H. Lawrence himself denied the subject of Oedipus Complex of his work, we can get strong evidence from his work Sons and Lovers. 2. The Researches to D.H. Lawrence and Cao Yu D.H. Lawrence was a distinguished writer of the first 30 years in 20th century. His appearance shocked the British literary of that world of that period. There are many 3 A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm researches on him. He has been a controversial writer of the British modern literature until now. Cao Yu was a May 4th man under the influence of Left-wing Drama Movement, who had always been a controversial dramatist in the past time. Why do we compare D.H. Lawrence with Cao Yu? What are the comparative possibilities between them? In the following I will give the answer. 2.1 The Experience of D.H. Lawrence D.H. Lawrence was born in a miner’s family of England in 1885. His father was a totally illiterate miner and his mother was a primary school teacher who was born in a noble family. His mother was a woman of strong character and refinement. The broken marriage of D.H. Lawrence’s parents gave him a miserable childhood(Fan Min & Kong Sha 11). Growing up in a poor and broken family, young Lawrence was physically weak and full of mental illness. He had a deep feeling with his mother which was different from the normal one. Lawrence was a literature genius that he started to publish his works from 1906. In 1913, his most great work Sons and Lovers published and the novel aroused strong reverberates in the literature world which established his position in the literature field. In 1912, Lawrence got acquainted with the wife of a professor, Frieda Weekly, a mother of three children, who was 6 years older than Lawrence. Very soon, they got in love with each other and eloped to German. From then on, they lived a vagrant life until he died. In 1930, Lawrence died in the south of France. 2.2 The Witness of D.H Lawrence’s Oedipus Complex In the 19th century of England, the people were divided into three stratums, including the upper class, the middle class and the lower class. People from different classes had different goals and they were treated differently. So that families of equal standing were regarded seriously. Lawrence’ father, a miner, of course came from the lower stratum and he was ill iterated and choleric with a bad temper. He got acquainted with Lawrence’s mother, a primary school teacher who was from the middle class. The woman was every pride and she always complained that her husband was a vulgar person without any ambition and regretted that it was miserable to marry him. The unlucky marriage was born which was the basis factor of abnormal love .The arrogant woman paid much attention to her son and she wanted to realize her dream to get into the upper class. Lawrence was her psychological dependence. But such love was reviled by people because it had distorted the moral love (Gilbert 64). 2.3 The Experience of Cao Yu and the Witness of his Oedipus Complex From Cao Yu’s birth environment and experience, he had very strong Oedipus complex. Cao Yu’s mother died three days after he was born, and he was always lonely and missed his mother when he recalled his family. “Father’s temper sometimes was very 4 A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm strange”. “Mother had died”. “ I always reading and learning and have no one to talk to.”(Liu Zhengqiang 8) As noted by Michael Parsons, he also talked about an event like this: “when I was six or seven years old, my father went to Xuanhua, I was very lonely, often sitting on the wall, and listening to a very sad trumpeter. As a child, I knew he did not have a mother of his own, the mood is very sad. The trumpeter seems to be sobbing and crying. The lonely soul of the sad trumpeter caused great pain”(38). Only a six or seven years old child was listening to a lonely trumpeter, knowing that he do not have the biological mother. The period of childhood memories would spend to mother missing performance. Decades years later, he grew up, he would merely mentioned his mother: “I grow up without mother, my heart was very lonely”(42). Because his family was not happy, and the lack of father love since childhood, once the author called this lack of emotion of mother-“Oedipus complex”, and they brought this into their works. In fact, each work was the picture of the author's life experience. So-called creative inspiration mainly comes from life, so the writers of the books are firmly engraved by the people. 3. Oedipus complex of Paul and Zhou Ping 3.1 An Abnormal Love-Oedipus Complex Reflected in Sons' and Lovers Gertrude, the pride woman who was from the rich and powerful family married the miner without thinking carefully. The dream of the young girl was to marry a good man, who was elegant, humorous and enthusiastic with great ambition. So when she found that Morel was just the opposite her dream was broken and she looked for another people who would realize her dream. The death of her oldest son made her despaired until she rebuilt her hope on her second son, Paul, who won much credit for her. The life of Gertrude was full of sunshine and hope again. She tried her best to praise Paul to be a manly man. Her love just liked a chain locking on the neck of Paul. When Paul fell in love with Miriam Mrs. Morel obstructed the progress of the emotion because she did not allow any other woman to deprive her son from her. Mrs. Morel did not only control the behavior of Paul but also the mentalities of him and she thought the boy’s heart could only belong to herself. In the novel, we can see that Paul deeply loved his mother and he did what his mother said and what his mother wished him to. During his life, all he did were to please his mother. When he was a child, he walked all day, went miles and miles to look for blackberries which his mother liked, rather than own himself beaten and came home to his mother’s empty hands. When he was away from home, he looked forward to get home earlier because he knew that his mother was alone and waiting his back. In Paul’s eyes, his mother was an elegant, undisturbed and beautiful young girl. Every night, he would send his mother to bed and kissed her for good night. After the death of his older brother, 5 A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm William, his family ran into a predicament. The expenditure of the family was larger and larger while the family lived with the wage of 26 ponds of the miner, his father. In order to help his mother to manage the household, Paul got a job in Nottingham and offered his mother his wages. 3.2 Oedipus Complex Reflected in Thunderstorm The relationship between Zhou Ping and Fan Yi is the result of deep Oedipus complex hidden in their heart, so the combination of them has a deeper reason. “Fan Yi is a classical Chinese woman, and she is weak and quiet. The interest in poetry makes her wiser than any other people. There are also a little primitive wild in her heart, and courage in her mind.”(Zhang Geng 8). Fan Yi, a crazy and young woman who had a positive heart , needed the love from her husband. But master Zhou was at the mine all the day, so he had no time spend time with Fan, or perhaps because Zhou’s heart still longed for Lu Shiping and didn’t want to give her his love. In such a strong feudalism, the hierarchically home, facing such a situation, Fan Yi was unable to resist, only to suppress her desire, so that later she was a bit neurotic. She needed to release, in the Zhou pavilion with few people. Zhou Ping was the only one who was in the similar age, and he had the similar experience and could become her sexual object. She couldn't give Zhou Ping maternal love, because, after all, she had her own son and Zhou Ping was a few years younger than her, she was not accustomed to having such a son, either. But it seems that finally she was in the mother's authority or power to usurp the role of mother and that made Zhou Ping yield and became her lover. Zhou Ping had been growing at duke since childhood, and didn't even know who is her own mother. For him, this is definitely a big blow. Fan, as a stepmother, failed to give him a mother's love, and his father had little words to say to him. Zhou Ping was only feared of his father. Zhou Puyuan in his eyes, besides a little stubborn, is a cold, flawless man. In front of his father, he can only obey. In his subconsciousness, therefore, he was jealous of his father, so in his heart there was a fight with his father. In the end, he will struggle, but the way is: to replace his father and usurp his mother. So, when he and Fan Yi has a feelings to collide, with no reason and moral sense, he held it, as his character, “In front of a new impulse, his passion and his desires all came and flooded him like the tide. The reason in his whole life is just like a sere branch in the whirlpool.” (Zhang Geng 5). 4. Conclusion Although Oedipus complex was a sensitive subject in the literature world that people seldom refer to. As to the author of Sons and Lovers, D.H. Lawrence and the author of Thunderstorm, Cao Yu, the similar social environment and family make them have the similar topic in their works. 6 A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm Through the comparison of Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm we can easily find Paul and Zhou Ping has similarities in personality and life background. They are weak in character, but want to against the fate. In order to get rid of the guilt and wash his dirty past, Zhou Ping fail in love with Si Feng; And in order to extricate from the bondage of his mother, Paul put morphine in the mother's milk, and then gave his mother to drink. In terms of background, they also exist in common. They all grow up in unhappy families, lack of a father or a mother's love. This made them transfer this emotion vacancy to their mother and stepmother. Leading to this kind of "Oedipus complex". We can say that "Oedipus complex" is the product of error tutor, so in order to avoid the happening of the Oedipus plot, we should create a harmonious and healthy family environment. 7 A Comparative Study of Oedipus Complex between Sons and Lovers and Thunderstorm Works Cited Kuttner Alfred Booth,Sons and Lovers: A Freudian Appreciation . 2012. D. H. Lawrence. Sons and Lovers . Qingdao:Qingdao Press, 2004 Dr. Dennis Hoilman, Self-Sacrifice as Substitute for Self-Fulfillment in Sons and Lovers.1949. Glen O. Gabbard. Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. London: Penguin Books, 2010. Ian Parker. Japan in Analysis. America: Arcadia Publishing, 2008. Mary Jacobus. The Poetics of Psychoanalysis. London: Macmillan, 2005. Michael Parsons. The Dove that Returns, the Dove that Vanishes. London: Orion Books, 2007. Richard Appignanesi ed. Introducing Melanie Klein. London: Maney Publishing, 2006, (9): 9. Sandra Gilbert.(1997).Sons and Lovers and other works. 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