

2018-12-21 20页 doc 67KB 10阅读




扁桃体发炎是扁桃体的炎症扁桃体发炎是扁桃体的炎症 扁桃体发炎是扁桃体的炎症。临床上分为急性和慢性两种,主要症状是咽痛、发热及咽部不适感等。此病可引起耳、鼻以及心、肾、关节等局部或全身的并发症,故应予重视。扁桃体炎的致病原以溶血性链球菌为主,其他如葡萄球菌、肺炎球菌、流感杆菌以及病毒等也可引起。 目录 基本概况 主要症状 病理病因 并发症 治疗方法 预防与保健 日常预防护理小常识 扁桃体发炎期间注意事项 基本概况 主要症状 病理病因 并发症 治疗方法 预防与保健 日常预防护理小常识 扁桃体发炎期间注意事项 , 扁桃...
扁桃体发炎是扁桃体的炎症 扁桃体发炎是扁桃体的炎症。临床上分为急性和慢性两种,主要症状是咽痛、发热及咽部不适感等。此病可引起耳、鼻以及心、肾、关节等局部或全身的并发症,故应予重视。扁桃体炎的致病原以溶血性链球菌为主,其他如葡萄球菌、肺炎球菌、流感杆菌以及病毒等也可引起。 目录 基本概况 主要症状 病理病因 并发症 治疗 预防与保健 日常预防护理小常识 扁桃体发炎期间注意事项 基本概况 主要症状 病理病因 并发症 治疗方法 预防与保健 日常预防护理小常识 扁桃体发炎期间注意事项 , 扁桃体发炎的食疗法 , 扁桃体发炎的危害 展开 编辑本段基本概况 急性扁桃体炎大多在机体抵抗力降低时感染细菌或病毒所致,起病急,以咽痛为主要症状,伴有畏寒、发热、头痛等症状,是儿童和青少年的常见病。慢性扁桃体炎是由于急性扁桃体炎反复发作所致 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle ,表现为咽部干燥,有堵塞感,分泌物粘,不易咳出,口臭,其反复发作可诱发其他疾病,如慢性肾炎、关节炎、风湿性心脏病等,因此须积极治疗。患者平时要锻炼身体,增强体质,注意口腔卫生,及时治疗附近组织的疾病,饮食宜清淡,不吃辛辣刺激性食物,戒除烟酒,一旦本病成为诱发其他疾病的病灶,或有其他手术指征时则应考虑手术治疗。 本病相当于中医学“乳蛾”的范畴,急性扁桃体炎相当于“风热乳蛾”,慢性扁桃体炎相当于“虚火乳蛾”。风热乳蛾多因气候骤变,寒热失调,肺卫不固,致风热邪毒乘虚从口鼻而从侵喉核,或因过食烟酒等,脾胃蕴热,或因外感风热失治,邪毒乘热内传肺胃,上灼喉核,发为本病;虚火乳蛾多因风热乳蛾或温病之后余毒未清,邪热耗伤肺阴,或因素体阴虚,加之劳倦过度,肾阴亏损,虚火上炎,蒸喉核,发为本病。 编辑本段主要症状 临床常见的证型有 1,肺经风热型:证见发热畏寒,咽痛,咳嗽,苔白或黄,脉数。 2(肺胃蕴热型:证见高热畏寒,咽痛剧烈,吞咽困难,口渴引饮,口臭便秘,舌红,苔黄厚,脉洪数。 3(热毒内盛型:证见高热不退,咽痛有增无减,伴同侧耳痛,吞咽困难,苔黄质红,脉洪数。 4(虚火上炎型:证见咽干口燥,咽部似有物堵塞感,干咳,伴手足心热,或气短,腰酸,苔少,舌红,脉细数。 5(肾阴虚型:证见口燥咽干,人暮尤甚,且有灼热微痛,异物感,伴五心烦热,头晕,不易耐劳,喉核及四周发红,喉核上有黄白色脓栓挤出,舌红少苔,脉细数无力。 6(肺脾气虚型:证见咽干,刺痒,微咳,痰少而粘,咯吐不出,人寐头上汗多,喉核暗红连及周围,喉核上有白色点状短痕,或乳酪样脓栓挤出,舌质淡红少苔,脉细数。 慢性扁桃体炎局部多无明显自觉症状,时有咽干、异物感、发痒等,常有急性发作史。儿童扁桃体过度肥大可影响呼吸和吞咽。若腺样体也大时,则致鼻堵、打鼾。因小窝内细菌及毒素吸收,可致头痛、乏力及低热等。检查可见舌腭弓慢性充血、扁桃体肥大;病程长者,扁桃体不大,甚至萎缩,但小窝口有干酪样脓栓。 扁桃体发炎的症状: 1、张大嘴巴,压低舌头,发出“啊”的声音,就可看见咽喉部两侧粉红色的小肉团,就是腭扁桃体,俗称扁桃体。 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 2、扁桃体自10个月开始发育,4,8岁是发育的高峰期,因此,这个年龄段扁桃体稍大,12岁左右停止发育。 3、扁桃体是呼吸道的门户,尤其在小儿时期,是个活跃的免疫器官,并含有各个发育阶段的淋巴细胞及免疫细胞,能抑制和消灭自口鼻进入的致病菌和病毒。 急性扁桃体炎的主要致病菌是链球菌,症状常是急性发热、咽痛明显,吞咽时疼痛加重并可放射至耳部。 检查可见咽部充血,扁桃体肿大且有脓点。在儿童,急性扁桃体炎发病率很高,尤其在3,4岁以后少年儿童及青年较为多见,50岁以后因扁桃体萎缩,则炎症少见。 编辑本段病理病因 人的咽部象个拱形门,有两个拱形组织组成。一个舌腭弓一个叫咽腭弓,分别跨在两侧,形成两个窝,内即扁桃体。正常时分泌少量粘液,里面含有白细胞及吞噬细胞,一旦有细菌病毒从这里经过,就被吸附在上面,然后被吞噬消化掉。随着免疫学的发展,人们越来越重视扁桃体的作用,已公认它是一个免疫器官。如从摘除的扁桃体中可以提炼出“转移因子”。 这个因子可以增强免疫,抑制病毒。除扁桃体外,鼻腔后面的腺样体及咽后壁的淋巴组织,共同组成一个环状的淋巴网,罩在呼吸道的最上端,对进入呼吸道的空气起到过滤作用,这是一个强大的防御机构。扁桃体首当其冲,一旦人的抵抗力下降,细菌病毒就会在此大量繁殖,扁桃体就会发炎。发炎的扁桃体充血、肿胀、化脓。扁桃体的陷窝上出现许多小脓栓,严重的会布满脓苔。经常反复发炎可形成慢性扁桃体炎,由于反复炎症使扁桃体增生肥大,两侧扁桃体几乎碰在一起,像两扇大门堵住了咽部。 扁桃腺位于咽峡部两侧软腭低处隐窝内,是咽部较大的淋巴组织,形如杏核。扁桃腺是产生淋巴细胞的部位,所以也能产生抗体。扁桃腺有病变时,这些淋巴组织往往肿大,突出隐窝,突入咽腔。3度以上的扁桃腺体几乎接近悬雍垂,使咽峡缩窄,影响食物的吞咽。 扁桃腺发炎的原因是由于细菌和病毒的感染,其中细菌感染更多见。病原菌多为溶血性链球菌、葡萄球菌、肺炎球菌。这些细菌通常存在于人的咽部和扁桃腺隐窝内,在正常情况下,由于扁桃腺表面上皮完整和粘液standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 腺的不断分泌,可将细菌同脱落上皮细胞从隐窝口排出,因此保持着机体的健康。 当机体因过度疲劳、受凉、局部受到物理或化学因素的影响后,抵抗力下降时,扁桃腺的血运减少、腺体分泌机能下降,上皮防御能力降低,细菌即乘虚而入,滋生繁殖,致使扁桃腺发炎。 扁桃体炎也与季节有关,如冬春季节,天气变化无常,儿童容易受凉、感冒,所以他们最容易患急性扁桃体炎或慢性扁桃体炎急性发作。 编辑本段并发症 扁桃体炎症可引起各种并发症,如中耳炎、鼻窦炎、风湿热、肾小球肾炎、风湿性心脏病、风湿性关节炎等多种疾病,导致心脏、肾脏、关节等方面的严重损害。 编辑本段治疗方法 西药治疗 1(急性扁桃体炎: (1)全身治疗:本病多为链球菌感染,抗生素首选青霉素,青霉素过敏者可选用红霉素、林可霉素等。高热头痛及全身酸痛者可选用阿司匹林等解热镇痛剂。经2—3日治疗后如病情无好转,则应考虑是否病毒或其他细菌感染,改用抗病毒药、敏感抗生素或磺胺类药物,可酌情使用肾上腺皮质激素,如泼尼松、地塞米松等。 (2)局部治疗:可选用 小儿患扁桃体炎时全身的感染症状很明显,孩子表现为:高烧可达39,40?,同时伴有寒战,全身乏力,头痛及全身痛,食欲不振,恶心和呕吐。检查咽部时可发现扁桃体上有脓。这是最有力的诊断依据,因为光凭全身症状不能与其他感冒相区别。 急性扁桃体炎的治疗主要是控制感染,扁桃体炎多为细菌感染,特别是化脓性扁桃体炎更是化脓菌所致,所以必须使用抗生素。慢性扁桃体炎引起的扁桃体肥大可造成呼吸困难,特别是睡眠时,因舌头也松弛后倒,致使鼾声如雷,天长日久会因慢性缺氧而影响生长发育,慢性缺氧还会使孩子的智力发育受到影响。 扁桃体急性发炎时,采用青霉素类抗革兰氏阳性细菌抗生素或消炎药物如:扁桃康果丸,治疗效果很好。加上适当的休息,注意营养,一般在1周左右就可恢复正常。 如果炎症反复发作,则可转化成慢性。慢性扁桃体炎的症状不很明显,主要是咽痛。咽干、咽部不适、有口臭等表现。由于炎症的原因扁桃体常常比较肥大,但也有少数扁桃体萎缩而仍有慢性炎症standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 者,并常合并伴有慢性咽炎。检查可见扁桃体表面充暗红色血、表面有瘢痕、及粘连、凹凸不平,腭舌弓亦可有慢性充血,有时颌下淋巴结也可肿大。慢性扁桃体炎也可用抗菌消炎药物,如反复急性发作,则需要施行手术切除,但一般5周岁以下儿童不适宜于手术治疗,多采用保守治疗,因其尚有一定的免疫作用。 扁桃体切除术 适应症 (一)慢性扁桃体炎反复急性发作。 (二)有扁桃体周围脓肿病史者。 (三)扁桃体过度肥大,妨碍吞咽、呼吸,导致营养障碍者。 (四)风湿热、肾炎、关节炎、风心病等患者,疑扁桃体为病灶者。 (五)因扁桃体,增殖体肥大,影响咽鼓管功能,造成慢性渗出性中耳炎,经保守治疗无效者。 (六)白喉带菌者,经保守治疗无效者。 (七)不明原因的长期低热,而扁桃体又有慢性炎症存在时。 (八)各种扁桃体良性肿瘤,对恶性肿瘤则应慎重选择病例。 扁桃体切除利与弊 有不在少数的人经常扁桃体发炎,医院久治不愈。是扁桃体的功能太弱了,遇有病毒入侵即发炎。而扁桃体炎久治不愈反复发作可以造成其它并发症(医学:可能引起咽炎、鼻炎、中耳炎、气管炎、心脏疾病、风湿病、肾炎)。 扁桃体炎需要抓紧治疗:一是避免它的进一步加重恶化,二是身体需要让它恢复功能,发挥它的免疫杀菌作用,增强体质。一般不要切除。扁桃体是免疫器官,切了后失去了身体的一部分——这个器官是小事,主要是扁桃体是免疫系统的器官,切后就失去了人体的第一道防线,病菌可毫无阻拦长驱直入了,人的免疫力会低下,动辄会感冒生病。 扁桃体方面的疾病,可考虑中药。用化瘀散结、解毒消肿,针对疙瘩、肿块、炎症的中药丸来治。只要找对了药则是会者不难。大量扁桃体炎、咽炎及由此引起的淋巴结炎等被中药治得很典型的病例,验证了祖国中医药的独特之处。平时要注意别吃辛辣的,以及油炸的、烧烤的,这些属燥热类的食品。 编辑本段预防与保健 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 首先在于增强机体的抵抗力,并注意劳逸结合。许多人常加夜班工作,容易导致扁桃体发炎。其次,应减少烟酒等的刺激,养成良好的学习、生活习惯。同时,还应积极治疗邻近器官的疾病,如急慢性鼻炎等。 1(扁桃体一般3,10岁时最大, 10岁以后逐渐萎缩,因此儿童时期的扁桃体炎是防治的重点。 2(加强锻炼,特别是冬季,要多参与户外活动,使身体对寒冷的适应能力增强,减少扁桃体发炎的机会。 3(保持口腔清洁,吃东西后要漱口。 4(急性扁桃体炎多为细菌感染所致,特别是化脓菌,如链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等,因此必须使用抗生素,其中青霉素类最有效,根据炎症的轻重程度可选择口服或静脉注射。 5(慢性扁桃体炎或扁桃体肥大可作扁桃体切除,现在多采用扁桃体快速挤切术,手术时先在病儿嘴内喷表面麻醉药,稍等一会儿,病儿的咽部感觉就会迟钝,再让他躺在床上,医生使用一种叫挤切刀的器械,在病儿张口的一瞬间就能将扁桃体全部切除。手术十分迅速,病儿还未感觉疼痛,手术就完成了,病人一直清醒,所以能马上吃冷食,目的是促进血管收缩,预防术后出血。手术不需住院,术后门诊观察1,2小时便可以回家。 6(术后1,2周内吃半流质饮食,如面片,鸡蛋糕。 7(手术切除以后并非完事大吉,还能再得咽炎。所以理想的方法是尽量不切除。 首先要爱护口腔卫生,尽量早晚用淡盐水漱口,以能感到微咸为宜。 8.、夏天切勿贪凉,千万别用冷水洗澡、冲头,这样很容易引起上呼吸道感染,如热伤风、扁桃体发炎等。 9、要多喝常温水,多吃蔬菜水果。 10、少吃辛辣刺激食物,饮食规律。 编辑本段日常预防护理小常识 1、当扁桃体炎发病时,应多注意卧床休息,多喝水,以避免细菌感染后在体内产生毒素等其他情况。 2、注意个人卫生,尤其是口腔卫生,应保持口腔清洁无异味,患者可用淡盐水含漱,每日多次。 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 扁桃体发炎 [1] 3、在应用抗生素治疗时,如果患者有仍持续高热,应及时向医生说明,以能及时得到处理,以尽量缩短治疗周期。如果小孩体温过高,应物理降温,如用冰袋敷头颈部,也可用酒或低浓度酒精擦拭头颈、腋下、四肢、帮助散热、防止病儿发生惊厥。 4、急性扁桃体炎不是一种单纯的局部疾病,当细菌或病毒毒素进入血液循环后,会引起一系列的并发症,如风湿热、心肌炎、肾炎、关节炎等;此外,临近器官也可并发颈淋巴炎、中耳炎等。因此,在急性扁桃体炎时,如果患者有特殊症状,应及时向医生反应,以能及时得到处理。 5、为预防疾病的反复发作,注意做些力所能及的运动,以增强体质和增强抗病能力,以避免扁桃体炎反复发作等情况发生。 6、注意室内应光线充足,空气流通;保持适宜的温度和湿度。值得注意的是,为了避免小孩出现抵抗力下降,孕妇应注意坚持母乳喂养,因为母乳中的免疫因子对提高小孩的免疫能力有重要作用。 编辑本段扁桃体发炎期间注意事项 工作压力过大、上火、不停的感冒发烧,都可能会造成扁桃体炎的频繁光顾,所以扁桃体发炎期间该注意哪些问就成了多数人都可能会必须面对的难题。在此提醒大家,扁桃体发炎期间因注意以下几点 保持室内合适的温度和湿度 .居室空气干燥及过冷、过热、过湿都可影响扁桃体的防御机能,造成功能障碍,加重扁桃体炎的病情。所以扁桃体发炎期间,室内的空气一定要保证清新流通,可用空气加湿器等进行室内空气调节;另外,早晨、饭后及睡觉前及时漱口、刷牙,不仅可以保持口腔清洁,也都会调高扁桃体的免疫功能。 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 进行饮食调养 .以清淡易消化饮食为主,再辅助一些清爽去火、柔嫩多汁的食品摄入。多喝水,忌食烟、酒、姜、椒、芥、蒜及一切辛辣之物。 多吃有益水果和蔬菜 .梨子、金橘、石榴是最佳的代表,梨子具有退烧、润喉、止痛的作用,可减轻发炎引起的发烧、喉咙痛等症状;金橘皮营养丰富,含维生素c及钙,有消除喉咙发炎的作用,果实则含有丰富的维生素及钙等,有利扁桃体粘膜的修复;石榴的煎汁可治扁桃体发炎喉咙痛。将一个石榴切成适当大小,和400克的水一起煮,沸腾后,再煮30分钟左右,其煎汁可漱口用 减少到室外公共场所的次数 .扁桃体发炎最好待在家里休息,一则避免被室外浑浊空气刺激,二则是提高人体的免疫力。一旦必须外出的话,一定要戴上口罩和一些常备应急药物。 编辑本段扁桃体发炎的食疗法 一、上鄂扁桃腺里的细菌活跃引起的发炎,称作扁桃腺炎。扁桃腺炎发病的原因不外是感冒、过度疲劳、季节变化及体质不好。急性扁桃腺炎的症状是喉咙痛、发烧。其特征是易转变慢性,症状会较为稳定,但疲倦时,就会喉咙痛,容易发烧。有时,也会造成中耳炎或肾炎等并发症。剧烈疼痛持续2-3天仍未退烧时,最好接受医生的诊断。发烧会消耗体力,在家里最重要的是保持安静及暖和。不要增加喉咙的负担,保持喉咙清爽。多吃营养价值高的东西,补充营养。在空气干燥的冬天,尤要照常漱口,预防感冒,而且避免疲劳。 二、察觉喉咙有异常感时可吃金橘 与其它较酸的水果比较,金橘皮还挺有甜味的,不剥皮整个食用是很平常的。金橘皮营养丰富,含维生素C及钙,有消除喉咙发炎的作用。果实则含维生素A、B1、B2、C及钙等。若生吃觉得酸,可加冰糖或蜂蜜煮汁,就比较甜。在煮汁中加水饮用,也有效果。金橘叶也有药效,煎汁饮用,效果不错。 三、发烧、喉咙痛时可吃梨子 梨子有退烧、润喉、止痛的作用,可减轻症状。梨子汁也有止咳化痰的效果。将一个梨子切片榨汁冰冻,更易入口。发烧且畏寒极端怕冷或容易下痢者,最好还是饮用热的梨子汁。 四、煎汁喝、当药用都有效的生姜 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 自古姜即有食用、药用两方面的功效,老姜的根茎部份有药效,除有发汗、解热、保温的作用外,还可消除发炎及化痰。姜汤加上陈皮(晾干的橘子皮),效果更好。将生姜及陈皮各5克、砂糖少许加400克的水,煎成1/3的份量,即可饮用。趁热饮用后再休息,效果加倍。 五、治疗喉咙痛的甘草 甘草根的煎汁有治疗发炎及疼痛的效果。对于扁桃腺发炎或突然的喉咙剧痛也有效。6克的甘草加400克的水煎成半量,除去渣滓,分成3等份。每次含少量在口中,先漱口,再慢慢吞下去。 六、可以清喉化脓的橘梗 橘梗的根有药效,可消炎、化痰、排脓(挤出脓)。夏天时,挖掘其根,以水洗净,风干后,可当药用。不过,橘梗药效很强,容易一喝就想吐,最好和甘草一起煎汁服用。3克的橘梗根加2克的甘草和300克的水,煎至半量,除去渣滓。饮用时,先漱口,再喝。 七、可当作漱口药使用的石榴 石榴的煎汁可治喉咙痛。将一个石榴切成适当大小,和400克的水一起煮。沸腾后,再煮30分钟左右,其煎汁可漱口用。石榴最有药效的是它的皮,因此也可只煎阴干后的石榴皮,效果更好。石榴叶也可做药用,效果一样,将手掌大的叶子加400克的水,用小火煮,煮至半量,除去渣滓,即可当漱口药有用。 编辑本段扁桃体发炎的危害 急性扁桃体炎有传染性,潜伏期约3,4天,春秋两季发病率较高,青年期发病较多,少年儿童次之,50岁以后很少。症状轻重不一。由病毒引起者,局部及全身症状皆较轻,扁桃体充血,表面无渗出物。由细菌所致者症状较重,起病较急,可有恶寒及高热,体温可达39,40?。幼儿可因高热而抽搐。咽痛明显,吞咽时尤重,甚至可放射到耳部。病程约7天左右。检查见扁桃体显著肿大、充血、小窝口有黄白色点状脓性渗出物,粘膜下可见因滤泡化脓而形成的黄白色隆起。点状渗出物可连成片,称假膜,但假膜扩展不超出扁桃体范围,易拭去,拭去后粘膜不出血。这点可与咽白喉相鉴别。同时可见下颌角淋巴结肿大,压痛。血中白细胞高,可以出现短暂轻度蛋白尿。 医生为患者检查扁桃体。 慢性扁桃体炎局部多无明显自觉症状,时有咽干、异物感、发痒等,常有急性发作史。儿童扁桃体过度肥大可影响呼吸和吞咽。若腺样体也大时,则致鼻堵、打鼾。因小窝内细菌及毒素吸收,可致头痛、乏力及低热等。检查可见舌腭弓慢性充血、扁桃体肥大;病程长者,扁桃体不大,甚至萎缩,但小窝口有干酪样脓栓。 正常情况下,扁桃体的淋巴细胞和抗体能将病菌消灭或控制住,维持机体的健康。但是,任何防御的力量都是有限的,当身体抵抗力下降,如standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle 在寒冷或潮湿环境、身体过度疲劳、营养不良、缺乏锻炼等情况下,扁桃体的防御能力便会减弱;或者当病菌多次侵袭,特别是病菌数量大、毒力强时,扁桃体会因寡不敌众而被病菌攻破占领,发生炎症,出现红肿、疼痛、化脓。轻者低热、咳嗽,喉部不适;重者高烧不退、呼吸急促,甚至高热惊厥。 若治疗不及时,人体抵抗力不足以战胜病原体时,炎症就可向周围组织扩散,并可经血液播散至其他器官,使之发生炎症,还会引起宝宝全身性的病理反应,如继发风湿热、风湿性关节炎、风湿性心脏病、急性肾炎和无显著原因的低热。当然,像扁桃体周围脓肿、急性中耳炎、副鼻窦炎等并发症也时有发生。此时,扁桃体便成了宝宝生病的“罪魁祸首”。 standards and accompanied by the manufacturer's quality certificate. Each batch of material storage test should be required before acceptance, we will test results submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner. 11.2.2 cement (1) shall be under the supervision of construction drawings or instructions, use grout of cement. Used for backfill grouting and the Grouting cement strength should not be lower than PO42.5. (2) Grouting cement must meet the required quality standards, lumped the cement shall be used. Cement should not be stored for too long, the factory of cement should not be used for more than three months. 11.2.3 water filling with water, the water used in mixing concrete requirements, mixing water temperature must not exceed 40. C。 11.2.4 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with sand in cement slurry, fly ash and water glass. Quality of various admixtures shall conform to DL/T5148-2001 5th. section 1.6, the incorporation should be determined through experiments, test results should be submitted to the supervisor. 11.2.5 additives approved by the supervisor, can be mixed with quick-setting Cement Grout agents, reducing agents, stabilizers and the supervisor instructions or ... Then the next cycle
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