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指纹防盗车锁功能与使用说明指纹防盗车锁功能与使用说明 目 录 一 指纹车锁主系统功能 ............................................................................................ 3 1.1开锁 ............................................................................................................. 3 1.2锁车 ................
指纹防盗车锁功能与使用说明 目 录 一 指纹车锁主系统功能 ............................................................................................ 3 1.1开锁 ............................................................................................................. 3 1.2锁车 ............................................................................................................. 3 1.3借车 ............................................................................................................. 3 1.4报警 ............................................................................................................. 3 1.5清除报警 ...................................................................................................... 4 二 指纹锁应急系统功能 ............................................................................................ 4 2.1车锁故障处理 ............................................................................................... 4 2.2锁死处理 ...................................................................................................... 5 三 使用说明 ............................................................................................................. 5 3.1如何存储指纹模板到系统中 .......................................................................... 5 3.2如何删除系统中的指纹模板 .......................................................................... 5 3.3如何锁车 ...................................................................................................... 6 3.4如何打开车锁 ............................................................................................... 6 3.5如何报警 ...................................................................................................... 6 3.6如何解除报警 ............................................................................................... 6 3.7如何借车、还车 ............................................................................................ 6 3.8故障灯亮起后如何处理, .............................................................................. 6 3.9锁死灯亮起后如何处理, .............................................................................. 7 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 指纹车锁功能与使用说明 北京航空航天大学 王健 王朋 张有光 车载指纹防盗系统,简称指纹车锁,是以车主自身的生物特征信息——指纹,取代钥匙作为对汽车进行控制的防盗系统。以指纹信息作为汽车的控制信息,能够克服钥匙等容易丢失、被盗、被伪造等风险,能够有效提高汽车的安全性,防止汽车被盗,并能够为车主减少借车带来的困扰,降低被抢的风险。 指纹车锁主要由两个系统构成:指纹车锁主系统和应急辅助系统。指纹车锁主系统用于日常使用,应急辅助系统在主系统遭破坏时起作用。图1为指纹车锁样机图像。 应急辅助系统为本系统与目前市场现有的指纹车锁的最大区别。目前市场上的指纹车锁产品,均提供一个应急钥匙或应急开关,以便在指纹系统失效时使用。应急钥匙和应急开关的存在,可以很方便地使人绕过指纹系统而直接发动汽车,久而久之,车主也会习惯采用应急钥匙或应急开关,使得指纹车锁形同虚设,不法分子完全可以通过复制应急钥匙实现其盗车的目的。 图1 指纹车锁样机 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 一 指纹车锁主系统功能 指纹车锁主系统是车锁的主要部分,完成指纹车锁的绝大部分功能,具体包括锁车、开锁、借车、报警及清除等功能。图2所示是指纹车锁主系统相关的各个功能按钮,位于图1所示开发板右侧中间部分。 图2 指纹车锁主系统按钮示意图 1.1开锁 开锁功能是使指纹车锁根本区别于其他类型车载防盗系统的功能,汽车使用者首先要进行指纹验证,指纹验证通过后汽车自动打火。 1.2锁车 锁车功能是指纹车锁的基本功能,按下车锁系统中的锁车按钮(图2所示五个按钮中左起第二个按钮)即可使汽车熄火,轻松完成锁车。 1.3借车 借车功能是指纹车锁的特有功能,由于安装了指纹车锁的汽车上通常没有借车者的指纹模板,因此系统设计了借车功能,车主开锁之后,按下系统中的借车按钮(图2所示五个按钮中左起第三个按钮)即可将车借出。 1.4报警 报警功能为指纹车锁的基本功能,当汽车被锁后报警模块处于活跃状态,振动传感器感觉到一定强度的振动时就会发出警报。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 注:按下样机中的报警按钮(图2所示五个按钮中左起第一个按钮),即可模拟报警状态,使得蜂鸣器发出警报 1.5清除报警 清除报警功能为指纹车锁的基本功能,车主发现汽车并无安全隐患时,先进行指纹验证,再按下静音键就能主动清除报警,使蜂鸣器不再发声报警。 二 指纹锁应急系统功能 应急辅助系统在主系统出现故障时启动,可以通过应急辅助系统暂时绕过主系统控制汽车,在主系统正常时,应急系统不起作用。图3所示是指纹车锁应急辅助系统的功能按钮,对应图1下边中间部分。 图3 指纹车锁应急辅助系统按钮示意图 2.1车锁故障处理 车锁故障为指纹车锁应急系统中的主要功能,当指纹车锁主系统因意外故障而不能正常工作时,可以通过故障处理模块进行处理,处理后车主可以驾车到维修站进行维修。 在发生指纹车锁主系统发生故障时,可以首先选择进行功能复位(图3所示两个按钮中左起第一个按钮),将主系统重新启动,如果重新启动后无法排除故障,则按功能取消按钮(图3所示两个按钮中左起第二个按钮),则可以暂时不需要进行指纹验证即可打火发动汽车,开至维修站进行维修。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 2.2锁死处理 锁死处理为指纹车锁应急系统中的主要功能,当盗车者暴力破坏指纹车锁时,指纹车锁应急系统会将汽车熄火,锁死,这时只能用拖车将汽车拖到维修站进行维修。当系统发出报警的同时主系统进入故障状态,则发出锁死指令。 三 使用说明 图4所示是指纹车锁应用软件的界面,显示了系统运行所需要的各个按钮。下文介绍指纹车锁系统的使用方法。 图4 指纹车锁应用软件界面 上图为指纹车锁系统的界面图形,主要功能有登陆、识别、指纹模板保存、指纹模板删除等。下文中所提到的软件上的按钮为此软件上对应按钮。 3.1如何存储指纹模板到系统中 运行系统,打开应用软件,点击应用软件上的“Enroll”按钮,然后根据屏幕的提示在指纹传感器上正确的输入指纹(手指在传感器上轻轻刷一下),输入指纹后,若软件提示输入的指纹合格则点击软件上的“SAVE”按钮将指纹模板保存到系统中。 3.2如何删除系统中的指纹模板 运行系统,打开应用软件,点击应用软件上的“DeleteAll”按钮即可将系统中的指纹模板全部删除。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 3.3如何锁车 系统中有锁车键,按下锁车键即可将车锁上。锁车成功后,锁车灯亮起。 3.4如何打开车锁 使用者预先采集一定数量的指纹模板存储到系统中,在汽车处于锁定状态时按下系统中的验证键(图4中所示Identify键),根据屏幕的提示在指纹传感器上正确的输入指纹,若匹配成功,即可成功打开车锁。打开车锁后,验证灯亮起,锁车灯灭。 3.5如何报警 系统中有报警按键,按下报警键就可模拟汽车被盗情况,此时会有警报响起。 3.6如何解除报警 首先按照前文提供的方法打开车锁,打开车锁后,系统中有静音键,按下即可静音。 3.7如何借车、还车 首先,车主按照前文提供的方法打开车锁,然后按下系统中的借车键,借车键按下后,借车灯亮,验证灯灭;借车人还车时还需要车主按照前文提供的方法重新验证,验证成功后验证灯亮,借车灯灭,还车成功。 3.8故障灯亮起后如何处理 故障灯亮,说明指纹车锁主系统出现故障,这时可按下系统中的功能复位键,然后等待三分钟,若仍不能正常使用,则按下功能取消键,开车到维修站进行维修。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and 3.9锁死灯亮起后如何处理 锁死灯亮起,说明指纹车锁遭到暴力破坏,这时系统中任意按键均无效,需 要将车拖到维修站进行修理。 provides venture platform, makes many youth round has venture dream, for national solution has important of employment problem. Relevant departments units carefully to discover, cultivate talent. From the perspective of Dongping, contradiction of rapid economic development and personnel shortages. Currently facing the industry transformation and upgrading, and transform and upgrade traditional industries, is the development of new industries such as tourism, logistics, e-commerce, we still lack a large number of capital operation and management of talents, the lack of technological innovation, technology transfer, product research and development, tourism services and other high-level professional and technical personnel. Especially with theIndustry further develops, the demand is growing. We must stand in the global and strategic height, with a high degree of political responsibility and historical mission, counties implement talent strategies as a major and pressing task to seize good, practical human resource development as industrial counties of the country. Departments at all levels must firmly establish the "talent is wealth, talent is competitive, talent is creativity" concept, fully aware of the extreme importance of talent, the real talent working on the agenda, the primary task of the primary resources to support the development of talent. 2 the construction of enterprisers ' as the starting point, and promote the transformation and
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